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Copyright © 2020 Roggeman S et al.Astrocytes are the most abundant cell type in the central nervous system and have diverse functions in blood-brain barrier maintenance, neural circuitry formation and function, and metabolic regulation. To better understand the diverse roles of astrocytes, we will summarize what is known about astrocyte development and the challenges limiting our understanding of this process. We will also discuss new approaches and technologies advancing the field. Copyright © 2020 Akdemir ES et al.Social anxiety disorder (SAD) is serious psychiatric condition with a genetic background. Insight into the neurobiological alterations underlying the disorder is essential to develop effective interventions that could relieve SAD-related suffering. In this expert review, we consider recent neuroimaging work on SAD. First, we focus on new results from magnetic resonance imaging studies dedicated to outlining biomarkers of SAD, including encouraging findings with respect to structural and functional brain alterations associated with the disorder. Furthermore, we highlight innovative studies in the field of neuroprediction and studies that established the effects of treatment on brain characteristics. Next, we describe novel work aimed to delineate endophenotypes of SAD, providing insight into the genetic susceptibility to develop the disorder. Finally, we outline outstanding questions and point out directions for future research. Copyright © 2020 Bas-Hoogendam JM and Westenberg PM.Ventilation-induced lung injury results from mechanical stress and strain that occur during tidal ventilation in the susceptible lung. Classical descriptions of ventilation-induced lung injury have focused on harm from positive pressure ventilation. However, injurious forces also can be generated by patient effort and patient-ventilator interactions. While the role of global mechanics has long been recognized, regional mechanical heterogeneity within the lungs also appears to be an important factor propagating clinically significant lung injury. The resulting clinical phenotype includes worsening lung injury and a systemic inflammatory response that drives extrapulmonary organ failures. Bedside recognition of ventilation-induced lung injury requires a high degree of clinical acuity given its indistinct presentation and lack of definitive diagnostics. Yet the clinical importance of ventilation-induced lung injury is clear. Preventing such biophysical injury remains the most effective management strategy to decrease morbidity and mortality in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome and likely benefits others at risk. Copyright © 2020 Madahar P and Beitler JR.Antenatal corticosteroids are an essential component in the management of women at risk for preterm labour. They promote lung maturation and reduce the risk of other preterm neonatal complications. This narrative review discusses the contentious issues and controversies around the optimal use of antenatal corticosteroids and their consequences for both the mother and the neonate. The most recent evidence base is presented. Copyright © 2020 Wynne K et al.A 16-year-old female with a history of left recurrent patellar dislocation underwent medial patellofemoral ligament (MPFL) reconstruction surgery. Two months postoperatively, the patient presented with medial patellar pain. Left medial plica syndrome was suspected, and we performed a partial arthroscopic resection of the medial synovial plica. The symptom gradually improved after surgery. To the best of our knowledge, there are no reports that discuss the relationship between postoperative pain of MPFL reconstruction and synovial plica as found in this case report. Surgeons should be aware of the possibility that asymptomatic synovial plica could become symptomatic. Published by Oxford University Press and JSCR Publishing Ltd. OSI-774 purchase All rights reserved. © The Author(s) 2020.The prevalence of abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA) in the nonagenarian and centenarian populations is set to increase. Endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) has been shown to be achievable with excellent outcomes in carefully selected nonagenarians. However, experience with centenarians is limited. We report the case of a 100-year-old who presented with a tender 8-cm AAA and successfully underwent EVAR. This report describes the second case of AAA repair in a centenarian in the literature and the first reported EVAR in this demographic. The patient survived for 2 years after the procedure, was free of EVAR or aneurysm-related complications. Furthermore, we present a systematic review of the existing literature and insights pertaining to outcomes in nonagenarians undergoing EVAR. Published by Oxford University Press and JSCR Publishing Ltd. © The Author(s) 2020.Implantation of an intrauterine device (IUD) is a common method for long-term contraception. However, IUDs can cause colon perforation and fistula formation. We report a case of cecal perforation and ileocecal fistula secondary to IUD migration. The present study investigated incidental identification of a missing IUD after 9 years of deployment in a 35-year-old female with a three-year history of infertility. Abdominal imaging revealed a missing IUD. Intracecal perforation and ileocecal fistula consequent of IUD migration were identified during surgical exploration. Limited ileocecal resection was performed as an appropriate and safe surgical option. IUD migration can present with serious complications. Patients considering IUDs should be educated about the importance of regular check-ups to monitor the position of the IUD. Thorough examination should be carried out if a missing IUD string is reported. Published by Oxford University Press and JSCR Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved. © The Author(s) 2020.Testicular germ cell tumours (TGCTs) are relatively rare overall and are mainly encountered in young adults and teenagers. The 'burned-out' phenomenon refers to the spontaneous regression of the primary testicular lesion, generally with the presence of a metastatic germ cell