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However, morpho-physiological advancements and larger genome size favored the acquisition of orthocaspases. Moreover, the conserved caspase hemoglobinase fold not only in the wild-type but also in the pseudo-orthocaspases in Nostoc sp. PCC 7120 ascertained the least effect of catalytic motifs in the protein tertiary structure. Further, the 100-ns molecular dynamic simulation and molecular mechanics/generalized born surface area exhibited stable binding of arginylarginine dipeptide with wild-type orthocaspase of Nostoc sp. PCC 7120, displaying arginine-P1 specificity of wild-type orthocaspases. This study deciphered the distribution, diversity, domain architecture, structure, and basic substrate specificity of putative cyanobacterial orthocaspases, which may aid in functional investigations in the future.Continuous cropping negatively affects soil fertility, physicochemical properties and the microbial community structure. However, the effects of long-term chili monoculture on the dominant microbial community assembly are not known. In this study, the impact of long-term chili monoculture on the correlation between the dominant microbial community and soil environmental variables was assessed. The results indicated that increasing duration of chili monoculture generated significant changes in soil nutrients, soil aggregates and soil enzymes nutrient contents increased overall, mechanically stable macroaggregates increased and microaggregates decreased, water-stable macroaggregates and microaggregates decreased, β-glucosidase decreased nonlinearly, and nitrate reductase and alkaline phosphatase activities showed a nonlinear increase. Moreover, an increasing number of years of chili monoculture also affected the structure of the dominant microbiota, with substantial changes in the relative abundances of 11 bacterial and fungal genera. The drivers of the dominant microbial community assembly in rhizosphere soil were soil moisture, abiotic nitrogen, pH and salt.Phytophthora cactorum is often described as a generalist pathogen, with isolates causing disease in a range of plant species. It is the causative agent of two diseases in the cultivated strawberry, crown rot (CR; causing whole plant collapse) and leather rot (LR; affecting the fruit). In the cultivated apple, P. cactorum causes girdling bark rots on the scion (collar rot) and rootstock (crown rot), as well as necrosis of the fine root system (root rot) and fruit rots. We investigated evidence for host specialisation within P. cactorum through comparative genomic analysis of 18 isolates. Whole genome phylogenetic analysis provided genomic support for discrete lineages within P. cactorum, with well-supported non-recombining clades for strawberry CR and apple infecting isolates specialised to strawberry crowns and apple tissue. Isolates of strawberry CR are genetically similar globally, while there is more diversity in apple-infecting isolates. We sought to identify the genetic basis of host specialisation, demonstrating gain and loss of effector complements within the P. cactorum phylogeny, representing putative determinants of host boundaries. Transcriptomic analysis highlighted that those effectors found to be specific to a single host or expanded in the strawberry lineage are amongst those most highly expressed during infection of strawberry and give a wider insight into the key effectors active during strawberry infection. Many effectors that had homologues in other Phytophthoras that have been characterised as avirulence genes were present but not expressed in our tested isolate. Our results highlight several RxLR-containing effectors that warrant further investigation to determine whether they are indeed virulence factors and host-specificity determinants for strawberry and apple. Furthermore, additional work is required to determine whether these effectors are suitable targets to focus attention on for future resistance breeding efforts.The turnover of microbial biomass plays an important part in providing a significant source of carbon (C) to soil organic C. However, whether the decomposition of microbial necromass (non-living microbial biomass) in the soil varies at the individual taxa level remains largely unknown. To fill up these gaps, we compared the necromass decomposition of bacterial and archaeal taxa by separating live microbial biomass with 18O-stable isotope probing from dead microbial biomass in soil. Our results showed that most of the microbial necromass at the operational taxonomic unit level (88.51%), which mainly belong to Acidobacteria, Actinobacteria, Gemmatimonadetes, and Proteobacteria, decomposed significantly after 30 days. In addition, there were great variations in necromass decomposition within each phylum, such as the decomposition of operational taxonomic units in Proteobacteria that ranged from 51% (Beijerinckia) to 92% (Nitrosospira). More importantly, the necromass decomposition was not related to the chemical composition of the cell wall but might positively correlate with the guanine-cytosine content of DNA and negatively correlated with genome size. This study provided a new insight that the decomposition of microbial necromass in soil was divergent at the individual taxonomic level and could not be fully explained by previously proposed mechanisms.Pathogenic fungi are recognized as a progressive threat to humans, particularly those with the immunocompromised condition. The growth of fungi is controlled by several factors, one of which is signaling molecules, such as hydrogen sulfide (H2S), which was traditionally regarded as a toxic gas without physiological function. However, recent studies have revealed that H2S is produced enzymatically and endogenously in several species, where it serves as