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In reverse immunoprecipitation experiments with a clathrin nanobody, other heterotetrameric AP-complexes were shown to interact with clathrin, but AP-2 complex subunits were absent.IMPORTANCE We examine in detail the AP-2 adaptin complex from the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum In most studied organisms, AP-2 is involved in bringing material into the cell from outside, a process called endocytosis. Previous work shows that changes to the μ subunit of AP-2 can contribute to drug resistance. Our experiments show that AP-2 is essential for parasite development in blood but does not have any role in clathrin-mediated endocytosis. This suggests that a specialized function for AP-2 has developed in malaria parasites, and this may be important for understanding its impact on drug resistance. Copyright © 2020 Henrici et al.What are bacteria doing during "reversible attachment," the period of transient surface attachment when they initially engage a surface, besides attaching themselves to the surface? Can an attaching cell help any other cell attach? If so, does it help all cells or employ a more selective strategy to help either nearby cells (spatial neighbors) or its progeny (temporal neighbors)? Using community tracking methods at the single-cell resolution, we suggest answers to these questions based on how reversible attachment progresses during surface sensing for Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains PAO1 and PA14. Although PAO1 and PA14 exhibit similar trends of surface cell population increase, they show unanticipated differences when cells are considered at the lineage level and interpreted using the quantitative framework of an exactly solvable stochastic model. Reversible attachment comprises two regimes of behavior, processive and nonprocessive, corresponding to whether cells of the lineage stay on the surface long enought culminates ultimately in irreversible attachment, it is not clear how reversible attachment progresses phenotypically, as bacterial surface-sensing circuits fundamentally alter cellular behavior. We analyze diverse observed bacterial behavior one family at a time (defined as a full lineage of cells related to one another by division) using a unifying stochastic model and show that our findings lead to insights on the time evolution of reversible attachment and the social cooperative dimension of surface attachment in PAO1 and PA14 strains. Copyright © 2020 Lee et al.Ebola virus (EBOV) causes a severe and often fatal disease for which no approved vaccines or antivirals are currently available. EBOV VP30 has been described as a viral phosphoprotein, and nonphosphorylated VP30 is essential and sufficient to support secondary transcription in an EBOV-specific minigenome system; however, phosphorylatable serine residues near the N terminus of VP30 are required to support primary viral transcription as well as the reinitiation of VP30-mediated transcription at internal EBOV genes. While the dephosphorylation of VP30 by the cellular phosphatase PP2A was found to be mediated by nucleoprotein, the VP30-specific kinases and the role of phosphorylation remain unknown. Here, we report that serine-arginine protein kinase 1 (SRPK1) and SRPK2 phosphorylate serine 29 of VP30, which is located in an N-terminal R26xxS29 motif. Interaction with VP30 via the R26xxS29 motif recruits SRPK1 into EBOV-induced inclusion bodies, the sites of viral RNA synthesis, and an inhibitor of SRPK1/SRPK2 doific kinase that phosphorylates serine 29, the same residue that is dephosphorylated by PP2A. SRPK1-mediated phosphorylation of serine 29 enabled primary viral transcription. Mutation of the SRPK1 recognition motif in VP30 resulted in significant growth inhibition of EBOV. Similarly, elevation of the phosphorylation status of serine 29 by overexpression of SRPK1 inhibited EBOV growth, highlighting the importance of reversible phosphorylation of VP30 as a potential therapeutic target. Copyright © 2020 Takamatsu et al.Symbiotic mutualisms of bacteria and animals are ubiquitous in nature, running a continuum from facultative to obligate from the perspectives of both partners. The loss of functions required for living independently but not within a host gives rise to reduced genomes in many symbionts. Although the phenomenon of genome reduction can be explained by existing evolutionary models, the initiation of the process is not well understood. Here, we describe the microbiome associated with the eggs of the beetle Lagria villosa, consisting of multiple bacterial symbionts related to Burkholderia gladioli, including a reduced-genome symbiont thought to be the exclusive producer of the defensive compound lagriamide. We show that the putative lagriamide-producing symbiont is the only member of the microbiome undergoing genome reduction and that it has already lost the majority of its primary metabolism and DNA repair pathways. The key step preceding genome reduction in the symbiont was likely the horizontal acquisition of thenes. Here, we describe exposure of a genome-reduced beetle symbiont to a community of related bacteria with nonreduced genomes. We show that the symbiont has acquired genes from other bacteria despite going through genome reduction, suggesting that isolation has not yet played a major role in this case of genome reduction, with horizontal gene gains still offering a potential route for adaptation. Copyright © 2020 Waterworth et al.Mutations in the Plasmodium falciparum Kelch 13 (PfK13) protein are associated with artemisinin resistance. PfK13 is essential for asexual erythrocytic development, but its function is not known. We tagged the PfK13 protein with green fluorescent protein in P. falciparum to study its expression and localization in asexual and sexual stages. We used a new antibody against PfK13 to show that the PfK13 protein is expressed ubiquitously in both asexual erythrocytic stages and gametocytes and is localized in punctate structures, partially overlapping an endoplasmic reticulum marker. selleckchem We introduced into the 3D7 strain four PfK13 mutations (F446I, N458Y, C469Y, and F495L) identified in parasites from the China-Myanmar border area and characterized the in vitro artemisinin response phenotypes of the mutants. We found that all the parasites with the introduced PfK13 mutations showed higher survival rates in the ring-stage survival assay (RSA) than the wild-type (WT) control, but only parasites with N458Y displayed a significantly higher RSA value (26.

Autoři článku: Dodsonfranklin0578 (Warner Navarro)