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m of this kind may be beneficial in improving many dimensions of dental health of an individual that includes physical health, emotional well-being, OHRQoL, inter-personal relationship and the fear related to dental treatment.

The quality of life is a factor that can be considerably affected by oral health, which in turn reflects the general health of an individual. The main part of oral disease prevention is done by use of personal oral hygiene measures and maintaining oral hygiene. It is the duty of dental professionals to motivate, show and instruct patients to maintain appropriate oral health and oral hygiene. The study concludes that the program of this kind may be beneficial in improving many dimensions of dental health of an individual that includes physical health, emotional well-being, OHRQoL, inter-personal relationship and the fear related to dental treatment.

Class V cavity presents a clinical challenge in the field of restorative dentistry as the margin placement is partially in enamel and partly in cementum, and the trouble associated with this design is the microleakage at the tooth restoration interface.

To evaluate and compare marginal microleakage in Class V cavities when restored with flowable composite and Cention-N restorative material.

This in-vitro study was performed on 30 human maxillary premolars, which were extracted for orthodontic reasons. Class V cavities were prepared on the buccal surfaces of each tooth. After application of seventh-generation bonding agent (3M ESPE, Single Bond Universal Adhesive), the teeth were divided into two groups of 15 each and restored with flowable composite (3M ESPE Filtek Z350 XT) and Cention-N (Ivoclar Vivadent) and were subjected to thermocycling. The teeth were then immersed in 0.1% Rhodamine B dye for 48 h. They were sectioned longitudinally into mesial and distal parts with the help of an isomet diamond saw. The sections were observed under a confocal laser scanning microscope (CLSM).

The results were subjected to statistical analysis using the Mann-Whitney U test and Pearson's Chi-square test.

The analysis showed statistically significant results among the groups. Cention-N showed lesser microleakage, which was statistically significant when compared to flowable composite (P = 0.005).

Cention-N showed significantly lesser leakage and better adaptation than flowable composite.

Cention-N showed significantly lesser leakage and better adaptation than flowable composite.

Forensic dentistry is an evolving field in legal medicine. In mass disasters, the co-mingled body parts can be misplaced; however, the intervention by dental experts can efficiently sort out the dispute. Understanding the fact that, rule of phi applies to all that exists in nature, in the present study, we aimed to correlate the Total Maxillary Arch Perimeter with the Total Body Height of an individual in cases scenarios where only the skull along with maxilla is the only leftover remains of the unidentified.

An observational study was designed involving ninety subjects comprising 45 males and 45 females of age 25 to 30 years for the following parameters. Total Body Height (TBH) was measured in centimetres using anthropometric rod. Total Facial Height (TFH) was then measured from nasion to gnathion using digital vernier caliper. Total Maxillary Arch Perimeter (TMAP) was measured from the maxillary arch model cast using digital vernier caliper.

The Total Maxillary Arch perimeter has significant positive correlation with Total Body Height as well as Total Facial Height of an individual. The regression equation was positively established for the prediction of Total Body Height from the known Total Maxillary Arch Perimeter as Total Body Height = 80.91762 + 0.718777 (Total Maxillary Arch Perimeter).

The Total Maxillary Arch Perimeter can be used as a predictive tool in estimating the Total Body Height of the individual where the skeletal remains of the skull along with maxilla is only present.

The Total Maxillary Arch Perimeter can be used as a predictive tool in estimating the Total Body Height of the individual where the skeletal remains of the skull along with maxilla is only present.

A medical emergency (ME) may come as a surprise during our busy appointment schedules. Whether or not the office has prepared for this emergency generally decides how it will turn out.

This cross-sectional survey aimed to evaluate the awareness and preparedness of dentists at handling MEs in a dental office.

The study was conducted over three months (December 2015 - February 2016) at two dental colleges of Delhi-National Capital Region (NCR). Materials and.

The total number of participants was 384, which were divided into four groups of ninety-six participants each, i.e., Group 1 (Interns); Group 2 (Academicians); Group 3 (Postgraduate students (PG)) and Group 4 (Private practitioners (PP)).

The collected data was analysed on the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20 and subjected to ANOVA and Posthoc Bonferroni tests.

Academicians were found to have the maximum awareness about MEs occurring in the dental office, while, interns had the minimum preparedness for the same and their difference with the other groups was statistically significant (P < 0.05).

A huge gap exists between the awareness and preparedness of dentists at managing MEs. Sound knowledge of essential drugs reinforced by regular practical training, mock drills and properly equipped dental offices is the need of the hour.

A huge gap exists between the awareness and preparedness of dentists at managing MEs. Sound knowledge of essential drugs reinforced by regular practical training, mock drills and properly equipped dental offices is the need of the hour.

