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While non-watery liquids penetrate the pores by capillary suction, water diffuses also into the stiff protein matrix, inducing swelling and softening. Consequently, the water-filled soft sponge can be emptied by compression and re-absorbs any wetting liquid into the free capillary space.We developed and implemented an objective toxicity scoring system to be used during endoscopic evaluation of the upper gastrointestinal (GI) tract in order to directly assess changes in toxicity during the radiation treatment of pancreatic cancer. We assessed and validated the upper GI toxicity of 19 locally advanced pancreatic cancer trial patients undergoing stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT). Wilcoxon-signed rank tests were used to compare pre- and post-SBRT scores. Comparison of the toxicity scores measured before and after SBRT revealed a mild increase in toxicity in the stomach and duodenum (p less then 0.005), with no cases of severe toxicity observed. Kappa and AC1 statistics analysis were used to evaluate interobserver agreement. Our toxicity scoring system was reliable in determining GI toxicity with a good overall interobserver agreement for pre-treatment scores (stomach, κ = 0.71, p less then 0.005; duodenum, κ = 0.88, p less then 0.005) and post-treatment scores (stomach, κ = 0.71, p less then 0.005; duodenum, κ = 0.76, p less then 0.005). The AC1 statistics yielded similar results. With future usage, we hope this scoring system will be a useful tool for objectively and reliably assessing changes in GI toxicity during the treatment of pancreatic cancer and for GI toxicity assessments and comparisons during radiation therapy research trials.Males have evolved species-specifical sperm morphology and swimming patterns to adapt to different fertilization environments. In eutherians, only a small fraction of the sperm overcome the diverse obstacles in the female reproductive tract and successfully migrate to the fertilizing site. Sperm arriving at the fertilizing site show hyperactivated motility, a unique motility pattern displaying asymmetric beating of sperm flagella with increased amplitude. This motility change is triggered by Ca2+ influx through the sperm-specific ion channel, CatSper. However, the current understanding of the CatSper function and its molecular regulation is limited in eutherians. Here, we report molecular evolution and conservation of the CatSper channel in the genome throughout eutherians and marsupials. Sequence analyses reveal that CatSper proteins are slowly evolved in marsupials. Using an American marsupial, gray short-tailed opossum (Monodelphis domestica), we demonstrate the expression of CatSper in testes and its function in hyperactivation and unpairing of sperm. We demonstrate that a conserved IQ-like motif in CatSperζ is required for CatSperζ interaction with the pH-tuned Ca2+ sensor, EFCAB9, for regulating CatSper activity. Recombinant opossum EFCAB9 can interact with mouse CatSperζ despite high sequence divergence of CatSperζ among CatSper subunits in therians. Our finding suggests that molecular characteristics and functions of CatSper are evolutionarily conserved in gray short-tailed opossum, unraveling the significance of sperm hyperactivation and fertilization in marsupials for the first time.The emergence of excessive free radicals leads to the destruction of various systems within the body. These free radicals also affect nutritional values, color, taste, and emit an odor akin to rancid food. Most food industries use synthetic antioxidants, such as BHT (butylated hydroxytoluene) or BHA (butylated hydroxy anisole). However, high doses of these can be harmful to our health. Therefore, an antioxidant compounds, such as bioactive peptides from edible animals or plants, have emerged to be a very promising alternative as they reduce potential side effects. This study focused on the purification and identification of antioxidant peptides from protein hydrolysates of wild silkworm pupae (Samia ricini). Antioxidant peptides were purified from the hydrolysate by ultrafiltration and RP-HPLC. The results showed that protein hydrolysate from S. ricini pupae by trypsin with a molecular weight lower than 3 kDa and highly hydrophobic property, exhibited strong DPPH radical scavenging activity and chelating activity. Further identification of peptides from the fraction with the highest antioxidant activity was carried out using LC-MS/MS. Three novel peptides, i.e., Met-Ley-Ile-Ile-Ile-Met-Arg, Leu-Asn-Lys-Asp-Leu-Met-Arg, and Glu-Asn-Ile-Ile-Leu-Phe-Arg, were identified. The results of this study indicated that the protein hydrolysate from S. ricini pupae possessed potent biological activity, and the novel antioxidant peptides could be utilized to develop health-related antioxidants in food industry.Celebrating the "25th Anniversary of Molecules" with a Special Issue dedicated to "Recent Advances in Inorganic Chemistry" strengthens the renewed role that inorganic chemistry, one of the oldest chemistry divisions, has lately earned thanks to cutting-edge perspectives and interdisciplinary applications, eventually receiving the veneration and respect which its age might require [...].

The perpetrators of intimate partner violence (IPV) and their victims have different emotional states. Abusers typically have problems associated with low self-esteem, low self-awareness, violence, anger, and communication, whereas victims experience mental distress and physical pain. The emotions surrounding IPV for both abuser and victim are key influences on their behavior and their relationship.

