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The liver plays a central role in the postpartum (PP) energy metabolism of the transition dairy cow; however, studies describing the liver metabolome during this period were lacking. The aim of the presented study was therefore to compare the alterations in the liver and blood metabolome of transition dairy cows. For this purpose, an on-farm trial with 80 German Holstein cows (mean lactation number 3.9; range 2-9) was performed, with thorough documentation of clinical traits and clinical chemistry, as well as production data. Liver biopsies and blood samples were collected at d 14 (mean 12 d, range 1-26 d) antepartum (AP), d 7 (7, 4-13) and 28 (28, 23-34; mean, earliest-latest) PP for targeted mass spectroscopy-based metabolomics analysis using the AbsoluteIDQ p180 kit (Biocrates Life Sciences). Statistical analysis was performed using multivariate (partial least squares discriminant analysis) as well as univariate methods (linear mixed model). Multivariate data analysis of the liver metabolome revealed 3 difetabotypes. Future studies should investigate the stability and reproducibility of the metabotype and phenotypes observed, and the possible predictive value of the metabolites already differing AP between metabotype B and C.The objective of this systems-scale study was to investigate grazing season timeframes on pasture and milk production and on milk processability of dairy systems with compact spring-calving dairy cows grazing white clover (Trifolium repens L.) based grassland. Fifty-four primiparous and multiparous Holstein-Friesian dairy cows were used in a one-factor study with 3 systems (n = 18) and repeated over 2 yr (2008/09 and 2009/10). The 3 systems were early spring calving with annual fertilizer N input of 100 kg·ha-1 applied in spring (ES100N; 2.1 cows·ha-1; grazing February to November), early spring calving without fertilizer N (ES0N; 1.6 cows·ha-1; grazing February to November) and late spring calving without fertilizer N (LS0N; 1.53 cows·ha-1; grazing April to January). Annual pasture production was affected by an interaction between grazing system and year Mean annual pasture yields for 2008 and 2009 were ES100N; 10.35 and 9.88, ES0N; 8.88 and 8.63, LS0N; 9.18 and 10.31 t of dry matter (DM)·ha-1 (SEM 0.39). LS0N had higher pasture DM yield in 2009 due to higher clover DM production and biological N fixation compared with the other systems. Clover stolon and root mass in the following February was correlated with stolon and root mass in the previous November with 64% of stolon mass present on LS0N in February (R2 = 0.84). There were no detectable differences in per-lactation milk yield (6,335 kg·cow-1), fat, protein and lactose yields (271, 226, 297 kg·cow-1, respectively), cow liveweight (585 kg) or body condition score (3.02). Although winter grazing favored subsequent clover DM production, biological N fixation and pasture DM production, delaying calving date in spring and extending lactation into the following winter led to inefficient use of this pasture by the grazing herd and lowered the quality of late-lactation milk for processing purposes. Hence, a mean calving date in mid- to late-February is recommended for zero-fertilizer N input clover-based grassland.The aim of this study was to assess the effects of seasonal variation on the changes of the fatty acid (FA) and triacylglycerol (TAG) composition of bovine milk fat (MF) in a nonseasonal milking system. Weekly milk samples were collected from 14 dairy factories and pooled per week as representative samples of the average Dutch bovine milk. The sample collection started in May 2017 and finished in April 2018, resulting in a total of 52 samples, corresponding to each week of the year. The samples were analyzed for MF content (%) and FA and TAG composition using gas chromatography with flame-ionization detection. The increased intake of C183 cis-9,12,15 through grass feeding in spring and summer was associated with major changes in MF FA composition, including reduced proportions of de novo synthesized FA and presence of several rumen biohydrogenation products and conjugated linoleic acid isomers in MF. These changes in seasonal FA composition had an effect on TAG seasonal variation. The TAG seasonal variation showed that all TAG groups were significantly different between months. The low molecular weight and the medium molecular weight TAG groups increased in winter and decreased in summer, whereas the high molecular weight TAG groups increased in summer and decreased in winter. Based on pooled monthly samples, MALDI-TOF-mass spectrometry allowed the analysis of even- and odd-chain TAG species in MF based on their total carbon number and number of double bonds. These analyses indicated saturated TAG species to be greatest in winter, whereas monounsaturated, polyunsaturated, and odd-chain TAG species were greatest in summer. Our study showed that TAG seasonal variation in a nonseasonal milking system is influenced by the variation in FA composition throughout the seasons.The aims of this study were to evaluate histopathologic changes during the transition period, describe the histopathological features of the metabotypes identified in Part I (Schären et al., 2021b), and investigate effects of a metaphylactic treatment with butaphosphan and cyanocobalamin (BCC) on the liver parenchyma. Eighty German Holstein cows (mean 305-d production 10,957 kg, range 6,480-15,193 kg; mean lactation number 3.9, range 2-9) from a commercial dairy farm in Saxony, Germany, were enrolled in a randomized, prospective, triple-blinded study. Two groups received a treatment with BCC (5 or 10 mL/100 kg of body weight 10% butaphosphan and 0.005% cyanocobalamin, Catosal, Bayer Animal Health, n = 20 each) and one group a placebo treatment (NaCl 0.9%, n = 40). Liver biopsy