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Quantitative experiments on public datasets demonstrate that our approach works 11° faster than previous approaches with competitive accuracy. By implementing both semantic and geometric 3D reconstruction simultaneously on a portable tablet device, we demo a foundation platform for immersive AR applications.In many professional domains, relevant processes are documented as abstract process models, such as event-driven process chains (EPCs). EPCs are traditionally visualized as 2D graphs and their size varies with the complexity of the process. While process modeling experts are used to interpreting complex 2D EPCs, in certain scenarios such as, for example, professional training or education, also novice users inexperienced in interpreting 2D EPC data are facing the challenge of learning and understanding complex process models. To communicate process knowledge in an effective yet motivating and interesting way, we propose a novel virtual reality (VR) interface for non-expert users. Our proposed system turns the exploration of arbitrarily complex EPCs into an interactive and multi-sensory VR experience. It automatically generates a virtual 3D environment from a process model and lets users explore processes through a combination of natural walking and teleportation. Our immersive interface leverages basic gamification in the form of a logical walkthrough mode to motivate users to interact with the virtual process. The generated user experience is entirely novel in the field of immersive data exploration and supported by a combination of visual, auditory, vibrotactile and passive haptic feedback. In a user study with N = 27 novice users, we evaluate the effect of our proposed system on process model understandability and user experience, while comparing it to a traditional 2D interface on a tablet device. The results indicate a tradeoff between efficiency and user interest as assessed by the UEQ novelty subscale, while no significant decrease in model understanding performance was found using the proposed VR interface. Our investigation highlights the potential of multi-sensory VR for less time-critical professional application domains, such as employee training, communication, education, and related scenarios focusing on user interest.We analyzed the design space of group navigation tasks in distributed virtual environments and present a framework consisting of techniques to form groups, distribute responsibilities, navigate together, and eventually split up again. To improve joint navigation, our work focused on an extension of the Multi-Ray Jumping technique that allows adjusting the spatial formation of two distributed users as part of the target specification process. The results of a quantitative user study showed that these adjustments lead to significant improvements in joint two-user travel, which is evidenced by more efficient travel sequences and lower task loads imposed on the navigator and the passenger. In a qualitative expert review involving all four stages of group navigation, we confirmed the effective and efficient use of our technique in a more realistic use-case scenario and concluded that remote collaboration benefits from fluent transitions between individual and group navigation.We conduct novel analyses of users' gaze behaviors in dynamic virtual scenes and, based on our analyses, we present a novel CNN-based model called DGaze for gaze prediction in HMD-based applications. We first collect 43 users' eye tracking data in 5 dynamic scenes under free-viewing conditions. Next, we perform statistical analysis of our data and observe that dynamic object positions, head rotation velocities, and salient regions are correlated with users' gaze positions. Based on our analysis, we present a CNN-based model (DGaze) that combines object position sequence, head velocity sequence, and saliency features to predict users' gaze positions. Our model can be applied to predict not only realtime gaze positions but also gaze positions in the near future and can achieve better performance than prior method. In terms of realtime prediction, DGaze achieves a 22.0% improvement over prior method in dynamic scenes and obtains an improvement of 9.5% in static scenes, based on using the angular distance as the evaluation metric. We also propose a variant of our model called DGaze ET that can be used to predict future gaze positions with higher precision by combining accurate past gaze data gathered using an eye tracker. We further analyze our CNN architecture and verify the effectiveness of each component in our model. We apply DGaze to gaze-contingent rendering and a game, and also present the evaluation results from a user study.This paper presents a novel active marker for dynamic projection mapping (PM) that emits a temporal blinking pattern of infrared (IR) light representing its ID. We used a multi-material three dimensional (3D) printer to fabricate a projection object with optical fibers that can guide IR light from LEDs attached on the bottom of the object. The aperture of an optical fiber is typically very small; thus, it is unnoticeable to human observers under projection and can be placed on a strongly curved part of a projection surface. In addition, the working range of our system can be larger than previous marker-based methods as the blinking patterns can theoretically be recognized by a camera placed at a wide range of distances from markers. We propose an automatic marker placement algorithm to spread multiple active markers over the surface of a projection object such that its pose can be robustly estimated using captured images from arbitrary directions. We also propose an optimization framework for determining the routes of the optical fibers in such a way that collisions of the fibers can be avoided while minimizing the loss of light intensity in the fibers. Through experiments conducted