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Reduction of the affinity of the fragment crystallizable (Fc) region with immune receptors by substitution of one or a few amino acids, known as Fc-silencing, is an established approach to reduce the immune effector functions of monoclonal antibody therapeutics. This approach to Fc-silencing, however, is problematic as it can lead to instability and immunogenicity of the developed antibodies. We evaluated loop grafting as a novel approach to Fc-silencing in which the Fc loops responsible for immune receptor binding were replaced by loops of up to 20 amino acids from similar local environments in other human and mouse antibodies. Molecular dynamics simulations of the designed variants of an Fc region in a complex with the immune receptor FcγIIIa confirmed that loop grafting potentially leads to a significant reduction in the binding of the antibody variants to the receptor, while retaining their stability. In comparison, standard variants with less than eight substituted amino acids showed possible instability and a lower degree of Fc-silencing due to the occurrence of compensatory interactions. The presented approach to Fc-silencing is general and could be used to modulate undesirable side effects of other antibody therapeutics without affecting their stability or increasing their immunogenicity.Intraoperative verification of the planned occlusion is critical in ensuring the accuracy of orthognathic surgery. This step is limited to visual inspection, which can be especially challenging when the planned occlusal setup is less-than-stable. The authors introduce a cost-effective method of an accurate reproduction of the planned occlusion using additive manufacturing which can aid in intraoperative verification of positionally unstable occlusal setups. The authors present a case example, and discuss various technical considerations.The aim of this study was to estimate brain radiation dose to the main operator during interventional radiology procedures. Occupational brain doses from 19 interventional procedures were measured using thermoluminiscent dosimeters and an anthropomorphic RANDO woman phantom simulating a main operator. Results show that, interventional radiologists may receive minimum and maximum brain doses per procedure of 0.01 mGy (left temporal cortex) and 0.08 mGy (temporal lobe cortex), respectively. A radiologist who works without movable shielding devices during procedures and has a typical workload (for example 500 procedures per year), might exceed the new dose threshold of 0.5 Gy for circulatory disease in the brain working 12.6 years of his career.Alerting, the process of achieving and maintaining a state of optimal vigilance, is crucial for detecting relevant stimuli and task performance. Age-related decline in the ability to use alerting cues is widely reported and attributed to changes in noradrenergic signaling. However, it remains to be determined whether aging affects all forms of alerting cues equally and whether older adults differently modulate their alerting sensitivity based on differences in cue predictivity relevant to the target task. We examined the performance of 135 younger adults and 103 older adults on three versions of the Attention Networks Test, using locational but spatially nonpredictive visual cues, locational spatially predictive visual cues, and spatially predictive auditory cues. Analysis of alerting effects indicated that while older adults derived less benefit from visual alerting cues than younger adults, they used auditory alerting cues equally well. Furthermore, cue spatial predictivity did not impact on aging effects on alerting. This heterogeneity in aging effects on alerting may indicate that they result primarily from cognitive rather than neuromodulatory changes.In this study, we demonstrated the fabrication of the concave conic shape microneedle with the aid of COMSOL Multiphysics simulation. The stress and buckling of the microneedle structure were simulated by applying various loads ranging from 50 to 800 g perpendiculars to the tip in order to predict the occurrence of microneedles structure deformation. The simulation study indicated that the surface buckling deformation does not occur to the microneedle structure with the increment of the load. The microneedles with dimensions of height and diameter tip ranging from 60 to 100 μm and 1 to 4 μm, respectively had been fabricated via an etching process in a mixture of hydrofluoric acid, nitric acid, and acetic acid. Three optimized microneedles but different in the structures were fabricated via the acidic etching process. The reproducibility of three different microneedle structures was 15, 20, and 60%, respectively. Stress and buckling analyses of the fabricated microneedles were further carried out on the rat skin. The obtained experimental results show promising applications for the deep dermis, stratum corneum to epidermis layer penetration.Dysregulation of the PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathway has become a point of convergence in autism spectrum disorder (ASD). In this issue of Neuron, Tai et al. (2020) identify a therapeutic role for tau reduction in downregulating this pathway and ameliorating ASD-like symptoms.A 26-year-old young male presented with recent onset hypertension and left sided varicocele. On physical examination his blood pressure was elevated and varicoceles were visible. On evaluation with computed tomography of abdomen, a large left sided para-aortic mass was seen. find more His 24 hour urinary metanephrines and normetanephrines levels were within normal limits. Subsequently, the mass was excised Tumor was excised completely after carefully dissecting it from left kidney and final histopathology revealed paraganglioma and postoperatively varicoceles disappeared.Cholangiocarcinoma (CCA) is a rare but devastating malignancy that presents late, and associated with a high mortality if untreated. CCA is locally aggressive and located in close proximity to vital structures i.e. the portal vein and hepatic artery. A complete extirpation of the tumor