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Calmodulin (CaM) and phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2) are potent regulators of the voltage-gated potassium channel KCNQ1 (KV7.1), which conducts the cardiac IKs current. Although cryo-electron microscopy structures revealed intricate interactions between the KCNQ1 voltage-sensing domain (VSD), CaM, and PIP2, the functional consequences of these interactions remain unknown. Here, we show that CaM-VSD interactions act as a state-dependent switch to control KCNQ1 pore opening. Combined electrophysiology and molecular dynamics network analysis suggest that VSD transition into the fully activated state allows PIP2 to compete with CaM for binding to VSD. This leads to conformational changes that alter VSD-pore coupling to stabilize open states. We identify a motif in the KCNQ1 cytosolic domain, which works downstream of CaM-VSD interactions to facilitate the conformational change. Our findings suggest a gating mechanism that integrates PIP2 and CaM in KCNQ1 voltage-dependent activation, yielding insights into how KCNQ1 gains the phenotypes critical for its physiological function.Social and political polarization is an important source of conflict in many societies. Understanding its causes has become a priority of scholars across disciplines. We demonstrate that shifts in socialization strategies analogous to political polarization can arise as a locally beneficial response to both rising wealth inequality and economic decline. In many contexts, interaction with diverse out-groups confers benefits from innovation and exploration greater than those that arise from interacting exclusively with a homogeneous in-group. However, when the economic environment favors risk aversion, a strategy of seeking lower-risk in-group interactions can be important to maintaining individual solvency. Our model shows that under conditions of economic decline or increasing inequality, some members of the population benefit from adopting a risk-averse, in-group favoring strategy. Moreover, we show that such in-group polarization can spread rapidly to the whole population and persist even when the conditions that produced it have reversed.The origin of glass formation is one of the most fundamental issues in glass science. The glass-forming ability (GFA) of multicomponent systems, such as metallic glasses and phase-change materials, can be enormously changed by slight modifications of the constituted elements and compositions. However, its physical origin remains mostly unknown. Here, by molecular dynamics simulations, we study three model metallic systems with distinct GFA. We find that they have a similar driving force of crystallization, but a different liquid-crystal interface tension, indicating that the latter dominates the GFA. Furthermore, we show that the interface tension is determined by nontrivial coupling between structural and compositional orderings and affects crystal growth. selleck chemical These facts indicate that the classical theories of crystallization need critical modifications by considering local ordering effects. Our findings provide fresh insight into the physical control of GFA of metallic alloys and the switching speed of phase-change materials without relying on experience.Artificial antigen-presenting cells (aAPCs) can stimulate CD8+ T cell activation. While nanosized aAPCs (naAPCs) have a better safety profile than microsized (maAPCs), they generally induce a weaker T cell response. Treatment with aAPCs alone is insufficient due to the lack of autologous antigen-specific CD8+ T cells. Here, we devised a nanovaccine for antigen-specific CD8+ T cell preactivation in vivo, followed by reactivation of CD8+ T cells via size-transformable naAPCs. naAPCs can be converted to maAPCs in tumor tissue when encountering preactivated CD8+ T cells with high surface redox potential. In vivo study revealed that naAPC's combination with nanovaccine had an impressive antitumor efficacy. The methodology can also be applied to chemotherapy and photodynamic therapy. Our findings provide a generalizable approach for using size-transformable naAPCs in vivo for immunotherapy in combination with nanotechnologies that can activate CD8+ T cells.Flowering plants display the highest diversity among plant species and have notably shaped terrestrial landscapes. Nonetheless, the evolutionary origin of their unprecedented morphological complexity remains largely an enigma. link2 Here, we show that the coevolution of cis-regulatory and coding regions of PIN-FORMED (PIN) auxin transporters confined their expression to certain cell types and directed their subcellular localization to particular cell sides, which together enabled dynamic auxin gradients across tissues critical to the complex architecture of flowering plants. Extensive intraspecies and interspecies genetic complementation experiments with PINs from green alga up to flowering plant lineages showed that PIN genes underwent three subsequent, critical evolutionary innovations and thus acquired a triple function to regulate the development of three essential components of the flowering plant Arabidopsis shoot/root, inflorescence, and floral organ. Our work highlights the critical role of functional innovations within the PIN gene family as essential prerequisites for the origin of flowering plants.Peripheral nerve regeneration remains one of the greatest challenges in regenerative medicine. Deprivation of sensory and/or motor functions often occurs with severe injuries even treated by the most advanced microsurgical intervention. Although electrical stimulation represents an essential nonpharmacological therapy that proved to be beneficial for nerve regeneration, the postoperative delivery at surgical sites remains daunting. Here, a fully biodegradable, self-electrified, and miniaturized device composed of dissolvable galvanic cells on a biodegradable scaffold is achieved, which can offer both structural guidance and electrical cues