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It is important that dermatologists, while having primary care and cardiology available for consultation, are aware of the safety data and feel comfortable managing their patients perioperatively.Ischemic Stroke has been recognized as the principal cause of disability and the third leading cause of mortality worldwide. The aim of this study was to determine the frequency and pattern of dyslipidemia in patients presenting with ischemic stroke at a tertiary care hospital in Karachi, Pakistan and to evaluate the effect of demographic and clinical factors on the frequency and pattern of dyslipidemia in ischemic stroke subjects. Methods A cross-sectional study carried on a sample size of 235 patients presenting to the out-patient clinic with paralysis, difficulty in speech, and/or loss of consciousness lasting for one hour or more. Blood samples were analyzed for total cholesterol (TC), triglycerides (TG), low-density lipoproteins (LDL), very low-density lipoproteins (VLDL) and high-density lipoproteins (HDL) by the enzymatic colorimetric methodology. These values were recorded on the pre-defined proforma by the investigators. All analysis was performed using SPSS version 23.0. Results The average age of the patients was 50.84±11.51 years and 62.1% of them were males. The frequency of dyslipidemia was observed in more than half (n=134/235, 57.02%) of ischemic stroke patients. Regarding the dyslipidemia pattern, TC, VLDL-C and TG levels were deranged in more than 50% of the cases. The most commonly deranged values were of TC and VLDL-C, followed by TG levels. It was observed that patients with a previous history of DM (73.9%, p=0.002) and HTN (81.3%, p=0.001) had significantly higher rates of deranged lipid profiles. Lipid values were found to be more deranged in patients aged 41-50 years (p=0.002) however, no statistically significant differences were observed with respect to BMI (p=0.192) and symptoms duration (p=0.334). Conclusions Dyslipidemia is an important risk factor for ischemic stroke, and elevated LDL-C is usually the lipid fraction implicated in the pathologic mechanism of stroke.

Prostate cancer (PCa) is a common type of cancer in western countries and prominent cause of mortality in men. The aim of the study was to analyze circulating miRNAs as biomarkers in the sera of healthy individuals and prostate cancer cases without biopsy.

Twenty prostate cases, age (mean and range) 61,4±12.1 (45-73), and twenty healthy men, age 59,3±11.2 (44-70) were included to the study. The mean and range of prostate spesific antigen (PSA) in cancer cases and healthy individuals were 6.79±2.84 ng/ml (2.25-14.7) and 3.8±2.2 ng/ml (1.3-7.8) respectively.

Seven miRNAs including two internal controls (Let7c, miR125b, miR141, miR145, miR 155, miR181 ve miR192) were evaluated in two groups. The level of miR141 was significantly lower in PCa cases than healthy individuals (p=0,004), and miR155 was significantly higher (p=0,005) in PCa cases. Both miRNAs were explored sensitive and spesific in the ROC analysis. Tumor mass were found to be associated with the level of miR-125b and miR-145. Conclusion; validation studies are required in wider patient groups in the subject of tumor effect and miRNA biomarkers in prostate cancer.

Seven miRNAs including two internal controls (Let7c, miR125b, miR141, miR145, miR 155, miR181 ve miR192) were evaluated in two groups. The level of miR141 was significantly lower in PCa cases than healthy individuals (p=0,004), and miR155 was significantly higher (p=0,005) in PCa cases. Both miRNAs were explored sensitive and spesific in the ROC analysis. Tumor mass were found to be associated with the level of miR-125b and miR-145. Conclusion; validation studies are required in wider patient groups in the subject of tumor effect and miRNA biomarkers in prostate cancer.

Backgorund and aim There are many studies on the effects of Diabetes Mellitus on the clinical course in COVID-19 patients. Factors that increase the risk of contracting COVID-19 disease and increase disease progression have been caused, and diabetes mellitus is one of them. We aimed to evaluate the incidence of Diabetes Mellitus in patients treated in the intensive care unit in respiratory failure due to COVID-19 pneumonia, and the effect of Diabetes Mellitus on the length of stay in intensive care and mortality.

Our study is a single-center retrospective study. The study includes patients hospitalized in our COVID intensive care unit between March 16, 2019, and May 16, 2020 Patients over 18 years of age with and without a history of Diabetes Mellitus were compared in 2 groups. Demographic data of the patients, length of stay in the intensive care unit, respiratory support methods, presence of other comorbid diseases, effects of Diabetes Mellitus to mortality in ICU were recorded.

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DNA repair systems are functionally essential for the maintenance of life and among these, we can highlight the MutS system, subdivided into MutSα (hMSH2 and hMSH6) and MutSβ (hMSH2 and hMSH3). The objective of this study was to analyze the expression of hMSH2 and hMSH6 repair genes in radiology technicians exposed to low radiation doses.

Thirty workers occupationally exposed to ionizing radiation and twenty-five non-exposed were included in this study. Gene expression was analyzed by qPCR. Peripheral blood samples were collected from both groups for total RNA isolation.

It was observed a five-fold increase (p=0.006) in the hMSH2 repair gene expression in those exposed to radiation and a weak but significant correlation (p=0.041) with the hMSH6 genes when we associated the number of hours of exposure with gene expression.

The longer the exposure time, the greater the activation of this component of the repair system.

