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The fabrication of highly reflective aluminum coatings is still an important part of current research due to their high intrinsic reflectivity in a broad spectral range. By using thin seed layers of Cu, CuOx, Cr, CrOx, Au, and Ag, the morphology of sputtered (unprotected) aluminum layers and, consequently, their reflectance can be influenced. In this long-term study, the reflectance behavior was measured continuously using spectrophotometry. Particular seed layer materials enhance the reflectance of aluminum coatings significantly and reduce their long-term degradation. Combining such seed layers with evaporation processes and suitable protective layers could further increase the reflectance of aluminum coatings.We present a combined gain media Kerr-lens mode-locked laser based on a TmLu2O3 ceramic and a TmSc2O3 single crystal. Pulses as short as 41 fs, corresponding to less than 6 optical cycles, were obtained with an average output power of 42 mW at a wavelength of 2.1 μm and a repetition rate of 93.3 MHz. Furthermore, a maximum average power of 316 mW with a pulse duration of 73 fs was achieved.A conventional distributed fiber optic sensing system offers close to linear sensitivity along the fiber length. However gold nanoparticles (NP) have been shown to be able to enhance the contrast ratio to improve the quality of signal detection. The challenge in improving the contrast of reflected signals is to optimise the nanoparticle doping concentration over the densed sensing length to make best use of the distributed fiber sensing hardware. In this paper, light enhancement by spherical gold NPs in the optical fibers was analyzed by considering the size-induced NP refractive index changes. This was achieved by building a new model to relate backscattered light from a gold NP suspension between the optical fiber end tips and backscattered light from gold NPs in the core of the optical fiber. The paper provides a model to determine the optimized sizes and concentrations of NPs for sensing at different desired penetration depths in the optical fiber.The power scaling on all-fiberized Raman fiber oscillator with brightness enhancement (BE) based on multimode graded-index (GRIN) fiber is demonstrated. Thanks to beam cleanup of GRIN fiber itself and single-mode selection properties of the fiber Bragg gratings inscribed in the center of GRIN fiber, the efficient BE is realized. For the laser cavity with single OC FBG, continuous-wave power of 334 W with an M2 value of 2.8 and BE value of 5.6 were obtained at a wavelength of 1120 nm with an optical-to-optical efficiency of 49.6%. Furthermore, the cavity reflectivity is increased by employing two OC FBGs to scale the output power up to 443 W, while the corresponding M2 is 3.5 with BE of 4.2. To our best knowledge, it is the highest power in Raman oscillator based on GRIN fiber.We present simulations and an experimental investigation of binodal astigmatism in nodal aberration theory (NAT) for a customized, high-precision Cassegrain telescope system. The telescope system utilizes a five-axis, piezo-actuated flexural mechanism to introduce secondary mirror misalignments and generate aberrations intentionally. The induced aberrations are measured interferometrically and quantified for a grid of field points on the telescope system's image plane. For this purpose, a coma-free pivot point of the secondary mirror was simulated for isolating the binodal astigmatism field response. The separation of the nodes is proportional to the introduced misalignments. A simulation of Fringe Zernike coma and binodal astigmatism was generated using a real ray trace model of the optical system and analyzed to compare to the experimental results. A statistical analysis of the measurements was performed to show the experimental results' accuracy and stability. The experimental results were consistent with the simulations, hence experimentally validating NAT for binodal astigmatism for the first time.Active materials which show phase transitions, usually known as Phase Change Materials (PCM), have paved the way to a new generation of reconfigurable plasmonic platforms. Tunable color devices have experienced a great development in the recent years. In particular, reflective color filters can take advantage from sunlight to select and reflect a specific resonant wavelength in the visible spectrum range. Reflective displays are usually structural color filters based on asymmetric Fabry-Perot cavities (AFPCs). For a fixed geometry, most of AFPCs filters generate static color, limiting their potential as tunable color devices. Dynamic color is achieved by introducing an active layer whose optical properties can be modulated by an external stimuli. In this paper, we propose AFPCs based on molybdenum oxide (MoOx, 2 less then x less then 3) to achieve switchable on/off color reflective pixels. On and off states of the pixels are controlled through the stoichiometry of the MoOx layer.The large capacity and robustness of information encoding in the temporal mode of photons is important in quantum information processing, in which characterizing temporal quantum states with high usability and time resolution is essential. We propose and demonstrate a direct measurement method of temporal complex wavefunctions for weak light at a single-photon level with subpicosecond time resolution. Our direct measurement is realized by ultrafast metrology of the interference between the light under test and self-generated monochromatic reference light; no external reference light or complicated post-processing algorithms are required. Hence, this method is versatile and potentially widely applicable for temporal state characterization.Deep learning is able to functionally mimic the human brain and thus, it has attracted considerable recent interest. Optics-assisted deep learning is a promising approach to improve forward-propagation speed and reduce the power consumption of electronic-assisted techniques. However, present methods are based on a parallel processing approach