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Meanwhile, the stimuli responsive nanocarriers in response to different internal and external environments of thrombus or ischemic brain parenchyma are systematically discussed. This work also provides insights into the precise treatment of ischemic stroke.The world is aging, posing a challenge to public health. Air pollution is increasingly recognized as an important environmental risk factor, with effects on both physical and mental health. Considering the vulnerability of older adults, they tend to have more prevalent comorbidities that may lead to broader consequences. However, evidence to comprehensively assess the causal effects of long-term air pollution exposure on the physical and mental health of older adults remains limited and inconsistent, especially in developing countries. The longitudinal data from the Chinese Family Panel Study (a representative Chinese national cohort study) for 2012, 2014, 2016, and 2018 were included in this study. The Correlated Random Effects Control Function method (CRE-CF) in a counterfactual causal inference framework was employed to explore the causal relationship between long-term exposure to air pollution and physical and mental health and self-rated health status in middle-aged and older adults, considering the ordeosure to air pollutants.With intensified climate change and urbanisation, constructed wetland (CW) serves as an alternative to conventional wastewater treatment plants. In Australia, the primary function of CW is to reduce sediments, nutrients from runoffs and attenuate floods. However, water quality analysis after construction is limited, hence, pollutant composition in established CWs and target pollutants in many guidelines remain outdated. To refresh the understanding of pollutants in urban discharges, this study reviewed two CWs in industrialised regions of Victoria, Australia. A total number of 26 pollutants were analysed in the collected water and sediment samples from both CW. The findings highlighted excessive concentrations of Zinc, Aluminium, Iron and Copper in one wetland and less commonly found pollutants like Barium, Titanium and Strontium are also detected. While Arsenic, Zinc, Copper, Nickel and hydrocarbons' accumulations are particularly significant in the other wetland. This study also reviews the pollutants discovered in 136 stormwater wetlands and covers the sources and impacts of various metal pollutants in stormwater runoffs. Overall, it is found that the concentrations of Zinc, Aluminium and Iron are particularly high in the CWs reviewed. This study brings attention to the pollutants profile of established CWs and the impact of heavy metals on the aquatic environment. The findings from this research revealed that the existing design and management guidelines for constructed wetlands in urban catchments are lacking in reduction targets for metal pollutants, thus improvements are essential to safeguard the water quality and performance of CWs.Waterborne diseases caused by pathogenic human viruses are a major public health concern. To control the potential risk of viral infection through contaminated waters, a rapid, reliable tool to assess the infectivity of pathogenic viruses is required. Recently, an advanced approach (i.e., capsid integrity (RT-)qPCR) was developed to discriminate intact viruses (potentially infectious) from inactivated viruses. In this approach, samples were pretreated with capsid integrity reagents (e.g., monoazide dyes or metal compounds) before (RT -)qPCR. These reagents can only penetrate inactivated viruses with compromised capsids to bind to viral genomes and prevent their amplification, but they cannot enter viruses with intact capsids. Therefore, only viral genomes of intact viruses were amplified or detected by (RT-)qPCR after capsid integrity treatment. In this study, we reviewed recent progress in the development and application of capsid integrity (RT-)qPCR to assess the potential infectivity of viruses (including id integrity (RT-)qPCR as an efficient tool for monitoring the presence of pathogenic viruses with intact capsids in water.Calcium is a critical element in the global carbon cycle due to its role in carbon sequestration via silicate weathering and carbonate formation. Here we apply calcium (δ44/40Ca) and strontium (87Sr/86Sr) isotopes to explore such chemical weathering processes in a river system draining a diverse range of geologic and climatic environments the Yalong River, China, and its tributaries. This river originates on the Tibetan Plateau and represents one of the upper reaches of the Changjiang River, China. The Ca isotopic composition of the dissolved load of the Yalong River ranges from 0.60‰ to 1.02‰ (relative to the NIST standard SRM 915a). Higher δ44/40Ca values were found in the plateau and lowland rivers, with lower values in the mountainous rivers. Correlations between riverine dissolved δ44/40Ca values, Sr/Ca ratios, and calcite saturation index indicate that the precipitation of secondary carbonates governs the Ca isotopic composition and carbon transformation in most of this river system. However, such correlations are not seen in the lowland tributaries, where the relationship between δ44/40Ca and lithium (Li) isotopes instead suggests a control by topography and climate, via secondary clay mineral formation. Specifically, heavy rainfall in the lowland regions lowers the pH of the soil solution, which inhibits the precipitation of secondary carbonates. In addition, the flat terrain and thick soils increase the time for water-rock interaction, which favours the formation of secondary clay minerals that preferentially incorporate the lighter Ca isotopes. Overall, this study highlights the potential of stable Ca isotopes, when used in combination with other isotope systems (e.g. Sr and Li isotopes), to quantify