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Previous surveys of adults with cancer have revealed increased levels of genetic knowledge, varying levels of worry, and high satisfaction with cancer genetic counseling. We sought to determine the impact of cancer genetic counseling on parental levels of genetic knowledge, worry about cancer, and satisfaction in the context of suspected cancer predisposition in a child. We hypothesized that parents would be satisfied with cancer genetic counseling and that cancer genetic counseling would improve baseline parental genetic knowledge and decrease levels of worry. Parents were recruited from a pediatric cancer predisposition clinic in the United States. A survey was administered to two cohorts One cohort had received cancer genetic counseling in the past and only completed one survey (post-only, n = 26), and another cohort completed the survey before and after cancer genetic counseling (pre/post, n = 23). The survey included questions on demographics, knowledge of genetics, worry levels, and satisfaction with the cancer genetic counseling service. The post-genetic counseling survey also contained a free-text section for parents to indicate what they took away from the sessions. Parental levels of genetics knowledge increased by an average of 1.9 points (p = .01), with 65.2% of parents demonstrating an increase in genetics knowledge score. Average worry levels did not change significantly (p = .37), with 52.2% of parents indicating decreased worry, and 34.8% indicating increased worry. Overall, 91.8% of parents reported high levels of satisfaction. Our results show that cancer genetic counseling in a pediatric cancer predisposition clinic improves parental levels of genetics knowledge. Satisfaction rates suggest that parents find this service beneficial. These results demonstrate the positive impacts of cancer genetic counseling on parents of children in which a hereditary cancer syndrome is known or suspected.Acceleration is an important consideration when imaging moving organs such as the heart. Not only does acceleration enable motion-free scans but, more importantly, it lies at the heart of capturing the dynamics of cardiac motion. For over three decades, various ingenious approaches have been devised and implemented for rapid CINE MRI suitable for dynamic cardiac imaging. SLF1081851 Virtually all techniques relied on acquiring less data to reduce acquisition times. Parallel imaging was among the first of these innovations, using multiple receiver coils and mathematical algorithms for reconstruction; acceleration factors of 2 to 3 were readily achieved in clinical practice. However, in the context of imaging dynamic events, further decreases in scan time beyond those provided by parallel imaging were possible by exploiting temporal coherencies. This recognition ushered in the era of k-t accelerated MRI, which utilized predominantly statistical methods for image reconstruction from highly undersampled k-space. Despite the successes of k-t acceleration methods, however, the accuracy of reconstruction was not always guaranteed. To address this gap, MR physicists and mathematicians applied compressed sensing theory to ensure reconstruction accuracy. Reconstruction was, indeed, more robust, but it required optimizing regularization parameters and long reconstruction times. To solve the limitations of all previous methods, researchers have turned to artificial intelligence and deep neural networks for the better part of the past decade, with recent results showing rapid, robust reconstruction. This review provides a comprehensive overview of key developments in the history of CINE MRI acceleration, and offers a unique and intuitive explanation behind the techniques and underlying mathematics.Level of Evidence 5Technical Efficacy Stage 1.The present study investigated the distribution and environmental fate of Bisphenol A (BPA), the 4-hydroxyacetophenone (4-HAP) metabolite, and 5 other bisphenol congeners in 2 municipal wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) and their receiving rivers in Romania. Accordingly, a new, highly sensitive and accurate solid-phase extraction-liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry method was developed and validated. This technique generated low limit of quantitation values below 2.3 ng/L for surface water and less than 2.4 and 2.7 ng/L for WWTP effluent and influent water. The sum of detected analytes in wastewater was between 1337 and 16 118 ng/L for influent samples and between 15 and 96 ng/L for effluent samples. In surface water, the total of all compounds was somewhere between 34 and 240 ng/L. The highest concentration observed was for BPA in all 3 types of analyzed water (up to 9140 ng/L for influent, as high as 75 ng/L for effluent, and a maximum of 135 ng/L in surface waters). All analyzed samples were free of bisphenols B, C, and F. For all analytes detected in surface water, the concentration values were higher than those determined in the effluent samples, which may be caused by intrinsic contamination of the 2 rivers (Danube and Jiu Rivers). Values of environmental risk coefficients, calculated for both effluents and surface waters, indicated a low ecological risk or no ecological risk for 3 types of organisms (algae, daphnia, and fish). Human risk assessment calculation suggests no risk to human health as a result of the presence of BPA in either of the 2 rivers. Environ Toxicol Chem 2021;40435-446. © 2020 SETAC.Limited literature is available on stimulus induced after discharges (SIAD) in patients with peripheral nerve hyperexcitability (PNH). The aim of the study was to examine the diagnostic utility of SIAD in the diagnosis and monitoring of primary PNH disorders. In this retrospective study, we studied 26 patients who were admitted with a diagnosis of primary PNH to the department of Neurology from January 2013 to April 2019. Their clinical profile, immunological characteristics were extracted from the database and nerve conduction studies were relooked for the presence of SIAD. 76% of patients in the primary PNH cohort had SIAD with 90% of them being voltage-gated potassium channel complex antibody positive; predominantly against contactin-associated protein-2 antigen and rest being paraneoplastic. There was also resolution of SIAD following treatment indicating reversible hyperexcitability. SIAD is a sensitive marker for Primary PNH syndrome with monitoring and diagnostic implications.

Autoři článku: Dugganforeman0453 (Stephansen Aagaard)