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Blocking of circZFR's expression by RNA inhibitors suppressed the proliferation, migration and invasion of BCa cells both


. On the other hand, overexpression of target miRNA supported that circZFR directly interact with miR-545 and miR-1270. Moreover, we demonstrated that circZFR promotes the progression of BCa by upregulating WNT5A's expression

sponging miR-545 and miR-1270.

CircZFR promotes the proliferation, migration and invasion of BCa cells by upregulating WNT5A signaling pathway

sponging miR-545 and miR-1270. These results provide new insights into the molecular mechanism of circZFR in BCa progression, and more important, a novel target for BCa clinical treatment.

CircZFR promotes the proliferation, migration and invasion of BCa cells by upregulating WNT5A signaling pathway via sponging miR-545 and miR-1270. These results provide new insights into the molecular mechanism of circZFR in BCa progression, and more important, a novel target for BCa clinical treatment.[This corrects the article on p. 20 in vol. 10.].Hollow organ perforation is a serious and common abdominal emergency. The diagnosis depends on history taking, physical examination, and radiological fi ndings. We reported a hollow organ perforation patient with only indirect radiological signs of the heterogenous enhanced lesion between the stomach, duodenum, and liver over initial abdominal computed tomography. Pneumoperitoneum occurred in follow-up chest X-ray 5 hours after the emergency department visit. The reason for the delayed occurrence of pneumoperitoneum, direct/indirect radiological signs of hollow organ perforation, and ways to avoid this pitfall are discussed.Injury is a leading cause of death among young adults. An accurately implemented fi led triage scheme (FTS) by emergency medical technicians (EMTs) is the first step for delivering right patients to the right hospital. However, the training effect of FTS on EMTs with different levels and backgrounds has scarcely been reported. We evaluated training effects of FTS among EMTs in Taipei. Standard FTS contains physiologic status, anatomical sites of injury, and mechanism of injury criteria. The intervention was a 30-minute lecture and pre-and-post tests, each containing five questions about trauma severity judgment (i.e., mechanism of injury [2 questions], anatomic sites of injury [2 questions], and physiological status [1 question]). The change in EMT accuracy was measured before and after training. Subgroup analyses were performed across EMTs with different levels and seniorities. From September 1, 2015 to March 31, 2016, 821 EMTs were enrolled, including 740 EMT-intermediates and 81 paramedics. Overall, EMT accuracy improved after the intervention in the intermediate (73.2% vs. 85.5%, p less then 0.05) and paramedic (76.0% vs. 85.7%, p less then 0.01) groups. All trainees showed improvements in physiology and mechanism criteria, but paramedics showed decreased accuracy in anatomic criteria. The subgroup analysis showed that accuracy positively associated with prehospital care experience for major trauma cases 1 year before the training course, and the anatomical criterion accuracy was adversely associated with paramedic seniority. Field triage training can improve EMT accuracy for FTS. The anatomical aspect is more diffi cult to improve and should be emphasized in FTS training courses.

Traumatic diaphragm injuries are rare. After blunt trauma, injuries occur with a 1-7% rate. This rate increases up to 15% in penetrating injuries. Diagnosis may be diffi cult and imaging tests may be misleading. The misdiagnosis may lead to herniated abdominal organs towards the intrathoracic cavity, with a mortality rate between 30% and 60%. This study was designed to investigate the data of patients operated for diaphragmatic injury in our clinic.

The files of trauma patients admitted to our hospital between 2014-2019 were reviewed retrospectively. The files of cases with diaphragmatic injury were examined. Patients were evaluated in terms of age, sex, type of injury, localization, additional organ injuries, grade, surgical method, and mortality. Values were statistically analyzed.

A total of 20 patients were included in the study. Of the patients, 7 were female and 13 were male. The mean age was 32.7 (17-52) years. Of the cases, 10 were with stab wounds while 4 were incar traffi c accidents and 6 werc injuries should be kept in mind in the upper abdominal and thoracic injuries.To improve the clinical outcomes of patients with acute ischemic stroke, the public, pre-hospital care system, and hospitals should cooperate to achieve quick assessment and management for such patients and to start treatment as soon as possible. To reach the goal, the Consensus Group, including emergency physicians and neurologists in the Taiwan Society of Emergency Medicine and Taiwan Stroke Society, performed an updated review and discussion for the local guidelines. The guidelines consist of 12 parts, including public education program, evaluation and management in the emergency medical system, emergency medical system, assessment of stroke care capability of the hospital by independent parties, stroke team of the hospital, telemedicine, organization, and multifaceted integration, improvement of quality of care process of stroke system, initial clinical and imaging evaluations after arriving at the hospital, imaging evaluation for indications of intravenous thrombolysis, imaging evaluation for indications of endovascular thrombectomy, and other diagnostics. For detailed contents in Chinese, please refer to the Taiwan Stroke Society Guideline and Taiwan Emergency Medicine Bulletin.COVID-19 has changed our lives as we knew it. The world is not naive to infectious disease outbreaks, having experienced pandemics such as the H1N1 outbreak in 2009 with up to 400,000 deaths, and the "Spanish flu" in 1919 with up to 50 million deaths worldwide respectively (https//www.euro.who.int/en/health-topics/communicable-diseases/influenza/pandemic-influenza/past-pandemics). However, this outbreak caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 has taken the world by storm since it was first reported in end 2019. With the numbers of confirmed cases of COVID-19 and death toll rising every day, it raises the question of when will we be fully equipped to handle a pandemic of such a mammoth scale. A multi-pronged approach has to be undertaken by not only healthcare organisations and pharmaceuticals, but also government agencies and legislation in order to overcome the repercussions and mitigate the effects of an infectious disease outbreak. In this article, we share our experience in Singapore and Singapore General Hospital against COVID-19 and our ongoing efforts to keep the virus at bay.

