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Drawing on conservation of resources theory, this study examined the moderating role of ethical leader behavior in the effects of daily perceived job insecurity on work outcomes the next day (i.e., work engagement and customer-directed helping) through occupational regret the next morning among frontline service employees working in adverse work situations (i.e., the coronavirus disease pandemic). Using experience sampling method, data were collected from 135 frontline service employees across five consecutive workdays. The results showed that daily perceived job insecurity had a negative indirect effect on work engagement and customer-directed helping the next day through (increased) occupational regret the next day in the morning. In addition, ethical leader behavior moderated the negative indirect effect of daily perceived job insecurity on next-day work engagement and customer-directed helping through next-morning occupational regret. Specifically, these negative effects were especially stronger among employees who had observed low levels of ethical leader behavior the previous day. The theoretical implications of the present findings for researchers and their practical implications for managers are discussed.

Toxoplasmosis is one of the protozoan diseases caused by

. Calcium folinate manufacturer This study is aimed at evaluating the seroprevalence and associated risk factors of

infection in the population referred to rural and urban health care centers in Zahedan, southeast Iran.

A total of 1,324 blood samples of patients referred to the health care centers were evaluated using the IgG Toxoplasma ELISA Kit, between October 2019 and August 2021. The obtained data were analyzed through univariable and multivariable regression models.

The seropositivity of

infection was obtained at 18.8%. In the multivariable logistic regression model, risk factors including age group of 11-30 (OR = 3.25, 95% CI 1.29-7.06), urban residency (OR = 4.36, 95% CI 2.9-6.3), students (OR = 3.76, 95% CI 1.88-4.53), and contact with cat (OR = 7.67, 95% CI 4.76-12.36) were significantly associated with seropositivity to

infection. Moreover, consumption of washed vegetables with salt or detergents decreases (OR = 0.14, 95% CI 0.09-0.23) the risk of

infection. According to the results of the multivariable logistic regression, no significant association was observed between seropositivity to

and other risk factors.

The results of this study indicated significant seropositivity to

infection in the population referred to rural and urban health care centers in Zahedan, Iran. Therefore, health programs should be considered for raising awareness regarding the risk factors for

infection in this region.

The results of this study indicated significant seropositivity to Toxoplasma gondii infection in the population referred to rural and urban health care centers in Zahedan, Iran. Therefore, health programs should be considered for raising awareness regarding the risk factors for Toxoplasma gondii infection in this region.The BfR MEAL Study provides representative levels of substances in foods consumed in Germany. Mercury, cadmium, lead, and nickel are contaminants present in foods introduced by environmental and industrial processes. Levels of these elements were investigated in 356 foods. Foods were purchased representatively, prepared as consumed and pooled with similar foods before analysis. Highest mean levels of mercury were determined in fish and seafood, while high levels of cadmium, lead, and nickel were present in cocoa products and legumes, nuts, oilseeds, and spices. The sampling by region, season, and production type showed minor differences in element levels for specific foods, however no tendency over all foods or for some food groups was apparent. The data on mercury, cadmium, lead, and nickel provide a comprehensive basis for chronic dietary exposure assessment of the population in Germany. All levels found were below regulated maximum levels.Whereas water-ethanol hybrid gels present an opportunity to realize aroma enhancement, translating hypothesis into practice is limited by poorly defined viscoelastic characteristics of those gels. In this work, the linear and non-linear rheological properties of water-ethanol hybrid pectin gels (WEPGs) were studied. Those WEPGs are physical gels in nature and the WEPG of 28.6% v/v ethanol differs basically from those of higher ethanol concentrations in the gel strength, resistance to deformation and non-linear properties. The retention of isopentyl acetate of WEPGs is dramatically improved by increasing the ethanol concentration to 33.3% v/v in the co-solvent system, but it is not further improved at 37.5% v/v. The cluster analysis reveals strong positive correlations between the isopentyl acetate release concentration and v 3/v 1 and absolute value of S/T ratio under 100% strain, suggesting the non-linear rheological responses of WEPGs have to be taken into account for which the enhancement of aroma is desired.Black soldier fly (BSF) is being increasingly used for agro-food by-products valorisation. Adult flies, puparia, and excess of prepupae are the by-products of this process, which could be further valorised. Lactic fermentation of BSF biomasses with two different strains (L. rhamnosus and L. plantarum) has been used for this purpose. Deep changes in the molecular composition were observed, without significant differences related to the different strains used. The lipid and protein fractions were the most impacted. Fermentation enriched the biomass in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids and essential amino acids, significantly improving the nutritional properties of the substrates. Although not particularly marked, a proteolytic activity of lactobacilli was observed on the BSF muscular and cuticular proteins, especially in the samples of adult flies and puparia, where fermentation resulted more effective. Conversely, there was no evidence of chitinolytic activity.This study investigated the combined effects of calcium lactate (CA-L, 3 g L-1) and shortwave ultraviolet (UV-C, 4.0 kJ m-2) irradiation on quality attributes and antioxidant defense capacity of fresh-cut kiwifruits at refrigerated storage for 7 d. The results indicated that CA-L and UV-C joint treatment, compared to either treatment alone, alleviated microbial load, showed higher quality on ascorbic acid (AsA), green color, total chlorophyll, flesh hardness, total sugar, total acid and malonaldehyde (MDA) content. Besides, it inhibited O 2 · - and •OH generation, induced H2O2 production, improved the activity of antioxidant enzymes (SOD, CAT and APX), activated critical enzymes (PAL, C4H and 4CL) in phenylpropanoid metabolism pathway and further enhanced total phenolic and proanthocyanidin content. Above results demonstrated that UV-C together with CA-L treatment could synergistically maintain overall quality and improve antioxidant capacity of kiwifruit slices. Therefore, the combination of CA-L and UV-C treatment showed a potential practical application in fresh-cut kiwifruits.

