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We propose a universal scheme for the construction of a device for arbitrary-to-arbitrary polarization transformation, which consists of two quarter-wave plates and two Faraday rotators. Using this device, one can continuously change the retardance and the rotation angle simply by changing the magnetic fields in each Faraday rotator.High diffraction efficiency is an important requirement for hybrid diffractive-refractive optical systems with a wide field of view. The issue is that diffractive optical elements cannot maintain high diffraction efficiency across a designed waveband and range of incident angles simultaneously. Glued diffractive optical elements (GDOEs) consist of two single-layer diffractive elements, and optical adhesives are presented to address the problem. Two diffractive optical elements are glued together to reduce the straylight scattered into unwanted diffraction orders. The parameters of diffractive optical elements are optimized to achieve broadband high diffraction efficiency and modulation transfer function over a wide-incident-angle range. The GDOEs enable the system to realize a diffraction efficiency of over 90% when the incident angle is no more than 58°. Through gluing two single-layer diffractive optical elements together, we can minimize the inner reflection and refraction. Diffraction efficiency losses can be compensated by the optical adhesives layer, and image quality can be improved. Our design method could make possible the use of diffraction elements in different kinds of optical systems.A model for 10.6 µm high energy laser beam interaction with a uniform, monodisperse cloud of water droplets is developed. The model includes droplet and vapor heating as well as droplet shattering in the "fast regime" as defined in Appl. Opt.28, 3671 (1989)APOPAI0003-693510.1364/AO.28.003671. The cloud dynamics feed back on the laser via changes in the complex refractive index. In one space dimension, the model is solved exactly, including an explicit formula for the front of the cleared channel. Numerical simulations are conducted for the axisymmetric three-dimensional case. Model predictions and limitations are discussed.A multi-point focused laser differential interferometer (FLDI) has been developed to measure density fluctuations at 16 points along a line. A pair of cylindrical lenses on the transmitter side of a conventional single-point FLDI instrument form two closely spaced (≤200µm), orthogonally polarized, parallel laser lines at the instrument's focus. On the receiver side of the instrument, the interference of the beams on a 16-element photodiode array results in a single line of measurements. The further addition of a Nomarski prism creates two separate measurement lines, and the addition of a second photodiode array to the instrument enables simultaneous measurements of density fluctuations along the two lines separated by several millimeters. These two lines of measurement can be conveniently oriented at any azimuthal angle relative to the instrument's optical axis on the measurement plane, coinciding with the instrument's focus. Two experiments were performed to demonstrate the capabilities of the instrument. In the first experiment, a laser-induced breakdown spark generated a traveling spherical shock wave, and measurements of the resulting density disturbance and wave velocity were obtained. These results were compared to high-speed schlieren images of the shock wave acquired at 400 kHz. In the second experiment, the multi-point FLDI instrument was used to measure density disturbances in the boundary layer of a flat plate in a Mach 6 freestream flow. The measurements were made along two lines, both approximately 6 mm in length, extending from the surface of the plate through the boundary layer. High-speed schlieren images were acquired at 100 kHz during separate wind tunnel runs at matching unit Reynolds numbers to visualize the unsteady boundary layer flow and compare to the FLDI measurements.We discuss and evaluate the expected performance of a tunable multi-wavelength integrated-path differential absorption lidar operating in the long-wave infrared between 7.5 and 11 µm, for standoff measurement of chemical agents. Interference issues with natural gas compounds throughout the entire 7.5-11 µm band are first discussed. Then, the study focuses on four interest species, three warfare agents, and a simulant. A performance model is derived and exploited to assess the expectable measurement precision of the lidar for these four species in the integrated-path mode within a 2 min alert time and seventeen emitted wavelengths. Measurement precisions better than the targeted sensitivity levels look reachable at the kilometer range with laser power below 100 mW. Performance optimization strategies are discussed, either by adjusting the pulse energy/pulse repetition rate for a given laser power and lidar range or by reducing the wavelength sequence in an optimal way. Finally the system's receiving operating characteristic curves are derived to describe the expected detection performance in terms of probability of false alarm rate and probability of detection.We have designed and built a wavelength-tunable optical source for standoff detection of gaseous chemicals by differential absorption spectrometry in the long-wave infrared. It is based on a nanosecond 2 µm single-frequency optical parametric oscillator, whose idler wave is amplified in large aperture RbPPKTP crystals. The signal and idler waves are mixed in ZnGeP2 crystals to produce single-frequency tunable radiation in the 7.5-10.5 µm range. The source was integrated into a direct detection lidar to measure sarin and sulfur mustard inside a closed chamber, in an integrated path configuration with a noncooperative target.The intensity of Smith-Purcell radiation from metallic and dielectric gratings (silicon, silica) is compared in a frequency-domain simulation. The numerical model is discussed and verified with the Frank-Tamm formula for Cherenkov radiation. For 30 keV electrons, rectangular dielectric gratings are less efficient than their metallic counterparts, by an order of magnitude for silicon, and two orders of magnitude for silica. For all gratings studied, radiation intensity oscillates with grating tooth height due to electromagnetic resonances in the grating. 