specimens were collected 14 d antepartum (AP) and 7, 28, and 42 d postpartum (PP), routinely processed for histologic examination, and stained with hematoxylin and eosin, Sudan III, periodic acid-Schiff, and picrosirius red stains. The the assumption of a decreased grass silage quality as a causative factor.In this study, the microbial interactions among cocultures of Streptococcus thermophilus (St) with potential probiotics of Bifidobacterium animalis ssp. lactis (Ba) and Lactiplantibacillus plantarum (Lp) in fermented milk were investigated during a storage period of 21 d at 4°C, in terms of acidifying activity (pH and titratable acidity), viable counts, and metabolites. A nontargeted metabolomics approach based on ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry was employed for mapping the global metabolite profiles of fermented milk. Probiotic strains cocultured with St accelerated milk acidification, and improved the microbial viability compared with the single culture of St. The St-Ba/Lp treatment manifested a higher bacteria viability and acidification ability in comparison with the St-Ba or the St-Lp treatment. Relative quantitation of 179 significant metabolites was identified, including nucleosides, AA, short peptides, organic acids, lipid derivatives, carbohydrates, carbonyl compounds, and compounds related to energy metabolism. The principal component analysis indicated that St treatment and coculture treatments displayed a complete distinction in metabolite profiles, and Lp had a larger effect than Ba on metabolic profiles of fermented milk produced by cofermentation with St during storage. The heat map in combination with hierarchical cluster analysis showed that the abundance of metabolites significantly varied with the starter cultures over the storage, and high abundance of metabolites was observed in either St or coculture samples. The St-Ba/Lp treatment showed relatively high abundance for the vast majority of metabolites. These findings suggest that the profile of the metabolites characterizing fermented milk samples may depend on the starter cultures, and incorporation of probiotics may considerably influence the metabolomic activities of fermented milks.Dairy cows in modern production systems are at risk to develop metabolic disorders during the transition period. Reasons for individual differences in susceptibility, as well as the underlying pathomechanisms, are still only partially understood. The development of metaphylactic treatment protocols is needed. In this context, an on-farm prospective 3-fold blinded randomized study involving 80 German Holstein cows was performed throughout 1 yr. The trial involved a thorough recording of the production and clinical traits, clinical chemistry, and liver biopsies and blood and urine sampling at d 14 (mean 12 d, range 1-26 d) antepartum (AP), and d 7 (7, 4-13) and 28 (28, 23-34) postpartum (PP) for metabolomics analyses. Two groups received a treatment with butaphosphan and cyanocobalamin (BCC) at either the dosage recommended by the manufacturer or the double dosage (5 or 10 mL/100 kg of body weight 10% butaphosphan and 0.005% cyanocobalamin (Catosal, Bayer Animal Health), n = 20 in each group, parity 4.2 ± 2.0 are efficient triglyceride export in the liver. The results from the liver metabolomics analysis support the application of an indication-based metaphylactic treatment with BCC.Milk fat production is highly influenced by nutrition and rumen fermentation. Rumination is an essential part of the ruminant digestive process and can serve as an indicator of rumen fermentation. The objective of this research was to quantify variation in rumination time between and within dairy herds and test for relationships between rumination time and milk fat production and fatty acid (FA) profile as a proxy of rumen fermentation. Our hypothesis was that rumination may indicate disruptions to rumen fermentation and that cows that spent less time ruminating would have lower milk fat due to these rumen disruptions. Data were collected from 1,733 Holstein cows on 5 commercial dairy farms (4 in Pennsylvania and 1 in New York) of 200 to 700 head using 1 of 2 commercially-available rumination sensing systems, CowManager SensOor ear tags (Agis Automatisering BV) or SCR model HR-LDn neck collars (SCR Engineers). Rumination data were collected for 7 consecutive days leading up to a DHIA test, summed within day, fat depression, which may affect milk fat and other production variables. These associations suggest that further investigation into using rumination data from commercial systems to predict or identify the presence of these conditions is warranted.The present study describes the effects of modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) on shelf-life extension, chemical, microbiological, and sensory properties of Domiati cheese. Five different MAP were studied [10% CO2/90% N2 (G1), 15% CO2/85% N2 (G2), 25% CO2/75% N2 (G3), 100% CO2 (G4), and 100% N2 (G5)]. Control samples were packaged in air (CA) and under vacuum. In both groups of cheeses, chemical analysis was significantly affected by MAP during cold storage. Ripening indexes were significantly affected by MAP during cold storage. Microbiological data showed that G4, followed by G5, were the most effective groups inhibiting the growth of total aerobic mesophilic and psychrotrophic bacteria, and yeasts and molds until the end of storage. Sensory evaluation was significantly affected by MAP and storage period, at 45 d CA cheese samples were judged as unacceptable. The best sensory properties were obtained in G5, G4, and G3 treatments, and recorded a relatively higher sensory evaluation scores. Enfortumab vedotin-ejfv datasheet The best shelf-life extension was obtained in G5, G4, and G3 treatments.

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