for peripheral nerve regeneration. The electroactive device can provide sustained electrical stimuli beyond intraoperative window, which can promote calcium activity, repopulation of Schwann cells, and neurotrophic factors. Successful motor functional recovery is accomplished with the electroactive device in behaving rodent models. The presented materials options and device schemes provide important insights into self-powered electronic medicine that can be critical for various types of tissue regeneration and functional restoration.Potassium-chloride cotransporters KCC1 to KCC4 mediate the coupled export of potassium and chloride across the plasma membrane and play important roles in cell volume regulation, auditory system function, and γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and glycine-mediated inhibitory neurotransmission. Here, we present 2.9- to 3.6-Å resolution structures of full-length human KCC2, KCC3, and KCC4. All three KCCs adopt a similar overall architecture, a domain-swap dimeric assembly, and an inward-facing conformation. The structural and functional studies reveal that one unexpected N-terminal peptide binds at the cytosolic facing cavity and locks KCC2 and KCC4 at an autoinhibition state. The C-terminal domain (CTD) directly interacts with the N-terminal inhibitory peptide, and the relative motions between the CTD and the transmembrane domain (TMD) suggest that CTD regulates KCCs' activities by adjusting the autoinhibitory effect. These structures provide the first glimpse of full-length structures of KCCs and an autoinhibition mechanism among the amino acid-polyamine-organocation transporter superfamily.The evolutionary relationships of two animal phyla, Ctenophora and Xenacoelomorpha, have proved highly contentious. Ctenophora have been proposed as the most distant relatives of all other animals (Ctenophora-first rather than the traditional Porifera-first). Xenacoelomorpha may be primitively simple relatives of all other bilaterally symmetrical animals (Nephrozoa) or simplified relatives of echinoderms and hemichordates (Xenambulacraria). In both cases, one of the alternative topologies must be a result of errors in tree reconstruction. Here, using empirical data and simulations, we show that the Ctenophora-first and Nephrozoa topologies (but not Porifera-first and Ambulacraria topologies) are strongly supported by analyses affected by systematic errors. Accommodating this finding suggests that empirical studies supporting Ctenophora-first and Nephrozoa trees are likely to be explained by systematic error. This would imply that the alternative Porifera-first and Xenambulacraria topologies, which are supported by analyses designed to minimize systematic error, are the most credible current alternatives.Osteoporotic fractures are prevalent in society, and their incidence appears to be increasing as the worldwide population ages. However, conventional bone repair materials hardly satisfy the requirements for the repair of pathological fractures. Here, we developed a biomimetic polyetherketoneketone scaffold with a functionalized strontium-doped nanohydroxyapatite coating for osteoporotic bone defect applications. The scaffold has a hierarchically porous architecture and mechanical strength similar to that of osteoporotic trabecular bone. In vitro and in vivo studies demonstrated that the scaffold could promote osteoporotic bone regeneration and delay adjacent bone loss via regulating both osteoblasts and osteoclasts. link3 In addition, the correlations between multiple preimplantation and postimplantation parameters were evaluated to determine the potential predictors of in vivo performance of the material. The current work not only develops a promising candidate for osteoporotic bone repair but also provides a viable approach for designing other functional biomaterials and predicting their translational value.Early cancer detection aims to find tumors before they progress to an incurable stage. To determine the potential of circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) for cancer detection, we developed a mathematical model of tumor evolution and ctDNA shedding to predict the size at which tumors become detectable. From 176 patients with stage I to III lung cancer, we inferred that, on average, 0.014% of a tumor cell's DNA is shed into the bloodstream per cell death. For annual screening, the model predicts median detection sizes of 2.0 to 2.3 cm representing a ~40% decrease from the current median detection size of 3.5 cm. For informed monthly cancer relapse testing, the model predicts a median detection size of 0.83 cm and suggests that treatment failure can be detected 140 days earlier than with imaging-based approaches. This mechanistic framework can help accelerate clinical trials by precomputing the most promising cancer early detection strategies.A functional lymphatic vasculature is essential for tissue fluid homeostasis, immunity, and lipid clearance. Although atherosclerosis has been linked to adventitial lymphangiogenesis, the functionality of aortic lymphatic vessels draining the diseased aorta has never been assessed and the role of lymphatic drainage in atherogenesis is not well understood. We develop a method to measure aortic lymphatic transport of macromolecules and show that it is impaired during atherosclerosis progression, whereas it is ameliorated during lesion regression induced by ezetimibe. Disruption of aortic lymph flow by lymphatic ligation promotes adventitial inflammation and development of atherosclerotic plaque in hypercholesterolemic mice and inhibits ezetimibe-induced atherosclerosis regression. Thus, progression of atherosclerotic plaques may result not only from increased entry of atherogenic factors into the arterial wall but also from reduced lymphatic clearance of these factors as a result of aortic lymph stasis. Our findings suggest that promoting lymphatic drainage might be effective for treating atherosclerosis.

Autoři článku: Desairoth7333 (Munoz Silva)