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Freshwater mussels are a species-rich group with biodiversity patterns strongly shaped by a life history strategy that includes an obligate parasitic larval stage. In this study, we set out to reconstruct the life history evolution and systematics in a clade of freshwater mussels adapted to parasitizing a molluscivorous host fish. Anchored hybrid enrichment and ancestral character reconstruction revealed a complex pattern of life history evolution with host switching and multiple instances of convergence, including reduction in size of larvae, increased fecundity, and growth during encapsulation. Our phylogenomic analyses also recovered non-monophyly of taxa exhibiting multiple traits used as the basis for previous taxonomic hypotheses. Taxa with axe-head shaped glochidia were resolved as paraphyletic, but our results strongly suggest the complex morphology is an adaptation to reduce larval size, with reduction in size further accentuated in taxa previously assigned to Leptodea. To more accurately reflect the evolutionary history of this group, we make multiple systematic changes, including the description of a new genus, Atlanticoncha gen. nov., and the synonymy of the genus Leptodea under Potamilus. Our findings contribute to the growing body of literature showing that cladistic hypotheses based solely on morphological characters, including larval morphology, can be flawed in freshwater mussels.In order to place a newly discovered species Antigracilus costatus gen. sp. n. from the Lower Cretaceous Yixian Formation (China) and to assess previously unplaced fossil taxa, we investigated the relationships of extant and extinct lineages of Histeridae based on three data sets (i) 69 morphological characters belonging to 48 taxa (representing all 11 subfamilies and 15 of 17 tribes of modern Histeridae); (ii) partitioned alignment of 6030 bp from downloaded nucleotide sequences (28S, CAD, COI, 18S) of 50 taxa (representing 10 subfamilies and 15 of 17 tribes of modern Histeridae); and (iii) a combined morphological and molecular dataset for 75 taxa. Phylogenetic analyses of the morphology and combined matrices recovered the new Lower Cretaceous taxon as a sister group to remaining Histeridae and it is placed in †Antigracilinae subfam. n. †Antigracilinae constitutes the earliest record of Histeridae from the Lower Cretaceous Yixian Formation (∼125 Myr), backdating the minimum age of the family by 25 Myr from the earliest Cenomanian (~99 Myr) to the Barremian of the Cretaceous Period. Our molecular phylogeny supports Histeridae to be divided into seven different clades, with currently recognised subfamilies Abraeinae (sensu lato), Saprininae, Chlamydopsinae, and Histerinae (sensu lato) recovered as monophyletic, while Dendrophilinae, Onthophilinae, and Tribalinae are polyphyletic taxa. The Burmese amber species †Pantostictus burmanicus Poinar & Brown is placed as a sister group to the tribe Plegaderini (Abraeinae) and was assigned as a new tribe Pantostictini trib. n. Both molecular and combined phylogenies recovered the subfamilies Trypanaeinae and Trypeticinae deeply within the subfamily Abraeinae (sensu lato), and they are downgraded into Trypanaeini stat. n. and Trypeticini stat. n.Temperate South American-Asian disjunct distributions are the most unusual in organisms, and challenging to explain. Here, we address the origin of this unusual disjunction in Lardizabalaceae using explicit models and molecular data. The family (c.40 species distributed in ten genera) also provides an opportunity to explore the historical assembly of East Asian subtropical evergreen broadleaved forests, a typical and luxuriant vegetation in East Asia. DNA sequences of five plastid loci of 42 accessions representing 23 species of Lardizabalaceae (c. 57.5% of estimated species diversity), and 19 species from the six other families of Ranunculales, were used to perform phylogenetic analyses. By dating the branching events and reconstructing ancestral ranges, we infer that extant Lardizabalaceae dated to the Upper Cretaceous of East Asia and that the temperate South American lineage might have split from its East Asian sister group at c. 24.4 Ma. A trans-Pacific dispersal possibly by birds from East Asia to South America is plausible to explain the establishment of the temperate South American-East Asian disjunction in Lardizabalaceae. Diversification rate analyses indicate that net diversification rates of Lardizabalaceae experienced a significant increase around c. 7.5 Ma. Our findings suggest that the rapid rise of East Asian subtropical evergreen broadleaved forests occurred in the late Miocene, associated with the uplift of the Tibetan Plateau and the intensified East Asian monsoon, as well as the higher winter temperature and atmospheric CO2 levels.In the trapdoor spider genus Euoplos Rainbow & Pulleine (tribe Euoplini), it was discovered recently that two divergent lineages occur in sympatry in eastern Australia. This challenged the monogeneric classification of the tribe and, in combination with inadequate taxonomic descriptions of some species, precluded comprehensive taxonomic revision. To resolve these issues, we conducted a total-evidence cladistic analysis on a largely undescribed continental fauna-the first such analysis on a group of Australian Mygalomorphae. We combined multilocus molecular data and/or morphological and behavioural data from all known species from eastern Australia (described and undescribed), plus a subset of Western Australian species, to produce a phylogeny for the tribe. We mapped morphological/behavioural characters onto this to identify clade-specific diagnostic characters, and applied these data to a generic