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Outbreaks occurring between May and October accounted for 94.1% of total outbreaks, 92.4% illnesses, and 97.2% deaths.Conclusions Mushroom poisoning is a food safety issue of higher concern in China. Targeted health education is essential to reduce mushroom poisoning, especially in southwest China. Citizens are advised to not collect or eat wild mushrooms.What is already known about this topic?Salmonella causes acute and chronic diseases in food animals, and infected food animals are one of the most important source of human infection.What does this report contribute?The prevalence of Salmonella was 10.5% in chicken samples, 24.4% in pig, 23.3% in duck, and 29.4% in milk. Salmonella isolates were highly resistant to ampicillin (59.60%).What are the implications for public health practices?Data on Salmonella infections among food animals in China could help identify sources and factors related to the spread of Salmonella in food animals and food production chains.What is already known about this topic?Climate change and air pollution are two important environmental issues in China. It is important to investigate particulate matter with aerodynamic diameter less than 2.5 μm (PM2.5)-related health impacts from climate change and air pollution emission control.What is added by this report?Deaths and years of life lost related to PM2.5 would increase in climate change scenario, although emission control would outweigh the influence of climate change.What are the implications for public health practice?More targeted actions should be taken to meet challenges of exacerbated PM2.5 pollutions and its health impacts related to climate change in the future.

The morbidity and mortality of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is associated with adverse weather and air pollution. However, COPD patients are not able to be alerted in advance of high risk environments.

This prospective controlled trial conducted in Pudong New Area of Shanghai from October 2019 to April 2020 provided evidence of COPD risk forecasting service on the reductions in visits and costs of COPD patients in outpatient and emergency departments in China for the first time.

This study suggests that COPD risk forecasting service could be integrated into existing COPD management in public health to improve the health and economic outcomes.

