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Recent studies suggest that microglia contribute to tau pathology progression in Alzheimer's disease. Amyloid plaque accumulation transforms microglia, the primary innate immune cells in the brain, into neurodegenerative microglia (MGnD), which exhibit enhanced phagocytosis of plaques, apoptotic neurons and dystrophic neurites containing aggregated and phosphorylated tau (p-tau). It remains unclear how microglia promote disease progression while actively phagocytosing pathological proteins, therefore ameliorating pathology.

Adeno-associated virus expressing P301L tau mutant (AAV-P301L-tau) was stereotaxically injected into the medial entorhinal cortex (MEC) in C57BL/6 (WT) and humanized APP mutant knock-in homozygote (App

) mice at 5 months of age. Mice were fed either chow containing a colony stimulating factor-1 receptor inhibitor (PLX5622) or control chow from 4 to 6 months of age to test the effect of microglia depletion. Animals were tested at 6 months of age for immunofluorescence, biochemistry, anlia compared to Mac2

homeostatic microglia. Finally, consecutive intracortical injection of mE-CD9 lentivirus and AAV-P301L-tau into App

mice revealed encapsulation of p-tau in microglia-specific mE-CD9

EVs as determined by super-resolution microscopy and immuno-electron microscopy.

Our findings suggest that MGnD microglia hyper-secrete p-tau

EVs while compacting Aβ plaques and clearing NP tau, which we propose as a novel mechanistic link between amyloid plaque deposition and exacerbation of tau propagation in App


Our findings suggest that MGnD microglia hyper-secrete p-tau+ EVs while compacting Aβ plaques and clearing NP tau, which we propose as a novel mechanistic link between amyloid plaque deposition and exacerbation of tau propagation in AppNL-G-F mice.

Efforts are underway to develop an easy-to-use contraceptive microarray patch (MAP) that could expand the range of self-administrable methods. This paper presents results from a discrete choice experiment (DCE) designed to support optimal product design.

We conducted a DCE survey of users and non-users of contraception in New Delhi, India (496 women) and Ibadan, Nigeria (two versions with 530 and 416 women, respectively) to assess stated preferences for up to six potential product attributes effect on menstruation, duration of effectiveness, application pain, location, rash after application, and patch size. Bioactive Compound Library solubility dmso We estimated Hierarchical Bayes coefficients (utilities) for each attribute level and ran simulations comparing women's preferences for hypothetical MAPs with varying attribute combinations.

The most important attributes of the MAP were potential for menstrual side effects (55% of preferences in India and 42% in Nigeria) and duration (13% of preferences in India and 24% in Nigeria). Women preferred a regular period over an irregular or no period, and a six-month duration to three or one month. Simulations show that the most ideal design would be a small patch, providing 6months of protection, that would involve no pain on administration, result in a one-day rash, and be applied to the foot.

To the extent possible, MAP developers should consider method designs and formulations that limit menstrual side effects and provide more than one month of protection.

To the extent possible, MAP developers should consider method designs and formulations that limit menstrual side effects and provide more than one month of protection.

To explore whether a highly refined dose volume histograms (DVH) prediction model can improve the accuracy and reliability of knowledge-based volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT) planning for cervical cancer.

The proposed model underwent repeated refining through progressive training until the training samples increased from initial 25 prior plans up to 100 cases. The estimated DVHs derived from the prediction models of different runs of training were compared in 35 new cervical cancer patients to analyze the effect of such an interactive plan and model evolution method. The reliability and efficiency of knowledge-based planning (KBP) using this highly refined model in improving the consistency and quality of the VMAT plans were also evaluated.

The prediction ability was reinforced with the increased number of refinements in terms of normal tissue sparing. With enhanced prediction accuracy, more than 60% of automatic plan-6 (AP-6) plans (22/35) can be directly approved for clinical treatment without any manual revision. The plan quality scores for clinically approved plans (CPs) and manual plans (MPs) were on average 89.02 ± 4.83 and 86.48 ± 3.92 (p < 0.001). Knowledge-based planning significantly reduced the D

and V

for kidney (L/R), the D

, V

, and V

for bladder, rectum, and femoral head (L/R).

The proposed model evolution method provides a practical way for the KBP to enhance its prediction ability with minimal human intervene. This highly refined prediction model can better guide KBP in improving the consistency and quality of the VMAT plans.

The proposed model evolution method provides a practical way for the KBP to enhance its prediction ability with minimal human intervene. This highly refined prediction model can better guide KBP in improving the consistency and quality of the VMAT plans.

Upright standing requires control of an inherently unstable multi-joint human body within a small base of support, despite biological motor and / or sensory noise which challenge balance. Without applying perturbations, system identification methods have been regarded as inadequate, because the relevant internal biological noise processes are not accessible to direct measurement. As a result, unperturbed balance studies have been limited to investigation of behavioral patterns rather than possible underlying control strategies.

In this paper, we present a mathemathically rigorous system identification method that is applicable to study the dynamics and control of unperturbed balance. The method is derived from autocorrelation matrices with non-zero time lags and identifies the system matrix of a discrete-time dynamic system in the presence of unknown noise processes, without requiring any information about the strength of the noise.

Unlike reasonable 'least-squares' approaches, the performance of the new method is consistent across a range of different combinations of internal and measurement noise strengths, even when measurement noise is substantial.

Autoři článku: Dyercopeland4124 (Benton Prince)