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^n with exponents p=1,2 and n=0,1,2. We provide analytical and numerical results for the particle dynamics for short times and the stationary probability density functions (PDFs) for long times. The short-time behavior displays diffusive and ballistic regimes while the stationary PDFs display unique characteristic features depending on the exponent values (p,n). The PDFs interpolate between Laplacian, Gaussian, and bimodal distributions, whereby a change between these different behaviors can be achieved by a tuning of the friction strengths ratio γ_0/γ_1. Our model is relevant for molecular motors moving on a one-dimensional track and can also be realized for confined self-propelled colloidal particles.Evaluating expectations on an Ising model (or Boltzmann machine) is essential for various applications, including statistical machine learning. However, in general, the evaluation is computationally difficult because it involves intractable multiple summations or integrations; therefore, it requires approximation. Monte Carlo integration (MCI) is a well-known approximation method; a more effective MCI-like approximation method was proposed recently, called spatial Monte Carlo integration (SMCI). However, the estimations obtained using SMCI (and MCI) exhibit a low accuracy in Ising models under a low temperature owing to degradation of the sampling quality. Annealed importance sampling (AIS) is a type of importance sampling based on Markov chain Monte Carlo methods that can suppress performance degradation in low-temperature regions with the force of importance weights. In this study, a method is proposed to evaluate the expectations on Ising models combining AIS and SMCI. The proposed method performs efficiently in both high- and low-temperature regions, which is demonstrated theoretically and numerically.In systems of diffusing particles, we investigate large deviations of a time-averaged measure of clustering around one particle. We focus on biased ensembles of trajectories, which realize large-deviation events. The bias acts on a single particle, but elicits a response that spans the whole system. We analyze this effect through the lens of macroscopic fluctuation theory, focusing on the coupling of the bias to hydrodynamic modes. This explains that the dynamical free energy has nontrivial scaling relationships with the system size, in 1 and 2 spatial dimensions. We show that the long-ranged response to a bias on one particle also has consequences when biasing two particles.We present a method for predicting the linear response deformation of finite and semi-infinite 2D solid structures with circular holes and inclusions by employing the analogies with image charges and induction in electrostatics. Charges in electrostatics induce image charges near conductive boundaries and an external electric field induces polarization (dipoles, quadrupoles, and other multipoles) of conductive and dielectric objects. Similarly, charges in elasticity induce image charges near boundaries and external stress induces polarization (quadrupoles and other multipoles) inside holes and inclusions. Stresses generated by these induced elastic multipoles as well as stresses generated by their images near boundaries then lead to interactions between holes and inclusions and with their images, which induce additional polarization and thus additional deformation of holes and inclusions. We present a method that expands induced polarization in a series of elastic multipoles, which systematically takes into account the interactions of inclusions and holes with the external field, between them, and with their images.

Autoři článku: Fischerdueholm0115 (Antonsen Banks)