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SA of UF three times (60 + 30 + 30) had the most improved soil chemical properties, growth, and yield of maize. Results also showed that maize yielded higher under UF integrated with PM compared with their sole forms. Application of 60 + 30+30 with 8 t ha-1PM (60 + 30+30 + 8 t ha-1PM) or with 4 t ha-1PM treatments showed the highest growth and yield of maize, but due to the bulkiness, handling challenges, and cost of PM, 60 + 30+30 + 4 t ha-1PM is recommended. Therefore, for better growth and yield of maize, after the initial application of PM, UF application should be split-applied in accordance with plant growth and the pattern of uptake to avoid losses by leaching and therefore ensured that N level in the soil is high at the critical stage of N demand.Secondary metabolites and their biological activity have pharmacological relevance in the prevention and therapeutic management of disease, including the facilitation of normal physiological processes through biochemical mechanisms. In this study, phytochemical constituents and antioxidant activity were evaluated quantitatively on the acetone, ethanol, and aqueous extracts of the flesh, and peel, as well as the boiled peel extract compartments of Musa sinensis L. and Musa paradisiaca L. fruits. Total phenol, proanthocyanidin, and flavonoid contents were estimated and measured spectrophotometrically. The free radical scavenging antioxidant capacity of the extracts was tested on DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl ethanol), ABTS (2,2'-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulphonic acid)), and FRAP (ferric reducing antioxidant power) assay models. Correlation between phytoconstituents and antioxidant activity was analysed using Pearson's coefficient. The results showed varying amounts of phytochemicals in the solvsiaca flesh with its DPPH radical scavenging activity. The correlation outcomes indicate that none of the phytochemical constituents solely affected antioxidant activity; instead, a combination of the polyphenolic constituents contributed to antioxidant activity. This study shows the therapeutic potentials of the flesh and, importantly, the peel of M. sinensis and M. paradisiaca fruits on the basis of the polyphenolic constitution against free radicals and oxidative stress.Land surface temperature (LST) is a key factor in numerous areas such as climate change, land use/land cover in the urban areas, and heat balance and is also a significant participant in the creation of climate models. Landsat data has given numerous possibilities to understand the land processes by means of remote sensing. The present study has been performed to identify the LST of the study region using Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS satellite images for two time periods in order to compare the data. The study also attempted to identify and predict the role and importance of NDVI, NDBI, and the slope of the region on LST. The study concludes that the maximum and minimum temperatures of 40.44 C and 20.78 C were recorded during the November month whereas the maximum and minimum LST for month March has increased to 42.44 C and 24.57 C respectively. The result indicates that LST is inversely proportional to NDVI (-6.369) and slope (-0.077) whereas LST is directly proportional to NDBI (+14.74). Multiple linear regression model has been applied to calculate the extents of NDVI, NDBI, and slope on the LST. It concludes that the increase in vegetation and slope would result in slight decrease in temperature whereas the increase in built-up will result in a huge increase in temperature.Smart manufacturing promises to provide significant increases in productivity and effectiveness of manufacturing systems by better connecting the data from people, processes, and things. However, there is no uniform, generalized method for deploying linked-data concepts to the manufacturing domain. The literature describes and commercial vendors offer centralized data repository solutions, but these types of approaches quickly breakdown under the intense burden of managing and reconciling all the data flowing in and out of the various repositories across the product lifecycle. In this paper, we introduce a method for linking and tracing data throughout the product lifecycle using graphs to form digital threads. We describe a prototype implementation of the method and a case study to demonstrate an information round-trip for a product assembly between the design, manufacturing, and quality domains of the product lifecycle. The expected impact from this novel, standards-based, linked-data method is the ability to use digital threads to provide data, system, and viewpoint interoperability in the deployment of smart manufacturing to realize industry's $30 Billion annual opportunity.A power-efficient bridge-to-digital sensing interface is proposed, which also offers immunity against power supply noise. The interface utilizes duty-cycling to reduce the static power consumption of resistive bridge sensors, which are commonly used in implantable, wearable, and internet of things (IoT) applications, such as intracranial pressure (ICP) sensing and blood pressure (BP) monitoring. read more The proposed interface uses a revised version of the pseudo-pseudo differential (PPD) topology with the ping-pong technique to reduce the complexity of traditional fully-differential counterparts. A proof-of-concept prototype has been fabricated in 0.35-μm CMOS and occupies an active area of 0.48 mm2. It achieves 9.13 effective number of bits (ENOB) at 3.72 kHz sampling rate and improvement of more than 50 dB in the power supply rejection ratio (PSRR) by employing the ping-pong technique. It reduces the power consumption of a 5-kΩ Wheatstone bridge by 99.6% compared to a traditional interface, down to 2.53 μw at 1.8 V supply. link2 The functionality of the system has also been demonstrated in an experimental setup in conjunction with an embedded resistive bridge pressure sensor.Site-directed mutagenesis (SDM) is an invaluable technique that enables the manipulation of DNA and therefore the primary structure and function of any encoded gene products. Commercial protocols for SDM have been optimized for Escherichia coli and mean A/T content but may hinder generation of desired products using other templates. Mutagenesis of A/T-rich DNA is often hindered by low oligodeoxynucleotide (oligo)-annealing temperatures, requiring oligos longer than manufacturer protocol recommendations. However, longer oligos can result in primer dimer formation and decreased SDM efficiencies. Commercially available kits proved inefficient at generating AT-rich mutants. We sought to generate a modified protocol that generated SDM products detectable using gel electrophoresis and that did not require an apparent limit on oligo length.Sanger sequencing remains an essential tool utilized by researchers. Despite competition from commercial sequencing providers, many academic sequencing core facilities continue to offer these services based on a model of competitive pricing, knowledgeable technical support, and rapid turnaround time. link3 In-house Sanger sequencing remains a viable core service and, until recently, Applied Biosystems BigDye Terminator chemistry was the only commercially available solution for Sanger DNA sequencing on Applied Biosystems (ABI) instruments; however, several new products employing novel dye chemistries and reaction configurations have entered the market. As a result, there is a need to benchmark the performance of these new chemistries on various DNA templates, including difficult-to-sequence templates, and their amenability to commonly employed cost-saving measures, such as dye dilution and reaction miniaturization. To evaluate these new reagents, a study was designed to compare the quality of Sanger sequencing data produced by ABI BigDye and commercially available kits from 2 other vendors using both control and difficult-to-sequence DNA templates under various reaction conditions. This study will serve as a valuable resource to core facilities conducting Sanger sequencing that wish to evaluate the use of an alternative chemistry in their sequencing core.Cell sorting is a commonly used technology to isolate highly purified cell populations for downstream applications. Because the sorted cells are destined for further analysis, i.e., gene expression assays or functional assays, ensuring that the sorting process itself has little effect on the cells is of utmost importance. Previous studies examining the effects of sorting on cellular function have primarily focused on a specific cell type or condition. One of the goals of the Flow Cytometry Research Group of the Association of Biomolecular Resource Facilities is to establish best practice guidelines for cell sorting conditions that minimize cell stress, perturbation, or injury to the sorted cell population. In this study, the effects of nozzle size, sample pressure, UV exposure, and instrument type were evaluated for their effects on gene expression and cell cycle using both established cell lines and primary cells across several flow cytometry shared facilities. Results indicate that nozzle size and pressure, as well as UV exposure and instrument type, have only minor effects on gene expression, which were diminished by subsequent culturing of the sorted cells. In this assessment, these data demonstrate that cell sorting itself, regardless of instrumentation used, has minimal effects on downstream cellular applications.

