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Background Telemedicine usage in orthopedic surgery has seen a dramatic increase as a result of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 pandemic. The purpose of this study was to examine patient perceptions with telemedicine at a large orthopedic practice. Materials and Methods An anonymous online survey was distributed to all patients who received a telemedicine health visit at our institution for musculoskeletal complaints from March 17 to June 1, 2020. Responses were scored on a 5-point Likert scale (strongly disagree, disagree, neutral, agree, and strongly agree, 1-5) and analyzed by average score and percent reaching top box. Results A majority of patients (76.5%) were satisfied with their visit, and only 19.2% did not want telemedicine as a future option. Patients who presented for follow-up visits (4.11 vs. 3.94, p = 0.0053; 48% vs. 41%, p = 0.02) and utilized video (4.21 vs. 3.88, p 65 years) and younger patients was similar (4.06 vs. 4.06, p = 0.97), however, younger patients were more likely to reach top box (42% vs. 51%, p less then 0.001). Confidence that the physician came to the correct diagnosis (r = 0.78, p less then 0.001) and receiving the same information and care as an in-office visit (r = 0.60, p less then 0.001) demonstrated the strongest correlation with satisfaction and desire for future telemedicine visits, respectively. Interestingly, 31.1% of patients would have sought treatment elsewhere had telemedicine not been an option. Conclusions Overall, satisfaction rates are high for orthopedic patients undergoing telemedicine visits. Patients are more confident in telemedicine when presenting for a follow-up visit and with the use of video.

Patients affected by moderate to severe hallux rigidus may opt for interposition arthroplasty to avoid the movement restrictions of arthrodesis and the complications related to prosthetic replacement. The propose of this article was to review the current literature about interposition arthroplasty to examine the overall outcomes and to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of different types of technique, compared with more consolidated procedures.

A literature PubMed search was performed. Studies reporting the results of interposition arthroplasty in moderate to severe hallux rigidus were included. The data were pooled and weighted for number of patients in every study.

The overall results for interposition arthroplasties are comparable to other alternatives for end-stage hallux rigidus, providing better plantar load distribution than arthrodesis and avoiding the drawbacks of prosthetic replacement. Among the various interposition arthroplasty techniques, the Modified Oblique Keller Capsular Interposition Arthroplasty technique preserves toe length and flexor hallucis brevis function, showing the highest satisfaction rate, with lowest metatarsalgia and revision rate.

Although long-term randomized controlled trials are lacking for interposition arthroplasty, it represents a valid alternative for the treatment of end-stage hallux rigidus also in the young active patient who wants to avoid a definitive intervention immediately.

III (systematic review of level III-IV-V studies).

