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Cultural Safety is a means of empowerment through antiracist actions, decolonising praxis, an understanding of the effects of a colonial history, and reconciliation to an equitable and inclusive place. The purpose of this paper is to share the perceptions of undergraduate students in northern Canada about the creation of culturally safe classrooms. A secondary analysis was conducted on archived data from undergraduate nursing student-led research. The findings illuminated four themes sharing with genuineness, disrupting dissonance, addressing history and transforming through relationality. The themes inform a model that offers a beginning understanding of how culturally safe classrooms transpired in the Canadian north to enable students to become inclusive, relational, critical, and informed.

Nursing essentially involves working closely with patients both physically and psychologically. Nurses, particularly inexperienced nursing students, are often at great risk of sexual harassment.

To evaluate the effects of a clinical-based sexual harassment prevention e-book on nursing students' knowledge, prevention strategies, coping behaviors, and learning motivation.

A randomized, controlled, experimental study.

Nursing Department at a private university in Taiwan.

Senior nursing students who had finished the required professional internship or were undergoing community nursing or psychiatric nursing internship.

Participants were randomly allocated to intervention (e-book, n=33) and control (video and brochure, n=33) groups. They were asked to complete a structured questionnaire before, after, and 2weeks after the intervention to evaluate their sexual harassment knowledge, prevention strategies, coping behaviors, and learning motivation.

In the posttest, the e-book group scored significantly n-the-job education.The ultrasound-assisted crystallization process has promising potentials for improving process efficiency and modifying crystalline product properties. In this work, the crystallization process of fotagliptin benzoate methanol solvate (FBMS) was investigated to improve powder properties and downstream desolvation/drying performance. The direct cooling/antisolvent crystallization process was conducted and then optimized with the assistance of ultrasonic irradiation and seeding strategy. Direct cooling/antisolvent crystallization and seeding crystallization processes resulted in needle-like crystals which are undesirable for downstream processing. In contrast, the ultrasound-assisted crystallization process produced rod-like crystals and reduced the crystal size to facilitate the desolvation of FBMS. The metastable zone width (MSZW), induction time, crystal size, morphology, and process yield were studied comprehensively. The results showed that both the seeding and ultrasound-assisted crystallization process (without seeds) can improve the process yield and the ultrasound could effectively reduce the crystal size, narrow the MSZW, and shorten the induction time. Through comparing the drying dynamics of the FBMS, the small rod-shaped crystals with a mean size of 9.6 μm produced by ultrasonic irradiation can be completely desolvated within 20 h, while the desolvation time of long needle crystals with an average size of about 157 μm obtained by direct cooling/antisolvent crystallization and seeding crystallization processes is more than 80 h. Thus the crystal size and morphology were found to be the key factors affecting the desolvation kinetics and the smaller size produced by using ultrasound can benefit the intensification of the drying process. Overall, the ultrasound-assisted crystallization showed a full improvement including crystal properties and process efficiency during the preparation of fotagliptin benzoate desolvated crystals.Several studies have reported the release of halogenated persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) associated with open burning of municipal solid waste. PFK158 in vitro Considering soil as a sink for such organic contaminants, we conducted an in-depth study on the surface soil concentrations of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins/furans (PCDD/Fs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and sixteen USEPA enlisted PAHs collected from thirteen zones of the two major municipal dumpsites, Kodungaiyur dumpsite (KDS) and Perungudi dumpsite (PDS) of Chennai city. Indigenous microbes from dumpsite soil samples were isolated and identified based on 16S rRNA sequencing and phylogenetic analysis. Using indigenous microbes, we have elucidated the bioavailability of the targeted organic pollutants for each site.Range of Σ17PCDD/Fs, Σ25PCBs and ∑16PAHs varied between 3.96-612 pg/g (96.0 pg/g; median), ND-182 ng/g (6.35 ng/g; median) and 0.62-3649 ng/g (64.3 ng/g; median), respectively. All the dumpsite samples showed bioavailability for POPs and PAHs. Toxicity equivalent values (TEQs) associated with dioxin-like PCBs and PCDD/Fs from the zones where dumped municipal solid wastes were collected from electronic-waste/IT-corridor/port areas and toxic PAHs from the zone receiving wastes from the industrial corridor of the city were higher than the soil permissible limit prescribed by the World Health Organization.Despite mineral wool waste is only a small fraction of total construction and demolition waste (CDW) by mass, it requires large transportation and landfilling capacities due to its low bulk density, and its utilization remains low compared to other CDW types. It is essential to understand the physical and chemical properties of this waste fraction in order to utilize it, e.g. as fiber reinforcement in composites or as supplementary cementitious material. Here, we provide a chemical and physical characterization of 15 glass wool and 12 stone wool samples of different ages collected from various locations across Europe. In addition, the chemical compositions of 61 glass and stone wool samples obtained from the literature are presented. Glass wool samples show little variation in their chemical composition, which resembles the composition of typical soda-lime silicate glass. Stone wool presents a composition similar to basaltic glass but with variability between samples in terms of calcium, magnesium, and iron content. Potentially toxic elements, such as Cr, Ba, and Ni, are present in mineral wools, but in low concentrations ( less then 0.2%). Both wool types contain organic resin, which may decompose into smaller molecular fragments and ammonia upon heating or contact with alkaline solution. Mineral wool wastes have relatively similar length and width distributions, despite the age and type of the mineral wool. Overall, both mineral wool waste types have homogenous chemical and physical properties as compared to many other mineral wastes which makes their utilization as a secondary raw material promising.Persistent organic pollutants such as brominated flame retardants represent a major problem in the end-of-life of polymer materials. This study investigates the extraction of brominated flame retardants (BFR) from real waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) using supercritical carbon dioxide (sc-CO2). Sc-CO2 is a non-toxic solvent which possesses intermediate properties between liquids and gases which confer it high diffusivity and solubility. A batch of WEEE-derived acrylonitrile-butadienestyrene (ABS) was first characterized to determine its bromine and BFR composition which was found to be four times higher than the regulation limit set in 2019. Then, different parameters of the sc-CO2 process such as temperature, pressure, granulometry and the use of a co-solvent were studied to estimate the effect of each one on the BFR extraction efficiency. With the view to determine the recyclability of the treated polymer, the impact of the extraction process on the polymer material was also studied by Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA), Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) and Size Exclusion Chromatography (SEC). The extraction process performed on less then 500 µm particle size sample at 40 °C and 500 bars during 6 h and using ethanol as a co-solvent allowed to remove 43.5 ± 0.9% of bromine, which was the maximum extraction rate obtained. Sc-CO2 extraction was found to be an efficient technique to remove tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA) but the tested conditions did not allow to remove enough polybromodiphenylethers (PBDE) to satisfy the regulation. Sc-CO2 process seems to be a promising pre-treatment method prior to mechanical recycling as no degradation effect on the polymer matrix was observed.Head and neck cancer (HNC) is the fifth most frequent cancer worldwide and associated with significant morbidity. Along with clinical examination and endoscopic evaluation, imaging plays an important role in pre- and posttherapeutic evaluation of patients with HNC. Cross-sectional Imaging techniques such as computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and positron emission tomography / computed tomography (PET/CT) are routinely used in the assessment of these patients. This review provides an overview of the various cross-sectional imaging modalities used in the evaluation of HNC and will give a short summary of the latest imaging technologies regarding head and neck cancer diagnosis.Immunotherapy revolutionized cancer treatment but has yet to elicit durable responses in the majority of patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC). HNSCC is generally characterized by a high tumor mutational burden, which has translated to a large neoantigen load that could prime the immune system to recognize and eliminate malignant cells. Studies are increasingly showing, however, that HNSCC is an "immune desert" tumor that can hijack multiple parts of the tumor immunity cycle in order to evade immune recognition and suppress immune system activation. Herein we will review how HNSCC tumors modulate their architecture, cellular composition, and cytokine milieu to maximize immunosuppression; as well as relevant therapeutic opportunities and emerging issues facing the field of HNSCC immuno-oncology.

