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A Stand Alone Fireplace Electric Can Give Your Room a Traditional Look

This electric fireplace is constructed in a traditional style and can heat up to 1,000 square feet rooms. It comes with a remote control and five brightness levels. It is CSA certified and has overload and overheat protection.

It uses radiant or infrared heating to heat people and objects instead of circulating heated air. Its simple controls and two heating settings are attractive.


Many models of a stand alone fireplace electric are designed to be hung on the wall using mounting brackets. This can be a good option if there is not enough space in the fireplace area for an open fire or if other obstructions such as windows, built-in bookshelves, or cabinets prevent you from erecting the standard fireplace on a flat wall. Some models can also be built into the wall. This is a great option if you're trying to give your space an older-style look. To ensure safety, the fireplace needs to be at least three feet away from the combustible materials.

Be sure to read all instructions provided by the manufacturer prior to hanging your fireplace. If possible, place it near an electrical outlet on a flat surface. The brackets should be secured to the wall. Make use of a spirit level gauge to ensure that the wall is level and straight before screwing in the bottom brackets.

After the fireplace has been mounted, attach the glass cover to the front of the fireplace. If you bought a model that has stones for flame and ember effects follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer. Connect the power cord to the outlet on your electrical circuit, and then plug in your fireplace.

If you chose to hardwire your fireplace make sure you shut off the circuit breaker to your house before beginning work. Allow up to four feet of service cable to connect from the outlet to the junction box in the fireplace insert. If you are not sure about this, consider hiring an electrician.

Then, follow the manual that came with your fireplace to connect it and then install it on the wall. Certain models require additional hardware, such as an extension cable to connect to the power outlet. Some may even need an additional electrician to assist with this task, based on the type of fireplace you own. After you've connected everything and turned it on, you are now able to enjoy your new fireplace.


Electric fireplaces have a variety of safety features built into their design. For instance, many of them come with an alarm clock that can be set to turn off the fireplace after a predetermined period of time. This feature is particularly beneficial for people who have children or pets at home and don't want to be worried about that they might accidentally start the fireplace. Some of these fireplaces come with an remote that makes it simple to adjust the settings from a couch or chair.

They are safer than traditional wood-burning fire places, but they require some care and upkeep to ensure your family's safety. To decrease the risk of a fire, it's important to keep combustibles off from the fireplace. It's also essential to ensure that the vents are in good working order to allow for the proper flow of hot and cool air throughout your home. It is also recommended to inspect your fireplace regularly by a professional to ensure that any issues can be addressed before they become dangerous.

A surge protector may also be used to increase the safety and reliability of your electric fire. These devices are designed to protect your appliance from surges in the electricity and can aid in preventing injuries or property damage from occurring. These devices are sold in most hardware stores, and they cost very little. They are an excellent investment to ensure the safety of your home.

In addition to keeping combustible materials away from your fireplace, it's important to keep all electrical appliances including the fireplace away from liquids and water. This will help prevent any accidents or injuries like electrocution, which can be caused by liquids being sprinkled on them. Also, make sure to keep electrical cords out of the way and out of the way to avoid the risk of tripping. It's also a good idea always to turn off the fireplace before you leave the house or go to bed. This will save you money on energy bills and avoid accidental fires when you're away.

Easy of Use

Electric fireplaces are more versatile than gas fireplaces. Gas fireplaces require ventilation systems and chimneys. Electric fireplaces can be put in any location. They are perfect for rooms that do not have a fireplace and work as well in modern homes as they do in older traditional ones.

The flexibility of an electric fireplace allows you to adjust its settings. This can be done with a simple remote or the display's touch screen. This allows you to customize the flame's temperature, temperature, and the brightness of the ember to your preference. Some models also come with features such as crackling sounds or fake smoke to enhance the appearance of the fire and make it look more realistic.

Another advantage of electric fireplaces is that they generally require less maintenance than other fireplace options. While inspections, cleaning, and repairs might still be required however, they are usually done in a shorter time than when using a gas or wood unit. They can be used in any part of the home, including bedrooms, bathrooms and kitchens as they require only an electrical outlet.

You can pick between freestanding or wall-mounted electric fireplaces. Wall-mounted electric fireplaces can be positioned either above or below the mantel. They are typically smaller and appear more like an actual TV than a traditional fireplace. Freestanding models are generally larger and some even look like a real fireplace that has a mantel.

The selection of an electric fireplace is also dependent on whether it will be used to provide heat or a decorative piece. While most models are designed to heat the entire space but there are some that can be used without producing any warmth, which is ideal for those who just want the ambiance of a fireplace.

If you decide to buy an item designed to heat your space ensure that you purchase the maximum amount of BTUs (British thermal units) it can generate. This is the amount of heat it will produce and should be sufficient to maintain the space at the desired temperature. Look for features such as the ability to control a timer with a remote that will turn off the device automatically after a predetermined amount of time or the sleep mode that will turn it off at a specific time.

Energy Efficiency

Energy efficiency is how much electricity an appliance uses versus how much heat it generates. It also indicates how much electricity is lost during the process.

Electric fireplaces are more efficient the more energy they consume. This is because they're more efficient at turning electricity into heat.

The most efficient electric fireplaces have 75 to 90% thermal efficiency meaning that for every 100 BTUs the fireplace produces between 75 and 99 BTUs are used to heat your home. This is a lot more efficient than gas fire places which have the lowest thermal efficiency of only 80%.

Check for the ENERGY STAR logo to ensure you have a fireplace that is energy efficient. This signifies that the fireplace is in compliance with strict efficiency standards set by the U.S. Government. It is a good idea to test a variety of models and brands prior to making your final decision. You can also add an adjustable thermometer to your home to regulate temperature and save money.

If you're in the market for an electric fireplace you'll find a wide range of designs, including freestanding and wall-mounted options. slim electric fire freestanding www.fireplacesandstove.com come with remote controls, while others can be controlled using smartphones. You can also pick from a range of flame settings and levels. You may want to consider a low-heat option, or a setting that can be used without the heater.

This freestanding model has an elegant style that is well-integrated with any decor, and it's extremely simple to use. You can adjust both the flame's height and temperature, and dim the flames to produce an inviting glow. It's CSA-certified to ensure safety and comes with overheat protection, which means it will shut off automatically if it becomes too hot. Additionally, it's an excellent value at just over $200. However, it didn't feel more warm than some of the other electric fireplaces we tested and it isn't able to be used with the fireback.

Autoři článku: Ellisonharmon6079 (Jorgensen Melchiorsen)