III (systematic review of level III-IV-V studies).Bacillus velezensis is considered as a model species belonging to the so-called Bacillus subtilis complex that evolved typically to dwell in the soil rhizosphere niche and establish an intimate association with plant roots. This bacterium provides protection to its natural host against diseases and represents one of the most promising biocontrol agents. However, the molecular basis of the cross talk that this bacterium establishes with its natural host has been poorly investigated. We show here that these plant-associated bacteria have evolved a polymer-sensing system to perceive their host and that, in response, they increase the production of the surfactin-type lipopeptide. Furthermore, we demonstrate that surfactin synthesis is favored upon growth on root exudates and that this lipopeptide is a key component used by the bacterium to optimize biofilm formation, motility, and early root colonization. In this specific nutritional context, the bacterium also modulates qualitatively the pattern of surfactin homsustain a mutualistic interaction.Gametocytes of the malaria parasite Plasmodium are taken up by the mosquito vector with an infectious blood meal, representing a critical stage for parasite transmission. Calcium-independent protein kinases (CDPKs) play key roles in calcium-mediated signaling across the complex life cycle of the parasite. We sought to understand their role in human parasite transmission from the host to the mosquito vector and thus investigated the role of the human-infective parasite Plasmodium falciparum CDPK4 in the parasite life cycle. P. falciparum cdpk4- parasites created by targeted gene deletion showed no effect in blood stage development or gametocyte development. However, cdpk4- parasites showed a severe defect in male gametogenesis and the emergence of flagellated male gametes. To understand the molecular underpinnings of this defect, we performed mass spectrometry-based phosphoproteomic analyses of wild-type and Plasmodium falciparum cdpk4- late gametocyte stages to identify key CDPK4-mediated phosphorylation evenve malaria transmission-blocking strategies.Cryptococcus neoformans is a major human central nervous system (CNS) fungal pathogen causing considerable morbidity and mortality. In this study, we provide the widest view to date of the yeast transcriptome directly from the human subarachnoid space and within cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). We captured yeast transcriptomes from C. neoformans of various genotypes in 31 patients with cryptococcal meningoencephalitis as well as several Cryptococcus gattii infections. Using transcriptome sequencing (RNA-seq) analyses, we compared the in vivo yeast transcriptomes to those from other environmental conditions, including in vitro growth on nutritious media or artificial CSF as well as samples collected from rabbit CSF at two time points. We ranked gene expressions and identified genetic patterns and networks across these diverse isolates that reveal an emphasis on carbon metabolism, fatty acid synthesis, transport, cell wall structure, and stress-related gene functions during growth in CSF. The most highly expressed yeection. By comparing the RNA transcript levels with other conditions, we gained insights into how the basic machinery involved in metabolism and environmental responses enable this fungus to cause disease at this body site. This approach was applied to clinical isolates with diverse genotypes to begin to establish a genotype-agnostic understanding of how the yeast responds to stress. Based on these results, future studies can focus on how these genes and their pathways and networks can be targeted with new therapeutics and possibly classify yeasts with bad infection outcomes.Outbreaks of emerging viral pathogens like severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) are a major medical challenge. There is a pressing need for antivirals that can be rapidly deployed to curb infection and dissemination. We determined the efficacy of interferon lambda-1 (IFN-λ) as a broad-spectrum antiviral agent to inhibit SARS-CoV-2 infection and reduce pathology in a mouse model of disease. IFN-λ significantly limited SARS-CoV-2 production in primary human bronchial epithelial cells in culture. Pretreatment of human lung cells with IFN-λ completely blocked infectious virus production, and treatment with IFN-λ at the time of infection inhibited virus production more than 10-fold. To interrogate the protective effects of IFN-λ in response to SARS-CoV-2 infection, transgenic mice expressing the human angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE-2) were tested. One dose of IFN-λ administered intranasally was found to reduce animal morbidity and mortality. Our study with SARS-CoV-2 also revealed a spatients manifest more severe symptoms and mortality. Understanding this sex bias is critical for considering therapeutic approaches to COVID-19.Trypanosoma cruzi, the agent of Chagas disease, accumulates polyphosphate (polyP) and Ca2+ inside acidocalcisomes. The alkalinization of this organelle stimulates polyP hydrolysis and Ca2+ release. Here, we report that histidine ammonia lyase (HAL), an enzyme that catalyzes histidine deamination with production of ammonia (NH3) and urocanate, is responsible for acidocalcisome alkalinization. Histidine addition to live parasites expressing HAL fused to the pH-sensitive emission biosensor green fluorescent protein (GFP) variant pHluorin induced alkalinization of acidocalcisomes. PolyP decreased HAL activity of epimastigote lysates or the recombinant protein but did not cause its polyphosphorylation, as determined by the lack of HAL electrophoretic shift on NuPAGE gels using both in vitro and in vivo conditions. We demonstrate that HAL binds strongly to polyP and localizes to the acidocalcisomes and cytosol of the parasite. Four lysine residues localized in the HAL C-terminal region are instrumental for its polyP binding, its inhibition by polyP, its function inside acidocalcisomes, and parasite survival under starvation conditions. Expression of HAL in yeast deficient in polyP degradation decreased cell fitness. This effect was enhanced by histidine and decreased when the lysine-rich C-terminal region was deleted. In conclusion, this study highlights a mechanism for stimulation of acidocalcisome alkalinization linked to amino acid metabolism. IMPORTANCE Trypanosoma cruzi is the etiologic agent of Chagas disease and is characterized by the presence of acidocalcisomes, organelles rich in phosphate and calcium. Release of these molecules, which are necessary for growth and cell signaling, is induced by alkalinization, but a physiological mechanism for acidocalcisome alkalinization was unknown. In this work, we demonstrate that a histidine ammonia lyase localizes to acidocalcisomes and is responsible for their alkalinization.There are large gaps in understanding the molecular machinery accounting for the association of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection with autoimmunity. Mixed cryoglobulinemia (MC) is the most common HCV-associated extrahepatic manifestation, which is characterized by B-cell lymphoproliferation and autoantibody production. B-cell activating factor (BAFF) is a member of the tumor necrosis factor family and plays an important role in B-cell proliferation. We explored the roles of hepatocyte-derived exosomal microRNAs (exo-miRNAs) and BAFF in the extrahepatic diseases of HCV infection. The exo-miRNA profiles were explored using a next-generation sequencing approach, followed by quantitative reverse transcription-PCR validation. The Toll-like receptor 7 (TLR7) polymorphism were analyzed using quantitative PCR. The biological function of exo-miRNAs and TLR7 polymorphism in BAFF expression was evaluated by using immunoblotting and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Significantly increased levels of BAFF, exosomes, and disorders such as MC. Approximately half of the patients infected with HCV develop MC, but the real reason and regulatory mechanism is still uncertain. Here, we demonstrate a novel relationship between HCV-infected hepatocyte-derived exo-miRNAs, host genetic background in TLR7, and BAFF expression. We validate that HCV-induced GU-enriched miRNAs (e.g., miR-122, let-7b, and miR-206) upregulated BAFF expression through exosome transmission and TLR7 activation. This mechanism of miRNAs action is implicated in HCV-infected hepatocyte-immune system communication and is important in extrahepatic manifestation development, thus representing a possible target for HCV infection and extrahepatic diseases treatment. In addition, we show that a functional polymorphism in TLR7 is a potential predisposing factor of MC development. Our results elucidate the molecular machinery in order to better understand the association of HCV infection with autoimmunity.

Autoři článku: Eatonsparks7188 (Otte Irwin)