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5 in Xi'an mainly comes from the spread of PM2.5 in the five provinces. The PM2.5 generated by energy consumption in Xi'an is not enough to cause serious PM2.5 pollution. And further suggestions on how to reduce PM2.5 concentration in Xi'an are put forward.Patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) have a high prevalence of left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH), which increases as kidney function decreases. LVH pathophysiology is complex, making it difficult to generalise its evolution in CKD. Therefore, early detection and prevention of risk factors are critical. Assessment and management of volume status can minimise cardiovascular complications including LVH. We retrospectively investigated the associations between fluid overload and LVH in patients with stage 5 CKD not undergoing dialysis in prospective cohort of 205 patients (age 59.34 ± 13.51 years; women 43.4%). All patients, free of intrinsic heart disease, were assessed for relative overhydration/extracellular water (OH/ECW) by bioimpedance spectroscopy. Our results show that markers reflecting fluid balance were significantly higher in the LVH group and as OH/ECW increased, the left ventricular mass index (LVMI) trended higher. Furthermore, our results show that systolic blood pressure, serum phosphorus levels, and OH/ECW were independently associated with LVMI and that OH/ECW was independently associated with LVH. Structural and functional evaluation of the heart using echocardiography and volume status assessment using bioimpedance should be performed simultaneously in patients with early-stage CKD, even in those without evident cardiovascular disease.Salvinorin A (SA) is a κ-opioid receptor agonist and atypical dissociative hallucinogen found in Salvia divinorum. Despite the resurgence of hallucinogen studies, the effects of κ-opioid agonists on human brain function are not well-understood. This placebo-controlled, within-subject study used functional magnetic resonance imaging for the first time to explore the effects of inhaled SA on strength, variability, and entropy of functional connectivity (static, dynamic, and entropic functional connectivity, respectively, or sFC, dFC, and eFC). SA tended to decrease within-network sFC but increase between-network sFC, with the most prominent effect being attenuation of the default mode network (DMN) during the first half of a 20-min scan (i.e., during peak effects). SA reduced brainwide dFC but increased brainwide eFC, though only the former effect survived multiple comparison corrections. Finally, using connectome-based classification, most models trained on dFC network interactions could accurately classify the first half of SA scans. In contrast, few models trained on within- or between-network sFC and eFC performed above chance. Notably, models trained on within-DMN sFC and eFC performed better than models trained on other network interactions. This pattern of SA effects on human brain function is strikingly similar to that of other hallucinogens, necessitating studies of direct comparisons.Phytoclasts in the form of plant debris in terrestrial sediments can be transported by water to distant areas because they are lighter than inorganic particles. The semi-enclosed East Sea, which is connected by narrow straits to other seas, is adjacent to continental shelves that are the source area of terrestrial sediment flowing into the East Sea. These shelves alternated repeatedly between terrestrial and marine environments as a result of eustatic sea-level changes during the Late Quaternary. Palynofacies analyses of the IODP Exp. 346 U1430 core, located in the Eastern South Korea Plateau (ESKP) of the East Sea, have revealed changes in the size and concentration of phytoclasts associated with glacial-interglacial cycles. These changes are generally negatively correlated with the global sea-level curve, and their anti-phase cycles with high amplitude are clearly evident during the last ca. 750 ka with the geotectonic stabilization period. In particular, several coarse-grained phytoclasts were observed during the glacial period, including the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). These findings suggest that the concentration and size of phytoclasts flowing into the East Sea were influenced by changes in the distance of the source area, depending on the water depth of the strait and nearby shelves owing to sea-level changes in tandem with glacial-interglacial cycles and geotectonic events.Diffusion-weighted MRI on rodents could be valuable to evaluate pregnancy-related dysfunctions, particularly in knockout models whose biological nature is well understood. Echo Planar Imaging's sensitivity to motions and to air/water/fat heterogeneities, complicates these studies in the challenging environs of mice abdomens. Recently developed MRI methodologies based on SPatiotemporal ENcoding (SPEN) can overcome these obstacles, and deliver diffusivity maps at ≈150 µm in-plane resolutions. The present study exploits these capabilities to compare the development in wildtype vs vascularly-altered mice. Attention focused on the various placental layers-deciduae, labyrinth, trophoblast, fetal vessels-that the diffusivity maps could resolve. Notable differences were then observed between the placental developments of wildtype vs diseased mice; these differences remained throughout the pregnancies, and were echoed by perfusion studies relying on gadolinium-based dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI. Longitudinal monitoring of diffusivity in the animals throughout the pregnancies also showed differences between the development of the fetal brains in the wildtype and vascularly-altered mice, even if these disparities became progressively smaller as the pregnancies progressed. These results are analyzed on the basis of the known physiology of normal and preeclamptic pregnancies, as well as in terms of the potential that they might open for the early detection of disorders in human pregnancies.We have examined potential changes in the isotopic compositions of Fe, Cu and Zn (using multi-collector inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry) and the corresponding concentrations (using inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry) in plasma from hematological malignancy (HM) patients