3D and 2D numerical models are compared.We propose a tunable multilayer-graphene-based broadband metamaterial selective absorber using the finite-difference time domain. The simulation results reveal that the absorption spectra of the proposed metamaterial with the nano-cylinder and 30-layer graphene show high absorption (88.3%) in the range of 250-2300 nm, which covers the entire solar spectrum. Moreover, the graphene-based metamaterial has a low thermal emittance of 3.3% in the mid-infrared range (4-13 µm), which can greatly reduce the heat loss. The proposed metamaterial has a tunable cutoff wavelength, which can be tuned by controlling the Fermi level of graphene. In addition, our structure is an angle-insensitive absorber, and the device has the potential to be widely used in solar cell and thermal detectors.A microwave photonic topology for shifting the frequency of an input microwave signal is presented. It operates based on a single sideband frequency mixing approach. The amount of microwave signal frequency shift is determined by a local oscillator frequency. The proposed frequency translator (FT) has a large bandwidth and a wide frequency shifting range. It can be designed to obtain a large spurious signal suppression ratio and a low frequency translation loss. Results are presented for the novel structure, which demonstrates the realization of a 2-18 GHz FT with a 10 kHz to 100 MHz frequency shifting range. The results also show the spurious signals are more than 31 dB below the frequencyshifted signal, and a low loss of only around 4 dB for frequency shifting a 10 GHz microwave signal.The displacement hypothesis of eight-node cubic elements is selected as the shape function of digital volume correlation (DVC), and the Newton-Raphson iterative method is selected to solve the partial differential equation to measure the displacement field. In order to ensure that the DVC algorithm is usable under the large rotation condition, the spherical shell template matching technique is presented to perform the integer-voxel displacement searching for nodes, which can provide the optimal initial values for the Newton-Raphson iterative method due to the rotation and translation invariance of the spherical shell template. Simulated volume images are used to verify the reliability of the proposed method, and the results show that the proposed DVC method can be used to measure the deformation with an arbitrary rigid body rotation angle. This work is expected to be useful to measure deformation with large rotation of the internal structure of materials.A full-color display consisting of red and green photoluminescence cadmium-free quantum dots (QDs) as the color conversion material and excited by a 68×68 blue micro-LED flip chip array mounted on an active-matrix driving board was completed in this study. The QD photoresist (QDPR) lithography technology was reported in detail, and it has been proven to be a stable process route. The suitable thickness of 12±1µm of the QDPR and black matrix was proposed to reduce the light cross talk between different sub-pixels. The thickness of the common color filter of 1-2 µm was made successfully between the quantum dot film and the cover glass, which can greatly reduce the leakage of blue backlight and decrease the quantum dots excitation by the ambient light, as well as improve the color gamut and color purity of the display panel. In addition, the high red and green light conversion efficiency reaches up to 78.1% and 296.5%, respectively, and the screen display can reach 98.8% NTSC on the CIE 1931 chromaticity. Representative RGB monochromatic pictures were displayed successfully and ≤0.04 viewing angle deviation of the display was measured precisely.Time-of-flight (ToF) cameras can acquire the distance between the sensor and objects with high frame rates, offering bright prospects for ToF cameras in many applications. Low-resolution and depth errors limit the accuracy of ToF cameras, however. In this paper, we present a flexible accuracy improvement method for depth compensation and feature points position correction of ToF cameras. First, a distance-error model of each pixel in the depth image is established to model sinusoidal waves of ToF cameras and compensate for the measured depth data. Second, a more accurate feature point position is estimated with the aid of a high-resolution camera. Experiments evaluate the proposed method, and the result shows the root mean square error is reduced from 4.38 mm to 3.57 mm.We carried out a fast processing investigation based on a graphics processing unit (GPU) for a distributed acoustic sensor using a linear frequency modulation pulse. The moving window cross-correlation calculations are realized on the GPU, which makes use of parallel computing. We analyzed the effect of the thread number in a block on the GPU streaming multiprocessor utilization efficiency and then compared the acceleration under different calculation scales. By maximizing the streaming multiprocessor utilization efficiency and large calculation scale, a maximum acceleration ratio of 86.01 was obtained.

Autoři článku: Davidskytte0501 (Hansson Yates)