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These results confirm important synergistic effects which were quantified. The global trend indicates that Thiamethoxam is the most oxidizable neonicotinoid, whereas Acetamiprid is the most recalcitrant compound. The degradation rate of each neonicotinoid followed pseudo-first-order kinetics and the different oxidation pathways were also quantified from a kinetic point of view. A disconnect between community perceptions and officially documented Superfund remedial actions and health outcomes may hinder the essential community engagement at Superfund sites. This study evaluates the extent of one such potential disconnect in Butte, Montana, which is part of the largest U.S. Superfund site in the U.S. Since the 1860s, when mining began in Butte, mine waste disposal practices in Butte and surrounding areas have left behind massive deposits that have contaminated the area's soil, sediment, groundwater and surface water with arsenic and heavy metals. Over the last four decades, a substantial amount of remediation work has been completed along with requisite community engagement and health studies at this Superfund site. The potential disconnect was evaluated using a new survey instrument that covered (a) general environmental health perceptions, (b) mine-waste specific environmental health perceptions, (c) effectiveness of community engagement, (d) knowledge of health outcomes, and (e) demographics. The survey results demonstrated a disconnect in many instances where objective remedial improvements may not have resulted in improved environmental health perceptions in the community. The disconnect was most pronounced in the case of drinking water protection from mine waste and knowledge of health outcomes (cancer incidence rates and children's blood levels). The use of similar environmental health perception measurements may aid responsible agencies in monitoring for and addressing environmental health perception disconnects through better community engagement for the benefit of the impacted communities. Brownfields redevelopment creates opportunities for enhanced environmental conditions, improved physical and mental health, community cohesion, and economic prosperity. CHQ inhibitor However, brownfields cleanup and recycling projects sometimes fail due to a lack of community engagement. Recent research suggests that such failures can stem from a lack of equitability in the planning process, especially when it comes to decision making. This paper examines issues of equitability in a recent brownfields redevelopment project in Tampa, Florida funded by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The project focused on an underserved and under-resourced community with long-term environmental burdens and health disparities. Our ethnographic research shows that, while the project engaged in multiple and intersecting efforts to include a diversity of community voices in the decision-making process, ultimately structural and organizational power imbalances in sustainability transitions influenced participation in redevelopment initiatives. This study suggests that attending to issues of power articulated through expressions of local and authoritative knowledge about environmental cleanup and redevelopment can lead to deeper levels of community engagement. Successful water recycling initiatives depend on public acceptance. In this study, we compared risk percpetions of water labeled as recycled or reclaimed.We recruited 1264 subjects in an online panel (Qualtrics) and randomly assigned them either treatment (recycled or reclaimed) water and asked about the contents and perceived risk. Participants in the reclaimed condition were more likely to perceive the water to have harmful ingredients compared to the recycled condition. The odds of direct use acceptance for those in the recycled condition are 1.41 times (or 41%) more likely than those in the reclaimed condition. Similar results were found for indirect uses. A major finding of this study is that terminology influences the perceived contaminants and risk of reused water. Prior studies have found strong evidence that the way reused water is communicated can influence public perception. Policy impilcations favor the use of recycled water, likely due to the positive connotation recycling has in the U.S. today.. Published by Elsevier Ltd.The biosphere faces an uncertain future! Embracing change, uncertainty and complexity calls for creative transformative pathways. Biosphere stewardship provides a novel multi actor approach towards sustainability. Despite the critical role of individual environmental stewards, biosphere stewardship emphasizes the importance of collective action, and therefore governance. Biosphere stewardship denotes novel governance configurations with the capacity to effectively approach to sustainability transformation. In this paper we seek to advance understanding of how biosphere stewardship actively shapes trajectories of change to foster social-ecological resilience and human wellbeing. Considering the crucial role of governance and more specifically its two pillars of collaboration and learning, we conduct our study of biosphere stewardship through the lens of adaptive co-management. We first set out a framework for diagnosing and analyzing the process of biosphere stewardship. Secondly, we provide evidenced-based insights from applying the framework in four UNESCO biosphere reserves situated in Canada and Sweden to shed light on how active collective shaping of biosphere stewardship occurs and what it produces. In view of the lack of framework for environmental stewardship, we suggest that the present study makes a considerable contribution by providing an appropriate holistic and systemic framework with operational measures. link2 The study also highlights how the comprehensive and consensual understanding of stewardship is proving to be a means of catalyzing biosphere stewardship by enabling effective crafting of policy