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The concurrence of several chronic conditions is a rising concern that poses a serious burden on ageing populations. Analysing how these conditions appear together and how they change through time may provide useful information to design successful multimorbidity-management programs.

To identify multimorbidity patterns and their related characteristics from a longitudinal perspective.

25,931 older adults aged 50+ drawn from the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE), a population-based longitudinal European study.

A sex-stratified Latent Transition Analysis was conducted to fit latent classes based on 15 self-reported chronic conditions across three time points. Health-related and socioeconomic variables were assessed as covariates of those patterns.

We identified 4 time-constant latent classes for each sex. A "severely impaired" class (with a weighted prevalence percentage of 7.24% for females and 3.30% for males at the first time point), a "metabolic" class (26.15% and 23.82%) and a "healthy" class (50.92% and 54.32%). The fourth class was named "osteoarticular" for females (15.70%) and "articular-COPD-ulcer" for males (18.56%). Age, smoke, material deprivation and a high body mass index were associated with worse health patterns, whereas education, being employed and physical activity were related to less multimorbid classes. Few class changes were detected when modelling transitions.

We reported information of multimorbidity classes and their characteristics that may help to develop targeted health strategies. Within a time window of four years, the identified latent classes were consistent between time points.

We reported information of multimorbidity classes and their characteristics that may help to develop targeted health strategies. Within a time window of four years, the identified latent classes were consistent between time points.We describe moral cognition as a process occurring in a distinctive cognitive space, wherein moral relationships are defined along several morally relevant dimensions. After identifying candidate dimensions, we show how moral judgments can emerge in this space directly from object perception, without any appeal to moral rules or abstract values. Our reductive "minimal model" (Batterman & Rice, 2014) elaborates Beal's (2020) claim that moral cognition is determined, at the most basic level, by "ontological frames" defining subjects, objects, and the proper relation between them. We expand this claim into a set of formal hypotheses that predict moral judgments based on how objects are "framed" in the relevant dimensions of "moral space."

Although social distancing is necessary to decrease COVID-19 dissemination, it might also be associated with suicidal ideation. Therefore, we analyzed the impact of social distancing and loneliness in suicidal ideation.

We performed two waves of a snowball sample, web-based survey in Brazil (W1 from May 6th to June 6th, 2020; W2 from June 6th to July 6th, 2020). We assessed whether risk factors related to social relationships (loneliness, living alone, not leaving home, and the number of days practicing social distancing) at W1 were associated with suicidal ideation at W1 and W2 using multiple regression models. Analyses were adjusted for sociodemographic, mental health, and lifestyle variables.

A total of 1,674 (18-75 years old; 86.5% females) were included in our longitudinal sample. Living alone (OR 1.16; 95%CI=1.03 - 1.30; p=0.015), number of days practicing social distancing (OR 1.002; 95%CI=1.000 - 1.004; p=0.027), and loneliness (OR 1.49; 95%CI=1.32 - 1.68; p<0.001) were associated with suicidal ideation in the cross-sectional analysis of W1. Only loneliness (OR= 2.12; 95%CI=1.06 - 4.24; p = 0.033) remained significant as a risk factor to suicidal ideation in the longitudinal analysis between both waves.

Snowball, convenience sample design limits outcome estimates. Assessments were not objectively performed.

Loneliness was consistently associated with the incidence of suicidal ideation, while other variables, such as living alone, not leaving home, and the number of days practicing social distancing, were not. Measures to overcome loneliness are therefore necessary to reduce suicidal ideation during pandemics.

Loneliness was consistently associated with the incidence of suicidal ideation, while other variables, such as living alone, not leaving home, and the number of days practicing social distancing, were not. Measures to overcome loneliness are therefore necessary to reduce suicidal ideation during pandemics.

Social functioning impairment has been described in several psychiatric illness, including depressive disorders. It is associated with a deterioration in global functioning and quality of life, thus there is a growing interest in psychosocial functioning remediation interventions. This systematic review aims to review all psychotherapeutic, pharmacological and biological social functioning interventions in depressive disorders.

A systematic search was conducted on PubMed, PsycINFO and Scopus from the first articles to 2019 following the PRISMA guidelines. 72 original papers were extracted from an initial number of 1827, based on the selected eligibility criteria.

A growing body of research was observed in the last 10 years, with most studies showing a low level of scientific evidence. The main diagnosis found was major depressive disorder and the principal social cognition domains assessed were emotional processing and attributional style. The type of intervention most found was the pharmacological one, followed by psychotherapeutic interventions classified as "non-specific. The efficacy of treatments showed an improvement in depressive symptoms and positive results for emotional processing and attributional style.

