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They were reported as displaying cytotoxic, antitumor, antimicrobial, antiviral, or anti-inflammatory activity. The solid culture, using rice as a carbon source, was the most common medium utilized in the fermentation process when this type of compound was isolated.Botryosphaeriaceae fungi are plant pathogens associated with Botryosphaeria dieback. To better understand the virulence factors of these fungi, we investigated the diversity of secreted proteins and extracellular enzyme activities involved in wood degradation and stilbene metabolization in Neofusicoccumparvum and Diplodiaseriata, which are two major fungi associated with grapevine B. dieback. Regarding the analysis of proteins secreted by the two fungi, our study revealed that N. parvum, known to be more aggressive than D. seriata, was characterized by a higher quantity and diversity of secreted proteins, especially hydrolases and oxidoreductases that are likely involved in cell wall and lignin degradation. In addition, when fungi were grown with wood powder, the extracellular laccase and Mn peroxidase enzyme activities were significantly higher in D. seriata compared to N.parvum. Importantly, our work also showed that secreted Botryosphaeriaceae proteins produced after grapevine wood addition are able to rapidly metabolize the grapevine stilbenes. Overall, a higher diversity of resveratrol and piceatannol metabolization products was found with enzymes of N. parvum compared to D. seriata. This study emphasizes the diversity of secreted virulence factors found in B. dieback fungi and suggests that some resveratrol oligomers produced in grapevine wood after pathogen attack could be formed via pathogenic fungal oxidases.Marine sponges harbor a diverse array of microorganisms and the composition of the microbial community has been suggested to be linked to holo-biont health. Most of the attention concerning sponge mycobiomes has been given to sponges present in shallow depths. Here, we describe the presence of 146 culturable mycobiome taxa isolated from mesophotic niche (100 m depth)-inhabiting samples of Agelas oroides, in the Mediterranean Sea. We identify some potential in vitro interactions between several A. oroides-associated fungi and show that sponge meso-hyl extract, but not its predominantly collagen-rich part, is sufficient to support hyphal growth. We demonstrate that changes in the diversity of culturable mycobiome constituents occur following sponge transplantation from its original mesophotic habitat to shallow (10 m) waters, where historically (60 years ago) this species was found. We conclude that among the 30 fungal genera identified as associated with A. oroides, Aspergillus, Penicillium and Trichoderma constitute the core mycobiome of A. oroides, and that they persist even when the sponge is transplanted to a suboptimal environment, indicative of the presence of constant, as well as dynamic, components of the sponge mycobiome. Other genera seemed more depth-related and appeared or disappeared upon host's transfer from 100 to 10 m.Koji is made by culturing koji mold on grains. Koji has wide-ranging applications, for example, in alcoholic beverages and seasonings. The word 'mold' generally has a bad image, but in Japan, koji mold is valued for its usefulness, and over the years, efforts have been made to make safe, stable, and delicious food products from it. Koji mold spores, essential when making koji, are called koji starter in the industry. From the many available strains, those suitable for the production of each fermented food are chosen based on indicators such as growth rate and enzyme production capacity. In manufacturing using microorganisms, purity and yield are prioritized. However, the production of fermented foods using koji is more complex, with focus not only on the degree of decomposition of raw materials but also on factors influencing overall product design, including palatability, color, smell, and texture. Production can be facilitated by the variety of koji brought about by the diversity of koji mold combined with the solid culture method which increases the amount of enzyme production. In this report, we introduce the history of koji starter in Japan, the characteristics of koji mold in practice, and various fermented foods made from it. In addition, the factors affecting the quality of koji in solid culture are described.DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) are the most deleterious type of DNA lesions because they cause loss of genetic information if not properly repaired. In eukaryotes, homologous recombination (HR) and non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) are required for DSB repair. However, the relationship of HR and NHEJ in DNA damage stress is unknown in the radiation-resistant fungus Cryptococcus neoformans. In this study, we found that the expression levels of HR- and NHEJ-related genes were highly induced in a Rad53-Bdr1 pathway-dependent manner under genotoxic stress. Deletion of RAD51, which is one of the main components in the HR, resulted in growth under diverse types of DNA damage stress, whereas perturbations of KU70 and KU80, which belong to the NHEJ system, did not affect the genotoxic stresses except when bleomycin was used for treatment. Furthermore, deletion of both RAD51 and KU70/80 renders cells susceptible to oxidative stress. Panobinostat research buy Notably, we found that deletion of RAD51 induced a hypermutator phenotype in the fluctuation assay. In contrast to the fluctuation assay, perturbation of KU70 or KU80 induced rapid microevolution similar to that induced by the deletion of RAD51. Collectively, Rad51-mediated HR and Ku70/Ku80-mediated NHEJ regulate the DNA damage response and maintain genome stability.Fraxinus excelsior populations are in decline due to the ash dieback disease Hymenoscyphus fraxineus. It is important to understand genotypic and environmental effects on its fungal microbiome