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To address these problems, we collected and organized all the known objectives of the Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid Response System (Pan-STARRS) and the Popular Supernova Project (PSP), resulting in two datasets, and then compared several detection algorithms on them. After that, the selected Fully Convolutional One-Stage (FCOS) method is used as the baseline and further improved with data augmentation, attention mechanism, and small object detection technique. Extensive experiments demonstrate the great performance enhancement of our detection algorithm with the new datasets.Particulate matter (PM) is constituted by particles with sizes in the nanometer to micrometer scales. PM can be generated from natural sources such as sandstorms and wildfires, and from human activities, including combustion of fuels, manufacturing and construction or specially engineered for applications in biotechnology, food industry, cosmetics, electronics, etc. Due to their small size PM can penetrate biological tissues, interact with cellular components and induce noxious effects such as disruptions of the cytoskeleton and membranes and the generation of reactive oxygen species. Here, we provide an overview on the actions of PM on transient receptor potential (TRP) proteins, a superfamily of cation-permeable channels with crucial roles in cell signaling. Their expression in epithelial cells and sensory innervation and their high sensitivity to chemical, thermal and mechanical stimuli makes TRP channels prime targets in the major entry routes of noxious PM, which may result in respiratory, metabolic and cardiovascular disorders. On the other hand, the interactions between TRP channel and engineered nanoparticles may be used for targeted drug delivery. We emphasize in that much further research is required to fully characterize the mechanisms underlying PM-TRP channel interactions and their relevance for PM toxicology and biomedical applications.

The spatiotemporal profiling of molecular transmission clusters (MTCs) using viral genomic data can effectively identify transmission networks in order to inform public health actions targeting SARS-CoV-2 spread.

We used whole genome SARS-CoV-2 sequences derived from ten European regions belonging to eight countries to perform phylogenetic and phylodynamic analysis. We developed dedicated bioinformatics pipelines to identify regional MTCs and to assess demographic factors potentially associated with their formation.

The total number and the scale of MTCs varied from small household clusters identified in all regions, to a super-spreading event found in Uusimaa-FI. Specific age groups were more likely to belong to MTCs in different regions. The clustered sequences referring to the age groups 50-100 years old (y.o.) were increased in all regions two weeks after the establishment of the lockdown, while those referring to the age group 0-19 y.o. decreased only in those regions where schools' closure was combined with a lockdown.

The spatiotemporal profiling of the SARS-CoV-2 MTCs can be a useful tool to monitor the effectiveness of the interventions and to reveal cryptic transmissions that have not been identified through contact tracing.

