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This paper presents fire segmentation annotation data on 12 commonly used and publicly available "VisiFire Dataset" videos from http// This annotations dataset was obtained by per-frame, manual hand annotation over the fire region with 2684 total annotated frames. Since this annotation provides per-frame segmentation data, it offers a new and unique fire motion feature to the existing video, unlike other fire segmentation data that are collected from different still images. The annotations dataset also provides ground truth for segmentation task on videos. With segmentation task, it offers better insight on how well a machine learning model understood, not only detecting whether a fire is present, but also its exact location by calculating metrics such as Intersection over Union (IoU) with this annotations data. This annotations data is a tremendously useful addition to train, develop, and create a much better smart surveillance system for early detection in high-risk fire hotspots area.Six native isolates of Trichoderma and Bacillus having potential for biocontrol and plant growth-promoting activities in rice were isolated from different rice growing regions of India. These isolates were screened for their efficiency in both in vitro and in vivo conditions for three years. The identity of the isolates was confirmed both by morphological and molecular characterization. Three Bacillus spp. viz., Bacillus velenzensis strain BIK2, Bacillus cabrialesii strain BIK3 and Bacillus paralicheniformis strain BIK4 and Trichoderma spp. viz., Trichoderma asperellum strain TAIK1, and T. asperellum strain TAIK5, native to the Telangana state, in Southern India except for strain TAIK4 (Rewa district in the state of Madhya Pradesh in Central India). These promising isolates were subjected for whole genome sequencing using the Illumina platform and data was presented. The data was emanated for Trichoderma asperellum (TAIK1), Trichoderma asperellum (TAIK4), Trichoderma asperellum (TAIK5), Bacillus velezensis (BIK2), Bacillus cabrialesii (BIK3) and Bacillus paralicheniformis (BIK4) isolates had an average 100X coverage of 109X, 150X and 116X; 1447X, 905X and 585X respectively. Further studies on the annotation of the data obtained in correlation with the lab and field performance of these microbes would enable them to be used in metagenomics studies to compare their performance under natural conditions with different microbiota and popular rice varieties. Bioformulation of these strains would be more appropriate with the availability of this genomic data.The Oregon continental shelf is embedded within the northern California Current System, a wind-driven, eastern boundary system that includes the equatorward flowing California Current and the poleward flowing California Undercurrent. During spring and summer months, equatorward winds drive the upwelling of cold, nutrient-rich, and oxygen-poor waters from depth onto the shelf, fueling a highly productive marine ecosystem that supports several valuable commercial fisheries. This data article describes a time series of hydrographic data collected on a biweekly to monthly schedule from March 1997 to July 2021 along the Newport Hydrographic Line (NHL; 44.652°N, 124.1 - 124.65°W) located west of Newport, Oregon. The NHL, with its 2-4 week sampling rate and inclusion of biological data such as zooplankton net tows, is the only long-term, high-frequency dataset of its kind for the California Current and as such is crucial to understanding the connectivity between changes in ocean-climate and ecosystem structure and function. Data were collected using Sea-Bird Scientific conductivity, temperature, depth (CTD) profilers with associated dissolved oxygen sensors at seven stations located between 1.9 and 46.3 km from shore. Water depths for the seven stations range from 30 to 296 m. TTK21 manufacturer Data collected during each cruise were processed using Sea-Bird Scientific's Seasoft software package. These CTD station data were gridded to a 0.01° x 1 dbar longitude - pressure grid using linear interpolation to create cross-shelf hydrographic sections of temperature, practical salinity, potential density, spiciness, and dissolved oxygen. From the gridded section data, seasonal climatologies were calculated for each variable at each location in the longitude - pressure section using harmonic analysis with a three-harmonic fit to the gridded transect observations. The station data, gridded transect data and monthly climatologies for all five variables are available via Zenodo at https// paper presents an electromyography (EMG) signal dataset for use in human-computer interaction studies. The dataset includes 4-channel surface EMG data from 40 participants with an equal gender distribution. The gestures in the data are rest or neutral state, extension of the wrist, flexion of the wrist, ulnar deviation of the wrist, radial deviation of the wrist, grip, abduction of all fingers, adduction of all fingers, supination, and pronation. Data were collected from 4 forearm muscles when simulating 10 unique hand gestures and recorded with the BIOPAC MP36 device using Ag/AgCl surface bipolar electrodes. Each participant's data contains five repetitive cycles of ten hand gestures. A demographic survey was applied to the participants before the signal recording process. This data can be utilized for recognition, classification, and prediction studies in order to develop EMG-based hand movement controller systems. The dataset can also be useful as a reference to create an artificial intelligence model (especially a deep learning model) to detect gesture-related EMG