to develop disease management strategies. To do this, we used culture dependent and culture independent approaches to characterize endophyte material from contrasting ash provenances, environments, and tissues (leaves, roots, seeds). Endophytes were isolated and identified using nrITS, LSU, or tef DNA loci in the culture dependent assessments, which were mostly Ascomycota and assigned to 37 families. Few taxa were shared between roots and leaves. The culture independent approach used high throughput sequencing (HTS) of nrITS amplicons directly from plant DNA and detected 35 families. Large differences were found in OTU diversity and community composition estimated by the contrasting approaches and these data need to be combined for estimations of the core endophyte communities. Species richness and Shannon index values were highest for the leaf material and the French population. Few species were shared between seed and leaf tissue. PCoA and NMDS of the HTS data showed that seed and leaf microbiome communities were highly distinct and that there was a strong influence of Fraxinus species identity on their fungal community composition. The results will facilitate a better understanding of ash fungal ecology and are a step toward identifying microbial biocontrol systems to minimize the impact of the disease.Fruit body rot and calyx rot caused by Alternaria alternata f. sp. mali is an important disease of apple worldwide. The disease has recently become severe in cv. Pink Lady apple in Israel to an extent that has never been reported elsewhere in the world. No alternative control measures of the disease except fungicides are known. Here, we show for the first time that dl-β-aminobutyric acid (BABA) induces resistance against Alternaria fruit rot (AFR) in apple fruits in the laboratory and in the orchard. AFR was inhibited in fruits treated with BABA of 1000 μg/mL. BABA did not inhibit spore germination or mycelial growth of the pathogen in vitro (up to 2000 μg/mL). It was most inhibitory when applied 4 days prior to inoculation of detached fruits. BABA inhibited AFR also curatively when applied at 24 h post inoculation. Five other isomers of aminobutyric acid failed to protect the fruits from rot formation. Three field trials in commercial apple orchards proved that BABA was as protective against AFR as the commercial standard fungicidal mixture of azoxystrobin and difenoconazole. This research suggests that BABA may serve as a resistance inducer in apple against AFR. It can be used as an adequate alternative to the currently used fungicides or integrated in disease management programs to reduce fungicide load and buildup of fungicide resistance.The main active ingredients of the fruiting bodies of Shiraia bambusicola and Rubroshiraia bambusae are Hypocrellins, belonging perylenequinones with potential photodynamic activity against cancer and microbial diseases. However, the strains of S. bambusicola and R. bambusae do not produce hypocrellins in culture, so resource exploitation of natural products was seriously restricted. In this study, a series of novel Shiraia-like fungal endophyte strains, with varying sporulation ability and synthesizing diverse secondary metabolites, was isolated from different bamboos. Based on phylogenetic analyses and morphological characteristics of the endophytes, Pseudoshiraia conidialis gen. et sp. nov. is proposed. The secondary metabolites of different fruiting bodies and strains have been comprehensively analyzed for the first time, finding that the endophytic strains are shown not only to produce hypocrellins, but also other perylenequinonoid compounds. It was noteworthy that the highest yield of total perylenequinone production and hypocrellin A appeared in P. conidialis CNUCC 1353PR (1410.13 mg/L), which was significantly higher than any other wild type P. conidialis strains in published reports. In view of these results, the identification of Shiraia-like endophytes not only confirm the phylogenetic status of similar strains, but will further assist in developing the production of valuable natural products.Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis (IPA) is a life-threatening form of fungal infection, primarily in immunocompromised patients and associated with significant mortality. Diagnostic procedures are often invasive and/or time consuming and existing antifungals can be constrained by dose-limiting toxicity and drug interaction. In this study, we modified triacetylfusarinine C (TAFC), the main siderophore produced by the opportunistic pathogen Aspergillus fumigatus (A. fumigatus), with antifungal molecules to perform antifungal susceptibility tests and molecular imaging. A variation of small organic molecules (eflornithine, fludioxonil, thiomersal, fluoroorotic acid (FOA), cyanine 5 (Cy5) with antifungal activity were coupled to diacetylfusarinine C (DAFC), resulting in a "Trojan horse" to deliver antifungal compounds specifically into A. fumigatus hyphae by the major facilitator transporter MirB. Radioactive labeling with gallium-68 allowed us to perform in vitro characterization (distribution coefficient, stability, uptake assay) as well as biodistribution experiments and PET/CT imaging in an IPA rat infection model. Compounds chelated with stable gallium were used for antifungal susceptibility tests. [Ga]DAFC-fludioxonil, -FOA, and -Cy5 revealed a MirB-dependent active uptake with fungal growth inhibition at 16 µg/mL after 24 h. Visualization of an A. fumigatus infection in lungs of a rat was possible with gallium-68-labeled compounds using PET/CT. Heterogeneous biodistribution patterns revealed the immense influence of the antifungal moiety conjugated to DAFC. Overall, novel antifungal siderophore conjugates with promising fungal growth inhibition and the possibility to perform PET imaging combine both therapeutic and diagnostic potential in a theranostic compound for IPA caused by A. fumigatus.

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