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Multiplexed proteomics is a powerful tool to assay cell states in health and disease, but accurate quantification of relative protein changes is impaired by interference from co-isolated peptides. Interference can be reduced by using MS3-based quantification, but this reduces sensitivity and requires specialized instrumentation. An alternative approach is quantification by complementary ions, the balancer group-peptide conjugates, which allows accurate and precise multiplexed quantification at the MS2 level and is compatible with most proteomics instruments. However, complementary ions of the popular TMT-tag form inefficiently and multiplexing is limited to five channels. Here, we evaluate and optimize complementary ion quantification for the recently released TMTpro-tag, which increases complementary ion plexing capacity to eight channels (TMTproC). Furthermore, the beneficial fragmentation properties of TMTpro increase sensitivity for TMTproC, resulting in ∼65% more proteins quantified compared to TMTpro-MS3 and ∼18% more when compared to real-time-search TMTpro-MS3 (RTS-SPS-MS3). TMTproC quantification is more accurate than TMTpro-MS2 and even superior to RTS-SPS-MS3. We provide the software for quantifying TMTproC data as an executable that is compatible with the MaxQuant analysis pipeline. Thus, TMTproC advances multiplexed proteomics data quality and widens access to accurate multiplexed proteomics beyond laboratories with MS3-capable instrumentation.The SureChEMBL database provides open access to 17 million chemical entities mentioned in 14 million patents published since 1970. However, alongside with molecules covered by patent claims, the database is full of starting materials and intermediate products of little pharmacological relevance. Herein, we introduce a new filtering protocol to automatically select the core chemical structures best representing a congeneric series of pharmacologically relevant molecules in patents. The protocol is first validated against a selection of 890 SureChEMBL patents for which a total of 51,738 manually curated molecules are deposited in ChEMBL. Our protocol was able to select 92.5% of the molecules in ChEMBL from all 270,968 molecules in SureChEMBL for those patents. Subsequently, the protocol was applied to all 240,988 US pharmacological patents for which 9,111,706 molecules are available in SureChEMBL. The unsupervised filtering process selected 5,949,214 molecules (65.3% of the total number of molecules) that form highly congeneric chemical series in 188,795 of those patents (78.3% of the total number of patents). A SureChEMBL version enriched with molecules of pharmacological relevance is available for download at https//ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases/chembl/SureChEMBLccs.We have investigated the structure and conformational dynamics of insulin dimer using a Markov state model (MSM) built from extensive unbiased atomistic molecular dynamics simulations and performed infrared spectral simulations of the insulin MSM to describe how structural variation within the dimer can be experimentally resolved. GSK503 manufacturer Our model reveals two significant conformations to the dimer a dominant native state consistent with other experimental structures of the dimer and a twisted state with a structure that appears to reflect a ∼55° clockwise rotation of the native dimer interface. The twisted state primarily influences the contacts involving the C-terminus of insulin's B chain, shifting the registry of its intermolecular hydrogen bonds and reorganizing its side-chain packing. The MSM kinetics predict that these configurations exchange on a 14 μs time scale, largely passing through two Markov states with a solvated dimer interface. Computational amide I spectroscopy of site-specifically 13C18O labeled amides indicates that the native and twisted conformation can be distinguished through a series of single and dual labels involving the B24F, B25F, and B26Y residues. Additional structural heterogeneity and disorder is observed within the native and twisted states, and amide I spectroscopy can also be used to gain insight into this variation. This study will provide important interpretive tools for IR spectroscopic investigations of insulin structure and transient IR kinetics experiments studying the conformational dynamics of insulin dimer.Small molecules such as metabolites and drugs must pass through the membrane of the cell, a barrier primarily comprising phospholipid bilayers and embedded proteins. To better understand the process of passive diffusion, knowledge of the ability of various functional groups to partition across bilayers and the associated energetics would be of utility. In the present study, the site identification by ligand competitive saturation (SILCS) methodology has been applied to sample the distributions of a diverse set of chemical solutes representing the functional groups of small molecules across phospholipid bilayers composed of 0.90.1 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine/cholesterol and a mixture of 0.520.180.3 1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phospho-l-serine/1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine/cholesterol used in parallel artificial membrane permeability assay experiments. A combination of oscillating chemical potential grand canonical Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics in the SILCS simulations was appn equation for calculation of permeability were obtained. Comparisons of the calculated bilayer/solution partition coefficients with 1-octanol/water experimental data for both drug-like molecules and the solutes show overall good agreement, validating the calculated distributions and