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A limited number of studies have explored the external load experienced in indoor sports such as ice hockey, and few the link between training and match performance. As a paucity exists within this topic, this study explored whether a simulated match design (i.e., scrimmage) could be representative of official match demands and elicit similar external loads as in official matches in a group of elite youth male ice hockey players.

A total of 26 players were monitored during eight official and four simulation matches using a Local Positioning System. Total distance, max velocity, slow (0-10.9 km/h), moderate (11-16.9 km/h), high (17.0-23.9 km/h), and sprint (>24 km/h) speed skating distance, distance per min, PlayerLoad

, PlayerLoad

per min, high-intensity events (HIEs) (>2.5 m/s

), acceleration (ACCs), decelerations (DECs), and change of directions (CODs) were extracted from the tracking devices. A two-level regression analysis was conducted to compare the difference between match types when contch-related actions at high intensity are warranted.

The simulated match design is related to official match demands with comparable match-time, playing time, number of shifts, and shift duration. However, simulation matches provoked a higher external load output compared with official matches, possibly explained by a more continuous movement design. A game-based simulation match design can therefore be utilized when match-related actions at high intensity are warranted.

Little is known about the effects of yoga training in adults with ADHD symptoms. This pilot study sought to determine the feasibility and selected psychological effects of 6 weeks of yoga training in women screening positive for adult ADHD compared to a wait-list control group.

A randomized trial was conducted with 32 adult women (18-24 years) who volunteered after screening positive for adult ADHD as assessed by the Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale (ASRS). Participants were randomized to 6 weeks of Bikram yoga training or to a wait-list control group. The yoga intervention consisted of two 90-min classes per week. Multilevel models were used to test hypothesized interactions of yoga-induced improvements compared to controls across time (baseline, 3 weeks, and 6 weeks). The primary outcomes assessed inhibitory control, cognitive flexibility and working memory using the NIH Toolbox. Separate models with trait mindfulness, trait anxiety and expectations for change in either attention or working memory as covariates tested whether these variables mediated the changes in the three measures of executive function. selleck chemicals Secondary outcomes included mood, perceived functional impairment and motivation for, and hyperactivity during, the cognitive tests.

No adverse events were observed. Attendance averaged 91.7% among the 69% of the sample that did not dropout. No significant Group X Time interactions were found for any of the psychological outcomes and the null executive function findings were unchanged when including the covariates.

Six-weeks of yoga training twice per week is potentially feasible for women experiencing ADHD symptoms, but an exercise stimulus of this duration and magnitude yields no beneficial cognitive or mood outcomes.

Six-weeks of yoga training twice per week is potentially feasible for women experiencing ADHD symptoms, but an exercise stimulus of this duration and magnitude yields no beneficial cognitive or mood outcomes.

This study aimed to analyze the reliability of concentric isokinetic strength assessments (knee and hip) using the Biodex System 4 in healthy children and assess the association with functional strength tests (sit-to-stand [STS], lateral-step-up [LSU]).

19 children (6-12 years) were included. Knee and hip flexion and extension, and hip abduction and adduction were tested at 60 and 90°/s.

Relative and absolute reliability at 60°/s tended to show better results compared to those at 90°/s. Intra class correlations (ICCs) of knee flexion and extension at 60°/s were good (0.79-0.89). For hip flexion, extension, abduction and adduction at 60°/s ICCs were moderate to good (0.53-0.83). The smallest detectable change (SDC) values (expressed in %) were highly variable. The SDC% for knee flexion and extension and hip abduction at 60°/s were around 50%. Positive associations were found between hip extension and abduction isokinetic strength and the STS test.

Concentric isokinetic strength assessments in healthy children using the Biodex System 4 were found reliable for knee flexion and extension and hip abduction. Limited associations were found between concentric isokinetic strength tests and functional strength tests.

Concentric isokinetic strength assessments in healthy children using the Biodex System 4 were found reliable for knee flexion and extension and hip abduction. Limited associations were found between concentric isokinetic strength tests and functional strength tests.

It remains to be established to what extent physical activity (PA) levels among individuals are independently associated with deviations from the "optimal" state of the arterial system. Accelerometers have been proposed as means to obtain reliable, objective, and more comprehensive data of PA. Decisions at the time of data collection/processing could influence the association between accelerometry-derived indices and arterial properties.

(i) To identify to what extent the strength of association between arterial properties and accelerometer-derived indices depend on the recording site and/or the epoch length; (ii) to determine whether some arterial characteristics (hemodynamic vs. structural vs. functional) or regions (elastic vs. transitional vs. muscular arteries; central vs. peripheral) have higher levels of association with accelerometry-derived indices.