tumour. link2 Regressed tumours with retroperitoneal metastasis, as the first manifestation, represent difficult cases prone to misdiagnosis. link3 Burned-out TGCT is a rare but well-recognized entity, with defined clinical features and diagnostic criteria; however, its etiopathogenesis is still not well defined. Published by Oxford University Press and JSCR Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved. © The Author(s) 2020.Objective 5- (5 times oral levodopa tablet taken/day) 2- (2 hours of OFF time/day) 1- (1 hour/day of troublesome dyskinesia) criteria have been proposed by a Delphi expert consensus panel for diagnosing advanced Parkinson's disease (PD). The aim of the present study is to compare quality of life (QoL) in PD patients with "5-2-1 positive criteria" vs QoL in PD patients without "5-2-1 positive criteria" (defined as meeting ≥1 of the criteria). Methods This is a cross-sectional, observational, monocenter study. Three different instruments were used to assess QoL the 39-Item Parkinson's Disease Quality of Life Questionnaire Summary Index Score (PDQ-39SI); a subjective rating of perceived QoL (PQ-10); and the EUROHIS-QOL 8-Item Index (EUROHIS-QOL8). Results From a cohort of 102 PD patients (65.4 ± 8.2 years old, 53.9% males; disease duration 4.7 ± 4.5 years), 20 (19.6%) presented positive 5-2-1 criteria 6.9% for 5, 17.6% for 2, and 4.9% for 1. 37.5% (12/32) and 25% (5/20) of patients with motor complications and dir caregivers are more affected as a whole. These criteria could be useful for identifying patients in which it is necessary to optimize Parkinson's treatment. Copyright © 2020 D. Santos-García et al.Parkinson's disease (PD) is the second most common progressive neurodegenerative disorder mainly in middle-elderly population, which represents diverse nonmotor symptoms (NMS) besides such well-documented motor symptoms as bradykinesia, resting tremor, rigidity, and postural instability. With the advancement of aging trend worldwide, the global prevalence of PD is mounting up year after year. Nowadays, accumulating lines of studies have given a comprehensive and thorough coverage of motor symptoms in PD. Yet much less attention as compared has been paid to the nonmotor symptoms of PD, such as cognition deficits. Of note, a patient with PD who suffers from cognitive impairment may harbour a statistically significantly higher risk of progressing toward dementia, which negatively affects their life expectancy and daily functioning and overall lowers the global quality of life. Furthermore, it is a widely held view that cognitive dysfunction does not just occur in the late stage of PD. On the basis of numerous studies, mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is a harbinger of dementia in PD, which is observed as an intermediate state with considerable variability; some patients remain stable and some even revert to normal cognition. Considered that the timing, profile, and rate of cognitive impairment vary greatly among PD individuals, it is extremely urgent for researchers and clinicians alike to identify and predict future cognitive decline in this population. Simultaneously, early screening and canonical management of PD with cognitive deficits are very imperative to postpone the disease progression and improve the prognosis of patients. In our review, we focus on a description of cognitive decline in PD, expound emphatically the pathological mechanisms underlying cognition deficits in PD, then give a comprehensive overview of specific therapeutic strategies, and finally dissect what fresh insights may bring new exciting prospect for the subfield. Copyright © 2020 Congcong Fang et al.Depth information is necessary for perceiving the real size of objects at varying visual distances. To investigate to what extent this size constancy present in another vertebrate class, we addressed the two questions using pigeons (a) whether pigeons see a corridor illusion based on size constancy and (b) whether pigeons prioritize pictorial cues over motion parallax cues for size constancy, like humans. We trained pigeons to classify target sizes on a corridor. In addition, we presented a dynamic version of corridor illusion in which the target and corridor moved side by side. Target speed was changed to manipulate motion parallax. With the static corridor, pigeons overestimated the target size when it was located higher, indicating that pigeons see a corridor illusion like humans. With the dynamic corridor, the pigeons overestimated the target size depending on target position, as in the static condition, but target speed did not affect their responses, indicating that the pictorial precedence also applies to pigeons. In a follow-up experiment using the same stimulus, we confirmed that humans perceive object size based on pictorial cues. These results suggest that size constancy characteristics are highly similar between pigeons and humans, despite the differences in their phylogeny and neural systems. © The Author(s) 2020.The existence of red, inflammatory, and chronic itchy condition in the skin is commonly speculated as the presence of Atopic Dermatitis (AD) in patients. The use of silk clothing as a non-pharmacological approach in the management of AD has been noticed as an effective alternative therapy; however, the evidence based on its usage is poorly served. Hence, we aim to evaluate the effectiveness of using pure silk clothing in the therapy of AD patients. The clinical trial was performed by recruiting 30 patients with AD for up to 8 weeks of observation. They were instructed to wear pure silk clothing for the whole day without any additional medication and were investigated using the AD-related questionnaires. The findings revealed a significant decrease of AD occurrence along with a great improvement of patient's quality of life at each time point. Our investigation demonstrated that this treatment promotes good skin appearance, comfort, and remarkable improvement in the quality of life. This promising preliminary outcome warrants a further study; hence, it can be a potential non-pharmacological treatment choice for controlling the severity of AD.

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