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The presence of carcinogenic aflatoxins in food and feed is a major issue. In prior studies, aflatoxin B1 (AfB1) and known primary metabolites were absent from Lesser Mealworm (LMW, Alphitobius diaperinus) reared on contaminated diets. LMW is a promising alternative protein source. The objectives of this stu\dy were to determine whether LMW can be reared on AfB1-contaminated feed in each life-stage, and to gather more insight into potential metabolites formed. Results suggested no adverse effects in terms of survival/growth when three stages of LMW (larvae, pre-pupae, beetles) were exposed to feed containing AfB1 concentrations of 200 and 600 µg/kg for 48 h. Insect and frass samples were analyzed by LC-MS/MS and high-resolution MS to, respectively, quantify concentrations of AfB1 and its major metabolites, and determine secondary metabolites. No AfB1 or major metabolites were quantified in the insect samples. Mass balance calculations showed that up to 40% of spiked AfB1 could be recovered in the frass, in the form of AfB1, aflatoxicol and AfM1. HRMS results suggested the presence of additional metabolites in the frass, but, due to lack of commercially available reference standards for these compounds, exact identification and quantification was not possible. More research is needed to verify the absence of toxicity.Soybean aphid (Aphis glycines) is a major soybean (Glycine max) herbivore pest in many soybean growing regions. High numbers of aphids on soybean can cause severe reductions in yield. The management of soybean aphids includes monitoring, insecticide applications when required, and the use of resistant cultivars. Soybean aphid-resistant soybean varieties are associated with genes that confer one or more categories of resistance to soybean aphids, including antibiosis (affects survival, growth, and fecundity), antixenosis (affects behaviour such as feeding), and tolerance (plant can withstand greater damage without economic loss). The genetic resistance of soybean to several herbivores has been associated with isoflavonoid phytoalexins; however, this correlation has not been observed in soybean varieties commonly grown in southern Ontario, Canada. Isoflavonoids in the leaves of 18 cultivars in the early growth stage were analyzed by HPLC and the concentration by fresh weight was used to rate the potential resistance to aphids. Greenhouse and growth cabinet trials determined that the cultivars with greater resistance to aphids were Harosoy 63 and OAC Avatar. The most susceptible cultivar was Maple Arrow, whereas Pagoda and Conrad were more tolerant to aphid feeding damage. Overall, there was a low correlation between the number of aphids per leaf, feeding damage, and leaf isoflavonoid levels. Metabolite profiling by high-resolution LC-MS determined that the most resistant cultivar had on average lower levels of certain free amino acids (Met, Tyr, and His) relative to the most susceptible cultivar. This suggests that within the tested cultivars, nutritional quality stimulates aphid feeding more than isoflavonoids negatively affect aphid feeding or growth. These findings provide a better understanding of soybean host plant resistance and suggest ways to improve soybean resistance to aphid feeding through the breeding or metabolic engineering of leaf metabolites.Drought stress greatly impacts insect development and population growth. Some studies have demonstrated increased reproductive capacity in drought-stressed insects; however, physiological changes in the brown planthopper (BPH), Nilaparvata lugens (Stål), during periods of drought are unclear. In this study, BPH fed on drought- stressed rice had lower population numbers than BPH feeding on non-stressed rice. Water content, osmotic pressure of hemolymph and total amino acid content of BPH were significantly lower when BPH fed on drought-stressed rice compared to the non-stressed control; however, glucose content and glutathione S-transferase (GST) activity were significantly higher in BPH fed on drought-stressed rice. The expression of Vitellogenin and Exuperantia in BPH fed on drought-stressed rice was higher than that in BPH feeding on non-stressed control plants. The size of myofibrils and the abundance of mitochondria in BPH flight muscles were significantly lower in BPH fed on drought-stressed rice compared to non-stressed plants. These results indicate that water management impacts the physiology of BPH, which may be useful in understanding the relationship between drought stress and this damaging herbivore.Insects use olfaction to detect ecologically relevant chemicals in their environment. To maintain useful responses over a variety of stimuli, olfactory receptor neurons are desensitized to prolonged or high concentrations of stimuli. Depending on the timescale, the desensitization is classified as short-term, which typically spans a few seconds; or long-term, which spans from minutes to hours. Compared with the well-studied mechanisms of desensitization in vertebrate olfactory neurons, the mechanisms underlying invertebrate olfactory sensitivity regulation remain poorly understood. Recently, using a large-scale functional screen, a conserved critical receptor phosphorylation site has been identified in the model insect Drosophila melanogaster, providing new insight into the molecular basis of desensitization in insects. Here, we summarize the progress in this area and provide perspectives on future directions to determine the molecular mechanisms that orchestrate the desensitization in insect olfaction.Chitin is a major component of the arthropod exoskeleton, always working together with chitin-binding proteins to maintain the functions of extracellular structures. In the present study, we identified a cuticle protein 64 from Diaphorina citri using a chitin-binding assay. Bioinformatics