Coronavirus disease-2019 COVID-19) pandemic has been sweeping around the globe and the cases have been reported in India since the second week of March, with Chennai being one of the most affected cities. Healthcare professionals, particularly the dental personnel have a higher risk of infection due to close face-to-face contact and the risk of inhalation of aerosolised particles.

The aim of this study was to assess the knowledge, attitude and practice about COVID-19 among interns, post-graduate trainees and dental practitioners.

A cross-sectional survey was conducted using Google forms among three groups interns, post-graduate trainees and dental practitioners. Data obtained was analysed by Chi-square test, Kruskal-Wallis and post hoc test using SPSS IBM software.

Of total score of 9 for knowledge-based questions, the score obtained by interns, post-graduate trainees and practitioners were 7.2, 7.2 and 7.5, respectively, with no statistically significant difference among the groups (P = 0.24). Of total score of 4 for attitude-based questions, the score obtained by interns, post-graduate trainees and practitioners were 1.6, 2.0, and 1.9, respectively, with statistically significant difference among the groups (0.009). LDC195943 DNA inhibitor Of total score of 7 for practice-based questions, the score obtained by interns, post-graduate trainees and practitioners were 3.2, 3.3, and 3.1, respectively, with no statistically significant difference among them (P = 0.63).

Though the knowledge about COVID-19 appeared adequate, the attitude and practice component needs improvement. Continuing dental education programs and webinars can be conducted to update the dental professionals about the protocols to be followed during COVID-19 pandemic.

Though the knowledge about COVID-19 appeared adequate, the attitude and practice component needs improvement. Continuing dental education programs and webinars can be conducted to update the dental professionals about the protocols to be followed during COVID-19 pandemic.

Accuracy of fit of cast metal posts fabricated with direct and indirect techniques.

To evaluate the accuracy of fit of cast metal posts fabricated with direct and indirect techniques using micro-CT.

Sixty extracted human maxillary central incisors were used. The teeth were decoronated leaving 2 mm at the cementoenamel junction. Four patterns for each tooth were made including one direct and indirect wax pattern and one direct and indirect resin pattern. In total, 240 patterns and castings were made. Each tooth was scanned using microcomputed tomography (μCT) system with a resolution of 14.5 μm. μCT analyzer Sky scanner software was used to calculate the volume of space between the post and the canals. Statistical analysis used The student paired t-test and unpaired t-test were used to determine the significant differences between groups.

The overall space between the canal walls and posts made with the direct wax and resin technique had an average mean value of 1.10 mm

, whereas with the indirect technique resin and wax pattern, the average mean was 1.30 mm

which was significant.

Within the limitations of the study, it was found that the accuracy of fit is better in direct technique using wax pattern.

Within the limitations of the study, it was found that the accuracy of fit is better in direct technique using wax pattern.

To assess the impact of tooth loss and periodontal status on oral health related quality of life among Indian elderly.

This study was a cross-sectional study conducted among 1200 elderly subjects of Faridabad district of Haryana. Study subjects were selected by a combination of systematic, cluster and multistage sampling techniques. The data were collected through a clinical oral examination for tooth loss and periodontal status assessment (WHO Oral Health Survey 2013) and a self-administered questionnaire to assess the OHRQoL. Dental behaviours such as dental visiting patterns, tobacco chewing habits and oral hygiene practices were also recorded.

In bivariate analysis significant associations were found among age, gender, education, tooth mobility and Oral health related quality of life (OHRQoL). Multivariate logistic regression showed significant impact of number of missing teeth and mobility on OHRQoL (P < 0.05).

The conclusions derived from this study are of considerable importance for Indian policy makers in their work with planning and implementing public oral health strategies for geriatric population.

The conclusions derived from this study are of considerable importance for Indian policy makers in their work with planning and implementing public oral health strategies for geriatric population.

Early detection of dysplasia in oral potentially malignant disorders (PMD) might facilitate screening for possible subsequent malignant transformation. Vital staining is a non-invasive clinical adjunct used for determining the biopsy site, which facilitates early detection of dysplastic changes in PMD. Some authors suggested that double staining method has superior results over staining with a single dye.

The aim of the study was to evaluate the accuracy of in vivo staining with methylene blue (MB) and Lugol's iodine (LI) double staining method in comparison with MB staining alone.

Fifty patients of oral leukoplakia were recruited for the study. After obtaining written informed consent from the patients, the lesions were stained consecutively with 5% MB and 3% LI. The pattern of dye retention of MB alone, followed by MB and LI was noted. Incisional biopsy from the lesion was taken based on the retention of MB and the absence of staining of LI or by clinical judgement in case both stains were not retained.

Autoři článku: Dempseyworm6378 (Shepherd Summers)