Blood count parameters could did not alter with radiation exposure. X-rays used by radiology technicians in imaging tests can damage the DNA to the point of activating the MutS repair system and that there is a greater tendency of expression of this system in professionals that had undergone longer exposure.

Blood count parameters could did not alter with radiation exposure. X-rays used by radiology technicians in imaging tests can damage the DNA to the point of activating the MutS repair system and that there is a greater tendency of expression of this system in professionals that had undergone longer exposure.

On January 9, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared that Chinese health authorities had identified a new coronavirus strain never before isolated in humans, the 2019-nCoV later redefined SARS-CoV-2, that still today represent a public health problem. The present survey started on 10 February 2020 with the aim of a) assessing the risk perception in healthcare workers and young students, following the evolution of attitudes, perception and knowledge over time, b) provide useful information to the general population during survey.

A study sample consisting of 4116 Italian individuals of both sexes was enrolled. High levels of risk perception, low perception of self-efficacy and low levels of knowledge scores (24.55 ± 5.76 SD) were obtained indicating the need for continuous population monitoring as well as further communication strategies carried out at institution levels.

The results of the present study could help public health authorities in carrying out informative campaigns for general population and could be an important tool in evaluating public knowledge and misperceptions during the management of the COVID-19. (www.actabiomedica.it).

The results of the present study could help public health authorities in carrying out informative campaigns for general population and could be an important tool in evaluating public knowledge and misperceptions during the management of the COVID-19. (www.actabiomedica.it).Construction industry (CoI) has been severely affected by SARS-CoV-2 pandemic since its onset, as it delayed or even halted construction projects, either directly or indirectly, through interruption of the supply chain, or shortage of workers (1). Moreover, Construction Workers (CW) has been associated with high level of infection and hospitalization (2-3). Albeit CoI and its workforce globally share several characteristics (e.g. relatively low socio-economic status and education level; high share of migrant workforce and/or ethnic minorities; often inappropriate adherence to up-to-date health and safety standards etc.) (4-5), both are significantly affected by local infrastructure (e.g. Muvalaplin supplier roads, hospitals, housing) and safety legislations. Unfortunately, most of available data on SARS-CoV-2 in CoI focus on United States (2-3,6), while more limited evidences from other High-Income Countries (7-9). In this regard, a retrospective analysis of Italian data may be of certain interest. To begin with, Italy had an ealy affecting all workplaces, the course of the ongoing pandemic in occupational settings may be considerably influenced by the specific background and demographics of involved groups. High-quality data from various occupational and geographic settings are therefore required in order to improve our understanding of risk factors and appropriate preventive measures.

Asthma Control Test (ACT) is a quick and easy tool that allows physicians to estimate the control of asthma symptoms. Previous studies showed that ACT can be self or physician-administered with similar results.

The aim of our study was to evaluate the role of instruction in the self-compilation of ACT and its difference with the physician-administered modality.

We enrolled 114 patients with asthma from those attending our outpatient clinic. We divided our population into 3 groups, according to their level of education 1) low level (primary, middle school; n= 34, age 54.3±11.1), 2) middle level (secondary school; n=44, age 38.2±13.8) and 3) high level (university degree; n=34, age 44.8±14.7). All participants answered the questionnaire in both self- and physician-administered ways. Then, we calculated the parameter ΔACT, defined as the difference between physician-administered and self-administered ACT score. The comparison of ΔACT among groups was assessed by Mann-Whitney U test. Moreover, Spearman correlation was used to assess linear relationship between physician- and self-administered ACT in the three groups.

Patients with low and middle education level had higher median ΔACT compared to individuals with high education level (2.17 and 2.15 vs 0.75, p<0.05 for both analysis). Moreover, the R2 value of the high education group (0.915) was higher than those with middle and low education (0.642 and 0.773, respectively).

Our data suggest that patients without high education levels tend to overestimate their perception of asthma symptoms. Thus, ACT should always be physician-administered in these asthmatic patients.

Our data suggest that patients without high education levels tend to overestimate their perception of asthma symptoms. Thus, ACT should always be physician-administered in these asthmatic patients.

The link between iron deficiency anemia (IDA) and neutropenia/ lymphocytopenia is not well established in the literature. This study aims at assessing the prevalence and clinical characteristics of neutropenia and lymphocytopenia in IDA patients considering the impact of iron replacement on the total and differential WBCs' count.

The records of all female patients with IDA who attended our hematology clinic (Jan 2018 to Jan 2020) were retrospectively reviewed. Patients with systemic or chronic diseases were excluded. Age, BMI, CBC, and iron parameters were collected before and after IV iron therapy.ResultsOut of 1,567 adult females with IDA, 80 patients had leukopenia (5.1%), 64 had neutropenia (4.0%), and 20 had lymphocytopenia (1.2%). After iron therapy, their mean leukocytes, neutrophils, and lymphocytes increased significantly to 4.38 ± 1.82 ×103/L, 2.3 ±1.56 ×109/L and 1.76 ± 0.48 ×103/L, respectively. About 67% of women with IDA and neutropenia had increased ANC in response to iron therapy. However, no significant correlation was found between leukocytes, ANC, or lymphocytes with TIBC or serum iron concentration.

Autoři článku: Engberggardner7714 (England Deleon)