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Moreover, the chiral surface conductivity, determined by the interlayer quantum coupling, determines the existence of chiral plasmons and leads to a unique phase relationship (i.e., ±π/2 phase difference) between their transverse-electric (TE) and transverse-magnetic (TM) wave components. Importantly, such a unique phase relationship for chiral plasmons can be exploited to construct the missing longitudinal spin of plasmons, besides the common transverse spin of plasmons.Interaction of a strong laser pulse with matter transfers not only energy but also linear momentum of the photons. Recent experimental advances have made it possible to detect the small amount of linear momentum delivered to the photoelectrons in strong-field ionization of atoms. We present numerical simulations as well as an analytical description of the subcycle phase (or time) resolved momentum transfer to an atom accessible by an attoclock protocol. We show that the light-field-induced momentum transfer is remarkably sensitive to properties of the ultrashort laser pulse such as its carrier-envelope phase and ellipticity. buy Etrumadenant Moreover, we show that the subcycle-resolved linear momentum transfer can provide novel insights into the interplay between nonadiabatic and nondipole effects in strong-field ionization. This work paves the way towards the investigation of the so-far unexplored time-resolved nondipole nonadiabatic tunneling dynamics.Retraction of DOI 10.1103/PhysRevLett.125.016001.We use computationally simple neutral pseudoatom ("average atom") density functional theory (DFT) and standard DFT to elucidate liquid-liquid phase transitions (LPTs) in liquid silicon. An ionization-driven transition and three LPTs including the known LPT near 2.5  g/cm^3 are found. They are robust even to 1 eV. The pair distributions functions, pair potentials, electrical conductivities, and compressibilites are reported. The LPTs are elucidated within a Fermi liquid picture of electron scattering at the Fermi energy that complements the transient covalent bonding picture.We show that induced dipole-dipole interactions allow for photon blockade in subwavelength ensembles of two-level, ground-state neutral atoms. Our protocol relies on the energy shift of the single-excitation, superradiant state of N atoms, which can be engineered to yield an effective two-level system. A coherent pump induces Rabi oscillation between the ground state and a collective bright state, with at most a single excitation shared among all atoms. The possibility of using clock transitions that are long-lived and relatively robust against stray fields, alongside new prospects on experiments with subwavelength lattices, makes our proposal a promising alternative for quantum information protocols.We measure the electrical resistivity of hcp iron up to ∼170  GPa and ∼3000  K using a four-probe van der Pauw method coupled with homogeneous flattop laser heating in a DAC, and compute its electrical and thermal conductivity by first-principles molecular dynamics including electron-phonon and electron-electron scattering. We find that the measured resistivity of hcp iron increases almost linearly with temperature, and is consistent with our computations. The results constrain the resistivity and thermal conductivity of hcp iron to ∼80±5  μΩ cm and ∼100±10  W m^-1 K^-1, respectively, at conditions near the core-mantle boundary. Our results indicate an adiabatic heat flow of ∼10±1  TW out of the core, supporting a present-day geodynamo driven by thermal and compositional convection.A striking consequence of the Hohenberg-Kohn theorem of density functional theory is the existence of a bijection between the local density and the ground-state many-body wave function. Here we study the problem of constructing approximations to the Hohenberg-Kohn map using a statistical learning approach. Using supervised deep learning with synthetic data, we show that this map can be accurately constructed for a chain of one-dimensional interacting spinless fermions in different phases of this model including the charge ordered Mott insulator and metallic phases and the critical point separating them. However, we also find that the learning is less effective across quantum phase transitions, suggesting an intrinsic difficulty in efficiently learning nonsmooth functional relations. We further study the problem of directly reconstructing complex observables from simple local density measurements, proposing a scheme amenable to statistical learning from experimental data.Dicke-like models can describe a variety of physical systems, such as atoms in a cavity or vibrating ion chains. In equilibrium these systems often feature a radical change in their behavior when switching from weak to strong spin-boson interaction. This usually manifests in a transition from a "dark" to a "superradiant" phase. However, understanding the out-of-equilibrium physics of these models is extremely challenging, and even more so for strong spin-boson coupling. Here we show that the nonequilibrium strongly interacting multimode Dicke model can mimic some fundamental properties of an associative memory-a system which permits the recognition of patterns, such as letters of an alphabet. Patterns are encoded in the couplings between spins and bosons, and we discuss the dynamics of the spins from the perspective of pattern retrieval in associative memory models. We identify two phases, a "paramagnetic" and a "ferromagnetic" one, and a crossover behavior between these regimes. The "ferromagnetic" phase is reminiscent of pattern retrieval. We