Breast cancer (BC) is the most common malignancy among women. Emerging studies have demonstrated that circular RNA (circRNA) zinc finger RNA binding protein (circZFR) serves as a crucial regulator in many human cancers. However, the role and mechanism of circZFR in BC tumorigenesis remain unclear.

The levels of circZFR, miR-578 and hypoxia-inducible factor 1α (HIF1A) were detected by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) or western blot. Cell viability, colony formation, apoptosis, migration and invasion capacities in vitro were determined by using the Cell Counting Kit-8 (CCK-8), standard colony formation, flow cytometry and transwell assays, respectively. Glucose uptake, lactate product and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) levels of cells in vitro were measured using the commercial human assay kits. Targeted relationships among circZFR, miR-578 and HIF1A in BC cell lines were verified by dual-luciferase reporter and RNA pulldown assays. Animal studies were performed to assess the effectsilencing of circZFR suppressed BC malignant progression in vitro via the regulation of the miR-578/HIF1A axis, providing evidence for the crucial involvement of circZFR in BC pathogenesis.

Iron metabolism disorder is closely associated with several malignant tumors, however the mechanisms underlying iron and the carcinogenesis in osteosarcoma are not yet well understood.

Cell proliferation ability of osteosarcoma cell lines was measured by CCK-8, EdU incorporation and colony formation assays. Cell cycle analysis was detected by flow cytometry. The carcinogenesis of osteosarcoma was measured by soft-agar formation, trans-well and Wound healing-scratch assay. Warburg effect was detected by Seahorse respirometry assays. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) level was measured by Dichlorodihydrofluorescein diacetate (DCFH-DA) fluorescent probes. Western blotting was used to measure the expression of mitoferrin 1 (SLC25A37) and mitoferrin 2 (SLC25A28). Iron level in vitro and vivo was detected by iron assay kit. RNAi stable cell lines was generated using shRNA.

Iron promoted proliferation, carcinogenesis and Warburg effect of osteosarcoma cells. Iron-induced reactive oxygen species (ROS) played an important role in these processes.

Autoři článku: Dentonpridgen8705 (Josefsen Butt)