that is inherently ineffective in dealing with the serial data signals at the core of information and communication technologies. Here, we propose and demonstrate a sequential optical deep learning concept that is specifically designed to directly process high-speed serial data. By utilizing ultra-short optical pulses as the information carriers, the neurons are distributed at different time slots in a serial pattern, and interconnected to each other through group delay dispersion. A 4-layer serial optical neural network (SONN) was constructed and trained for classification of both analog and digital signals with simulated accuracy rates of over 79.2% with proper individuality variance rates. Furthermore, we performed a proof-of-concept experiment of a pseudo-3-layer SONN to successfully recognize the ASCII codes of English letters at a data rate of 12 gigabits per second. This concept represents a novel one-dimensional realization of artificial neural networks, enabling a direct application of optical deep learning methods to the analysis and processing of serial data signals, while offering a new overall perspective for temporal signal processing.Room-temperature plasmonic-crystal lasers have been demonstrated with a square-lattice gold nano-pillar arrays on top of InGaAs/GaAs quamtum wells on a GaAs substrate. The lasing wavelength is tunable in the range of 865-1001 nm by varying the lattice period. The lasers exhibit an extremely narrow linewidth and small divergence angle so could have great potential for various applications. An unexpected mirror cavity effect has been observed and investigated. The mirror-cavity lasers have a very low threshold and could be developed to realize electrically-driven plasmonic lasers.We have proposed and experimentally demonstrated a programmable multi-access-point optical wireless broadcasting system with ±15° field-of-view by employing a single spatial light modulator (SLM) and a modified rotated-splitting-SLM algorithm. The 16 access points are generated and arbitrarily distributed by the proposed continuous tunable broadcasting algorithm. The optical beams for each point carry 92-Gb/s PAM-4 optical signal and transmitted over 1 km standard single mode fiber and 1.2 m indoor free space distance, offering a total wireless capacity beyond 1.47 Tb/s. STA-4783 cell line The measured results show that the proposed multi-access-points transmission system with ultra-high transmission capacity and reconfigurability can be used for future indoor wireless mobile networks.We demonstrate a new method for a systematic, dynamic, high-speed, spatio-temporal control of femtosecond light filamentation in BK7 as a particular example of nonlinear medium. This method is based on using coherent conjugate asymmetric Bessel-Gaussian beams to control the far-field intensity distribution and in turn control the filamentation location. Such spatio-temporal control allows every femtosecond pulse to have a unique intensity distribution that results in the generation of structured filamentation patterns on demand. The switching speed of this technique is dependent on the rise time of the acousto-optic deflector, which can operate in the MHz range while having the ability to handle high peak power pulses that are needed for nonlinear interactions. The proposed and demonstrated spatio-temporal control of structured filaments can enable generation of large filament arrays, opto-mechanical manipulations of water droplets for fog clearing, as well as engineered radiofrequency plasma antennas.Photonics-based high-resolution 3D radar imaging is demonstrated in which a convolutional neural network (CNN)-assisted back projection (BP) imaging method is applied to implement fast and noise-resistant image construction. The proposed system uses a 2D radar array with each element being a broadband radar transceiver realized by microwave photonic frequency multiplication and mixing. The CNN-assisted BP image construction is achieved by mapping low-resolution images to high-resolution images with a pre-trained 3D CNN, which greatly reduces the computational complexity and enhances the imaging speed compared with basic BP image construction. Besides, using noise-free or low-noise ground truth images for training the CNN, the CNN-assisted BP imaging method can suppress the noises, which helps to generate high-quality images. In the experiment, 3D radar imaging with a K-band photonics-based radar having a bandwidth of 8 GHz is performed, in which the imaging speed is enhanced by a factor of ∼55.3 using the CNN-assisted BP imaging method. By comparing the peak signal to noise ratios (PSNR) of the generated images, the noise-resistant capability of the CNN-assisted BP method is soundly verified.In this paper, an effective method of underwater coherent optical wireless communication (UCOWC) with a simplified detection scheme is proposed. The proof-of-concept experiments with M-ary PSK have been conducted with a common laser used for the signal source and local oscillator (LO). The BER performance has been evaluated at different underwater channel attenuations and the maximum achievable attenuation length (AL) with a BER below the forward error correction (FEC) limit of 3.8×10-3 is investigated. The tested system offers data rates of 500 Mbps, 1 Gbps, and 1.5 Gbps with the BPSK, QPSK and 8PSK modulated signals, respectively. The corresponding maximum achievable attenuation lengths are measured as 13.4 AL 12.5 AL, and 10.7 AL. In addition, the performance degradation of the practical system with separate free running lasers for the signal and LO is also estimated. To the best of our knowledge, the UCOWC system is proposed and experimentally studied for the first time. This work provides a simple and effective approach to take advantages of coherent detection in underwater wireless optical communication, opening a promising path toward the development of practical UCOWC with next-generation underwater data transmission requirements on the capacity and transmission distance.

Autoři článku: Daviesbryan1614 (Lomholt Bojesen)