The spatiotemporal profiling of the SARS-CoV-2 MTCs can be a useful tool to monitor the effectiveness of the interventions and to reveal cryptic transmissions that have not been identified through contact tracing.Poor adherence to antihypertensive drug therapy is a well-recognized problem and can be assessed by mass spectrometry-based analyses of body fluids. However, contrary statements exist whether drug quantification in blood or qualitative screening in urine is more suitable. The present pilot study aimed to further elucidate the power of blood plasma drug concentrations for adherence monitoring by developing and validating a quantification procedure for nine antihypertensive drugs (amlodipine, bisoprolol, candesartan, canrenone, carvedilol, metoprolol, olmesartan, torasemide, and valsartan) in blood plasma using liquid-liquid extraction and an ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography-ion trap mass spectrometry analysis. The procedure should then be used for an adherence assessment and compared with the results of an established qualitative urine screening. Selectivity, carryover, matrix effect, accuracy, precision, dilution integrity, and stability were successfully validated, except for amlodipine. The applicability was demonstrated by analyzing 19 plasma samples containing 28 antihypertensive drugs and comparing the measured concentrations with calculated dose-dependent reference plasma concentration ranges. The interpretation of plasma concentrations was found to be more sophisticated and time-consuming than that of urine screening results, and adherence could not be assessed in two cases (10%) due to measured plasma concentrations below the lower limit of quantification. However, 14 out of 19 subjects were classified as adherent (75%) and three as nonadherent (15%), in contrast to 19 (100%) that were claimed to be adherent based on the results of the qualitative urine screening. Nevertheless, further data is needed to estimate whether plasma quantification is superior in terms of assessing adherence to antihypertensive medication.A wavy shape was used to enhance the thermal heat transfer in a shell-tube latent heat thermal energy storage (LHTES) unit. The thermal storage unit was filled with CuO-coconut oil nano-enhanced phase change material (NePCM). The enthalpy-porosity approach was employed to model the phase change heat transfer in the presence of natural convection effects in the molten NePCM. The finite element method was applied to integrate the governing equations for fluid motion and phase change heat transfer. The impact of wave amplitude and wave number of the heated tube, as well as the volume concertation of nanoparticles on the full-charging time of the LHTES unit, was addressed. The Taguchi optimization method was used to find an optimum design of the LHTES unit. The results showed that an increase in the volume fraction of nanoparticles reduces the charging time. Moreover, the waviness of the tube resists the natural convection flow circulation in the phase change domain and could increase the charging time.Achieving multiple physical properties from a single material through three-dimensional (3D) printing is important for manufacturing applications. In addition, industrial-level durability and reliability is necessary for realizing individualized manufacturing of devices using 3D printers. We investigated the properties of architected materials composed of ultraviolet (UV)-cured urethane elastomers for use as insoles. The durability and reliability of microlattice and metafoam architected materials were compared with those composed of various foamed materials currently used in medical insoles. The hardness of the architected materials was able to be continuously adjusted by controlling the design parameters, and the combination of the two materials was effective in controlling rebound resilience. In particular, the features of the architected materials were helpful for customizing the insole properties, such as hardness, propulsive force, and shock absorption, according to the user's needs. Further, using elastomer as a component led to better results in fatigue testing and UV resistance compared with the plastic foam currently used for medical purposes. Specifically, polyethylene and ethylene vinyl acetate were deformed in the fatigue test, and polyurethane was mechanically deteriorated by UV rays. Therefore, these architected materials are expected to be reliable for long-term use in insoles.Tactile data perception is of paramount importance in today's robotics applications. This paper describes the latest design of the tactile sensor developed in our laboratory. Both the hardware and firmware concepts are reported in detail in order to allow the research community the sensor reproduction, also according to their needs. The sensor is based on optoelectronic technology and the pad shape can be adapted to various robotics applications. A flat surface, as the one proposed in this paper, can be well exploited if the object sizes are smaller than the pad and/or the shape recognition is needed, while a domed pad can be used to manipulate bigger objects. Compared to the previous version, the novel tactile sensor has a larger sensing area and a more robust electronic, mechanical and software design that yields less noise and higher flexibility. The proposed design exploits standard PCB manufacturing processes and advanced but now commercial 3D printing processes for the realization of all components. Pictilisib solubility dmso A GitHub repository has been prepared with all files needed to allow the reproduction of the sensor for the interested reader. The whole sensor has been tested with a maximum load equal to 15N, by showing a sensitivity equal to 0.018V/N. Moreover, a complete and detailed characterization for the single taxel and the whole pad is reported to show the potentialities of the sensor also in terms of response time, repeatability, hysteresis and signal to noise ratio.The output model of a rotating accelerometer gravity gradiometer (RAGG) established by the inertial dynamics method cannot reflect the change of signal frequency, and calibration sensitivity and self-gradient compensation effect for the RAGG is a very important stage in the development process that cannot be omitted. In this study, a model based on the outputs of accelerometers on the disc of RGAA is established to calculate the gravity gradient corresponding to the distance, through the study of the RAGG output influenced by a surrounding mass in the frequency domain. Taking particle, sphere, and cuboid as examples, the input-output models of gravity gradiometer are established based on the center gradient and four accelerometers, respectively. Simulation results show that, if the scale factors of the four accelerometers on the disk are the same, the output signal of the RAGG only contains (4k+2)ω (ω is the spin frequency of disc for RAGG) harmonic components, and its amplitude is related to the orientation of the surrounding mass. Based on the results of numerical simulation of the three models, if the surrounding mass is close to the RAGG, the input-output models of gravity gradiometer are more accurate based on the four accelerometers. Finally, some advantages and disadvantages of cuboid and sphere are compared and some suggestions related to calibration and self-gradient compensation are given.The Tactile Internet will require ultra-low latencies for combining machines and humans in systems where humans are in the control loop. Real-time and perceptual coding in these systems commonly require content-specific approaches. We present a generic approach based on deliberately reduced number accuracy and evaluate the trade-off between savings achieved and errors introduced with real-world data for kinesthetic movement and tele-surgery. Our combination of bitplane-level accuracy adaptability with perceptual threshold-based limits allows for great flexibility in broad application scenarios. Combining the attainable savings with the relatively small introduced errors enables the optimal selection of a working point for the method in actual implementations.

Autoři článku: Erichsenlim6914 (Skovsgaard Henningsen)