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Another subset of enhancers, not occupied by HDACs, is hyperacetylated in a T3-dependent manner, where TR is recruited to chromatin together with HATs. Lastly, a subset of enhancers, is not occupied directly by TR yet requires TR for histone hyperacetylation. This indirect enhancer activation involves co-association with TR bound enhancers within super-enhancers or topological associated domains. Collectively, this demonstrates various mechanisms controlling hormone-dependent transcription and adds significant details to the otherwise simple bimodal switch model.Hearing loss (HL) is one of the most common sensory impairments and etiologically and genetically heterogeneous disorders in humans. Muscular dystrophies (MDs) are neuromuscular disorders characterized by progressive degeneration of skeletal muscle accompanied by non-muscular symptoms. Aberrant glycosylation of α-dystroglycan causes at least eighteen subtypes of MD, now categorized as MD-dystroglycanopathy (MD-DG), with a wide spectrum of non-muscular symptoms. Despite a growing number of MD-DG subtypes and increasing evidence regarding their molecular pathogeneses, no comprehensive study has investigated sensorineural HL (SNHL) in MD-DG. Here, we found that two mouse models of MD-DG, Largemyd/myd and POMGnT1-KO mice, exhibited congenital, non-progressive, and mild-to-moderate SNHL in auditory brainstem response (ABR) accompanied by extended latency of wave I. Profoundly abnormal myelination was found at the peripheral segment of the cochlear nerve, which is rich in the glycosylated α-dystroglycan-laminin complex and demarcated by "the glial dome." In addition, patients with Fukuyama congenital MD, a type of MD-DG, also had latent SNHL with extended latency of wave I in ABR. Collectively, these findings indicate that hearing impairment associated with impaired Schwann cell-mediated myelination at the peripheral segment of the cochlear nerve is a notable symptom of MD-DG.One of the most influential accounts of central orbitofrontal cortex-that it mediates behavioral flexibility-has been challenged by the finding that discrimination reversal in macaques, the classic test of behavioral flexibility, is unaffected when lesions are made by excitotoxin injection rather than aspiration. This suggests that the critical brain circuit mediating behavioral flexibility in reversal tasks lies beyond the central orbitofrontal cortex. To determine its identity, a group of nine macaques were taught discrimination reversal learning tasks, and its impact on gray matter was measured. Magnetic resonance imaging scans were taken before and after learning and compared with scans from two control groups, each comprising 10 animals. One control group learned discrimination tasks that were similar but lacked any reversal component, and the other control group engaged in no learning. Gray matter changes were prominent in posterior orbitofrontal cortex/anterior insula but were also found in three other frontal cortical regions lateral orbitofrontal cortex (orbital part of area 12 [12o]), cingulate cortex, and lateral prefrontal cortex. In a second analysis, neural activity in posterior orbitofrontal cortex/anterior insula was measured at rest, and its pattern of coupling with the other frontal cortical regions was assessed. Activity coupling increased significantly in the reversal learning group in comparison with controls. Curaxin 137 In a final set of experiments, we used similar structural imaging procedures and analyses to demonstrate that aspiration lesion of central orbitofrontal cortex, of the type known to affect discrimination learning, affected structure and activity in the same frontal cortical circuit. The results identify a distributed frontal cortical circuit associated with behavioral flexibility.Neurons form complex networks that evolve over multiple time scales. In order to thoroughly characterize these networks, time dependencies must be explicitly modeled. Here, we present a statistical model that captures both the underlying structural and temporal dynamics of neuronal networks. Our model combines the class of Stochastic Block Models for community formation with Gaussian processes to model changes in the community structure as a smooth function of time. We validate our model on synthetic data and demonstrate its utility on three different studies using in vitro cultures of dissociated neurons.DNA sequences are often recognized by multi-domain proteins that may have higher affinity and specificity than single-domain proteins. However, the higher affinity to DNA might be coupled with slower recognition kinetics. In this study, we address this balance between stability and kinetics for multi-domain Cys2His2- (C2H2-) type zinc-finger (ZF) proteins. These proteins are the most prevalent DNA-binding domain in eukaryotes and C2H2 type zinc-finger proteins (C2H2-ZFPs) constitute nearly one-half of all known and predicted transcription factors in human. Extensive contact with DNA via tandem ZF domains confers high stability on the sequence-specific complexes. However, this can limit target search efficiency, especially for low abundance ZFPs. Earlier, we found that asymmetrical distribution of electrostatic charge among the three ZF domains of the low abundance transcription factor Egr-1 facilitates its DNA search process. Here, on a diverse set of 273 human C2H2-ZFP comprised of 3-15 tandem ZF domains, we find that, in many cases, electrostatic charge and binding specificity are asymmetrically distributed among the ZF domains so that neighbouring domains have different DNA-binding properties. For proteins containing 3-6 ZF domains, we show that the low abundance proteins possess a higher degree of non-specific asymmetry and vice versa. Our findings suggest that where the electrostatics of tandem ZF domains are similar (i.e., symmetrical), the ZFPs are more abundant to optimize their DNA search efficiency. This study reveals new insights into the fundamental determinants of recognition by C2H2-ZFPs of their DNA binding sites in the cellular landscape. The importance