highlight similarities and differences with the thermal dynamics of a Hopfield associative memory and show that indeed elements of "machine learning behavior" emerge in the strongly coupled multimode Dicke model.The friction between cytoskeletal filaments is of central importance for the formation of cellular structures such as the mitotic spindle and the cytokinetic ring. This friction is caused by passive cross-linkers, yet the underlying mechanism and the dependence on cross-linker density are poorly understood. Here, we use theory and computer simulations to study the friction between two filaments that are cross-linked by passive proteins, which can hop between discrete binding sites while physically excluding each other. link2 The simulations reveal that filaments move via rare discrete jumps, which are associated with free-energy barrier crossings. We identify the reaction coordinate that governs the relative microtubule movement and derive an exact analytical expression for the free-energy barrier and the friction coefficient. link3 Our analysis not only elucidates the molecular mechanism underlying cross-linker-induced filament friction, but also predicts that the friction coefficient scales superexponentially with the density of cross-linkers.Cosmic microwave background (CMB) temperature and polarization anisotropies from Planck have estimated a lower value of the optical depth to reionization (τ) compared to WMAP. A significant period in the reionization history would then fall within 6 less then redshift(z) less then 10, where detection of galaxies with Hubble frontier fields program and independent estimation of neutral hydrogen in the inter galactic medium by Lyman-α observations are also available. This overlap allows an analysis of cosmic reionization which utilizes a direct combination of CMB and these astrophysical measurements and potentially breaks degeneracies in parameters describing the physics of reionization. For the first time we reconstruct reionization histories by assuming photoionization and recombination rates to be free-form and by allowing underlying cosmological parameters to vary with CMB (temperature and polarization anisotropies and lensing) data from Planck 2018 release and a compilation of astrophysical data. We find an excellent agreement between the low-ℓ Planck 2018 High Frequency Instrument polarization likelihood and astrophysical data in determining the integrated optical depth. By combining both data, we report for a minimal reconstruction τ=0.051_-0.0012-0.002^+0.001+0.002 at 68% and 95% C.L., which, for the errors in the current astrophysical measurements quoted in the literature, is nearly twice better than the projected cosmic variance limited CMB measurements. For the duration of reionization, redshift interval between 10%, and complete ionization, we get 2.9_-0.16-0.26^+0.12+0.29 at 68% and 95% C.L., which improves significantly on the corresponding result obtained by using Planck 2015 data. By a Bayesian analysis of the combined results we do not find evidence beyond monotonic reionization histories, therefore a multiphase reionization scenario such as a first burst of reionization followed by recombination plateau and thereafter complete reionization is disfavored compared to minimal alternatives.Lateral optical forces in a direction perpendicular to light propagation have attracted increasing interest in recent years. Up to now, all lateral forces can be attributed to the symmetry breaking in the lateral directions caused by either the morphology of the scatterer geometry or the optical fields impinging on the scatterer. Here we demonstrate, both numerically and analytically, that when an isotropic scatterer breaks the electric-magnetic symmetry, a new type of anomalous lateral force can be induced along the direction of translational invariance where the illumination striking the scatterer has no propagation, field gradient, or spin density vortex (Belinfante's spin momentum). Our analytical results are rigorous for an arbitrary size scatterer, ensuring the universality of our conclusion. Furthermore, the electric-magnetic symmetry-breaking-induced lateral force is comparable in magnitude to other components of the optical force and reversible in direction for different polarizations of the illuminating light, rendering it capable of practical optical manipulation as well as enriching the understanding of light-matter interaction.The charging of electrical double layers inside a cylindrical pore has applications to supercapacitors, batteries, desalination and biosensors. The charging dynamics in the limit of thin double layers, i.e., when the double layer thickness is much smaller than the pore radius, is commonly described using an effective RC transmission line circuit. Here, we perform direct numerical simulations (DNS) of the Poisson-Nernst-Planck equations to study the double layer charging for the scenario of overlapping double layers, i.e., when the double layer thickness is comparable to the pore radius. We develop an analytical model that accurately predicts the results of DNS. Also, we construct a modified effective circuit for the overlapping double layer limit, and find that the modified circuit is identical to the RC transmission line but with different values and physical interpretation of the capacitive and resistive elements. In particular, the effective surface potential is reduced, the capacitor represents a volumetric current source, and the charging timescale is weakly dependent on the ratio of the pore radius and the double layer thickness.

Autoři článku: Flynnlundberg1010 (Harder Bradford)