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Reliable long-horizon PM2.5 forecasts are crucial and beneficial for health protection through early warning against air pollution. However, the dynamic nature of air quality makes PM2.5 forecasts at long horizons very challenging. This study proposed a novel machine learning-based model (MCNN-BP) that fused multiple convolutional neural networks (MCNN) with a back-propagation neural network (BPNN) for making spatiotemporal PM2.5 forecasts for the next 72 h at 74 stations covering the whole Taiwan simultaneously. Model configuration involved an ensemble of massive hourly air quality and meteorological monitoring datasets and the existing publicly-available PM2.5 simulated (forecasted) datasets from an atmospheric chemical transport (ACT) model. The proposed methodology collaboratively constructed two CNNs to mine the observed data (the past) and the forecasted data from ACT (the future) separately. The results showed that the MCNN-BP model could significantly improve the accuracy of spatiotemporal PM2.5 forecasts and substantially reduce the forecast biases of the ACT model. We demonstrated that the proposed MCNN-BP model with effective feature extraction and good denoising ability could overcome the curse of dimensionality and offer satisfactory regional long-horizon PM2.5 forecasts. Moreover, the MCNN-BP model has considerably shorter computational time (5 min) and lower computational load than the compute-intensive ACT model. The proposed approach hits a milestone in multi-site and multi-horizon forecasting, which significantly contributes to early warning against regional air pollution.Herpes simplex keratitis is an important infectious cause of blindness worldwide. The mainstay of antiviral therapy is treatment with long-established nucleoside analogues orally or topically. However, the emergence of resistant strains may become a major health concern in the future. Therefore, the development of backup antiherpetic medicines is urgently needed. Small molecule PDSTP is known to be active against herpes simplex type 1 strains in vitro, affecting early host-pathogen interactions. Here, we evaluated its preclinical efficacy in a rabbit model of herpes simplex epithelial keratitis. The mean course of keratitis and the corneal lesions in the 1.0% PDSTP gel group was statistically significantly less than in the negative control group and was comparable to that in the aciclovir group. These findings open up new opportunities for the development of antiherpetic drugs with an original mechanism of action.Cryo-electron tomography provides detailed views of macromolecules in situ. However, imaging a large field of view to provide more cellular context requires reducing magnification during data collection, which in turn restricts the resolution. To circumvent this trade-off between field of view and resolution, we have developed a montage data collection scheme that uniformly distributes the dose throughout the specimen. In this approach, sets of slightly overlapping circular tiles are collected at high magnification and stitched to form a composite projection image at each tilt angle. These montage tilt-series are then reconstructed into massive tomograms with a small pixel size but a large field of view. For proof-of-principle, we applied this method to the thin edge of HeLa cells. Thon rings to better than 10 Å were detected in the montaged tilt-series, and diverse cellular features were observed in the resulting tomograms. These results indicate that the additional dose required by this technique is not prohibitive to performing structural analysis to intermediate resolution across a large field of view. We anticipate that montage tomography will prove particularly useful for lamellae, increase the likelihood of imaging rare cellular events, and facilitate visual proteomics.

To assess whether intra-cardiac arrest transport as compared to continued on-scene resuscitation was associated with improved clinical outcomes among out-of-hospital cardiac arrest patients in Denmark.

This was an observational study using data from population-based registries in Denmark. Adults (aged≥18 to ≤ 65years) with an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest attended by Emergency Medical Services (EMS) between 2016 and 2018 were included. The primary outcome was survival to 30days. Time-dependent propensity score matching was used to match patients transported to the hospital within 20 minutes of EMS arrival to patients with assumed on-scene resuscitation (with or without subsequent intra-cardiac arrest transport) at risk of being transported within the same minute.

The full cohort included 2,873 cardiac arrests. The median age was 56 (quartiles 48 to 62) years, 1987 (69%) were male, and 104 (4%) were transported within 20 minutes. A total of 87 transported patients were matched to 87 patients at risk of being transported based on the propensity score. Although not reaching statistical significance, in comparison with on-scene resuscitation, intra-cardiac arrest transport was associated with increased survival to 30days (risk ratio, 1.55; 95%CI, 0.99-2.44; P=0.06). Similar associations were observed for return of spontaneous circulation and survival to one year.

Among patients aged 18-65years, intra-cardiac arrest transport was associated with a non-significant increase in survival within 20 minutes of EMS on-scene arrival. However, the results did not eliminate the potential for bias and the results should be interpreted carefully.