including microscopically detectable disease R0 resection offers the best possibility of long-term survival in patients with CCA. As such, the surgical approach to achieve a R0 resection is dictated by the location of the tumor and the presence of underlying liver disease. The present article focuses on the general principles of the multidisciplinary treatment of hilar and intrahepatic CCA.External morphological metrics have featured prominently in comparative studies examining the morphological convergence that characterizes anoline ecomorphs. To what degree the appendicular-skeletal morphology of Greater Antillean island Anolis lizards tracks their diversity and ecological adaptation, however, remains relatively unexplored. Here we employ computed tomographic scanning techniques to visualise in situ the scapulocoracoid of ecomorph representatives (trunk-ground, trunk-crown, crown-giant, twig) from three islands (Jamaica, Hispaniola, and Puerto Rico), and compare its three-dimensional geometry using qualitative-descriptive and quantitative-morphometric techniques. In contrast to our previous, similarly-conducted study of the pelvic girdle of these same species, the form of the scapulocoracoid varies markedly both within and between species, with much of the variation relating to phylogenetic relationship, specimen size, and assigned ecomorph category. Morphometric variation that correlates witral stability of the shoulder girdle during acrobatic maneuvers, thus influencing the perch diameter that can be effectively negotiated, a critical factor in the microhabitat structure of Anolis ecomorphs.Emphysematous prostatitis is a rare, clinical condition characterized by gas and abscess formation in the prostate often associated with features of sepsis. We report a case of 60-year-old gentleman presenting with emphysematous prostatitis complicated with secondary psoas abscess and florid sepsis following prostate biopsy.An extended set of paramagnetic relaxation enhancement (PRE) data, up to the field of 32.9 Tesla, is reported for protons in an acidified aqueous solution of a Ni(II) salt in the presence and in the absence of added glycerol. For the 55% w/w glycerol sample, a distinct maximum in the PRE vs magnetic field curve is observed for the first time. The data are analysed using the Swedish slow-motion theory, including both the intramolecular (inner-sphere) and intermolecular (outer-sphere) contributions. The results indicate that estimating the outer-sphere part in the presence of the more efficient inner-sphere term is a difficult task.Bi2SiO5/Bi4MoO9 photocatalysts with heterostructures were successfully prepared using a one-pot solvothermal route. The effect of molybdenum source on the composite formation was discussed. Under ultraviolet light irradiation, this Bi2SiO5/Bi4MoO9 heterojunction photocatalyst exhibited higher photocatalytic performance than Bi2SiO5 and Bi4MoO9 towards the degradation of ciprofloxacin (CIP). The dramatically enhanced photoactivity can be ascribed to the construction of a heterojunction interface between Bi2SiO5 and Bi4MoO9, which not only suppresses the recombination of photoexcited charge carriers but also enhances light absorption. In addition, for the view point of practicethe, the effect of initial CIP concentrations and coexisting ions on the photodegradation process using as-prepared Bi2SiO5/Bi4MoO9 heterojunction photocatalysts was explored. Trapping experiments demonstrate that the h+ and •O2- are the main active species in the photodegradation of CIP over Bi2SiO5/Bi4MoO9 heterojunctions. Meanwhile, the conduction band and valence band potentials values of Bi2SiO5 and Bi4MoO9 are measured by DFT calculation, DRS and Mott-Schottky curves. A possible photocatalytic mechanism for CIP degradation over the Bi2SiO5/Bi4MoO9 heterojunction was also proposed.The camel has several biochemical, physiological, and anatomical features to withstand the harsh desert climate. Camel eye lens contains a novel protein (ζ-crystallin) in bulk quantity. Previous reports suggest that non-enzymatic glycation of eye lens proteins plays an important role in the etiology of cataract. link2 In this study, we have characterized the role of glucose, fructose, and methylglyoxal (MGO) in the glycation of camel lens ζ-crystallin. From the results obtained, it was found that MGO reacted rapidly, fructose reacted moderately, and glucose was the least reactive even after prolonged incubation (>100 days). Glycation with MGO and fructose led to changes in the structure of ζ-crystallin, while glucose had no remarkable effect. The surface hydrophobicity did not change and no aggregates or amyloid fibrils were observed in the glycated ζ-crystallin. Moreover, the secondary structure of glycated ζ-crystallin remained similar after glycation. Our results suggested that due to natural adaptation, the camel lens protein ζ-crystallin retained its structure and solubility even after glycation to perform the single known function of the lens proteins to focus unscattered light on the retina.Agenda-setting theory suggests the media shapes public perceptions. Guided by this theory, this study examines the effects of organizational Twitter accounts on public discourse in the Twittersphere. link3 The tweets that mention one of three youth mental health organizations were theorized to emanate the particular focus of the organization mentioned. This was investigated by analysing randomly selected tweets that mentioned one of three national mental health organizations-ReachOut, headspace or the Young and Well Cooperative Research Centre but not authored by these organizations (n = 600); and the population of tweets that mentioned one of these three organizations and authored by either of the two counterparts of the mentioned organization (n = 115). Findings supported anticipated patterns, whereby the tweets reflected the remit of the three organizations. These findings reveal the influential role of social media in setting a youth mental health agenda. The implications for practitioners and researchers are discussed.

Autoři článku: Danielssimpson0237 (Munk Carter)