reclassification of the tribe. We recovered two sympatric lineages in the Euoplini (the "wafer-door" and "plug-door/palisade" lineages), and revealed the phylogenetic position of all known eastern Australian species within these. Character mapping revealed morphological and behavioural (burrow architecture) features that allow diagnosis of the lineages and clades within them. We erect a new genus, Cryptoforis gen.n., to represent the wafer-door lineage, describe the type species, Cryptoforis hughesae sp.n., and transfer two species from Euoplos to Cryptoforis C. tasmanica (Hickman, 1928) and C. victoriensis (Main, 1995). This study resolves phylogenetic structure within the Euoplini, and characterizes clades within the tribe to facilitate future taxonomic revisions. It also demonstrates that, whereas male morphology is more informative, female morphological characters relating to genitalia and the scopulation/spination of the anterior legs display phylogenetic signal in the Euoplini, highlighting the subtle nature of informative female characters in mygalomorph spiders.Pulmonary complications post-hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) such as diffuse alveolar hemorrhage (DAH) can occur in 2% to 14% of HSCT patients and have a mortality greater than 80%. Diffuse alveolar hemorrhage is considered to be an inflammatory response; therefore, HSCT patients are primarily treated with different types of systemic corticosteroids with varying dosages. Other treatments currently reported in the literature in conjunction with corticosteroids include aminocaproic acid, recombinant factor VIIa (rFVIIa), and etanercept. This review highlights appropriate frontline and adjunctive treatment options for HSCT patients with DAH and outcomes for each intervention. Lithium Chloride purchase To perform the review, the PubMed database was searched from inception through March 19, 2021, to identify potential studies using the search terms DAH and HSCT, DAH and hematopoietic cell transplant (HCT), DAH and stem cell, lung injury and HSCT, and lung injury and HCT. When applicable, references from articles identified in the search were also reviewed for inclusion. Much of the data identified were limited to retrospective cohort studies and case series. Based on the data available, the treatment approach should consist of corticosteroid therapy with a suggested methylprednisolone dose of 250 mg daily followed by a 50% taper every 3 days. Intrapulmonary administration of rFVIIa and intravenous administration of aminocaproic acid could be considered as adjunctive agents in those patients who do not promptly respond to corticosteroid therapy. Due to a lack of data specific to HSCT patients who develop DAH and the risk of infectious complications, etanercept should be avoided. Future studies should be designed as randomized controlled trials and examine the use of adjunctive therapies in the upfront setting for HSCT patients with DAH.Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti (L.) (Diptera Culicidae) is the vector of multiple arboviruses. To evaluate the association between environmental factors and the oviposition activity of Ae. aegypti in Argentina, data on the presence and abundance of eggs were collected using ovitraps, between September of 2018 and May of 2019, in the cities of Villa María, Río Cuarto and Salsipuedes (Córdoba province, Argentina). We analysed the relationships between oviposition and five environmental factors Temperature, precipitation, vegetation cover, human population density and distance to sites with a potential high density of larval habitats, like cemeteries and trash dumps. Environmental factors' data were collected using satellite image products. The oviposition activity was randomly distributed in three cities. Using generalized linear mixed models, we show that the house where each ovitrap was placed was a source of variability in oviposition, suggesting the relevance of microsite factors and the importance of domestic control actions. Ae. aegypti oviposition was positively correlated with night-time temperature of the previous 3 weeks, and in a context-dependent manner, it was positively correlated with human population density, vegetation cover and precipitation. The consistency and magnitude of these relationships varied between cities, indicating that oviposition is related to a complex system of environmental variables.The glucocerebrosidase 1 gene (GBA1), bi-allelic variants of which cause Gaucher disease (GD), encodes the lysosomal enzyme glucocerebrosidase (GCase) and is a risk factor for Parkinson Disease (PD). GBA1 variants are linked to a reduction in GCase activity in the brain. Variants in Leucine-Rich Repeat Kinase 2 (LRRK2), such as the gain-of-kinase-function variant G2019S, cause the most common familial form of PD. In patients without GBA1 and LRRK2 mutations, GCase and LRRK2 activity are also altered, suggesting that these two genes are implicated in all forms of PD and that they may play a broader role in PD pathogenesis. In this review, we review the proposed roles of GBA1 and LRRK2 in PD, focussing on the endolysosomal pathway. In particular, we highlight the discovery of Ras-related in brain (Rab) guanosine triphosphatases (GTPases) as LRRK2 kinase substrates and explore the links between increased LRRK2 activity and Rab protein function, lysosomal dysfunction, alpha-synuclein accumulation and GCase activity. We also discuss the discovery of RAB10 as a potential mediator of LRRK2 and GBA1 interaction in PD. Finally, we discuss the therapeutic implications of these findings, including current approaches and future perspectives related to novel drugs targeting LRRK2 and GBA1.

Autoři článku: Dowddjurhuus7101 (Rode Sandberg)