analysis revealed that DcCP64 contained eight conserved PYPV motifs but lacked a Rebers-Riddiford (R-R) consensus and other chitin-binding domains. RT-qPCR analysis suggested that DcCP64 had the highest expression level in the wing and fifth-instar nymph stage. Knockdown of DcCP64 by RNA interference (RNAi) resulted in a malformed-wing phenotype, higher mortality and decreased molting rate. Furthermore, transcriptomics analysis revealed that 1244 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were up-regulated and 580 DEGs were down-regulated, compared with dsDcCP64 groups and dsGFP groups. KEGG enrichment analysis revealed that up-regulated DEGs were mainly related to oxidative phosphorylation, whereas down-regulated DEGs were mainly involved in the MAPK and FoxO signaling pathways. Moreover, inhibition of DcCP64 significantly affected the cuticle surface, and increased the permeability of the abdomen and wings. Further chitin- and cellulose-binding assay confirmed the chitin-binding properties of recombinant DcCP64 in vitro. These results indicate that DcCP64 might play an important role in the cuticle and wing development of D. citri.Silphium integrifolium is a novel perennial crop being developed for oilseed and biofuel in the midwestern US. One of the primary pests in this system is Eucosma giganteana (Lepidoptera Tortricidae). Little is known about the chemical ecology or flight behavior of E. giganteana, but many semiochemicals have been identified from other closely related Eucosma species. Some of these compounds include (Z)- and (E)-8-dodecenyl acetate, (E)-9-dodecenyl acetate, (Z)-8-dodecenol, (E,E)-8,10-dodecadienyl acetate, and (Z,E)-9,12-tetradecadienyl acetate. The goals of this study were to evaluate whether any of these compounds could improve capture of E. giganteana on clear sticky cards in the field, and the most attractive volatiles might affect flight behavior on a computer-automated flight mill assay. see more We found that there was significant attraction to (E)-8-dodecenyl acetate in two years in the field, which may possibly be a component in the pheromone blend for E. giganteana. On flight mills, E. giganteana flew an average of 23 km in a 24 h period. The presence of attractive stimuli (e.g., (E)-8-dodecenyl acetate) had arresting properties and decreasing flight distance on the mill by 78 to 80%. The longest flight distances were registered in the morning (400-1200) and were 1.8-fold greater than flight distances and durations at night (2000-400). (E)-8-dodecenyl acetate may be useful in behaviorally based monitoring and management strategies for E. giganteana. Overall, our research expands the knowledge on the chemical ecology of adult E. giganteana.Although many crops have developed several adaptation mechanisms that allow them to defend against limiting factors, some biotic and abiotic stresses may cause reversible or irreversible changes in plants. Among the biotic stresses, the whitefly Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) (Hemiptera Aleyrodidae) is probably one of the main important pests that negatively affect several vegetable crops that are grown in greenhouses. The present study evaluated its impact on the morphology and physiology of two solanaceous plants, i.e., tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) and eggplant (S. melongena L.), under laboratory conditions. The results showed that, for tomatoes, plant height, shoot dry weight, leaf area, and indirect chlorophyll content were strongly reduced in infested plants, compared to the uninfested control, by 39.36%, 32.37%, 61.01%, and 37.85%, respectively. The same has been shown for eggplant, although the reduction percentages of plant height, root dry weight, and indirect chlorophyll content were less marked (i.e., 16.15%, 31.65%, and 11.39%, respectively). These results could represent interesting information for a better understanding of the B. tabaci influence on plant growth, as well as for the development of management strategies to successfully control its infestations in a cropping system.The Montenegrin fauna of the superfamily Scarabaeoidea is not satisfactorily studied. This is evidenced by the small number of species from this superfamily reported from Montenegro, despite the richness of the country's habitats, especially high-mountain meadows, pastures, lush canyons, riverside, coastal dunes and old forests. Moreover, significant is the greater number of species of scarabaeoid beetles in neighbouring countries. Therefore, we aim to supplement the current information on the distribution of the taxa of the superfamily Scarabaeoidea in the country. The presented scarabaeoid beetles were caught during three expeditions the first in May/June 2019, the second in May/June 2021, and the third in July 2021. As a result of this study, we have collected 2130 beetles belonging to 107 species and five families of the superfamily Scarabaeoidea Geotrupidae, Trogidae, Lucanidae, Ochodaeidae and Scarabaeidae. The 28 days of the faunistic study confirmed the occurrence in Montenegro of 54.2% of the scarabaroplia segetum straminea (Brullé, 1832), Anomala matzenaueri Reitter, 1918, Exomala adriatica (Petrovitz, 1968) and Oxythyrea dulcis Reitter, 1899. Thus, the number of currently known scarabaeoid species in Montenegro has increased to 184. Twenty-four species of scarabaeoid beetles are illustrated. Our results indicate insufficient knowledge of the Scarabaeoidea of Montenegro and, at the same time, their diversity and the presence of rare species among them. High-mountain and coastal communities of coprophagic scarabaeoid beetles, as well as communities of scarabaeoid beetles inhabiting coastal dunes, are especially valuable, worthy of protection. Therefore, further research and new expeditions to Montenegro are highly desirable.

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