and assessed their prognostic capability. Together with clinical laboratory test values, data were examined in view of a 5-years survival prediction. Plasma Cu and Zn isotope ratios and their concentrations were significantly different in HM patients compared to matched controls (P  less then  0.05). Both δ65Cu and δ66Zn values showed significant mortality hazard ratios (HRs) in HM. The group of patients with decreased δ65Cu and increased δ66Zn values showed significantly poorer survival from the early phase (HR 3.9; P = 0.001), forming a unique cohort not identified based on laboratory test values. Well-known prognostic factors for HM, such as the creatinine level, and anemia-related values were highly correlated with the δ66Zn value (P  less then  0.05). Time-dependent ROC curves based on the δ65Cu or δ66Zn value were similar to that based on the creatinine concentration (a well-known prognostic factor in HM), indicating that δ65Cu or δ66Zn values are useful for prognosis of HM. Variations in stable isotope ratios of essential mineral elements have thus been shown to reflect alterations in their homeostasis due to physiological changes in malignancies with higher sensitivity than concentrations do.This study examined whether a knee flexor isometric contraction at 20% of maximal voluntary isometric contraction until exhaustion would alter the biceps femoris long head (BFlh) and semitendinosus (ST) active stiffness, assessed using ultrasound-based shear wave elastography. Twelve healthy individuals participated in 2 sessions separated by 7 days. Time to exhaustion was similar in both sessions (day 1 443.8 ± 192.5 s; day 2 474.6 ± 131.7 s; p = 0.323). At the start of the fatigue task, the ST showed greater active stiffness than the BFlh (p  less then  0.001), with no differences between days (p = 0.08). The ST active stiffness then decreased from 40% of the task time to exhaustion (- 2.2 to - 13.3%, p = 0.027) until the end of the task (- 16.1 to - 22.9%, p = 0.012), while no significant changes were noted in the BFlh (p = 0.771). Immediately after the fatigue task, a decrease in active stiffness was observed in the ST (- 11.8 to - 17.8%, p  less then  0.001), but not in the BFlh (p = 0.551). Results were consistent between the 2 testing sessions (p = 0.07-0.959). The present results indicate that fatigue alters the hamstring active stiffness pattern.X-ray dynamic tomographic microscopy offers new opportunities in the volumetric investigation of dynamic processes. Due to data complexity and their sheer amount, extraction of comprehensive quantitative information remains challenging due to the intensive manual interaction required. Particularly for dynamic investigations, these intensive manual requirements significantly extend the total data post-processing time, limiting possible dynamic analysis realistically to a few samples and time steps, hindering full exploitation of the new capabilities offered at dedicated time-resolved X-ray tomographic stations. In this paper, a fully automatized iterative tomographic reconstruction pipeline (rSIRT-PWC-DIFF) designed to reconstruct and segment dynamic processes within a static matrix is presented. The proposed algorithm includes automatic dynamic feature separation through difference sinograms, a virtual sinogram step for interior tomography datasets, time-regularization extended to small sub-regions for increased robustness and an automatic stopping criterion. We demonstrate the advantages of our approach on dynamic fuel cell data, for which the current data post-processing pipeline heavily relies on manual labor. The proposed approach reduces the post-processing time by at least a factor of 4 on limited computational resources. Full independence from manual interaction additionally allows straightforward up-scaling to efficiently process larger data, extensively boosting the possibilities in future dynamic X-ray tomographic investigations.Multiple potential pathogens are frequently co-detected among children with lower respiratory tract infection (LRTI). Evidence indicates that Bordetella pertussis has an important role in the aetiology of LRTI. We aimed to study the association between B. pertussis and other respiratory pathogens in children hospitalised with severe LRTI, and to assess clinical relevance of co-detection. Nasopharyngeal (NP) swabs and induced sputa (IS) were tested with a B. pertussis specific PCR; additionally, IS was tested for other pathogens using a multiplex PCR. We included 454 children, median age 8 months (IQR 4-18), 31 (7%) of whom tested positive for B. pertussis. Children with B. pertussis had more bacterial pathogens detected (3 versus 2; P  less then  0.001). While B. pertussis showed no association with most pathogens, it was independently associated with Chlamydia pneumoniae, Mycoplasma pneumoniae and parainfluenza viruses with adjusted risk ratios of 4.01 (1.03-15.64), 4.17 (1.42-12.27) and 2.13 (1.03-4.55), respectively. There was a consistent increased risk of severe disease with B. pertussis. Patterns indicated even higher risks when B. pertussis was co-detected with any of the three organisms although not statistically significant. Improving vaccine coverage against B. pertussis would impact not only the incidence of pertussis but also that of severe LRTI generally.Individuals with Angelman syndrome (AS) are characterized by severe cognitive impairments alongside an enhanced drive for social engagement. As knowledge on imitation skills in this population is limited, we conducted the first controlled study of imitation in AS. We examined how 23 individuals with AS and 21 typically developing young children with similar mental age imitated novel actions in response to socially or non-socially engaging models, and in response to video-recorded versus live demonstrations of novel actions. Individuals with AS imitated as frequently and as accurately as typical young children in response to live demonstrations; but they imitated less frequently and less accurately in response to video-recorded demonstrations. Further, imitation was modulated by whether the demonstrator was socially engaging or emotionally neutral in the AS group, while this modulation was not present in the comparison group. Individuals with higher mental age imitated more frequently and more accurately across groups. Imitation performance in AS appears