using three fabricated objects containing strongly curved surfaces, we confirmed that the proposed method can achieve accurate dynamic PMs in a significantly wide working range.Occlusion is a powerful visual cue that is crucial for depth perception and realism in optical see-through augmented reality (OST-AR). However, existing OST-AR systems additively overlay physical and digital content with beam combiners - an approach that does not easily support mutual occlusion, resulting in virtual objects that appear semi-transparent and unrealistic. In this work, we propose a new type of occlusion-capable OST-AR system. Rather than additively combining the real and virtual worlds, we employ a single digital micromirror device (DMD) to merge the respective light paths in a multiplicative manner. This unique approach allows us to simultaneously block light incident from the physical scene on a pixel-by-pixel basis while also modulating the light emitted by a light-emitting diode (LED) to display digital content. Our technique builds on mixed binary/continuous factorization algorithms to optimize time-multiplexed binary DMD patterns and their corresponding LED colors to approximate a target augmented reality (AR) scene. In simulations and with a prototype benchtop display, we demonstrate hard-edge occlusions, plausible shadows, and also gaze-contingent optimization of this novel display mode, which only requires a single spatial light modulator.Virtual Reality (VR) has a great potential to improve skills of Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing (DHH) people. Most VR applications and devices are designed for persons without hearing problems. Therefore, DHH persons have many limitations when using VR. Adding special features in a VR environment, such as subtitles, or haptic devices will help them. Previously, it was necessary to design a special VR environment for DHH persons. We introduce and evaluate a new prototype called "EarVR" that can be mounted on any desktop or mobile VR Head-Mounted Display (HMD). EarVR analyzes 3D sounds in a VR environment and locates the direction of the sound source that is closest to a user. It notifies the user about the sound direction using two vibro-motors placed on the user's ears. EarVR helps DHH persons to complete sound-based VR tasks in any VR application with 3D audio and a mute option for background music. Therefore, DHH persons can use all VR applications with 3D audio, not only those applications designed for them. Our user study shows that DHH participants were able to complete a simple VR task significantly faster with EarVR than without. The completion time of DHH participants was very close to participants without hearing problems. Also, it shows that DHH participants were able to finish a complex VR task with EarVR, while without it, they could not finish the task even once. Finally, our qualitative and quantitative evaluation among DHH participants indicates that they preferred to use EarVR and it encouraged them to use VR technology more.One major cause of performance degradation in predictive models is that the test samples are not well covered by the training data. Such not well-represented samples are called OoD samples. In this paper, we propose OoDAnalyzer, a visual analysis approach for interactively identifying OoD samples and explaining them in context. Our approach integrates an ensemble OoD detection method and a grid-based visualization. The detection method is improved from deep ensembles by combining more features with algorithms in the same family. To better analyze and understand the OoD samples in context, we have developed a novel kNN-based grid layout algorithm motivated by Hall's theorem. The algorithm approximates the optimal layout and has O(kN2) time complexity, faster than the grid layout algorithm with overall best performance but O(N3) time complexity. Quantitative evaluation and case studies were performed on several datasets to demonstrate the effectiveness and usefulness of OoDAnalyzer.In Virtual Reality, a number of studies have been conducted to assess the influence of avatar appearance, avatar control and user point of view on the Sense of Embodiment (SoE) towards a virtual avatar. However, such studies tend to explore each factor in isolation. This paper aims to better understand the inter-relations among these three factors by conducting a subjective matching experiment. In the presented experiment (n=40), participants had to match a given "optimal" SoE avatar configuration (realistic avatar, full-body motion capture, first-person point of view), starting by a "minimal" SoE configuration (minimal avatar, no control, third-person point of view), by iteratively increasing the level of each factor. The choices of the participants provide insights about their preferences and perception over the three factors considered. Moreover, the subjective matching procedure was conducted in the context of four different interaction tasks with the goal of covering a wide range of actions an avatar can do in a VE. The paper also describes a baseline experiment (n=20) which was used to define the number and order of the different levels for each factor, prior to the subjective matching experiment (e.g. different degrees of realism ranging from abstract to personalised avatars for the visual appearance). The results of the subjective matching experiment show that point of view and control levels were consistently increased by users before appearance levels when it comes to enhancing the SoE. Second, several configurations were identified with equivalent SoE as the one felt in the optimal configuration, but vary between the tasks. Taken together, our results provide valuable insights about which factors to prioritize in order to enhance the SoE towards an avatar in different tasks, and about configurations which lead to fulfilling SoE in VE.

Autoři článku: Finnrandrup5856 (Tan Fleming)