Physical activity (PA), cardiovascular risk factors (CRFs), and cardiovascular properties were evaluated in 60 volunteers (general population; age rameters. Accelerometer-derived indices and their association with arterial properties vary depending on the recording site and epoch length. PA indices are stronger associated with functional (local) than structural variables and with central than peripheral arteries.

Regardless of the PA index, there were independent associations with central artery characteristics, which reinforces that these territories would be the most related to PA levels. Differences in data acquisition and processing could lead to differences in conclusions when addressing the association between accelerometer-derived indices and the cardiovascular system.

Regardless of the PA index, there were independent associations with central artery characteristics, which reinforces that these territories would be the most related to PA levels. Differences in data acquisition and processing could lead to differences in conclusions when addressing the association between accelerometer-derived indices and the cardiovascular system.

Studies have determined that exercise and physical activity positively affect physical and mental health, and that healthy workers contribute to increased work performance. The relationship between the time spent on exercise during leisure time and physical activity, including work, with health-related quality of life (HRQOL) in workers is unclear, with variations observed between occupational types. This cross-sectional study examined these associations among Japanese workers from various occupations during the COVID-19 pandemic.

An Internet-based national health survey-Collaborative Online Research on Novel-coronavirus and Work-study (CORoNaWork study)-was conducted among 33,087 Japanese workers in December 2020. After excluding invalid responses, 27,036 participants were categorized into four and five groups according to exercise and physical activity time, respectively. Each group's scores were compared on each of the four questions on the Japanese version of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevene daily exercise even for a short time are likely to be associated with better workers' health and work performance.This paper investigates the sleeplessness in Chinese cities during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. We provide first evidence of a link from daily COVID-19 cases resulting in sleep loss in a panel of Chinese cities. We use Wuhan, which was the first city to be completely locked down, as basis to present the result that sleeplessness has become a considerably serious issue owing to the COVID-19 pandemic. In using the intervention policy of various cities as exogenous shocks, we find that lockdown policies significantly increase the sleeplessness level of Chinese cities. In addition, the severity of COVID-19 pandemic significantly exacerbates the negative effect of lockdown policies on sleep quality in the city. Overall, this study indicates that policy makers should pay more attention to public mental health when citizens recover from COIVD-19 by investigating the unintended consequences of COVID-19 on sleeplessness level of cities.Conventional quinazoline synthesis methods involve a highly multistep reaction, and often require excess amounts of substrate to control the product selectivity, leading to significant resource wastage. Hence, in this study, from the viewpoint of green chemistry, we developed a novel metal-free synthetic method for 2-substituted quinazoline derivatives by the 4,6-dihydroxysalicylic acid-catalyzed oxidative condensation of o-aminobenzylamines and benzylamines using atmospheric oxygen. In this system, the use of a catalytic amount of BF3‧Et2O (10 mol%) as a Lewis acid successfully led to the efficient oxidative condensation and intramolecular cyclization of these amines, followed by aromatization to afford the corresponding 2-arylquinazolines in up to 81% yield with excellent atom economy and environmental factor. Furthermore, to expand this green oxidation method to gram-scale synthesis, we investigated the development of an oxidation process using salicylic acid itself as an organocatalyst, and established a method for the practical green synthesis of a series of nitrogen-containing heterocycles. We expect that the findings will contribute to the development of practical synthesis methods for pharmaceutical manufacturing and industrial applications, along with further advancements in green chemistry.The SARS-CoV-2 virus pandemic (COVID-19) is causing disruptions to energy, finance, tourism, and trade industries all around the world. These disruptions are the result of quarantining and lockdowns that cause reductions in production and consumptions. This change in production and consumption rates has environmental consequences. This study investigates the environmental effects of COVID-19 lockdown in the United States by Input-Output Life Cycle Assessment (IO-LCA) approach. The analysis is based on extraction of economic data in the US. The simulated results are based on different durations and strategies of lockdown measures. Among all industrial categories, utilities, which include power generation and supply, water supply, and natural gas supply sectors, saw the most significant reductions by approximately 110 kt CO2-eq in the first quarter and 265 kt CO2-eq in the second quarter of 2020. The assessed reductions were the results of both direct emission reductions caused by the shutdown of certain industries and also indirect emission reductions from upstream industries.

Autoři článku: Cullenharris3587 (Hardison Fuller)