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Aminoacyl transfer RNA (tRNA) synthetases (aaRSs) are attractive drug targets, and we present class I and II aaRSs as previously unrecognized targets for adenosine 5'-monophosphate-mimicking nucleoside sulfamates. The target enzyme catalyzes the formation of an inhibitory amino acid-sulfamate conjugate through a reaction-hijacking mechanism. We identified adenosine 5'-sulfamate as a broad-specificity compound that hijacks a range of aaRSs and ML901 as a specific reagent a specific reagent that hijacks a single aaRS in the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum, namely tyrosine RS (PfYRS). ML901 exerts whole-life-cycle-killing activity with low nanomolar potency and single-dose efficacy in a mouse model of malaria. X-ray crystallographic studies of plasmodium and human YRSs reveal differential flexibility of a loop over the catalytic site that underpins differential susceptibility to reaction hijacking by ML901.The historic Maya oriented their lives by the heavens. Today, their descendants and Western scholars team up to understand their sophisticated astronomy.Firing of funding agency board alarms research sector.The steady rise of monkeypox cases in Africa has received little attention-until now.Inflation intensifies long-standing issue of low student pay.Animals' ranges must be conserved while allowing movement for sustaining biodiversity.Flipping genetic on-off switches can treat diseases in mice.Conventional separation technologies to separate valuable commodities are energy intensive, consuming 15% of the worldwide energy. Mixed-matrix membranes, combining processable polymers and selective adsorbents, offer the potential to deploy adsorbent distinct separation properties into processable matrix. We report the rational design and construction of a highly efficient, mixed-matrix metal-organic framework membrane based on three interlocked criteria (i) a fluorinated metal-organic framework, AlFFIVE-1-Ni, as a molecular sieve adsorbent that selectively enhances hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide diffusion while excluding methane; (ii) tailoring crystal morphology into nanosheets with maximally exposed (001) facets; and (iii) in-plane alignment of (001) nanosheets in polymer matrix and attainment of [001]-oriented membrane. The membrane demonstrated exceptionally high hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide separation from natural gas under practical working conditions. This approach offers great potential to translate other key adsorbents into processable matrix.Covalent prodrugs inhibit protein synthesis targets killing parasites but not human cells.Characterizing complex microbial communities with single-cell resolution has been a long-standing goal of microbiology. We present Microbe-seq, a high-throughput method that yields the genomes of individual microbes from complex microbial communities. We encapsulate individual microbes in droplets with microfluidics and liberate their DNA, which we then amplify, tag with droplet-specific barcodes, and sequence. We explore the human gut microbiome, sequencing more than 20,000 microbial single-amplified genomes (SAGs) from a single human donor and coassembling genomes of almost 100 bacterial species, including several with multiple subspecies strains. We use these genomes to probe microbial interactions, reconstructing the horizontal gene transfer (HGT) network and observing HGT between 92 species pairs; we also identify a significant in vivo host-phage association between crAssphage and one strain of Bacteroides vulgatus. Microbe-seq contributes high-throughput culture-free capabilities to investigate genomic blueprints of complex microbial communities with single-microbe resolution.Structural maintenance of chromosomes (SMC) protein complexes structure genomes by extruding DNA loops, but the molecular mechanism that underlies their activity has remained unknown. We show that the active condensin complex entraps the bases of a DNA loop transiently in two separate chambers. Single-molecule imaging and cryo-electron microscopy suggest a putative power-stroke movement at the first chamber that feeds DNA into the SMC-kleisin ring upon adenosine triphosphate binding, whereas the second chamber holds on upstream of the same DNA double helix. Unlocking the strict separation of "motor" and "anchor" chambers turns condensin from a one-sided into a bidirectional DNA loop extruder. We conclude that the orientation of two topologically bound DNA segments during the SMC reaction cycle determines the directionality of DNA loop extrusion.There is no such thing as "zero-COVID." As the Omicron variant spreads to China's capital city, Beijing, the question is not if, but when and how, China will begin to "live with COVID-19" rather than continue to impose endless lockdowns. The problem is that under China's stifling political climate, this notion cannot be uttered, let alone debated. How did a country with a history of deep respect for science and a laser focus on becoming a global powerhouse in technology and innovation fall into such isolation from the rest of the world?The design of materials and their manufacture into membranes that can handle industrial conditions and separate complex nonaqueous mixtures are challenging. We report a versatile strategy to fabricate polytriazole membranes with 10-nanometer-thin selective layers containing subnanometer channels for the separation of hydrocarbons. The process involves the use of the classical nonsolvent-induced phase separation method and thermal cross-linking. The membrane selectivity can be tuned to the lower end of the typical nanofiltration range (200 to 1000 gram mole-1). The polytriazole membrane can enrich up to 80 to 95% of the hydrocarbon content with less than 10 carbon atoms (140 gram mole-1). These membranes preferentially separate paraffin over aromatic components, making them suitable for integration in hybrid distillation systems for crude oil fractionation.Parthenogenetic grasshoppers confound