to be more modulated by the social context compared to typical infants and young children with similar mental age, possibly reflecting an enhanced drive for social engagement. A socially engaging instructional style might facilitate imitative learning in this population.Muscles perform a wide range of motile functions in animals. Among various types are skeletal and cardiac muscles, which exhibit a steady auto-oscillation of force and length when they are activated at an intermediate level of contraction. This phenomenon, termed spontaneous oscillatory contraction or SPOC, occurs devoid of cell membranes and at fixed concentrations of chemical substances, and is thus the property of the contractile system per se. We have previously developed a theoretical model of SPOC and proposed that the oscillation emerges from a dynamic force balance along both the longitudinal and lateral axes of sarcomeres, the contractile units of the striated muscle. Here, we experimentally tested this hypothesis by developing an imaging-based analysis that facilitates detection of the structural changes of single sarcomeres at unprecedented spatial resolution. We found that the sarcomere width oscillates anti-phase with the sarcomere length in SPOC. We also found that the oscillatory dynamics can be altered by osmotic compression of the myofilament lattice structure of sarcomeres, but they are unchanged by a proteolytic digestion of titin/connectin-the spring-like protein that provides passive elasticity to sarcomeres. Our data thus reveal the three-dimensional mechanical dynamics of oscillating sarcomeres and suggest a structural requirement of steady auto-oscillation.Prone positioning for whole-breast irradiation (WBI) reduces dose to organs at risk, but reduces set-up speed, precision, and comfort. We aimed to improve these problems by placing patients in prone crawl position on a newly developed crawl couch (CrC). A group of 10 right-sided breast cancer patients requiring WBI were randomized in this cross-over trial, comparing the CrC to a standard prone breastboard (BB). Laterolateral (LL), craniocaudal (CC) and anterioposterior (AP) set-up errors were evaluated with cone beam CT. Comfort, preference and set-up time (SUT) were assessed. Forty left and right-sided breast cancer patients served as a validation group. For BB versus CrC, AP, LL and CC mean patient shifts were - 0.8 ± 2.8, 0.2 ± 11.7 and - 0.6 ± 4.4 versus - 0.2 ± 3.3, - 0.8 ± 2.5 and - 1.9 ± 5.7 mm. LL shift spread was reduced significantly. Nine out of 10 patients preferred the CrC. SUT did not differ significantly. The validation group had mean patient shifts of 1.7 ± 2.9 (AP), 0.2 ± 3.6 (LL) and - 0.2 ± 3.3 (CC) mm. Mean SUT in the validation group was 1 min longer (P  less then  0.05) than the comparative group. Median SUT was 3 min in all groups. The CrC improved precision and comfort compared to BB. Set-up errors compare favourably to other prone-WBI trials and rival supine positioning.Many unsupervised methods are widely used for parcellating the brain. However, unsupervised methods aren't able to integrate prior information, obtained from such as exiting functional neuroanatomy studies, to parcellate the brain, whereas the prior information guided semi-supervised method can generate more reliable brain parcellation. In this study, we propose a novel semi-supervised clustering method for parcellating the brain into spatially and functionally consistent parcels based on resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data. Particularly, the prior supervised and spatial information is integrated into spectral clustering to achieve reliable brain parcellation. The proposed method has been validated in the hippocampus parcellation based on resting state fMRI data of 20 healthy adult subjects. The experimental results have demonstrated that the proposed method could successfully parcellate the hippocampus into head, body and tail parcels. The distinctive functional connectivity patterns of these parcels have further demonstrated the validity of the parcellation results. The effects of aging on the three hippocampus parcels' functional connectivity were also explored across the healthy adult subjects. Compared with state-of-the-art methods, the proposed method had better performance on functional homogeneity. Furthermore, the proposed method had good test-retest reproducibility validated by parcellating the hippocampus based on three repeated resting state fMRI scans from 24 healthy adult subjects.Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (NDI) is a rare tubulopathy characterized by urinary concentration defect due to renal resistance to vasopressin. Loss-of-function mutations of vasopressin V2 receptor (V2R) gene (AVPR2) is the most common cause of the disease. We have identified five novel mutations L86P, R113Q, C192S, M272R, and W323_I324insR from NDI-affected patients. Functional characterization of these mutants revealed that R113Q and C192S were normally localized at the basolateral membrane of polarized Madin-Darby Canine Kidney (MDCK) cells and presented proper glycosylation maturation. On the other side, L86P, M272R, and W323_I324insR mutants were retained in endoplasmic reticulum and exhibited immature glycosylation and considerably reduced stability. All five mutants were resistant to administration of vasopressin analogues as evaluated by defective response in cAMP release. In order to rescue the function of the mutated V2R, we tested VX-809, sildenafil citrate, ibuprofen and tolvaptan in MDCK cells. Among these, tolvaptan was effective in rescuing the function of M272R mutation, by both allowing proper glycosylation maturation, membrane sorting and response to dDAVP. These results show an important proof of concept for the use of tolvaptan in patients affected by M272R mutation of V2R causing NDI.Pulse transit time (PTT) represents a potential approach for cuff-less blood pressure (BP) monitoring. Conventionally, PTT is determined by (1) measuring (a) ECG and ear, finger, or toe PPG waveforms or (b) two of these PPG waveforms and (2) detecting the time delay between the waveforms. The conventional PTTs (cPTTs) were compared in terms of correlation with BP in humans. Thirty-two volunteers [50% female; 52 (17) (mean (SD)) years; 25% hypertensive] were studied. The four waveforms and manual cuff BP were recorded before and after slow breathing, mental arithmetic, cold pressor, and sublingual nitroglycerin. Six cPTTs were detected as the time delays between the ECG R-wave and ear PPG foot, R-wave and finger PPG foot [finger pulse arrival time (PAT)], R-wave and toe PPG foot (toe PAT), ear and finger PPG feet, ear and toe PPG feet, and finger and toe PPG feet. These time delays were also detected via PPG peaks. The best correlation by a substantial extent was between toe PAT via the PPG foot and systolic BP [- 0.63 ± 0.05 (mean ± SE); p  less then  0.001 via one-way ANOVA]. Toe PAT is superior to other cPTTs including the popular finger PAT as a marker of changes in BP and systolic BP in particular.Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is an important cause of ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP). Patients with VAP have poorly functioning neutrophils, related to increased levels of the complement fragment C5a. The antibiotic linezolid has been useful in controlling MRSA-related VAP infections; however clinical benefit does not always correlate with antimicrobial effect, suggesting the possibility of immunomodulatory properties. Here the effects of linezolid on healthy and dysfunctional neutrophils (modelled by C5a-induced injury) was investigated. Functional assays (killing, phagocytosis, transmigration, and respiratory burst) were used to assess the effects of pre-, co- and post-incubating linezolid (0.4-40 mg/L) with healthy neutrophils relative to those with C5a-induced injury. C5a decreased neutrophil killing, and phagocytosis of MRSA. Furthermore, C5a significantly decreased neutrophil transmigration to IL-8, but did not affect respiratory burst. Co-incubation of linezolid significantly improved killing of MRSA by dysfunctional neutrophils, which was supported by concomitant increases in phagocytosis. Conversely linezolid impaired killing responses in healthy neutrophils. Pre- or post-incubation of linezolid prior or following C5a induced injury had no effect on neutrophil function. This study suggests that linezolid has immunomodulatory properties that protect human neutrophils from injury and provides insight into its mode of action beyond a basic antibiotic.Chagas disease is considered the most important parasitic disease in Latin America. The protozoan agent, Trypanosoma cruzi, comprises six genetic lineages, TcI-TcVI. Genotyping to link lineage(s) to severity of cardiomyopathy and gastrointestinal pathology is impeded by the sequestration and replication of T. cruzi in host tissues. We describe serology specific for TcI, the predominant lineage north of the Amazon, based on expression of recombinant trypomastigote small surface antigen (gTSSA-I) in the eukaryote Leishmania tarentolae, to allow realistic glycosylation and structure of the antigen. Sera from TcI-endemic regions recognised gTSSA-I (74/146; 50.7%), with no cross reaction with common components of gTSSA-II/V/VI recombinant antigen. Antigenicity was abolished by chemical (periodate) oxidation of gTSSA-I glycosylation but retained after heat-denaturation of conformation. Conversely, non-specific recognition of gTSSA-I by non-endemic malaria sera was abolished by heat-denaturation. TcI-specific serology facilitates investigation between lineage and diverse clinical presentations. Glycosylation cannot be ignored in the search for immunogenic antigens.Dopamine is well known to regulate movement through the differential control of direct and indirect pathways in the striatum that express D1 and D2 receptors respectively. The spinal cord also expresses all dopamine receptors; however, how the specific receptors regulate spinal network output in mammals is poorly understood. We explore the receptor-specific mechanisms that underlie dopaminergic control of spinal network output of neonatal mice during changes in spinal network excitability. During spontaneous activity, which is a characteristic of developing spinal networks operating in a low excitability state, we found that dopamine is primarily inhibitory. We uncover an excitatory D1-mediated effect of dopamine on motoneurons and network output that also involves co-activation with D2 receptors. Critically, these excitatory actions require higher concentrations of dopamine; however, analysis of dopamine concentrations of neonates indicates that endogenous levels of spinal dopamine are low. Because endogenous levels of spinal dopamine are low, this excitatory dopaminergic pathway is likely physiologically-silent at this stage in development. In contrast, the inhibitory effect of dopamine, at low physiological concentrations is mediated by parallel activation of D2, D3, D4 and α2 receptors which is reproduced when endogenous dopamine levels are increased by blocking dopamine reuptake and metabolism. We provide evidence in support of dedicated spinal network components that are controlled by excitatory D1 and inhibitory D2 receptors that is reminiscent of the classic dopaminergic indirect and direct pathway within the striatum. These results indicate that network state is an important factor that dictates receptor-specific and therefore dose-dependent control of neuromodulators on spinal network output and advances our understanding of how neuromodulators regulate neural networks under dynamically changing excitability.Landscape-scale bark beetle outbreaks alter forest structure with direct and indirect effects on plants and animals in forest ecosystems. Using alpine spruce forest and a native bee community as a study system, we tested how tree mortality from bark beetles impacts bee foraging habitats and populations. Bees were collected across the growing season (early-, middle-, and late-season) for two years using passive trapping methods, and collections were used to analyze patterns in species abundances and diversity. Three important findings emerged (1) forest stands that were post-outbreak had 62% higher floral density and 68% more floral species during peak bloom, respectively, than non-affected stands; (2) bee captures were highest early-season (June) and were not strongly affected by bark beetle outbreak; however, mean number of bee species and Shannon-Weiner diversity were significantly higher in post-outbreak stands and this effect was pronounced early in the growing season. Corresponding analysis of β-diversity indicated higher accumulation of bee biodiversity in