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Although natural and bioinspired computing has developed significantly, the relationship between the computational universality and efficiency beyond the Turing machine has not been studied in detail. Here, we investigate how asynchronous updating can contribute to the universal and efficient computation in cellular automata (CA). First, we define the computational universality and efficiency in CA and show that there is a trade-off relation between the universality and efficiency in CA implemented in synchronous updating. Second, we introduce asynchronous updating in CA and show that asynchronous updating can break the trade-off found in synchronous updating. Our finding spells out the significance of asynchronous updating or the timing of computation in robust and efficient computation.Closed-form expressions for the expected logarithm and for arbitrary negative integer moments of a noncentral χ2-distributed random variable are presented in the cases of both even and odd degrees of freedom. Moreover, some basic properties of these expectations are derived and tight upper and lower bounds on them are proposed.Social systems are characterized by an enormous network of connections and factors that can influence the structure and dynamics of these systems. Among them the whole economical sphere of human activity seems to be the most interrelated and complex. All financial markets, including the youngest one, the cryptocurrency market, belong to this sphere. The complexity of the cryptocurrency market can be studied from different perspectives. First, the dynamics of the cryptocurrency exchange rates to other cryptocurrencies and fiat currencies can be studied and quantified by means of multifractal formalism. Second, coupling and decoupling of the cryptocurrencies and the conventional assets can be investigated with the advanced cross-correlation analyses based on fractal analysis. Third, an internal structure of the cryptocurrency market can also be a subject of analysis that exploits, for example, a network representation of the market. In this work, we approach the subject from all three perspectives based on data from a recent time interval between January 2019 and June 2020. This period includes the peculiar time of the Covid-19 pandemic; therefore, we pay particular attention to this event and investigate how strong its impact on the structure and dynamics of the market was. Besides, the studied data covers a few other significant events like double bull and bear phases in 2019. We show that, throughout the considered interval, the exchange rate returns were multifractal with intermittent signatures of bifractality that can be associated with the most volatile periods of the market dynamics like a bull market onset in April 2019 and the Covid-19 outburst in March 2020. The topology of a minimal spanning tree representation of the market also used to alter during these events from a distributed type without any dominant node to a highly centralized type with a dominating hub of USDT. However, the MST topology during the pandemic differs in some details from other volatile periods.We investigate some relationships among the integral transform, the function space integral and the first variation of the partial derivative approach in the Banach algebra defined on the function space. We prove that the function space integral and the integral transform of the partial derivative in some Banach algebra can be expanded as the limit of a sequence of function space integrals.We construct a microscopic model to study discrete randomness in bistable systems coupled to an environment comprising many degrees of freedom. A quartic double well is bilinearly coupled to a finite number N of harmonic oscillators. Solving the time-reversal invariant Hamiltonian equations of motion numerically, we show that for N=1, the system exhibits a transition with increasing coupling strength from integrable to chaotic motion, following the Kolmogorov-Arnol'd-Moser (KAM) scenario. Raising N to values of the order of 10 and higher, the dynamics crosses over to a quasi-relaxation, approaching either one of the stable equilibria at the two minima of the potential. We corroborate the irreversibility of this relaxation on other characteristic timescales of the system by recording the time dependences of autocorrelation, partial entropy, and the frequency of jumps between the wells as functions of N and other parameters. Preparing the central system in the unstable equilibrium at the top of the barrier and the bath in a random initial state drawn from a Gaussian distribution, symmetric under spatial reflection, we demonstrate that the decision whether to relax into the left or the right well is determined reproducibly by residual asymmetries in the initial positions and momenta of the bath oscillators. This result reconciles the randomness and spontaneous symmetry breaking of the asymptotic state with the conservation of entropy under canonical transformations and the manifest symmetry of potential and initial condition of the bistable system.As the core technology of 5G mobile communication systems, massive multi-input multi-output (MIMO) can dramatically enhance the energy efficiency (EE), as well as the spectral efficiency (SE), which meets the requirements of new applications. Meanwhile, physical layer multicast technology has gradually become the focus of next-generation communication technology research due to its capacity to efficiently provide wireless transmission from point to multipoint. The availability of channel state information (CSI), to a large extent, determines the performance of massive MIMO. However, because obtaining the perfect instantaneous CSI in massive MIMO is quite challenging, it is reasonable and practical to design a massive MIMO multicast transmission strategy using statistical CSI. In this paper, in order to optimize the system resource efficiency (RE) to achieve EE-SE balance, the EE-SE trade-offs in the massive MIMO multicast transmission are investigated with statistical CSI. Firstly, we formulate the eigenvectors of the RE optimization multicast covariance matrices of different user terminals in closed form, which illustrates that in the massive MIMO downlink, optimal RE multicast precoding is supposed to be done in the beam domain. On the basis of this viewpoint, the optimal RE precoding design is simplified into a resource efficient power allocation problem. Via invoking the quadratic transform, we propose an iterative power allocation algorithm, which obtains an adjustable and reasonable EE-SE tradeoff. Numerical simulation results reveal the near-optimal performance and the effectiveness of our proposed statistical CSI-assisted RE maximization in massive MIMO.

Autoři článku: Dayfrandsen2554 (Golden Bland)