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Collection, preservation, and shipment of histological specimens in low-resource settings is challenging. We present a novel method that achieved excellent preservation of placental specimens from rural Mali by using formalin fixation, ethanol dehydration, and long-term storage in a solar-powered freezer. TIC10 cost Sample preservation success was 92%, permitting evaluation of current and past malaria infection, anemia, placental maturity, and inflammation. Using RNAscope® hybridization we were able to visualize cell-specific gene expression patterns in the formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) specimens. Additionally, our method entailed mirrored sampling from the two cut faces of a cotyledon, one for the FFPE workflows and the other for storage in RNAlater™ and RNA-seq.The excess free radicals not neutralized by the antioxidant defenses damage the essential macromolecules of our cells, causing abnormalities in the expression of genes and membrane receptors, cell proliferation or death, immune disorders, mutagenesis, deposits of proteins or lipofuschin in tissues. The first objective of this study was to elucidate the composition of the essential oil of the aerial and root part of Centaurea sulphurea during beginning of the vegetative cycle (March), beginning of the flowering stage (April) and full bloom (May/June) using GC/FID and GC/MS. The second aim was to describe the antioxidant activity using three methods (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), ferric-reducing antioxidant power (FRAP), β-carotene bleaching assay) and bioinformatical study of ctDNA sequence and three endogenous enzymes inhibition. The essential oils obtained from the root during the full bloom period consisted mainly of caryophyllene oxide, aplotaxene and (Z)-phytol. While, the aerial parts were domina diterpene is safer to replace the synthetic drugs with side effects. Further testing is needed to assess its effectiveness in reducing oxidative stress for use in the pharmaceutical industry.Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma.This historical vignette aims to reflect on the life of Claudius Galen and critically discuss his contributions towards modern neurosurgical practice; specifically, neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, and cranial trepanation. Born in 129 AD in the Greek city of Pergamon, Galen dedicated his early life to the study of medicine and established himself as one of the foremost physicians of the time. Through vivisections of Barbary apes, he was one of the first to provide a detailed description of cranial nerves, the ventricular system of the brain, and various deep brain structures. He made an important distinction between motor and sensory nerves and mapped out the fundamental arrangement of neuronal fibers within the spinal cord. However, his fundamental understanding of neurophysiology, as well as cerebral blood circulation, was largely flawed as it was based on speculation of interspecies comparative anatomy. On the technical side, he made a modest contribution to the practice of cranial trepanation and his writings helped establish the technique as an essential component of a surgeon's armamentarium. His work in the fields relevant to modern neurosurgery, although imperfect with the benefit of hindsight, laid the important foundation for much of the progress of neurosurgical practice in the Renaissance and beyond.

Actual challenge in surgical treatment of intra-axial gliomas involving eloquent areas is maximal safe resection. Mapping and monitoring of cortical and subcortical motor functionsare important tools to avoid postoperative deficits. In the present study, we present our experiencewith a continuous dynamic motor mapping technique pairing a traditional monopolar stimulatorwith a Cavitron Ultrasonic Surgical Aspirator (CUSA) to perform a continuous stimulation ofthe white matter avoiding removal interruption.

We describe a single center retrospective analysis of 1-year consecutive patients with intraxial tumors located adjacent to corticospinal tract and treated with surgical resection adopting "continuous dynamic mapping technique". With the support of a reconstruction software (3D Slicer), we classified the Extent Of Resection (EOR) as Gross Total Resection (GTR) (>98%), Sub-Total Resection (STR) (from 90% to 97%), and Partial Resection (<90%). Medical Research Council (MRC) grading was adopted to evaent consequences. However, we need for further experience to consolidate and improve this technique.

Our early experience showed that a combination of dynamic subcortical mapping with transcranial and cortical strip MEP (Motor Evoked Potentials) monitoring is useful in tumors close to motor eloquent areas to extend surgical resection avoiding permanent consequences. However, we need for further experience to consolidate and improve this technique.

High-resolution nerve ultrasonography (HRUS) could have an emerging importance in diagnosis and follow-up of axonopathic radial palsy associated with humeral shaft fractures due to closed trauma. The aim of our study is to establish the role of HURS in this context through a longitudinal multimodal analysis.

Clinical, electrodiagnostic (EDX) and HRUS evaluations were prospectively performed at month 1, 3, 6, 12 and 24 from injury, in a continuous series of 19 patients collected in a 5-year study. Clinical severity was scored on MRC of involved muscles, EDX on presence/absence of functional continuity; anatomical continuity and nerve cross sectional area (NCSA) of radial (RN ) and posterior interosseus (PIN) nerves were evaluated through HRUS.