post-outbreak stands and a turnover in the ratio of Bombus Osmia; (3) bee captures were linked to variation in foraging habitat, but number of bee species and diversity were more strongly predicted by forest structure. Our results provide evidence of increased alpine bee biodiversity in post-outbreak stands and increased availability of floral resources. We conclude that large-scale disturbance from bark beetle outbreaks may drive shifts in pollinator community composition through cascading effects on floral resources, mediated via mortality of overstory trees.Uncertainties over future climatic conditions pose significant challenges when selecting appropriate conservation strategies for heritage sites. Choosing effective strategies is especially important for earthen heritage sites located in dryland regions, as many are experiencing rapid environmentally-driven deterioration. We use a newly developed cellular automaton model (ViSTA-HD), to evaluate the environmental deterioration risk, over a 100-year period, under a range of potential climate and conservation scenarios. Results show increased wind velocities could substantially increase the overall deterioration risk, implying the need for wind-reducing conservation strategies. In contrast, predicted increases in rainfall are not likely to increase the overall deterioration risk, despite greater risk of rain-driven deterioration features. Of the four conservation strategies tested in our model, deterioration risk under all climatic scenarios was best reduced by increasing the coverage of natural, randomly-distributed vegetation to 80%. We suggest this approach could be an appropriate long-term conservation strategy for other earthen sites in dryland regions.The way the visual system processes different scales of spatial information has been widely studied, highlighting the dominant role of global over local processing. Recent studies addressing how the auditory system deals with local-global temporal information suggest a comparable processing scheme, but little is known about how this organization is modulated by long-term musical training, in particular regarding musical sequences. Here, we investigate how non-musicians and expert musicians detect local and global pitch changes in short hierarchical tone sequences structured across temporally-segregated triplets made of musical intervals (local scale) forming a melodic contour (global scale) varying either in one direction (monotonic) or both (non-monotonic). Our data reveal a clearly distinct organization between both groups. Non-musicians show global advantage (enhanced performance to detect global over local modifications) and global-to-local interference effects (interference of global over local processing) only for monotonic sequences, while musicians exhibit the reversed pattern for non-monotonic sequences. These results suggest that the local-global processing scheme depends on the complexity of the melodic contour, and that long-term musical training induces a prominent perceptual reorganization that reshapes its initial global dominance to favour local information processing. This latter result supports the theory of "analytic" processing acquisition in musicians.Maternal diet can influence the developing immune system of the offspring. We hypothesized that maternal fibre and gluten intake during pregnancy were associated with the risk of celiac disease in the child. In the Norwegian Mother, Father and Child Cohort Study (MoBa, n = 85,898) higher maternal fibre intake (median 29.5 g/day) was associated with a lower risk of celiac disease in the offspring (adjusted relative risk 0.90, 95% CI 0.83 to 0.98 per 10 g/d increase). Gluten intake during pregnancy (median 13.0 g/d) was associated with a higher risk of childhood CD (adjusted relative risk = 1.21, 95% CI 1.02 to 1.43 per 10 g/d increase). These results were largely unaffected by adjustment for the child's gluten intake at 18 months. In an independent study of 149 mother/child dyads, maternal fibre intake did not predict concentrations of total or sub-types of short-chain fatty acids in repeated infant stool samples, or fecal microbiome diversity in the mother or child. Our results suggest that high fibre and low gluten intake during pregnancy could be protective factors for celiac disease, although the mechanism is unknown.The increasing demand for high-density data storage leads to an increasing interest in novel memory concepts with high scalability and the opportunity of storing multiple bits in one cell. A promising candidate is the redox-based resistive switch repositing the information in form of different resistance states. For reliable programming, the underlying physical parameters need to be understood. We reveal that the programmable resistance states are linked to internal series resistances and the fundamental nonlinear switching kinetics. The switching kinetics of [Formula see text]-based cells was investigated in a wide range over 15 orders of magnitude from 10[Formula see text] s to 250 ps. The capacitive charging time of our device limits the direct observation of the set time below 770 ps, however, we found indication for an intrinsic switching speed of 10 ps at a stimulus of 3 V. On all time scales, multi-bit data storage capabilities were demonstrated. The elucidated link between fundamental material properties and multi-bit data storage paves the way for designing resistive switches for memory and neuromorphic applications.Wheat blast caused by the fungus Magnaporthe oryzae pathotype Triticum (MoT) is an emerging threat to wheat production. To identify genomic regions associated with blast resistance against MoT isolates in Bolivia and Bangladesh, we performed a large genome-wide association mapping study using 8607 observations on 1106 lines from the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre's International Bread Wheat Screening Nurseries (IBWSNs) and Semi-Arid Wheat Screening Nurseries (SAWSNs). We identified 36 significant markers on chromosomes 2AS, 3BL, 4AL and 7BL with consistent effects across panels or site-years, including 20 markers that were significant in all the 49 datasets and tagged the 2NS translocation from Aegilops ventricosa. The mean blast index of lines with and without the 2NS translocation was 2.7 ± 4.5 and 53.3 ± 15.9, respectively, that substantiates its strong effect on blast