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Electric Stove Fires

Electric fires can be an ideal choice for modern homes, as they don't require a chimney or flue. They require only electricity. This makes them ideal for a recessed fire or to create a media wall.

Compared to a gas stove that requires a chimney, and must be installed by a licensed installer, an electric fireplace an affordable alternative.

No need to install a chimney or flue

Electric stove fires don't need a chimney installation, unlike gas fires or wood burners. They can be plugged into the wall of a room or even into existing fireplaces that are not in use anymore, and operate on a simple plug-in basis. This makes them an excellent option for homes that don't have an existing chimney, or for those seeking an economical method of heating their home that doesn't require the maintenance and wood chopping that traditional fireplaces demand.

When you light a wood burning fire in a fireplace that is open combustion by-products like creosote can build up and damage the chimney's interior. Over time, this can cause the bricks and mortar to corrode, causing cracks in the chimney's walls. This can lead to smoke leaks into your home or neighbouring rooms. To prevent this from happening, you should always have your chimney lined with an excellent flue liner. It can be installed by professionals and is vital to maintain the security of your fireplace.

Another alternative for those who want an authentic log fire in their home but do not have a chimney, is a gas flueless stove. These fires are outfitted with a catalytic convertor which transforms harmful gases into harmless ones. They require only a gas supply.

A twin wall flue system can be installed to accommodate an electric stove that burns wood without the necessity of a chimney. The stainless steel pipes can be installed either internally or externally and are used to release the smoke from the stove into air. These systems are fairly inexpensive, but they require installation and must be kept 425mm from any combustible material.

For those who would prefer an electric fireplace that appears more like a real wood burner, but do not have the space for a chimney or flue We have a vast selection of stunning electric and gas stoves on our media wall, including our bestselling Bramshaw model from British Fires which features a style that resembles a real gas or wood burning stove and requires only an easy plug-in. For more information, talk to your local House of Stoves retailer who can provide expert, reliable assistance and advice.

Easy to move

It's possible to move a stove that you already have in your home if you like the design. However gas stoves need special removal and disconnection procedures that must be undertaken by a qualified professional. Electric fires are not always able to be moved as they plug into an electrical outlet. You can move your electric real-flame flame to a different room in your home.

This flexibility is especially beneficial for those who plan to move in the near future, or rent out a portion of their house. It can also be useful for families with pets and children who wish to turn their fireplace off and on at any time. Because there is no chimney or flue, you can put your electric fireplace into an open hearth. This makes it easy to set up.

There are a range of freestanding designs to pick from, including a variety of electric stoves that replicate the look of traditional wood stoves. The Be Modern Ravensdale suite for example, offers a contemporary log burner look in an easy to install package. The suite comprises an appliance, surround, backplate and hearth, with the Optimyst technology that creates the attractive flame display that is atop the realistic hand-painted log fuel bed.

Our electric fire suites are available in a wide range of sizes, allowing you to find the right fit for your home. The size of the fireplace will also influence the price. Larger models produce more heat and consume more energy than smaller models. Our energy calculator can help you figure out how much it will cost to run your electric stove and help you make an informed decision.

Make use of the lowest setting to get the best out of your electric fireplace. Many of the latest electric fires have adjustable heat settings, meaning you can lower the temperature, but still enjoy the warm atmosphere. This will not only cut down on the amount of electricity you consume, but could help you save money on your heating costs as well!

No messy cleaning or maintenance

As opposed to traditional fireplaces electric stove fire does not produce smoke, ash or creosote. This means there's no chopping wood or cleaning chimneys, making them a much more efficient alternative. They can be used all year round, providing warmth with the touch of an button.

It is still necessary to maintain your electric fireplace to ensure it remains in good working order. Cleanliness isn't only about presentation and standards, it also reduces the chance of fire-related accidents that could put your home at risk (source: The Spruce).

When it comes to cleaning, first of all you should shut off the power to your stove, either by disconnecting it or turning it off in the fuse box of your home. Let the stove cool completely before cleaning it. When the appliance is cool, you can start to remove dust and dirt from the grate and heat outlets including inlets, and glass. A dry, clean cloth will typically suffice. If you own an electric fan heater, you'll have to clean the blower that can be done with a dry cloth or a vacuum cleaner that has an attachment for nozzles (if you have one). Finally, you will want to clean the flame effect parts which usually comprise of the halogen bulb or LED strip and mirrors fixed to rods. These can be cleaned with dry cloths or by vacuuming.

It's important to keep in mind that you shouldn't get the coils wet. In the event that you do, it could damage the appliance. They plug into a specific type of socket. If they do get dirty, you can use a mixture of hot dish soap and water or if necessary, a degreaser like denatured alcohol. The coils need to be cleaned and any drip pans that are removed must be reattached.

The positive side is that in the event that you follow these steps, your electric stove fire will continue to work as it should, removing all of the drooling, fingerprints and smudges that can be caused by frequent use. So if you're ready to have a simple method to create a cozy atmosphere at home, give us a call today and we will be happy to assist you with all of your electric fireplace needs.

Aesthetically pleasing

Electric stove fires are like traditional wood or gas logs however they can be used anywhere in the home that does not have a chimney or flue. The stoves are easily moved and connect to a standard UK 3-pin plug. This convenience also makes them much easier and less costly to set up than other types of stoves, and without the need for an expert installer or complex installation procedures.

The aesthetic of a stove with an electric fire is a major reason to buy, with many models featuring an alluring and realistic flame visual effect that is created using LED or LCD technology. These sophisticated systems allow you to alter the brightness of the flame effects from a soft glow to a vibrant, lively blaze. They can be used for mood lighting or a focal point.

most realistic electric log burner of fireplaces allow you to shut off the heat to create a cozy atmosphere and reduce the cost of energy. This feature is perfect for those who appreciate the visuals and ambience of a fireplace, but don't want to be cozy all the time.

Certain models are constructed using materials like cast iron or steel with glass fronts, each offering a unique and eye-catching design. The control panel and display may be incorporated into the exterior of the stove, or hidden for a more modern appearance.

A high-quality electric stove will come with overheat protection that is built-in to guard against any potential damage caused by an overheating of the appliance. This is crucial because a lot of models are designed to sit near flammable surfaces and fabrics such as curtains and sofas.

An electric stove heater is a great choice for any room in the home where a log burner would be inappropriate due to space restrictions or safety concerns, or simply because you like the appearance of a modern and flexible electric fire. Electric stove fires are popular with both period and modern homes because they provide a range of options that can be adapted to any style of interior.

Autoři článku: Erlandsenchoate7714 (Fitzpatrick Huber)