All patients showed clinical improvement during follow-up; EDX functional continuity was reached by all patients within 12 months; HRUS revealed RN anatomical continuity in all patients and PIN involvement in 74%. RN NCSA progressively reduced during FU, but it was still significantly higher than contralateral at month 24; PIN NCSA became normal within 24 months.

When anatomical RN continuity is confirmed by HRUS, good functional outcome is reached even in patients with EDX loss of functional continuity. Together with clinical and EDX evaluations, HRUS may provide useful data in the follow-up of radial palsy due to humeral shaft fractures.

When anatomical RN continuity is confirmed by HRUS, good functional outcome is reached even in patients with EDX loss of functional continuity. Together with clinical and EDX evaluations, HRUS may provide useful data in the follow-up of radial palsy due to humeral shaft fractures.

The number of female neurosurgeons has grown over the last decades, however, a gender gap still exists in most western countries. The reasons for this gender gap remain mostly unclear. The aim of the present study was to analyze the development of the numbers of female neurosurgeons in Austria over the last 20 years in comparison to other surgical disciplines. Additionally, a literature review was performed summarizing articles reporting on women in neurosurgery.

Data including male and female residents as well as board certified surgeons over the last 20 years retrieved from the Austrian Medical Association were collected. An additional PubMed query was performed focusing on literature reporting on working conditions, work-life-balance as well as data of female leading positions.

In 2021, 5237 surgeons were registered at the Austrian Medical Association including 258 (5%) neurosurgeons. In total, 1081 of 5237 (21%) surgeons and 61 of 253 (24%) of all Austrian neurosurgeons were female. In comparison to the percentage of women in all surgical disciplines, the number of female neurosurgeons is represented slightly above the average of 21%. According to data representing the trend of the last 20 years, the percentage of female neurosurgeons in Austria has doubled over the last 20 years. Comparably, this trend can be observed in all surgical disciplines.

The percentage of female neurosurgeons in Austria are constantly increasing over the last 20 years, however a gender gap still exists. Consequently, studies are warranted to analyse the causes to improve the reported gender gap in Neurosurgery.

The percentage of female neurosurgeons in Austria are constantly increasing over the last 20 years, however a gender gap still exists. Consequently, studies are warranted to analyse the causes to improve the reported gender gap in Neurosurgery.

Resection of bone infiltrating meningiomas of the sphenoid plane and the orbital walls is a highly challenging neurosurgical procedure. In this study, the authors present 11 cases of fronto-orbital and sphenoid wing meningioma which were subjected to tumor resection and cranioplasty using a pre-designed CAD PMMA-implant in one single staged procedure.

Eleven cases were prospectively analysed from January 2011 to December 2018. In all cases preoperative CT scans were performed and evaluated, in order to produce a customised PMMA-implant, fitting the osseous defect left after surgical resection of the predefined tumorous mass. Surgery was performed with standard techniques with the addition of availability of preplanned neuronavigational data as well as a matching template of the implant for intraoperative use. After tumor resection, cranioplasty followed using the predesigned PMMA implant.

Gross total resection was achieved in 82% (9 of 11 cases). Mean time of surgery for the combined procedure resulted in 223min ± 99min, with a mean blood loss of 427±192cc. Mean hospital stay for the combined procedure resulted in 11.5±3 days. In 18% of the cases (2/11), patients suffered from late onset infection of the implant and needed a surgical removal.

The presented data show that gross total resection and subsequent single staged bone reconstruction in osseous sphenoid wing and orbital rim meningiomas can be achieved using predesigned PMMA CAD implants with preplanned tumor resection borders with neuronavigational guidance.

The presented data show that gross total resection and subsequent single staged bone reconstruction in osseous sphenoid wing and orbital rim meningiomas can be achieved using predesigned PMMA CAD implants with preplanned tumor resection borders with neuronavigational guidance.

Despite continuous refinement of the WHO classification for meningiomas, the biological behaviour of atypical meningiomas remains difficult to predict on the basis of this grading system alone. The aim of this study was to investigate the prognostic significance of clinical and radiological parameters in a series of atypical meningioma with long follow-up of minimum 5 years.

Of 1675 meningiomas treated at the Medical University Vienna between 1993 and 2015, 179 were atypical meningioma. Of those, 93 patients were identified with follow-up of ≥5 years. Patients were grouped by recurrence and evaluated for overall and progression free survival as well as potential prognostic parameters such as age, gender, tumor size and location, edema, irregular surface, contrast enhancement, bone invasion and hyperostosis, necrosis, EOR and MIB-1.

From 42 (45%) patients in group recurrent and 51 (55%) patients in group nonrecurrent, seven independent factors were associated with decreased progression-free survival in u intervals and adjuvant radiation treatment.

Autoři článku: Dissingmccormick1124 (Bendixen Helbo)