secondary mineral formation processes in large river basins.Tropospheric ozone (O3) pollution is worsening in China, and an accurate forecast is a prerequisite to lower the O3 peak level. In recent years, machine learning techniques have attracted increasing attention in O3 prediction owing to their high efficiency and simple operation. However, the accuracy of predicting the daily O3 level is low. This study proposed a novel model by coupling long short-term memory neural network with transfer learning (TL-LSTM), with meteorology and pollutant concentration information as the model input. L2 regularization was applied to reduce the risk of overfitting and to improve the accuracy and generalization ability of the model prediction. Our results indicated that by transferring the knowledge in the model configuration from the hourly LSTM module, TL-LSTM greatly improves the predictability of the daily maximum 8 h average (MDA8) of O3 in Hong Kong. The coefficient of determination (R2) increased from 0.684 to 0.783 and the mean square error (MSE) reduced from 1.36 × 10-2 to 1.05 × 10-2. Furthermore, R2 and MSE were the highest in summer, indicating an under-prediction of peak O3 levels. This was a result of the limited number of high O3 days, which did not provide sufficient knowledge for the model to make an accurate prediction. Sobol analysis indicated that wind speed was the most sensitive factor in O3 prediction, largely due to the development of land-sea breeze circulation which effectively traps pollutants and expedites O3 formation. The results clearly demonstrate the effectiveness of the TL-LSTM in predicting the daily O3 concentration in Hong Kong. Thus, TL-LSTM can be promulgated into other photochemically active regions to assist in O3 pollution forecasting and management.The study on the distribution of soil available nutrients and their response to the natural environment can provide valuable data and theoretical guidance for supporting human agricultural activities, especially in arid and semi-arid area where the ecological environment is extremely fragile. Based on the soil sampling and survey data set, this study established the path analysis model of SANs (soil available nutrients, including ammonium nitrogen (AN), available phosphorus (AP) and available potassium (AK)) with topography, climate and vegetation in order to explore how environmental factors interact to affect the content of SANs. Then, we combined Pearson correlation analysis and statistical analysis to explore the distribution of SANs under different environmental conditions and the response of vegetation growth to climate changes, in order to further reveal the availability of soil nutrients. The results showed that vegetation was the most important direct factor affecting AN and AP, and AK was the most sensitive to climate changes. The indirect effects of topography and climate on SANs were much greater than their direct effects. Elevation largely predicted the change of climate environment, and the regional climate directly controlled the growth of vegetation. These indirect effects strengthened the connection between topography as well as climate factors and SANs. It is worth noting that the response of vegetation to temperature and precipitation had time lag, which would have a certain impact on the content of SANs response to the environmental changes. This study is of great significance for improved understanding of soil nutrients supply and how ecosystems respond to soil nutrients availability in arid and semi-arid area.Selenium (Se) is a dissolved oxyanion drinking water contaminant requiring appropriate removal technologies. The removal of selenite (SeIV) and selenite (SeVI) with nanofiltration (NF) was investigated with an emphasis on the role of Se speciation and membrane charge screening on the retention mechanisms. The pH (2 to 12) showed strong pH dependence of Se retention, which was due to the speciation. No significant impact of salinity was observed by increasing NaCl concentration from 0.58 to 20 g/L. Application of the Donnan steric pore partitioning model with dielectric exclusion (DSPM-DE) showed that Donnan exclusion was the dominant retention mechanism for the oxyanions Se species. Nine different organic matter (OM) types were investigated at 10 mgC/L to determine if OM affects Se retention. Only OM characterised by negatively charged fractions, such as humic acid (HA), enhanced Se retention with NF270 of up to 20% for SeIV and 10% for SeVI. This was explained by enhanced Donnan exclusion. NF270 was effective in removing Se from real water (Gahard groundwater, Ille et Vilaine, France). The EU guideline (20 μg/L) of Se in drinking water was achieved with comparable performance to OM-free experiments using synthetic waters.Although autotrophic phytoplankton and heterotrophic zooplankton both play important roles in the food web of marine ecosystem, their comprehensive interactions and spatial patterns at continental scale remain poorly studied. Here, we collected 251 seawater samples along 13,000 km of Chinese coastline, and microscopically investigated the latitudinal gradients of planktonic diversities. In total, 307 phytoplanktonic and 311 zooplanktonic species were visually identified. Using the newly developed Inter-Domain Ecological Networks (IDENs) approach, the phytoplankton-zooplankton interaction networks were constructed. We found that the phyto-zooplankton network structure was varied across three regions, more complex and numerous connections along the southern coast than in the north. In addition, some particular associations between zooplanktonic and phytoplanktonic groups were found to be localized in specific regions. Furthermore, the seawater temperature and salinity were the major driving force for shaping planktonic interaction networks.

Autoři článku: Figueroahackett1891 (Francis McNamara)