of electrostatic asymmetry with respect to binding site recognition by C2H2-ZFPs suggests the possibility that it may also be important in other ZFP systems and reveals a new design feature for zinc finger engineering.Decision making relies on adequately evaluating the consequences of actions on the basis of past experience and the current physiological state. A key role in this process is played by the basal ganglia, where neural activity and plasticity are modulated by dopaminergic input from the midbrain. Internal physiological factors, such as hunger, scale signals encoded by dopaminergic neurons and thus they alter the motivation for taking actions and learning. However, to our knowledge, no formal mathematical formulation exists for how a physiological state affects learning and action selection in the basal ganglia. We developed a framework for modelling the effect of motivation on choice and learning. The framework defines the motivation to obtain a particular resource as the difference between the desired and the current level of this resource, and proposes how the utility of reinforcements depends on the motivation. To account for dopaminergic activity previously recorded in different physiological states, the paper argues that the prediction error encoded in the dopaminergic activity needs to be redefined as the difference between utility and expected utility, which depends on both the objective reinforcement and the motivation. We also demonstrate a possible mechanism by which the evaluation and learning of utility of actions can be implemented in the basal ganglia network. The presented theory brings together models of learning in the basal ganglia with the incentive salience theory in a single simple framework, and it provides a mechanistic insight into how decision processes and learning in the basal ganglia are modulated by the motivation. Moreover, this theory is also consistent with data on neural underpinnings of overeating and obesity, and makes further experimental predictions.Efforts to identify new drugs for therapeutic and preventive treatments against parasitic nematodes have gained increasing interest with expanding pathogen omics databases and drug databases from which new anthelmintic compounds might be identified. Here, a novel approach focused on integrating a pan-Nematoda multi-omics data targeted to a specific nematode organ system (the intestinal tract) with evidence-based filtering and chemogenomic screening was undertaken. Based on de novo computational target prioritization of the 3,564 conserved intestine genes in A. suum, exocytosis was identified as a high priority pathway, and predicted inhibitors of exocytosis were tested using the large roundworm (Ascaris suum larval stages), a filarial worm (Brugia pahangi adult and L3), a whipworm (Trichuris muris adult), and the non-parasitic nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. 10 of 13 inhibitors were found to cause rapid immotility in A. suum L3 larvae, and five inhibitors were effective against the three phylogenetically diverse parasitic nematode species, indicating potential for a broad spectrum anthelmintics. Several distinct pathologic phenotypes were resolved related to molting, motility, or intestinal cell and tissue damage using conventional and novel histologic methods. link2 Pathologic profiles characteristic for each inhibitor will guide future research to uncover mechanisms of the anthelmintic effects and improve on drug designs. This progress firmly validates the focus on intestinal cell biology as a useful resource to develop novel anthelmintic strategies.Background A relevant case of pulmonary sporotrichosis due to Sporothrix brasiliensis is reported in a 50-year-old immunocompetent woman who had no history of skin trauma, but was in close contact with several stray cats at her nap time. The patient was hospitalized after 7 months of illness. The survey was conducted for pulmonary tuberculosis, an endemic disease in Brazil. She presented multiple central pulmonary nodules images, with central cavitation. Methodology/principal findings The patient bronchoalveolar lavage was cultured and Sporothrix sp. growth was obtained. Then, the isolate (LMMM1097) was accurately identified to the species level by using species-specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Molecular diagnosis revealed that the emerging species Sporothrix brasiliensis was the agent of primary pulmonary sporotrichosis and the patient was treated with Amphotericin B lipid complex, but presented severe clinical symptoms and the fatal outcome was observed at day 25 after hospitalization. Conclusions/significance Our report adds important contributions to the clinical-epidemiological features of sporotrichosis, showing the geographic expansion of the agent within different regions of Brazil and a rare clinical manifestation (primary pulmonary sporotrichosis) caused by the emerging agent S. brasiliensis in an immunocompetent female patient.Trimethylguanosine synthase 1 (TGS1) is a conserved enzyme that mediates formation of the trimethylguanosine cap on several RNAs, including snRNAs and telomerase RNA. Previous studies have shown that TGS1 binds the Survival Motor Neuron (SMN) protein, whose deficiency causes spinal muscular atrophy (SMA). Here, we analyzed the roles of the Drosophila orthologs of the human TGS1 and SMN genes. We show that the Drosophila TGS1 protein (dTgs1) physically interacts with all subunits of the Drosophila Smn complex (Smn, Gem2, Gem3, Gem4 and Gem5), and that a human TGS1 transgene rescues the mutant phenotype caused by dTgs1 loss. link3 We demonstrate that both dTgs1 and Smn are required for viability of retinal progenitor cells and that downregulation of these genes leads to a reduced eye size. Importantly, overexpression of dTgs1 partially rescues the eye defects caused by Smn depletion, and vice versa. These results suggest that the Drosophila eye model can be exploited for screens aimed at the identification of genes and drugs that modify the phenotypes elicited by Tgs1 and Smn deficiency.

Autoři článku: Drejerring5535 (Molina Wrenn)