Accurate reproduction of a preoperative plan is critical in wide resection of bone sarcomas. Recent advances in computer navigation and 3D-custom jigs have increased resection accuracy, although with certain practical drawbacks.

We developed a novel "projector method" that projects the preoperative osteotomy lines onto the bone. A sawbone study was conducted to evaluate accuracy in reproducing preoperative resection plans. An additional cadaver experiment was conducted to evaluate feasibility in a more realistic operating room setting.

Based on the results of experiments conducted on sawbones, the proposed light projector method was more accurate at depicting desired osteotomy lines than a traditional manual method, reducing the corner deviation from 2.53mm to 0.35mm, angular deviation from 2.10° to 0.31°, and point deviation from 4.66mm to 0.48mm (p<0.001). Results of the cadaver experiment were consistent with those of sawbone experiments.

The new projector method can accurately assist surgeons in visualizing the preoperative plan of osteotomy lines accurately in surgery.

The new projector method can accurately assist surgeons in visualizing the preoperative plan of osteotomy lines accurately in surgery.

Primary bone sarcomas are associated with critically sized bone defects and require complete resection with negative margins. Recent advancements in health care have pioneered novel approaches such as the implementation of 3D surgical technologies. This study presents oncological and functional outcomes following tumor resections of long bones with the use of customized 3D-printed Patient Specific Instruments (PSIs).

This single-center retrospective study is comprised of seventeen patients who underwent either intercalary (N=12) or geographic (N=5) resections with various reconstruction methods including allograft (N=8), vascularized fibula (Capanna) (N=7), and 3D printed customized titanium implants (N=2), between the years 2016-2020. All patients were operated on with a 3D surgical workflow, including intraoperative PSIs, and were followed up postoperatively for at least 12 months (average 31.40±12.13 months) to assess oncological and functional outcomes.

All patients demonstrated negative surgical ma long bones surgeries, thus minimizing overall tissue trauma and reducing the risk of damage to nervous and vascular structures. This study demonstrates that the use of PSIs has the potential to improve functional and oncological outcomes. We believe that this technique will become increasingly popular in the future as a widely applicable, highly accurate, cost-effective optimization tool.

The current practice of antibiotic prophylaxis in orthopedic surgery has existed almost 50 years yet little changes have been made. The incidence of methicillin resistant

and multi-drug resistant Gram-negative bacteria is growing.

We studied the positive cultures after primary hip and knee joint replacement and trauma surgery at our department.

Our investigation substantiates the current reports of an increase in oxacillin resistance of

and an increase in incidence of Gram-negative bacteria.

The standard use of cephalosporins for prophylaxis does not provide the necessary protection that it used to. We suggest that the recommendations and practice of antibiotic prophylaxis should be reconsidered.

Level III - retrospective cohort study.

Level III - retrospective cohort study.

Management of neck of femur fractures depend upon the age of presentation and it ranges from internal fixation to arthroplasty. In a relatively young population, anatomical reduction with stable internal fixation is the preferred treatment modality; the choice of implants available are multiple cannulated cancellous screws, dynamic hip screws, and the newly devised femoral neck system. The fracture configuration and pattern dictate the ideal implant to be utilized, with the femoral neck system documented to be apt for all the fracture types, while the cannulated screws are deemed better for stable fractures.

A primary electronic search was conducted on databases of Medline, Scopus, Scopus, Cochrane Library, and Embase, to look for articles published between 1

January 2010 to 22

November 2021. Studies including adults with femoral neck fractures treated with internal fixation with femoral neck system and comparing them with internal fixation with cannulated cancellous screws in terms of variables like mean surgical duration, loss of blood, length of incision, fluoroscopy time, duration of hospital stay and outcomes like union time, complications, functional outcomes, Visual Analogue Score, and femoral neck shortening, were included.

Autoři článku: Faberhagan9056 (Rytter Singleton)