design and strategic interventions. Moreover, the application of the framework to four case studies reveals the importance of the governance process attributes (collaboration and learning) in mediating outcomes from biosphere stewardship. Finally, the framework provides the basis to address new stewardship enquiries, which require further research in this field. Small reservoirs, as the preferred blue-green engineering infrastructure for use against intensive runoff processes, have risen in number in Central Europe during the past three decades. However, the modelling of sediment siltation is not included in reservoir planning. The unknown temporal sedimentation of a reservoir can lead to the lifespan of the construction being uncertain. The aim of this study is to present a relatively simple process for local managers to model siltation and, consequently, accurately estimate the lifetime of a small reservoir. Three empirical models (USLE, RUSLE and USPED) were applied to two small catchments in Central Europe. This paper takes advantage of real measured and modelled sedimentation during 2012 and 2017, presenting two different terrain measurement approaches. Our study emphasizes the importance of the R-factor value. link3 The temporal development of the R-factor is dependent on climate change, and the R-factor value has been rising steadily during the last decades. The annual mean R-factor has increased 1.04-times due to changes in precipitation patterns between the periods 1961-1980 and 1997-2016. These changes can explain possible growth in the levels of incoming sediment into reservoirs. We identified the correlation (R > 0.7) between observed sedimentation, the R-factor, and precipitation, and we concluded that the supposed rise of precipitation in Central Europe due to climate change will lead to an increase in the levels of stored sediment in reservoirs. Therefore, it is recommended for reservoir managers to use USPED model and to include the estimation of modelling of siltation rate into reservoirs' maintenance projects. This study aims to investigate the sewage sludge (SS) drying process by incorporating a by-product formed in the pulp and paper industry (green liquor dregs - GLD) as drying adjuvant. Through an innovative approach, the drying kinetics was modelled, and the final dried product was tested for soil applications. After the characterization phase, small cylinders of SS without and with 0.15 g GLD g SS-1wb (SS_GLD) were dried in isothermal conditions at 70, 100, and 130 °C. The experimental data were fitted by Fick's second law and thin-layer models, and good results were achieved in both cases (R2 > 0.98 and RMSE less then 0.05). Although only a slight improvement was observed, the best conditions for drying biosolids were found with the addition of GLD at 130 °C, where the drying rate was 30.88 gH2O kg-1 SSwb min-1. In this condition, a decrease of 8% in the energy required for moisture evaporation was observed. Regarding the phytotoxicity tests with Lepidium sativum L. (garden cress), 60% improvement in EC50 was noticed for the sample with GLD when compared to the raw SS. The dried product SS_GLD complied with the regulations for soil applications regarding the potentially toxic metals (Cr, Ni, Cu, Pb, Zn, and Cd), and promoted an increase in soil organic matter and pH. However, further and in-depth studies should be conducted to assess the potential of SS_GLD application in agricultural soil. Most estimations of residential water demand are based on single-equation models that rely on assumptions that are most often not compatible with the fundamental principles of consumer theory. In this paper, we relax these assumptions by using a more flexible system of demand estimation, the Quadratic Almost Ideal Demand System (QUAIDS) (Banks et al., 1997) and reveal the existence in our sample of substitution and complementary patterns as well as non-linearities in Engel curves for water consumption. Water demand would not be, therefore, linear in income and separable from other goods consumed within the household. In this context the QUAIDS functional specification is expected to be more consistent with observed consumer behavior. Our results seem to confirm this expectation; when compared to the linear, log-linear and double-log models commonly used in water demand estimation, QUAIDS seems to produce a better overall fit and a better fit to the asymmetric shape of the real distribution of water consumption. This has important implications in terms of public policy, as it allows to explore how water policies interact with other goods consumed within the household (e.g. water-energy nexus or efficient household appliances). Furthermore, differential responses to pricing policies and taxes across the income distribution can be considered, thus contributing to avoid undesired redistributive effects and water poverty. The leaking of harmful organic liquids into water resources has had hazardous impacts on living organisms. Herein, we demonstrated the fabrication of hybrid sorbents using s-PPG and organosilane cross-linker. The final product exhibited high, quick absorption capacity, great reusability and excellent oil separation performance from wastewater. They also selectively absorb different oils from the bottom and surface of water without any capacity change, even in harsh conditions like wavy and sub-zero water environment. Experimental results demonstrated that the obtained sorbents are efficient to successfully remove oil from water surface, even at harsh conditions, and float on the water surface before and after oil sorption without any capacity loss and structural change. Simple preparation by avoiding time consuming multistep process, initiator, solvent, activator free reaction medium, high and selective sorption characteristics and great reusability could make these sorbents a promising candidate for the cleaning of water from harmful organic liquids, by absorbing them.

Autoři článku: Fitzpatrickdideriksen9754 (Haas Bendixen)