Lactic acidosis (LA) can be categorized as type A, which occurs in the presence of tissue hypoxia, or type B, occurring in the absence of tissue hypoxia. Hematologic malignancies are an uncommon cause of type B LA.

A 63-year-old man, HIV-negative, with a history of diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism, and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), presented to the ED complaining of acute-on-chronic lumbar pain, and was found to have high serum anion gap (AG) LA. The rest of chemistry and infectious workup was within normal limits. Despite bicarbonate therapy and fluid resuscitation, the patient remained with persistent AG metabolic acidosis and increasing lactic acid up to 14.5mmol/L. An abdominal computerized tomography (CT) revealed multiple bilateral enhancing lesions in the kidneys, as well as gastric wall thickening. Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy with biopsy showed a high-grade Burkitt's lymphoma. Further staging showed bone marrow involvement and extensive abdominal adenopathy. After two cycles of inpatient chemotherapy with dose-adjusted EPOCH-R (etoposide, prednisone, vincristine, cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin and rituximab), the patient developed multifocal pneumonia complicated by respiratory failure. Following a prolonged ICU stay, after discussion with the family members, a decision of withdrawal of life-sustaining therapy was reached.

Persistent LA, without identifiable causes of tissue hypoxia, should prompt clinicians to suspect non-hypoxic etiologies, including occult high-grade malignancies. Hematological malignancies constitute an extremely rare cause of type-B LA, carrying a poor prognosis.

Persistent LA, without identifiable causes of tissue hypoxia, should prompt clinicians to suspect non-hypoxic etiologies, including occult high-grade malignancies. Hematological malignancies constitute an extremely rare cause of type-B LA, carrying a poor prognosis.In this article, three data-driven approaches were explored, including two artificial intelligence (AI) based models namely; Extreme Learning Machine (ELM) and Hammerstein-Weiner (HW) models and a trivial linear model namely; multilinear regression (MLR). In this context, the models were developed using the onset of diarrhoea, the total number of wet faeces, total number of faeces, weight of intestinal content (g) and length of the small intestine (cm) as the independent variables. In contrast, distance travelled by charcoal meal (C) and volume of intestinal content (I) were considered as the dependent variables for the prediction of the intestinal hypermotility and secretory inhibitory effects of the methanol leaf extract of Combretum hypopilinum (MECH). Three different performance indicators including; mean absolute percentage error (MAPE), Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE) and Root mean square error (RMSE) were employed in this research to calculate and determine the performance skills of the models. The obtained results indicated the reliable capability of ELM and HW over MLR model having NSE-values higher than 0.90 in both the calibration and verification stages. The results further demonstrated that, in terms of MAPE and RMSE, ELM and HW models showed higher performance efficiency than the MLR model. Even though HW outperformed the ELM and MLR models in the prediction of I. Whereas, ELM outperformed HW and MLR models in the prediction of C. Overall; the results proved the satisfactory ability of the AI-based models (HW and ELM) for modelling the Intestinal hypermotility and secretory inhibitory effects of MECH.PTP1B is identified as the insulin signaling pathway downregulator; involved in pancreatic β-cell apoptosis. Further, it associates in regulating multiple pathways in diabetes mellitus; kindled us to identify the binding affinity of bioactives from Cymbopogon citratus by targeting PTP1B and identify the probably associated with it; further identifying the probable pathways involved in diabetes mellitus. In this regard, ChEBI database was used to retrieve bio-actives from C. citrates and 3D structures for the same were obtained from the PubChem database. The energy of bioactives was minimized and converted into ligand and the docking was carried using autodock 4.0 against PTP1B. Further, multiple characters of bio-actives like drug-likeness score, ADMET profile, probable adverse effects, and boiled egg model for bioavailability were also studied. Swertiajaponin was predicted for the highest drug-likeness score i.e. 0.26. However, swertiajaponin was predicted with the highest probable side effect of nephrotoxicity with pharmacological activity of 0.

Autoři článku: Everettcarroll5298 (Roche Alford)