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Land Rover Discovery Keys - How to Replace Them

It's time to replace your land keys that aren't working. This article will cover all the fundamentals of replacing your keys including changing the ignition cylinder, battery, and transponder key.

Every Land Rover has a unique key fob code. Make sure to keep this in mind when changing your keys. Make sure to write it down in case you lose it.


Electronic keys of today offer more features and are more convenient than manual keys. The battery inside your key will eventually lose power and will have to be replaced.

If your smart key isn't working as it should, there are few signs to look for to tell if it's time to get a new one. If you're having to press the lock or unlock button several times before it actually works it could be a sign that your battery is failing.

You may also notice a slow cranking engine or corrosion in your cables and connectors. These are all signs of a failing battery. It is imperative to test your Land Rover Discovery batteries tested immediately and replaced if necessary.

You can do this yourself or have an experienced technician replace your battery for you at Park Place. No matter if you prefer to do it yourself or let a Land Rover West Chester trained technician replace the battery inside your key fob is fairly simple.

You will need to remove the battery case from your Land Rover Discovery key in order to replace it. This is usually done using a screwdriver or the key blade itself but you'll need be careful not to scratch the casing.

Release the Key The key fob will usually have the small black button on the side that you need to press down to release the metal blade for the emergency key. Other Land Rover keys will include a slide-able key you can easily take out of the plastic box.

Pop Open the Case After you've released the key, use a screwdriver or the key blade to pry open the battery case to reveal it. Remove the old battery carefully and replace it with a positive (+) one.

The battery's life expectancy will be diminished if you avoid touching it. When the battery is installed, you can snap the two pieces together and your key will function again!

Ignition Cylinder

It's quite a sight to look at the ignition cylinder on a Land Rover Discovery Key. It's not without flaws. There are many replacement parts. These include the cylindrical, as well as matching locks and the ever-present door handles. It is important to know which parts to purchase and when. Finding the right part could mean the difference between a repair and an expensive fix. Luckily, AutoDoc carries an extensive selection of top quality aftermarket parts for your Land Rover rig. You can visit your local dealer to have an in-person experience. You could also save money by using our slick online ordering system. We'll have the new parts delivered to your door in a matter of minutes. We offer a money-back assurance with no hassle. If you're looking for a replacement Land Rover discovery part to get your vehicle on the road take a look at our online shop.

Transponder key

Land Rover Discovery keys are unique in that they have an embedded transponder chip. This allows the car to start even when the battery in the key fob dies down. It also stops anyone from using your key to unlock the car without your permission.

This technology is essential to the security of your Land Rover. that it works correctly. If your key isn't working properly, it may be time to replace it.

The process of replacing a key is simple but you'll need to know a few things prior to. Find an expert locksmith or dealer who can program and cut the Land Rover Discovery keys.

It is important to ensure that the locksmith or dealer you choose has the right tools and equipment to complete the job quickly and efficiently. It's worth the extra effort to find a locksmith who knows your make and model, so they can tackle the issue faster and cheaper than had you done it yourself.

Then, you'll need to purchase a brand new key that has transponder chips in it. This type of key can be purchased online from a variety of stores and also at local auto parts shops or dealerships.

Once you have the new key, make sure that it functions correctly on all of the doors, cylinders , and trunks. This will prevent any future lockout situations and will save you money in the end.

It is also a good idea to have the locksmith or dealer cut an emergency key. This key will allow you to access your vehicle in the event of a dead battery. It's crucial that they do this part.

You should also get a brand new Land Rover Discovery smart key that can be used as a replacement for the standard key fob. It's an option that is available on all current Land Rover models. It's durable and able to adapt to your active lifestyle. It is also water-proof which is perfect for those who like to hike along Fisheating Creek Paddling Trail near Fort Myers or dive near any of the beautiful beaches close by.

Smart key

Smart keys are a type of remote that can unlock and lock your doors and start your ignition without you needing to press a key. This is an amazing feature that many Willow Grove drivers love, and is used to save you a lot of time and money in the long term.

You should keep your smart key with your person at all times, and if you've lost it and you've lost it, it's crucial to replace it with a brand new Land Rover Discovery key fob so that you can use it again. This is the most cost-effective and efficient approach to get your car up and running quickly and easily. If you have any doubts, a professional can help you.

First, locate the battery in the casing of your Land Rover Discovery key. It can be found by disassembling the key fob and looking for an unidentified black button on the casing.

After you have released your key, open the case using a screwdriver, or the key knife to expose the battery. Be careful not to scratch the casing and be sure to place the battery with the positive side facing upwards.

After you've replaced the battery it's time for you to return your Land Rover Discovery smart key to its usual function. It isn't advisable to leave the key in the vehicle as it could cause corrosion and damage to the circuitry.

It is also important to be aware that your key may be damaged by extreme sun, direct heat, dust, and humidity. The performance of your smart key could also be affected by radio frequency devices like medical equipment.

There are numerous ways to replace your Land Rover Discovery's key fob. However, it's recommended that you visit an authorized locksmith or dealer. These professionals can locate your key code and design an entirely new one for you. They can even replace the Land Rover Discovery ignition cylinder in the same process.

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