associated absolute free-energy profiles.Structural stability of various collagen-containing biomaterials such as bones and cartilage is still a mystery. Despite the spectroscopic development of several decades, the detailed mechanism of collagen interaction with citrate in bones and glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) in the cartilage extracellular matrix (ECM) in its native state is unobservable. We present a significant advancement to probe the collagen interactions with citrate and GAGs in the ECM of native bones and cartilage along with specific/non-specific interactions inside the collagen assembly at the nanoscopic level through natural-abundance dynamic nuclear polarization-based solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The detected molecular-level interactions between citrate-collagen and GAG-collagen inside the native bone and cartilage matrices and other backbone and side-chain interactions in the collagen assembly are responsible for the structural stability and other biomechanical properties of these important classes of biomaterials.KRAS, a 21 kDa guanine nucleotide-binding protein that functions as a molecular switch, plays a key role in regulating cellular growth. Dysregulation of this key signaling node leads to uncontrolled cell growth, a hallmark of cancer cells. KRAS undergoes post-translational modification by monoubiquitination at various locations, including at lysine104 (K104) and lysine147 (K147). Previous studies have suggested that K104 stabilizes helix-2/helix-3 interactions and K147 is involved in nucleotide binding. However, the impact of monoubiquitination at these residues on the overall structure, dynamics, or function of KRAS is not fully understood. In this study, we examined KRAS monoubiquitination at these sites using data from extensive (12 μs aggregate time) molecular dynamics simulations complemented by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy data. We found that ubiquitin forms dynamic nonspecific interactions with various regions of KRAS and that ubiquitination at both sites modulates conformational fluctuations. In both cases, ubiquitin samples a broad range of conformational space and does not form long-lasting noncovalent contacts with KRAS but it adopts several preferred orientations relative to KRAS. To examine the functional impact of these preferred orientations, we performed a systematic comparison of the dominant configurations of the ubiquitin/KRAS simulated complex with experimental structures of KRAS bound to regulatory and effector proteins as well as a model membrane. Results from these analyses suggest that conformational selection and population shift may minimize the deleterious effects of KRAS ubiquitination at K104 and K147 on binding to some but not all interaction partners. Our findings thus provide new insights into the steric effects of ubiquitin and suggest a potential avenue for therapeutic targeting.Supported lipid bilayers (SLBs) serve important roles as minimalistic models of cellular membranes in multiple diagnostic and pharmaceutical applications as well as in the strive to gain fundamental insights about their complex biological function. To further expand the utility of SLBs, there is a need to go beyond simple lipid compositions to thereby better mimic the complexity of native cell membranes, while simultaneously retaining their compatibility with a versatile range of analytical platforms. To meet this demand, we have in this work explored SLB formation on PEDOTPSS/silica nanoparticle composite films and mesoporous silica films, both capable of transporting ions to an underlying conducting PEDOTPSS film. The SLB formation process was evaluated by using the quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation (QCM-D) monitoring, total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF) microscopy, and fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) for membranes made of pure synthetic lipids with or without the reconstituted membrane protein β-secretase 1 (BACE1) as well as cell-derived native lipid vesicles containing overexpressed BACE1. The mesoporous silica thin film was superior to the PEDOTPSS/silica nanoparticle composite, providing successful formation of bilayers with high lateral mobility and low defect density even for the most complex native cell membranes.An extremophile Deinococcus radiodurans survives massive DNA damage by efficiently mending hundreds of double strand breaks through homology-dependent DNA repair pathways. Although DNA repair proteins that contribute to its impressive DNA repair capacity are fairly known, interactions among them or with proteins related to other relevant pathways remain unexplored. Here, we report in vivo cross-linking of the interactomes of key DNA repair proteins DdrA, DdrB, RecA, and Ssb (baits) in D. radiodurans cells recovering from gamma irradiation. The protein-protein interactions were systematically investigated through co-immunoprecipitation experiments coupled to mass spectrometry. From a total of 399 proteins co-eluted with the baits, we recovered interactions among diverse biological pathways such as DNA repair, transcription, translation, chromosome partitioning, cell division, antioxidation, protein folding/turnover, metabolism, cell wall architecture, membrane transporters, and uncharacterized proteins. Among n different homology-dependent DNA repair pathways and other relevant biological processes that essentially contribute to the extraordinary DNA damage repair capability of D. radiodurans. The data sets generated and analyzed in this study have been deposited to the ProteomeXchange Consortium via the PRIDE partner repository with the data set identifier PXD021822.

Autoři článku: Dickeyengel2602 (Adler Bork)