Because there is a lack of well-controlled designs and really few interventions focusing on its remediation, and low homogeneity on the assessment of social aspects across, a comparison of results and the extraction of general conclusions is quite difficult.

Although a promising body of literature has been developed in recent years on the improvement of psychosocial functioning in patients with depressive disorders, more studies are needed to clarify relevant aspects in this area.

Although a promising body of literature has been developed in recent years on the improvement of psychosocial functioning in patients with depressive disorders, more studies are needed to clarify relevant aspects in this area.

Household material hardships could have a negative impact on maternal mental health. Understanding mechanisms by which material hardship trajectories affect maternal depression and anxiety could aid health care professionals and researchers to design better interventions to improve mental health outcomes among mothers.

The study identified family-level mechanisms by which material hardship trajectories affect maternal depression and anxiety using Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study data (n=1,645). Latent growth mixture modelling was used to identify latent classes of material hardship trajectories at Years-1, -3, and -5. Parenting stress and couple relationship quality was measured at Year-9. The outcome measures included maternal depression and generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) at Year-15 based on the Composite International Diagnostic Interview - Short Form.

Parenting stress mediated the association between low-increasing hardship (b=0.020, 95% confidence interval (CI)0.003, 0.043) and maternal depression. Parenting stress also mediated the association between high-increasing hardship (b=0.043, 95% CI0.004, 0.092), high decreasing hardship (b=0.034, 95% CI=0.001, 0.072), and low-increasing (b=0.034, 95% CI0.007, 0.066) and maternal GAD. GSK1016790A In all models, current material hardship was directly related to maternal depression (b=0.188, 95% CI0.134, 0.242) and GAD (b=0.174, 95% CI0.091, 0.239).

Study results need to be interpreted with caution as the FFCWS oversampled non-marital births as part of the original study design.

While current material hardship appears to be more related to maternal mental health, prior material hardship experiences contribute to greater parenting stress which places mothers at risk for experiencing depression and GAD later on.

While current material hardship appears to be more related to maternal mental health, prior material hardship experiences contribute to greater parenting stress which places mothers at risk for experiencing depression and GAD later on.

Both childhood trauma and disruptions in brain functional networks are implicated in the development of psychiatric disorders in early adulthood. However, the relationships between these two factors remain unclear. This study aimed to investigate whether and how childhood trauma would relate to changes of functional network dynamics in young adults.

Resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging data were collected from 53 young healthy adults, whose childhood trauma histories were assessed by the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ). Network switching rate, a measure of stability of dynamic brain networks over time, was calculated at both global and local levels for each participant. Switching rates at both levels were compared between participants with and without childhood trauma, and further correlated with CTQ total score.

In the current sample, 19 (35.8%) participants reported a history of childhood trauma. At the global level, participants with childhood trauma showed significantly higher network switching rates than those without trauma (F=10.021, p=0.003). A significant positive correlation was found between network switching rates and CTQ scores in the entire sample (r=0.378, p=0.007). At the local level, these effects were mainly observed in the default-mode, fronto-parietal, cingulo-opercular, and occipital subnetworks.

Our study provides preliminary evidence for a possible long-term effect of childhood trauma on brain functional dynamism. These findings may have potential contributions to psychiatric disorders during adulthood.

Our study provides preliminary evidence for a possible long-term effect of childhood trauma on brain functional dynamism. These findings may have potential contributions to psychiatric disorders during adulthood.

There are no clinicopathological criteria or test to predict peritoneal metastasis either in primary or recurrent gastric cancer. The early prediction will help in altering or adding other adjuvant potential therapy modalities like HIPEC and maintenance chemotherapy.

Paraffin based blocks of 110 gastric tumor specimens were subjected to IHC staining to assess VEGF, Her 2 neu, E cadherin, bcl 2 and p 53 expression and its association with peritoneal disease evaluated.

Her 2 neu uptake was present in 17.3%, bcl-2 expression in 19.1%, P53 expression in 40.9%, VEGF in 41.8% and E cadherin expression in 49.1% patients. On univariate analysis, a younger age(p=.029), female sex(p=.026), positive VEGF expression (p=.001) and p53 expression(p=.015) were significantly associated with peritoneal disease. A binomial logistic regression was performed to ascertain the effects of independent variables evaluated on univariate analysis. Of the 10 predictors variables, only three were statistically significant tumor type, P53, and VEGF.

Autoři článku: Evansnavarro5577 (Paulsen Greenwood)