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This study investigated the impact of recipe and single-use herb/spice packet provision on egg intake and protein intake in community-dwelling individuals aged over 55 years.

Using a randomised-controlled intervention design, 100 older adults were randomised to receive (n 53) or not receive (n 47) high-protein egg-based recipes and herb/spice packets through the post for 12 weeks, from June to December 2016. Egg intake, protein intake, adverse events, lean body mass and functional measures of lean body mass were measured at baseline, after the 12 weeks and after a further 12 weeks.

Bournemouth, UK.

Community-dwelling older adults.

Intention-to-treat data were analysed using regression, controlling for various demographic and lifestyle characteristics. Ninety-three individuals (intervention, n 50; control, n 43) completed assessments at all three time points. Egg intakes increased by end of intervention in both groups (mean 4-5 eggs/month). After a further 12 weeks, higher egg intakes were sustained recipes may have replaced as opposed to added to existing protein intakes.

New York City's first case of SARS-associated coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) disease 2019 (COVID-19) was identified on 1 March 2020, prompting rapid restructuring of hospital-based services to accommodate the increasing numbers of medical admissions. Non-essential services were eliminated but in-patient treatment of psychiatric illnesses was necessarily maintained.

To detail the response of the NYU Langone Health in-patient psychiatric services to the COVID-19 outbreak from 1 March to 1 May 2020.

Process improvement/quality improvement study.

Over this time period, our two in-patient psychiatric units (57 total beds) treated 238 patients, including COVID-19-positive and -negative individuals. Testing for COVID-19 was initially limited to symptomatic patients but expanded over the 62-day time frame. In total, 122 SARS-CoV-2 polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests were performed in 98 patients. We observed an overall rate of COVID-19 infection of 15.6% in the patients who were tested, with an asymptomatic positive rate of 13.7%. Although phased roll-out of testing impaired the ability to fully track on-unit transmission of COVID-19, 3% of cases were clearly identified as results of on-unit transmission.

Our experience indicates that, with appropriate precautions, patients in need of in-patient psychiatric admission who have COVID-19 can be safely managed. We provide suggested guidelines for COVID-19 management on in-patient psychiatric units which incorporate our own experiences as well as published recommendations.

Our experience indicates that, with appropriate precautions, patients in need of in-patient psychiatric admission who have COVID-19 can be safely managed. We provide suggested guidelines for COVID-19 management on in-patient psychiatric units which incorporate our own experiences as well as published recommendations.

Expectant parents who live through perinatal loss experience intense grief, which is not always acknowledged or accepted. A screening tool to detect bereaved parents' grief reactions can guide professionals, including perinatal palliative care teams, to provide follow-up for those in need. This review's goal is to identify and synthesize the international published literature on existent instruments specifically measuring the grieving process after any perinatal loss and to identify factors that could moderate grief reactions.

Systematic review (PROSPERO # CRD42018092555) with critical synthesis. PUBMED, Cochrane, and PsycINFO databases were searched in English language articles using the keywords "perinatal" AND ("grief" OR "bereavement" OR mourning) AND ("scale" OR "questionnaire" OR "measure" OR "assessment") up to May 2018. Eligibility criteria included every study using a measure to assess perinatal grief after all kinds of perinatal losses, including validations and translations to other languages and interventions designed to alleviate grief symptoms.

A total of 67 papers met inclusion criteria. Seven instruments measuring perinatal grief published between 1984 and 2002 are described. The Perinatal Grief Scale (PGS) was used in 53 of the selected studies. Of those, 39 analyzed factors associated with grief reactions. Six articles used PGS scores to evaluate pre- and post-bereavement interventions. Studies in English language only might have limited the number of articles.

The PGS is the most used standardized measures to assess grief after perinatal loss. All parents living through any kind of perinatal loss should be screened.