a gaseous signaling molecule performing a variety of critical biological functions. However, the influence of this endogenous H2S on the biological activities occurring within the pathogenic fungi, such as transcriptomic and phenotypic alternations, has not been elucidated so far. Therefore, the present study was aimed to decipher this concern by utilizing S-propargyl-cysteine (SPRC) as a novel and stable donor of H2S and Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a fungal model. The results revealed that the yeast could produce H2S by catabolizing SPRC, which facilitated the growth of the yeast cells. This implies that the additional intracellularly generated H2S is generated primarily from the enhanced sulfur-amino-acid-biosynthesis pathways and serves to increase the growth rate of the yeast, and presumably the growth of the other fungi as well. In addition, by deciphering the implicated pathways and analyzing the in vitro enzymatic activities, cystathionine-γ-lyase (CYS3) was identified as the enzyme responsible for catabolizing SPRC into H2S in the yeast, which suggested that cystathionine-γ-lyase might play a significant role in the regulation of H2S-related transcriptomic and phenotypic alterations occurring in yeast. These findings provide important information regarding the mechanism underlying the influence of the gaseous signaling molecules such as H2S on fungal growth. In addition, the findings provide a better insight to the in vivo metabolism of H2S-related drugs, which would be useful for the future development of anti-fungal drugs.In winter 2018, a massive type D/C cattle botulism outbreak occurred on a mixed dairy and broiler farm in France. An investigation was conducted based on the hypothesis of asymptomatic carriage in poultry. We set out to identify the source of contamination of the dairy cattle and to monitor the contamination of broilers over time, including the hatchery delivering chicks to the farm. buy Ipatasertib Environmental samples were collected on the farm during the cattle outbreak (n = 40), after the outbreak for three successive broiler flocks (n = 128), and once in the hatchery delivering the chicks (n = 58). These samples were analyzed using real-time PCR after an enrichment step to detect Clostridium botulinum type D/C. The results showed contamination in the manure from the broilers raised just before the onset of the cattle outbreak (5 + /5), as well as in some of the components of the cattle ration (3 + /17). This latter contamination is likely due to the use of the same tractor bucket to remove litter from the poultry house better understand the role of hatcheries in the epidemiology of animal botulism.Soft rot pectobacteria are devastating plant pathogens with a global distribution and a broad host range. Pectobacterium aroidearum L6, previously isolated from leaves of Syngonium podophyllum, is a pectolytic bacterial pathogen that causes typical soft rot on S. podophyllum. There is a shortage for genome data of P. aroidearum, which seriously hinders research on classification and pathogenesis of Pectobacterium. We present here the complete genome sequence of P. aroidearum L6. The L6 strain carries a single 4,995,896-bp chromosome with 53.10% G + C content and harbors 4,306 predicted protein-coding genes. We estimated in silico DNA-DNA hybridization and average nucleotide identity values in combination with the whole-genome-based phylogeny from 19 Pectobacterium strains including P. aroidearum L6. The results showed that L6 and PC1 formed a population distinct from other populations of the Pectobacterium genus. Phylogenetic analysis based on 16S rRNA and genome sequences showed a close evolutionary relationship among Pectobacterium species. Overall, evolutionary analysis showed that L6 was in the same branch with PC1. In comparison with 18 Pectobacterium spp. reference pathogens, strain L6 had 2,712 gene families, among which 1,632 gene families were identified as orthologous to those strains, as well as 1 putative unique gene family. We discovered 478 genes, 10.4% of the total of predicted genes, that were potentially related to pathogenesis using the Virulence Factors of Pathogenic Bacteria database. A total of 25 genes were related to toxins, 35 encoded plant cell-wall degrading enzymes, and 122 were involved in secretion systems. This study provides a foundation for a better understanding of the genomic structure of P. aroidearum and particularly offers information for the discovery of potential pathogenic factors and the development of more effective strategies against this pathogen.Peptidoglycan (PG) hydrolases play important roles in various aspects of bacterial physiology, including cytokinesis, PG synthesis, quality control of PG, PG recycling, and antibiotic resistance. However, the regulatory mechanisms of their expression are poorly understood. In this study, we have uncovered novel regulatory mechanisms of the protein levels of the synthetically lethal PG endopeptidases MepS and MepM, which are involved in PG synthesis. A mutant defective for both MepS and MepM was lethal in an amino acid-rich medium, whereas it exhibited almost normal growth in a minimal medium, suggesting the expendability of MepS and MepM in a minimal medium. Protein levels of MepS and MepM dramatically decreased in the minimal medium. Although MepM was revealed as a substrate of Prc, a periplasmic protease involved in the proteolysis of MepS, only the decrease in the MepS level in the minimal medium was affected by the prc depletion. Phenotypic and biochemical analyses showed that the presence of aromatic amino acids in the medium induced the accumulation of MepS, but not MepM, while the presence of glutamate increased the level of MepM, but not MepS.

Autoři článku: Denniswarming4577 (Westermann Haney)