Among patients aged 18-65 years, intra-cardiac arrest transport was associated with a non-significant increase in survival within 20 minutes of EMS on-scene arrival. However, the results did not eliminate the potential for bias and the results should be interpreted carefully.Variation in the physical and chemical environment driven by climate change poses severe threats to the world cultural heritage. Assessing climate risk of cultural heritage is significant to their protection, especially for countries such as China which has a long history and a large amount of cultural heritage. In the study, we employ the risk assessment framework proposed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to assess quantitatively the long-term precipitation-related climate risk of cultural heritage at the provincial level in China. The cultural heritage is divided into 5 categories based on material and cultural characteristics ancient culture sites, ancient tombs, ancient architectural structures, cave temples and stone carvings, and the modern and contemporary historic sites; and the future climate is projected to 2099 under the RCP-4.5 scenario. The results show that the risk of 5 categories of heritage varies considerably. The overall risk of the ancient culture sites and ancient tombs is significantly higher than that of the other 3 categories of heritage due to the vulnerable materials and old age. Spatially, the central regions of China face the highest overall climate risk due to the high hazard and exposure, followed by the eastern regions and the western regions. There are small regional differences in the risk of the ancient tombs while significant regional differences in the risk of the ancient architectural structures. To mitigate the climate risk of cultural heritage, the study highlights the key regions and the corresponding categories of heritage as well as strategies for prioritizing cultural heritage protection.Forty-three novel and legacy per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in water and sediments from the Chaobai River (Beijing) were quantified. buy LJI308 The total PFASs concentrations varied from 0.04 to 31.3 ng/L in water with significant spatial but insignificant seasonal variations, and changed from 0.03 to 4.29 ng/g in sediment with insignificant spatial but significant seasonal variations. The PFASs concentrations in water from the upstream across the rural area reflected the background level due to the extremely low concentration and very few detected PFASs. The consumer products and metal plating/textile were the predominant pollution sources of PFASs in winter and summer, respectively, for both water and sediment samples. Integrating the determined baseline value, the distribution of PFASs concentrations, and the ecological risks of PFASs, three criteria were proposed, which divide the PFASs concentrations in water into four pollution levels, i.e., insignificant, low, medium, and high. According to the suggested criteria, 96.4% of the PFASs levels in upstream was insignificant pollution, which decreased to 50.4% in downstream and 50.8% in reservoirs. The PFASs in China's and world's surface waters demonstrated similar pollution patterns, with PFOA, PFOS, and PFHxA being the top 3 polluted PFASs. This study makes a small step forward the development of water quality standard for PFASs, which is of great importance for pollution control and risk management of PFASs.

The aim was to assess the short- and long-term outcomes of unilateral adrenalectomy (UA) in patients with primary bilateral macronodular adrenal hyperplasia (PBMAH).

We conducted a retrospective study of 124 patients with PBMAH who underwent UA.

One hundred sixteen patients were available for follow-up (median, 28.5 months). Cushingoid features remitted in 43 of 65 patients (70.8%) with overt Cushing syndrome (CS). Hypertension and diabetes mellitus improved in 79 of 96 (82.3%) and 29 of 42 patients (69.0%), respectively. Glucocorticoid insufficiency developed in 7 of 116 patients (6.0%) after the surgery, and it resolved in all the patients during follow-up. The mean 24-hour urinary free cortisol level decreased gradually from 456.02 ± 422.33 mg/24 h at baseline to 84.47 ± 70.06 mg/24 h within 3 months and then increased progressively in some patients. Sixty-four of the 116 patients (55.2%) had biochemical recurrence and 43 patients (67.2%) underwent contralateral adrenalectomy. The median time interval between the second operation and the first UA was 24 months. Patients with overt CS had a larger surgical-side or contralateral adrenal volume than patients without overt CS. Patients with a contralateral adrenal volume of >33.54 mL or with a preoperative urinary free cortisol level of >216.08 mg/24 h were more likely to have recurrence.

The efficiency of UA is transient for the majority of patients, and the indications should be strictly limited to those with subclinical or milder CS. Patients who undergo successful UA still require close life-time follow-up for the recurrence of hypercortisolism.

The efficiency of UA is transient for the majority of patients, and the indications should be strictly limited to those with subclinical or milder CS. Patients who undergo successful UA still require close life-time follow-up for the recurrence of hypercortisolism.

The accurate interpretation of the cosyntropin (adrenocorticotropic hormone [ACTH]) stimulation test requires method- and assay-specific cutoffs of the level of cortisol. Compared with a historical cutoff (18 μg/dL) for polyclonal antibody-based immunoassays, lower thresholds were proposed for the Roche Elecsys II assay, which uses a monoclonal antibody. However, cutoffs for other commonly adopted, monoclonal antibody-based cortisol assays were not yet available. Here, we established the thresholds for the level of cortisol specific to the Abbott Architect immunoassay by comparing the measurements of the level of cortisol using 3 immunoassays.

The ACTH stimulation test was performed in patients with suspected adrenal insufficiency (n= 50). The serum cortisol level was measured using the Abbott Architect, Roche Elecsys II, and Siemens Centaur assays. The results of the Abbott assay were also compared with those of liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. The receiver operating characteristic analysis was performed to derive new diagnostic thresholds for the Abbott assay using the polyclonal antibody-based Siemens assay as the reference method.

Autoři článku: Donaldsonbaldwin2557 (Berry Tillman)