The PGS is the most used standardized measures to assess grief after perinatal loss. All parents living through any kind of perinatal loss should be screened.The family Hippoboscidae is a less known group of blood-sucking flies. Deer ked are particularly important for animal health; they may act as potential vectors of disease to ungulates, and may transmit pathogens to animals and humans. The aim of this study was to investigate the presence of Trypanosoma (Megatrypanum) DNA in deer keds using molecular methods. Results prove the presence of Megatrypanum trypanosome DNA in the studied winged adult deer keds and this is the first detection of this pathogen in Lipoptena fortisetosa. In addition, this paper evidences the occurrence of L. fortisetosa in two new locations one in the Białowieża Primeval Forest, and another in the Strzałowo Forest Inspectorate (Piska Forest), both in north-eastern Poland.A scanning precession electron diffraction system has been integrated with a direct electron detector to allow the collection of improved quality diffraction patterns. This has been used on a two-phase α–β titanium alloy (Timetal® 575) for phase and orientation mapping using an existing pattern-matching algorithm and has been compared to the commonly used detector system, which consisted of a high-speed video-camera imaging the small phosphor focusing screen. Noise is appreciably lower with the direct electron detector, and this is especially noticeable further from the diffraction pattern center where the real electron scattering is reduced and both diffraction spots and inelastic scattering between spots are weaker. The results for orientation mapping are a significant improvement in phase and orientation indexing reliability, especially of fine nanoscale laths of α-Ti, where the weak diffracted signal is rather lost in the noise for the optically coupled camera. This was done at a dose of ~19 e−/Å2, and there is clearly a prospect for reducing the current further while still producing indexable patterns. This opens the way for precession diffraction phase and orientation mapping of radiation-sensitive crystalline materials.The authors discuss the dipole vibrational modes that predominate in the energy-loss spectra of ionic materials below 1 eV, concentrating on thin-film specimens of typical transmission electron microscopy (TEM) thickness. The thickness dependence of the intensity is shown to be a useful guide to the bulk or surface character of vibrational peaks. The lateral and depth resolution of the energy-loss signal is investigated with the aid of finite-element calculations.With the wide application of ultra-microtome sectioning in the preparation of transmission electron microscopy (TEM) specimens with bio- and organic materials, here, we report an ultra-microtome-based method for the preparation of TEM specimens from cathodes of Li-ion batteries. The ultra-microtome sectioning reduces the sample thickness to tens of nanometers and yields atomic resolution from the core region of particles of hundreds of nanometers. Analysis indicates that the mechanical cross-sectioning introduces no observable microstructural artifacts or structural damage, such as microcracking and nanoporosity. These results demonstrate the high efficiency of the ultra-microtome approach in preparing well-thinned specimens of particulate materials that allow for atomic-scale TEM imaging of a large number of sectioned particles in one single TEM specimen, thereby providing statistically significant results of the TEM analysis.

Hurricane Sandy made landfall in New Jersey on October 29, 2012, resulting in widespread power outages and gasoline shortages. These events led to potentially toxic exposures and the need for information related to poisons/toxins in the environment. This report characterizes the New Jersey Poison Information and Education System (NJPIES) call patterns in the days immediately preceding, during, and after Hurricane Sandy to identify areas in need of public health education and prevention.

We examined NJPIES case data from October through December 2012. Most Sandy-related calls had been coded as such by NJPIES staff. Additional Sandy-related cases were identified by performing a case narrative review. Descriptive analyses were performed for timing, case frequencies, exposure substances, gender, caller site, type of information requests, and other data.

The most frequent Sandy-related exposures were gasoline and carbon monoxide (CO). Gasoline exposure cases were predominantly males and CO exposure cases, females (P < 0.0001). Other leading reasons for Sandy-related calls were poison information, food poisoning/spoilage information, and water contamination.

This analysis identified the need for enhanced public health education and intervention to improve the handling of gasoline and encourage the proper use of gasoline-powered generators and cleaning and cooking equipment, thus reducing toxic exposures.

This analysis identified the need for enhanced public health education and intervention to improve the handling of gasoline and encourage the proper use of gasoline-powered generators and cleaning and cooking equipment, thus reducing toxic exposures.Cet article présente les domaines prioritaires de recherche sur les impacts de la pandémie de COVID-19 chez les personnes âgées telles qu'ils ont été identifiés par l'Institut du vieillissement des IRSC (IV-IRSC). Le processus utilisé par l'IV-IRSC a comporté plusieurs phases itératives qui ont permis d'identifier trois secteurs prioritaires parmi les besoins de la recherche relative à la COVID-19, et quatre axes thématiques transversaux. Les secteurs de recherche prioritaires sont 1) la réponse des personnes âgées à la maladie, à la vaccination et aux traitements, 2) la santé mentale et l'isolement, et 3) les milieux de soins soutenants. Les quatre thèmes transversaux sont a) l'Équité, la diversité et l'inclusion (EDI), b) les considérations éthiques et morales, c) les pratiques fondées sur les données probantes, et d) les technologies numériques de la santé. Les priorités décrites dans cet article guideront les réponses de l'IV-IRSC aux besoins de la recherche sur la COVID-19.Down syndrome (DS) is a genetically based disease caused by triplication of chromosome 21. DS is characterized by severe muscle weakness associated with motor deficits; however, understanding the DS-associated skeletal muscle condition is limited. In this study, we used a combined methodological approach involving light and electron microscopy, as well as nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy metabolomics, to investigate morphology and composition of the quadriceps muscles in the Ts65Dn mouse, a model of DS, to identify structural and/or functional trisomy-associated alterations. Morphometric analysis demonstrated a larger size of myofibers in trisomic versus euploid mice; however, myofibrils were thinner and contained higher amounts of mitochondria and lipid droplets. In trisomic mice, magnetic resonance spectroscopy showed a tendency to an overall increase in muscle metabolites involved in protein synthesis. These data strongly suggest that in DS, a sarcoplasmic hypertrophy associated with myofibril loss characterizes quadriceps myofibers.

Autoři článku: Dreyerlane2438 (Terp Tate)