We examined the regenerative efficacy of the activated platelet-rich plasma (PRP) concentrate administered by local injection in an animal model mimicking partial glossectomy for tongue cancer.

Four-week-old mice were randomized to four groups; (1) a treatment-naïve control group, (2) a PRP group, (3) a hemiglossectomy group, and (4) a hemiglossectomy+PRP group. The activated PRP concentrate was injected into the deep layer of resected surfaces of mouse tongues immediately after excision, and tongue widths and lengths were measured on postoperative days (POD) 5 and 12. Gross tongue morphologies and microscopic findings were investigated. Inflammation and fibrous tissue areas were also measured, and immunohistochemical analysis was performed for c-kit, neurofilament, and S-100.

The activated PRP concentrate reduced wound scar contracture, promoted wound healing, and reduced inflammation and wound fibrosis. On POD 12, histologic findings in the hemiglossectomy+PRP group were similar to those in the normal control group, and the intensity of stem cell factor receptor c-kit expression was also significantly greater in the PRP group than in the hemiglossectomy group on POD 12. Immunohistochemical staining revealed S100 and neurofilament expressions in the hemiglossectomy+PRP group were significantly more intense than in the hemiglossectomy group.

Intralesional activated PRP concentrate injection has potential use for tongue regeneration, wound healing, and neural regeneration with minimal scarring after partial glossectomy.

Intralesional activated PRP concentrate injection has potential use for tongue regeneration, wound healing, and neural regeneration with minimal scarring after partial glossectomy.

Autoři článku: Doughertybrinch3874 (Kerr Fox)