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Amphicnemis rigiketit sp. nov. is described from southwestern Sarawak (holotype ♂ in forest around stream, near road from Kota Samarahan to Siburan, Samarahan Division, Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo, 21 ii 2018, deposited in the Natural History Museum, London). The new species is allied to A. remiger Laidlaw, 1912. The female of A. remiger is described for the first time and a description of the male from a fresh specimen is provided along with notes on variation.Occurrence of the ground beetle tribe Nebriini in the Baltic amber forest is confirmed. The nebriine taxon Archaeonebria inexspectata gen. n., sp. n., is described and imaged based on four fossil specimens preserved in the Eocene Baltic amber using light microscopy and X-ray micro-computed tomography. The new taxon shares likely synapomorphies with the amphipacific genus Nippononebria and is therefore proposed as its sister group. The occurrence of Archaeonebria in the Baltic amber forests supports previous assumptions that these forests grew under temperate, at least warm-temperate, climatic conditions.Type specimens carry valuable information that can facilitate biodiversity research, especially in an era of mass extinction and unprecedent anthropogenic climate change. For Orthoptera, a few initiatives, including the Orthoptera Species File and digitization of collections by numerous museums, have helped to make images and information about the type specimens available on the World Wide Web. However, many local collections, especially those from the poorly studied regions of Southeast Asia, are still not available to the public. The collection of Grylloidea and Tettigonioidea gathered at the Forest Research Center, Sepilok in Sandakan, Sabah (Borneo) is one such example. We examined, identified, and imaged 12 and 45 species of Grylloidea and Tettigonioidea respectively from the collection (deposited as of October 2019) to facilitate taxonomic research by making the species in the collection accessible for everyone.A recent study based on genomic data by Roxo et al. (2019) provided a phylogeny of the Loricariidae, the largest catfish family and second largest Neotropical fish family with approximately 1,000 species. The study represents a valuable and innovative contribution for understanding higher-level relationships within the family. The phylogenetic tree inferred by Roxo et al. (2019) thoroughly corroborates the monophyly and relationships of most currently accepted subfamilies of Loricariidae, based on a fair taxon sampling (nearly 14% of the species in the family) representing most genera of each but one of the subfamilies, the Lithogeninae, the sister-group of the remaining members of the family (Pereira & Reis, 2017; Reis et al., 2017). In addition to a hypothesis of relationships, Roxo et al. (2019) also proposed a series of lower-level taxonomic changes, which are deemed premature considering that the taxonomic sampling of the study targeted higher-level clades, and go against one of the pillars of biological classification nomenclatural stability (e.g., Heterick & Majer, 2018; Beninger & Backeljau, 2019). Here we (1) discuss implications of inadequate taxonomic sampling as a basis for changes in classification of species; (2) explain why the taxonomic sampling design of Roxo et al. (2019) is inadequate for the proposed nomenclatural changes; and (3) advocate that changes to classifications must be grounded on phylogenies with dense sampling of taxa at the relevant level.A new species of Ferorhinella Carvalho & Webb 2004 from southeastern Brazil is described and illustrated, and a taxonomic key to species in the genus is provided. Ferorhinella itatiaiensis sp. nov. can be distinguished from other known species of the genus mainly by the paramere with rounded apex and two subapical lateral spines on outer surface, one long, dorsally inserted and the other one small, ventrally inserted; and dorsal margin of the subgenital plates with a rectangular elevation, covered with small, tooth-like spines.Ussuriana fani wangi, ssp. nov. is described and illustrated from Baihuashan of Taihangshan Mountain Range, Beijing. This new subspecies utilizes Fraxinus bungeana as the larval hostplant, representing the first record of U. fani in northern China. The immature biology, larval morphology, and data of COI barcode all indicate the population belonging to U. fani rather than superficially similar U. see more michaelis.The coastal plain of Rio Grande do Sul state, southern Brazil, presents as characteristic large expanses of wetlands. Some of these environments are of a temporary nature, and thus have a community adapted to periods with water and periods of drought. Among these communities we can highlight the Cladocera, which have the capacity to form structures of dormancy, and due to this adaptation are effective at colonizing these environments. This study aims to identify the Cladocera species present in the temporary aquatic environments of the southern coastal region of Brazil. Samples were collected in 14 temporary aquatic environments using a classical filtering methodology. As results we obtained 64 Cladocera taxa, representing 54% of the total number of species described in Brazil. The number of taxa was high, the species accumulation curve showed a tendency to stabilization, demonstrating that this region possesses a greater richness.Imparfinis comprises 20 valid species in the Heptapteridae, being the most diverse taxonomic group of catfishes of the Nemuroglanis subclade. The genus has one of the widest geographical distributions in the neotropical region, found on both sides of the Andes, from Costa Rica to the Paraná and Uruguay river basins in Argentina. A new species of Imparfinis is described from streams of the upper Rio Tapajós and its tributary Teles Pires in northern Brazil. The new species is diagnosed from all congeners by the presence of a vertical dark brown band W-shaped at the base of the caudal-fin rays, a thick dark brown lateral stripe from the snout to the end of the caudal peduncle, dark brown head, long maxillary barbel surpassing the distal margin of the pectoral fin, and presence of 39 or 40 total vertebrae.

Autoři článku: Feldmanpoe8591 (Ivey Hay)