signals. Additionally, it is encouraged to use the proposed dataset for benchmarking current datasets in the literature or for validation of machine learning and deep learning models created with different datasets in accordance with the participant-independent validation strategy.Using a longitudinal field survey, we collected data on how implementing an activity-based work environment impacts employees across time [1]. The sample consisted of 100 employees in a government organization implementing an activity-based working environment, with each employee surveyed on three time-points. The sample included all employees affected by the implementation. At each time-point, the response rate was 87%, 75%, and 69%, respectively. The sample was approximately 75% female at each time-point. Data collection took place about two months before the activity-based environment was implemented (condition 1), again about four months after implementation (condition 2), and finally, about nine months after implementation (condition 3). All data were collected using an online survey. The survey included questions on privacy, psychological ownership, and attitude towards activity-based work, in addition to questions on productivity, job satisfaction, job strain, and satisfaction with the work environment.We present four datasets on proteomics profiling of HeLa and SiHa cell lines associated with the research described in the paper "PROTREC A probability-based approach for recovering missing proteins based on biological networks" [1]. Proteins in each cell line were acquired by two different data acquisition methods. The first was Data Dependent Acquisition-Parallel Accumulation Serial Fragmentation (DDA-PASEF) and the second was Parallel Accumulation-Serial Fragmentation combined with data-independent acquisition (diaPASEF) [2], [3]. Protein assembly was performed following search against the Swiss-Prot Human database using Peaks Studio for DDA datasets and Spectronaut for DIA datasets. The assembled result contains identified PSMs, peptides and proteins that are above threshold for each HeLa and SiHa sample. Coverage-wise, for DDA-PASEF, approximately 6,090 and 7,298 proteins were quantified for HeLa and SiHA sample, while13,339 and 8,773 proteins were quantified by diaPASEF for HeLa for SiHa sample, respectively. Consistency-wise, diaPASEF has fewer missing values (∼ 2%) compared to its DDA counterparts (∼5-7%). The mass spectrometry proteomics data have been deposited to the ProteomeXchange Consortium (http// via the iProX partner repository [4] with the dataset identifier PXD029773.The Landing Error Scoring system (LESS) is a reliable screening tool for Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) injury. The test is focused on biomechanical errors of landing motion and is used to evaluate the risk of knee injuries in several sports, such as football and basketball, which involve repeated jumping demands. Presently, available LESS data from youth volleyball players is limited, thus screening for injury risk has not been comprehensively undertaken in this cohort. The LESS is typically performed by jumping from a box while video motion in 2 sagittal and frontal planes is recorded, with the jump landing rated against 17-items. A total of 233 players performed three jump landing trials resulting in a total of 1398 videos being recorded. Each LESS score item was rated by two physical therapists and one sports scientist and the data were separated into four separate LESS score categories excellent (≤4), good (4 - 5), moderate (5 - 6), and poor (>6). Descriptive analysis (percentage) was employed to describe the data, with scores subdivided by gender. The data may be applied to identify youth volleyball players at potential risk of sustaining a lower body injury from poor landing biomechanics.Oil palm breeding and seed development have been hindered due to the male parent's incapacity to produce male inflorescence as a source of pollen under normal conditions. On the other hand, a young oil palm plantation has a low pollination rate due to a lack of male flowers. These are the common problem of sex ratio in the oil palm industry. Nevertheless, the regulation of sex ratio in oil palm plants is a complex mechanism and remains an open question until now. Researchers have previously used complete defoliation to induce male inflorescences, but the biological and molecular mechanisms underlying this morphological change have yet to be discovered. Here, we present an RNA-seq dataset from three early stages of an oil palm inflorescence under normal conditions and complete defoliation stress. This transcriptomic dataset is a valuable resource to improve our understanding of sex determination mechanisms in oil palm inflorescence.Oxidative stress is a key feature in hypertension, since reactive oxygen species are involved in all stages of cardiovascular diseases. Saliva is a body fluid that can be used to investigate alterations in the oxidative system with several specific advantages over blood. Nebivolol is a third-generation selective β1-adrenergic receptor antagonist that promotes vasodilation and has been shown to reduce oxidative stress in pre-clinical and clinical studies. The use of Nebivolol in different periods of treatment demonstrated that it is an efficient anti-hypertensive drug. We evaluated the oxidative stress biomarkers and the enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidant systems in saliva of hypertensive patients before and after the use of anti-hypertensive therapeutic doses of Nebivolol, since saliva can be used as an auxiliary tool to analyze parameters of oxidative stress.

Autoři článku: Dodsonhammer4729 (Dean Boswell)