This study suggests that COPD risk forecasting service could be integrated into existing COPD management in public health to improve the health and economic outcomes.What is already known on this topic?The health risk caused by high-temperatures depends on the interaction between high temperature exposure and the sensitivity and adaptability of the affected populations.What is added by this report?A comprehensive assessment model was established by principal component analysis using the data of 19 cities, 15 provincial-level administrative divisions and used to identify regional characteristics and major influencing factors of health vulnerability to extreme heat in China.What are the implications for public health practice?The results of the health vulnerability assessment could effectively identify the regions highly vulnerable to extreme heat in China and provide scientific evidence for the development of adaptive measures and resource allocation plans.What is already known about this topic?Previous studies have mainly focused on the relationship between temperature and mortality from stroke, but analysis on the effects on years of life lost (YLL) is limited.What is added by this report?YLLs were used as the health outcome, and cold and hot weather were found to be significantly associated with an increase in YLLs from stroke and for different groups, with a stronger effect found to be associated with low temperature.What are the implications for public health practice?These findings could help identify vulnerable regions and populations that have a more serious temperature-related burden and to guide the practical and effective measures for stroke control from a YLL perspective.What is already known about this topic?As a major cause of maternal and neonatal mortality and morbidity, hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (HDP) are a global public health problem affecting maternal and children's health. What is added by this report?The incidence of HDP was 6.40% among 277,632 pregnant women. With the progress of pregnancy, the proportion of pregnant women with high normal blood pressure (BP) and the incidence of HDP increased gradually. The incidence of HDP increased with pregnancy age, body mass index, and BP of pregnant women during first trimester.What are the implications for public health practice?To reduce the incidence of HDP effectively, we should pay more attention to older women who plan to become pregnant, measures should be taken to control BP and weight in pre-pregnancy.What is already known about this topic?Skin diseases are common, affect society and individuals, and have high incidences to relapse, which reduces the quality of life. In 2019, skin diseases were the seventh leading global causes of years lived with disability (YLDs).What is added by this report?All-age disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) and YLDs from skin diseases have been steadily increasing in China from 1990 through 2019, although with a decline in the standardized rate of years of life lost (YLLs). In 2019, dermatitis was the leading cause of YLLs among people over the age of 15 years, while viral skin diseases had the greatest burden among people under 15 years. Acne vulgaris increased significantly among people aged 15-49 years, and psoriasis increased among people over 50 years. The male∶female ratio of DALYs lost due to skin disease did not change between 1990 and 2019.What are the implications for public health practice?The lack of data on the total skin disease burden in China called for additional research. The Global Burden of Disease provided a reference for skin disease control and prevention in China.What is already known about this topic?A previous study found that the size of population with disability was 52.7 million and 84.6 million in 1987 and 2006, with the weighted disability rate of 4.9% and 6.5%, respectively.What is added by this report?This study restored the prevalence of disability and its change trajectory in China during 110 years from 1896 to 2006 across 3 centuries.What are the implications for public health practice?This study realized the innovation of cross-sectional data utilization methods and the expansion of the theory of morbidity transformation while making up for the lack of historical data.Tobacco smoking is the number one preventable cause of disease and death in China as it is globally. SGI-1776 Pim inhibitor Indeed, the toll of smoking in China is much greater than its status as the world's most populous country. There is a persistent and continuing need for China to implement the measures specified in the global tobacco control treaty, the World Health Organization (WHO) Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC), which China ratified in 2005. The theme for the 2021 WHO World No Tobacco Day focuses on the need to support smoking cessation. This article presents findings from the International Tobacco Control (ITC) Policy Evaluation Project cohort surveys in China, in comparison to ITC cohort surveys in two neighboring countries Japan and the Republic of Korea. These findings demonstrate that smokers in China very much want to quit, but these intentions are not being translated into quit attempts, relative to smokers in Japan and the Republic of Korea. Additionally, about 80% of Chinese smokers want the Chinese government to do more to control smoking. These findings reaffirm the need for China to implement strong, evidence-based measures to reduce smoking. The objective of Healthy China 2030 to reduce deaths from non-communicable diseases by 30% can be achieved by reducing smoking prevalence from its current 26.6% to 20%, and this reduction can be achieved through strong implementation of FCTC measures.Background COVID-19 infection is a major public health problem worldwide, and the D614G mutation enhances the infectivity of COVID-19.Methods A probe-directed recombinase amplification (PDRA) assay was discussed to detect the D614G mutation at 39 ℃ for 30 min. The sensitivity, specificity, and reproducibility of the PDRA were evaluated by D614 and G614 recombinant plasmids. The clinical performance of PDRA assay was validated by testing of 53 previously confirmed COVID-19 positive RNAs and 10 negative samples. Direct sequencing was carried out in parallel for comparison.Result With good reproducibility and specificity, the PDRA assay worked well with the concentration in the range of 103-107 copies/reaction. Compared with direct sequencing as a reference, the recombinase-aided amplification (RAA) assay obtained 100% sensitivity and 100% specificity using clinical samples.Conclusions A rapid, convenient, sensitive, and specific method to detect D614G mutation was developed, which offers a useful tool to monitor mutations in COVID-19 virus RNA.What is known about this topic?Few major outbreaks of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) have occurred in China after major non-pharmaceutical interventions and vaccines have been deployed and implemented. However, sporadic outbreaks that had high possibility to be linked to cold chain products were reported in several cities of China..What is added by this report?In July 2020, a COVID-19 outbreak occurred in Dalian, China. The investigations of this outbreak strongly suggested that the infection source was from COVID-19 virus-contaminated packaging of frozen seafood during inbound unloading personnel contact.What are the implications for public health practice?Virus contaminated paper surfaces could maintain infectivity for at least 17-24 days at -25 ℃. Exposure to COVID-19 virus-contaminated surfaces is a potential route for introducing the virus to a susceptible population. Countries with no domestic transmission of COVID-19 should consider introducing prevention strategies for both inbound travellers and imported goods. Several measures to prevent the introduction of the virus via cold-chain goods can be implemented.On October 21, 2019, the "Notice on promoting the healthy enterprises" and "Specification of Healthy Enterprise Construction (trial)" were issued jointly by the National Patriotic Health Campaign Committee Office and six other government partners. As one of the objectives and tasks of the occupational health protection action (2019-2030), this multisectoral "Healthy Enterprise" Action Plan (HEAP) serves as the first "healthy cell" project carried out at the national level as an indispensable part of the Healthy China Initiative and the Healthy City Movement.It is of great significance to recognize the importance of the burden of disease linked to the exposure of occupational risks and the ability to identify the main areas of concern.This article interprets the process of how the healthy workplace or healthy enterprise was originated and evolved; how the theory was introduced and developed in China; and how the 4 main action indicators toward healthier and safer workplaces were formulated including the following 1) developing the health policy system; 2) building healthy working environments; 3) providing health services; and 4) creating healthy culture.

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