predictions by showing no signs of decline.Polymeric membranes may lower the energy requirement for oil refineries.Memristive devices, which combine a resistor with memory functions such that voltage pulses can change their resistance (and hence their memory state) in a nonvolatile manner, are beginning to be implemented in integrated circuits for memory applications. However, memristive devices could have applications in many other technologies, such as non-von Neumann in-memory computing in crossbar arrays, random number generation for data security, and radio-frequency switches for mobile communications. Progress toward the integration of memristive devices in commercial solid-state electronic circuits and other potential applications will depend on performance and reliability challenges that still need to be addressed, as described here.Ambitious conservation efforts are needed to stop the global biodiversity crisis. In this study, we estimate the minimum land area to secure important biodiversity areas, ecologically intact areas, and optimal locations for representation of species ranges and ecoregions. We discover that at least 64 million square kilometers (44% of terrestrial area) would require conservation attention (ranging from protected areas to land-use policies) to meet this goal. More than 1.8 billion people live on these lands, so responses that promote autonomy, self-determination, equity, and sustainable management for safeguarding biodiversity are essential. Spatially explicit land-use scenarios suggest that 1.3 million square kilometers of this land is at risk of being converted for intensive human land uses by 2030, which requires immediate attention. However, a sevenfold difference exists between the amount of habitat converted in optimistic and pessimistic land-use scenarios, highlighting an opportunity to avert this crisis. Appropriate targets in the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework to encourage conservation of the identified land would contribute substantially to safeguarding biodiversity.Insects are facing a multitude of anthropogenic stressors, and the recent decline in their biodiversity is threatening ecosystems and economies across the globe. We investigated the impact of glyphosate, the most commonly used herbicide worldwide, on bumblebees. Bumblebee colonies maintain their brood at high temperatures via active thermogenesis, a prerequisite for colony growth and reproduction. Using a within-colony comparative approach to examine the effects of long-term glyphosate exposure on both individual and collective thermoregulation, we found that whereas effects are weak at the level of the individual, the collective ability to maintain the necessary high brood temperatures is decreased by more than 25% during periods of resource limitation. For pollinators in our heavily stressed ecosystems, glyphosate exposure carries hidden costs that have so far been largely overlooked.Global policies call for connecting protected areas (PAs) to conserve the flow of animals and genes across changing landscapes, yet whether global PA networks currently support animal movement-and where connectivity conservation is most critical-remain largely unknown. In this study, we map the functional connectivity of the world's terrestrial PAs and quantify national PA connectivity through the lens of moving mammals. We find that mitigating the human footprint may improve connectivity more than adding new PAs, although both strategies together maximize benefits. The most globally important areas of concentrated mammal movement remain unprotected, with 71% of these overlapping with global biodiversity priority areas and 6% occurring on land with moderate to high human modification. Conservation and restoration of critical connectivity areas could safeguard PA connectivity while supporting other global conservation priorities.Outdated teaching methods amount to discrimination.The long neck of the giraffe has been held as a classic example of adaptive evolution since Darwin's time. find more Here we report on an unusual fossil giraffoid, Discokeryx xiezhi, from the early Miocene, which has an unusual disk-shaped headgear and the most complicated head-neck joints in known mammals. The distinctive morphology and our finite element analyses indicate an adaptation for fierce head-butting behavior. Tooth enamel isotope data suggest that D. xiezhi occupied a niche different from that of other herbivores, comparable to the characteristic high-level browsing niche of modern giraffes. The study shows that giraffoids exhibit a higher headgear diversity than other ruminants and that living in specific ecological niches may have fostered various intraspecific combat behaviors that resulted in extreme head-neck morphologies in different giraffoid lineages.Patients with advanced cancer generate 4 million visits annually to emergency departments (EDs) and other dedicated, high-acuity oncology urgent care centers. Because of both the increasing complexity of systemic treatments overall and the higher rates of active therapy in the geriatric population, many patients experiencing acute decompensations are frail and acutely ill. This article comprehensively reviews the spectrum of oncologic emergencies and urgencies typically encountered in acute care settings. Presentation, underlying etiology, and up-to-date clinical pathways are discussed. Criteria for either a safe discharge to home or a transition of care to the inpatient oncology hospitalist team are emphasized. This review extends beyond familiar conditions such as febrile neutropenia, hypercalcemia, tumor lysis syndrome, malignant spinal cord compression, mechanical bowel obstruction, and breakthrough pain crises to include a broader spectrum of topics encompassing the syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion, venous thromboembolism and malignant effusions, as well as chemotherapy-induced mucositis, cardiomyopathy, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

Autoři článku: Emborgmorsing9108 (Hanna Rosendahl)