resistance. Furthermore, we fingerprinted a large panel of 4143 lines for the 2NS translocation that provided excellent insights into its frequency over years and indicated its presence in 94.1 and 93.7% of lines in the 2019 IBWSN and SAWSN, respectively. Overall, this study reinforces the effectiveness of the 2NS translocation for blast resistance and emphasizes the urgent need to identify novel non-2NS sources of blast resistance.The focus of this paper is on elastic metamaterials characterised by the presence of wide sub-wavelength band gap. In most cases, such mechanical property is strictly connected to the periodic repetition of the unit cell. Nonetheless, the strict periodicity requirement could represent a drawback. In this paper, we present a design strategy for aperiodic elastic metamaterials in order to achieve the same performances as for the periodic counterparts. This is done by exploiting the concept of separation of modes for different building blocks, arranged in aperiodic fashion. A theoretical explanation is provided, as well as numerical simulations; the concept is validated by means of a set of experimental tests on prototypes that are realized via additive manufacturing.Primary vitreoretinal lymphoma (PVRL) often masquerades as other uveitic diseases. We investigated the aqueous cytokine level changes and the effects of intraocular methotrexate (MTX) in patients with PVRL. In this retrospective consecutive case-series study, we reviewed the records of 14 consecutive patients with PVRL treated between 2018 and 2020. The concentrations of interleukin (IL)-2, IL-6, IL-10, IL-12, IL-17, interferon (IFN)-γ, and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α were determined at baseline and several time points after intravitreal MTX injections during follow-up. Markedly elevated IL-10 levels and a higher IL-10/IL-6 ratio were found in patients with PVRL. The aqueous levels of IL-10, IL-12, and TNF-α, and the IL-10/IL-6 ratio significantly decreased at 1 month after intravitreal MTX therapy onset compared with the baseline values (P = 0.001, 0.002, 0.001, and 0.001, respectively). The mean duration to normalized IL-10 levels was 1.17 ± 0.4 months. Where serially recorded IL-10 levels were available, regular intravitreal MTX treatment was associated with rapid reduction in IL-10 levels, while elevated IL-10 level was associated with disease recurrence. Elevated IL-10 levels and high IL-10/IL-6 ratio may aid in the diagnosis of PVRL. Aqueous IL-10 level monitoring can help assess the therapeutic response and indicate disease recurrence.This work reports an analytical method for determining electrical resistivity (ρ) and sheet resistance (RS) of isotropic conductors. The method is compared with previous numerical solutions and available experimental data showing a universal behavior for isotropic conductors. An approximated solution is also reported allowing one to easily determine ρ and RS for samples either with regular or arbitrary shapes.The potential risks of Bt rice on non-target arthropods (NTAs) should be evaluated and defined before commercial production. Recently, effects of Bt rice on NTAs under abiotic and biotic stress conditions attracted much attention. Here we reported the effects of Bt rice T1C-19 (Cry1C rice) on the non-target herbivore, Nilaparvata lugens (rice brown planthopper, BPH) with or without RDV (rice dwarf virus) infection conditions. BPH showed no feeding and oviposition preference between Bt rice T1C-19 and its non-Bt parental rice Minghui 63 (MH63), as well as between RDV-infected and RDV-free rice plants. Meanwhile, rice type, RDV infection status, and their interaction had little impacts on the survival, development and fecundity of BPH. By comparison with non-Bt control, Bt rice T1C-19 with or without RDV infection had no significant effects on the life-table parameters of BPH including rm, R0, T, DT and λ. Thus, it could be concluded that Bt rice T1C-19 doesn't affect the ecological fitness of BPH either under RDV stress or not.Aluminium (Al) toxicity limits crop productivity, particularly at low soil pH. Proline (Pro) plays a role in protecting plants against various abiotic stresses. Using the relatively Al-tolerant cereal rye (Secale cereale L.), we evaluated Pro metabolism in roots and shoots of two genotypes differing in Al tolerance, var. RioDeva (sensitive) and var. Beira (tolerant). Most enzyme activities and metabolites of Pro biosynthesis were analysed. Al induced increases in Pro levels in each genotype, but the mechanisms were different and were also different between roots and shoots. The Al-tolerant genotype accumulated highest Pro levels and this stronger increase was ascribed to simultaneous activation of the ornithine (Orn)-biosynthetic pathway and decrease in Pro oxidation. The Orn pathway was particularly enhanced in roots. Nitrate reductase (NR) activity, N levels, and N/C ratios demonstrate that N-metabolism is less inhibited in the Al-tolerant line. The correlation between Pro changes and differences in Al-sensitivity between these two genotypes, supports a role for Pro in Al tolerance. Our results suggest that differential responses in Pro biosynthesis may be linked to N-availability. Understanding the role of Pro in differences between genotypes in stress responses, could be valuable in plant selection and breeding for Al resistance.Kinkarakawa-gami wallpapers are unique works of art produced in Japan between 1870 and 1905 and exported in European countries, although only few examples are nowadays present in Europe. So far, neither the wallpapers nor the composing materials have been characterised, limiting the effective conservation-restoration of these artefacts accounting also for the potential deteriogen effects of microorganisms populating them. In the present study, four Kinkarakawa-gami wallpapers were analysed combining physical-chemical and microbiological approaches to obtain information regarding the artefacts' manufacture, composition, dating, and their microbial community. The validity of these methodologies was verified through a fine in blind statistical analysis, which allowed to identify trends and similarities within these important artefacts. The evidence gathered indicated that these wallpapers were generated between 1885 and 1889, during the so-called industrial production period. A wide range of organic (proteinaceous binders, natural waxes, pigments, and vegetable lacquers) and inorganic (tin foil and pigments) substances were used for the artefacts' manufacture, contributing to their overall complexity, which also reflects on the identification of a heterogeneous microbiota, often found in Eastern environmental matrices. Nevertheless, whether microorganisms inhabiting these wallpapers determined a detrimental or protective effect is not fully elucidated yet, thus constituting an aspect worth to be explored to deepen the knowledge needed for the conservation of Kinkarakawa-gami over time.Mandibular tumors and radical oral cancer surgery often cause bone dysmorphia and defects. Most patients present with noticeable mandibular deformations, and doctors often have difficulty determining their exact mandibular morphology. In this study, a deep convolutional generative adversarial network (DCGAN) called CTGAN is proposed to complete 3D mandibular cone beam computed tomography data from CT data. After extensive training, CTGAN was tested on 6 mandibular tumor cases, resulting in 3D virtual mandibular completion. We found that CTGAN can generate mandibles with different levels and rich morphology, including positional and angular changes and local patterns. The completion results are shown as tomographic images combining generated and natural areas. The 3D generated mandibles have the anatomical morphology of the real mandibles and transition smoothly to the portions without disease, showing that CTGAN constructs mandibles with the expected patient characteristics and is suitable for mandibular morphological completion. The presented modeling principles can be applied to other areas for 3D morphological completion from medical images.Clinical trial registration This study is not a clinical trial. Patient data were only used for testing in a virtual environment. The use of the digital data used in this study was ethically approved.Healthy benthic substrates that induce coral larvae to settle are necessary for coral recovery. Yet, the biochemical cues required to induce coral settlement have not been identified for many taxa. Here we tested the ability of the crustose coralline alga (CCA) Porolithon onkodes to induce attachment and metamorphosis, collectively termed settlement, of larvae from 15 ecologically important coral species from the families Acroporidae, Merulinidae, Poritidae, and Diploastreidae. Live CCA fragments, ethanol extracts, and hot aqueous extracts of P. onkodes induced settlement (> 10%) for 11, 7, and 6 coral species, respectively. Live CCA fragments were the most effective inducer, achieving over 50% settlement for nine species. The strongest settlement responses were observed in Acropora spp.; the only non-acroporid species that settled over 50% were Diploastrea heliopora, Goniastrea retiformis, and Dipsastraea pallida. Larval settlement was reduced in treatments with chemical extracts compared with live CCA, although high settlement (> 50%) was reported for six acroporid species in response to ethanol extracts of CCA. All experimental treatments failed ( less then 10%) to induce settlement in Montipora aequituberculata, Mycedium elephantotus, and Porites cylindrica. Individual species responded heterogeneously to all treatments, suggesting that none of the cues represent a universal settlement inducer. These results challenge the commonly-held notion that CCA ubiquitously induces coral settlement, and emphasize the critical need to assess additional cues to identify natural settlement inducers for a broad range of coral taxa.An amendment to this paper has been published and can be accessed via a link at the top of the paper.The COVID-19 outbreak is becoming a public health emergency. Data are limited on the clinical characteristics and causes of death. A retrospective analysis of COVID-19 deaths were performed for patients' clinical characteristics, laboratory results, and causes of death. In total, 56 patients (72.7%) of the decedents (male-female ratio 5126, mean age 71 ± 13, mean survival time 17.4 ± 8.4 days) had comorbidities. Acute respiratory failure (ARF) and sepsis were the main causes of death. Increases in C-reactive protein (CRP), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), D-dimer and lactic acid and decreases in lymphocytes were common laboratory results. Intergroup analysis showed that (1) most female decedents had cough and diabetes. (2) The proportion of young- and middle-aged deaths was higher than elderly deaths for males, while elderly decedents were more prone to myocardial injury and elevated CRP. (3) CRP and LDH increased and cluster of differentiation (CD) 4+ and CD8+ cells decreased significantly in patients with hypertension. The majority of COVID-19 decedents are male, especially elderly people with comorbidities. The main causes of death are ARF and sepsis. Most female decedents have cough and diabetes. Myocardial injury is common in elderly decedents. Patients with hypertension are prone to an increased inflammatory index, tissue hypoxia and cellular immune injury.Dengue virus (DENV) is a mosquito-borne pathogen that is becoming a serious global threat, owing to its rising incidence in inter-tropical regions that yield over 50 million annual infections. There are currently no approved antiviral agents for the management of dengue, and recent shortcomings in its immunization called for immediate action to develop effective drugs with prophylactic ability to better manage its infection. In an attempt to discover novel antiviral sources, we identified the medicinal herb Polygonum cuspidatum (PC) as a bioactive botanical material against DENV infectivity. Specifically, the methanolic extract from PC rhizomes (PCME) potently inhibited DENV infection without causing significant cytotoxicity. Further examination on the viral life cycle demonstrated that PCME particularly targeted the initial stages of DENV infection, while pre- and post-infection treatments had no effect. More importantly, the PCME could efficiently inactivate DENV free virus particles and block the viral attachment and entry/fusion events without apparently influencing viral replication, egress, and cell-to-cell spread. The antiviral effect of PCME was also recapitulated in infection analysis using DENV pseudoparticles displaying viral structural proteins that mediate DENV particle entry. Besides, PCME treatment also inhibited direct DENV entry into several cell types relevant to its infection and reduced viral infectivity of other members of the Flaviviridae family, including the hepatitis C virus (HCV) and Zika virus (ZIKV). Due to its potency against DENV entry, we suggest that the phytobioactive extract from PC is an excellent starting point as an antiviral source material for further development of therapeutic strategies in the prophylactic management of DENV infection.Anxiety and depression are distinct-albeit overlapping-psychiatric diseases, currently diagnosed by self-reported-symptoms. This research presents a new diagnostic methodology, which tests rigorously for differences in cognitive biases among subclinical anxious and depressed individuals. 