The objective of this pilot study was to examine emotional and psychological interactions between IPV abusers and victims using quantified electroencephalogram (QEEG). Two abuser-victim case couples and one non-abusive control couple were recruited from the Mental Image Recovery Program for domestic violence victims in Seoul, South Korea, from 7-30 June 2017. Data collection and analysis were conducted using BrainMaster and NeuroGuide. The emotional pattern characteristics between abuser and victim were examined and compared to those of the non-abusive couple.

Emotional states and reaction patterns were different for the non-abusive and IPV couples. Strong delta, theta, and beta waves in the right frontal and left prefrontal lobes were observed in IPV case subjects. This indicated emotional conflict, anger, and a communication block or impaired communication between abuser and victim.

Our study findings suggest brainwave control training via neurofeedback could be a possible therapy in managing emotional and communication problems related to IPV.

Our study findings suggest brainwave control training via neurofeedback could be a possible therapy in managing emotional and communication problems related to IPV."Pimentón de La Vera" smoked paprika is a traditional kind of smoked paprika, the production of which is regulated by a protected designation of origin. The traditional drying/smoking process provides the "Pimentón de La Vera" smoked paprika with a peculiar flavour which has gained acceptance in multiple markets. selleck kinase inhibitor However, this process also gives rise to non-desirable substances, such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). This paper attempts to ascertain the consumption levels of smoked paprika per person in Spain in order to establish the intake of PAHs derived from this food spice. With this purpose in mind, a research study was carried out using questionnaires in three different smoked paprika consumption scenarios food companies, households and restaurants. The results from this research proved that the average consumption of smoked paprika per person per year in Spain is 139 g. Overall, the intake of PAHs derived from smoked paprika was proven to represent a negligible fraction of the total intake, with this ingredient being far behind the PAH contribution represented by other food products. These results could help consolidate the smoked paprika production sector by providing evidence of the scarce contribution of smoked paprika to PAH intake and justifying the traditional production with smoke drying, which is the differentiating quality trait of this spice.Validation studies of questionnaires used to assess physical activity (PA) and sedentary behavior (SB) in stroke survivors are scarce. This cross-sectional study aimed to examine the validity of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire long-form (IPAQ-LF) in community living adults with post-stroke sequelae (≥6 months) and preserved ambulation. Participants' functional mobility, lower limb strength, ambulatory level, stroke severity, and disability were assessed. An accelerometer (ActiGraph GT3X+) was worn for ≥7 consecutive days. Subsequently, the IPAQ-LF was interview-administered. Fifty-six participants (58.1 ± 11.1 years, 66.1% male) were included. A strong correlation between the two methods was found for total PA time (ρ = 0.55, p less then 0.001). According to the Bland-Altman analyses, over-reporting moderate-to-vigorous PA and under-reporting total PA in the IPAQ-LF were found in those participants with higher PA levels. Both methods measured sedentary time similarly, though random error was observed between them. Moderate-strong correlations were found between the IPAQ-LF and physical function (ρ = 0.29-0.60, p less then 0.05). In conclusion, in people with chronic stroke, the IPAQ-LF presented acceptable levels of validity for estimating total PA time in those who are insufficiently active. Therefore, it could be a useful tool to screen for inactive individuals with chronic stroke who can benefit from PA interventions addressed to implement healthier lifestyles.Flower visiting stingless bees store collected pollen and nectar for times of scarcity. This stored food is of high value for the colony and should be protected against con- and heterospecifics that might rob them. There should be high selective pressure on the evolution of mechanisms to discriminate nestmates from non-nestmates and to defend the nest, i.e., resources against intruders. Multimodal communication systems, i.e., a communication system that includes more than one sensory modality and provide redundant information, should be more reliable than unimodal systems. Besides olfactory signals, vibrational signals could be used to alert nestmates. This study tests the hypothesis that the vibrational communication mode plays a role in nest defense and nestmate recognition of Axestotrigona ferruginea. Substrate vibrations induced by bees were measured at different positions of the nest. The experiments show that guarding vibrations produced in the entrance differ in their temporal structure from foraging vibrations produced inside the nest. We show that guarding vibrations are produced during non-nestmate encounters rather than nestmate encounters. This further supports the idea that guarding vibrations are a component of nest defense and alarm communication. We discuss to whom the vibrations are addressed, and what their message and meaning are.Structures located on the coast are subjected to the long-term influence of chloride ions, which cause the corrosion of steel reinforcements in concrete elements. This corrosion severely affects the performance of the elements and may shorten the lifespan of an entire structure. Even though experimental activities in laboratories might be a solution, they may also be problematic due to time and costs. Thus, the application of individual machine learning (ML) techniques has been investigated to predict surface chloride concentrations (Cc) in marine structures. For this purpose, the values of Cc in tidal, splash, and submerged zones were collected from an extensive literature survey and incorporated into the article. Gene expression programming (GEP), the decision tree (DT), and an artificial neural network (ANN) were used to predict the surface chloride concentrations, and the most accurate algorithm was then selected. The GEP model was the most accurate when compared to ANN and DT, which was confirmed by the high accuracy level of the K-fold cross-validation and linear correlation coefficient (R2), mean absolute error (MAE), mean square error (MSE), and root mean square error (RMSE) parameters.

Autoři článku: Dunnhauser2904 (Feddersen Smith)