125 participants were divided into four groups based on the levels of their anxiety and depression symptoms. A comprehensive behavioral test battery detected and quantified various cognitive-emotional biases. Advanced machine-learning tools, developed for this study, analyzed these results. These tools detect unique patterns that characterize anxiety versus depression to predict group membership. The prediction model for differentiating between symptomatic participants (i.e., high symptoms of depression, anxiety, or both) compared to the non-symptomatic control group revealed a 71.44% prediction accuracy for the former (sensitivity) and 70.78% for the latter (specificity). 68.07% and 74.18% prediction accuracy was obtained for a two-group model with high depression/anxiety, respectively. The analysis also disclosed which specific behavioral measures contributed to the prediction, pointing to key cognitive mechanisms in anxiety versus depression. These results lay the ground for improved diagnostic instruments and more effective and focused individually-based treatment.Effective patient care mandates rapid, yet accurate, diagnosis. With the abundance of non-invasive diagnostic measurements and electronic health records (EHR), manual interpretation for differential diagnosis has become time-consuming and challenging. This has led to wide-spread adoption of AI-powered tools, in pursuit of improving accuracy and efficiency of this process. While the unique challenges presented by each modality and clinical task demand customized tools, the cumbersome process of making problem-specific choices has triggered the critical need for a generic solution to enable rapid development of models in practice. In this spirit, we develop DDxNet, a deep architecture for time-varying clinical data, which we demonstrate to be well-suited for diagnostic tasks involving different modalities (ECG/EEG/EHR), required level of characterization (abnormality detection/phenotyping) and data fidelity (single-lead ECG/22-channel EEG). Using multiple benchmark problems, we show that DDxNet produces high-fidelity predictive models, and sometimes even provides significant performance gains over problem-specific solutions.An amendment to this paper has been published and can be accessed via a link at the top of the paper.Since type 2 diabetes (DM) is a life-style related disease, life-style should be considered when association between genetic factors and DM are examined. However, most studies did not examine genetic associations in consideration with lifestyle. Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor (GLP1R) mediates the insulinotropic action of GLP-1 in β-cells. We here examined the association while taking into consideration of interactions between the gene polymorphism and various nutrient factors. Participants from the population-based Iwaki study of Japanese subjects held in 2014-2017 with information on nutritional intake evaluated by self-administered dietary history questionnaire, and GLP1R genotype (rs3765467 A/G), were included (n = 1,560). Although not significant, insulin secretion indices assessed by homeostasis model assessment of β-cell function (HOMA-β) in subjects with the GG genotype tended to be lower than in those with the AA+AG genotypes in most groups stratified into tertiles based on daily nutrient consumptions (high, middle, and low). Stratification also showed that the GG genotype was a significant risk for decreased insulin secretion (HOMA-β ≤ 30) even after adjustment for multiple factors (age, body mass index, alcohol consumption), but only in the highest tertiles of energy, protein and carbohydrate consumption in men [odds ratios (95% confidence interval) 3.95 (1.03-15.1), 15.83 (1.58-158.9), and 4.23 (1.10-11.2), respectively]. A polymorphism of the GLP1R gene was associated with decreased insulin secretion in a nutrient consumption-dependent manner in Japanese men, indicating an interaction between GLP1R and nutritional factors in the pathophysiology of DM.The hair bundle of cochlear hair cells is the site of auditory mechanoelectrical transduction. It is formed by three rows of stiff microvilli-like protrusions of graduated heights, the short, middle-sized, and tall stereocilia. In developing and mature sensory hair cells, stereocilia are connected to each other by various types of fibrous links. Two unconventional cadherins, protocadherin-15 (PCDH15) and cadherin-23 (CDH23), form the tip-links, whose tension gates the hair cell mechanoelectrical transduction channels. These proteins also form transient lateral links connecting neighboring stereocilia during hair bundle morphogenesis. The proteins involved in anchoring these diverse links to the stereocilia dense actin cytoskeleton remain largely unknown. We show that the long isoform of whirlin (L-whirlin), a PDZ domain-containing submembrane scaffold protein, is present at the tips of the tall stereocilia in mature hair cells, together with PCDH15 isoforms CD1 and CD2; L-whirlin localization to the ankle-link region in developing hair bundles moreover depends on the presence of PCDH15-CD1 also localizing there. We further demonstrate that L-whirlin binds to PCDH15 and CDH23 with moderate-to-high affinities in vitro. From these results, we suggest that L-whirlin is part of the molecular complexes bridging PCDH15-, and possibly CDH23-containing lateral links to the cytoskeleton in immature and mature stereocilia.An amendment to this paper has been published and can be accessed via a link at the top of the paper.

Autoři článku: Damgaardhussein2040 (Kristiansen Boel)