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Furthermore, we suggest that the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans provides an advantageous high-throughput model system for determining the effect of plastic particles on animal reproduction, using reproductive behavioral end points and cellular readouts.Several approaches have been used in an attempt to simplify and codify the events that lead to adverse effects of chemicals including systems biology, 'omics, in vitro assays and frameworks such as the Adverse Outcome Pathway (AOP). However, these approaches are generally not integrated despite their complementary nature. Here we propose to integrate toxicogenomics data, systems biology information and AOPs using causal biological networks to define Key Events in AOPs. Pemrametostat concentration We demonstrate this by developing a causal subnetwork of 28 nodes that represents the Key Event of regenerative proliferation - a critical event in AOPs for liver cancer. We then assessed the effects of three chemicals known to cause liver injury and cell proliferation (carbon tetrachloride, aflatoxin B1, thioacetamide) and two with no known cell proliferation effects (diazepam, simvastatin) on the subnetwork using rat liver gene expression data from the toxicogenomic database Open TG-GATEs. Cyclin D1 (Ccnd1), a gene both causally linked to and sufficient to infer regenerative proliferation activity, was overexpressed after exposures to carbon tetrachloride, aflatoxin B1 and thioacetamide, but not in exposures to diazepam and simvastatin. These results were consistent with known effects on rat livers and liver pathology of exposed rats. Using these approaches, we demonstrate that transcriptomics, AOPs and systems biology can be applied to examine the presence and progression of AOPs in order to better understand the hazards of chemical exposure.Biomonitoring of workers is an approach of evaluating workers' exposure to chemicals and particulate matter by measuring biomarkers of parent chemicals, their metabolites, and reaction products in workers' biospecimens. Prerequisites for biological monitoring in the workplace include permission to enter the workplace, approval of the study plan from the IRB (Institutional Review Board), and obtaining consent from workers. Because of the complex legal process involved in biomonitoring, few studies have been conducted so far on biomonitoring of workers' exposures to nanoparticles and other hazards from emerging materials and advanced nanotechnologies. We have developed a cell-based biomonitoring device that can evaluate acute cytotoxicity and various other effect biomakers, such as inflammation, at realistic workplace exposure. This device is based on air-liquid interphase (ALI) and can be used to evaluate cell toxicity and early effect biomarkers along adverse outcome pathways. Following exposure of A549 lung e contaminants using adverse molecular pathways, and for guiding study design for workplace biomonitoring. ALI devices can bridge conventional exposure assessment with cellular toxicity testing platforms for hazard and risk assessment.

To identify, investigate and categorize the most frequently shared content related to COVID-19 by social media users.

The BuzzSumo analytic tool was used to identify the most frequently shared content about COVID-19 between July and August 2020. They were then analyzed and classified into eight main categories according to their topic.

Among 120 articles that were shared 6,189,187 times in total during the analyzed period, the most popular were those that referred to methods for decreasing COVID-19 spread and characteristics. No myths or misinformation were found in the most frequently shared articles. The most popular content included humorous yet educational videos.

The most frequently shared content by social media users is reliable and refers to prevention in the first place. As humorous videos about prevention attracted the most attention, it seems an attractive and potentially effective strategy to foster online preventive behaviors during the pandemic.

The most popular articles that were shared more than 6 million times in total during the analyzed period of time referred methods for decreasing COVID-19 spread and COVID-19 characteristics. The Internet and social media provide countless opportunities and audiences to deliver accurate knowledge and recommendations on COVID-19 and may contribute to fostering preventive and responsible behaviors.

The most popular articles that were shared more than 6 million times in total during the analyzed period of time referred methods for decreasing COVID-19 spread and COVID-19 characteristics. The Internet and social media provide countless opportunities and audiences to deliver accurate knowledge and recommendations on COVID-19 and may contribute to fostering preventive and responsible behaviors.Language mixing is common in bilingual children's learning environments. Here, we investigated effects of language mixing on children's learning of new words. We tested two groups of 3-year-old bilinguals French-English (Experiment 1) and Spanish-English (Experiment 2). Children were taught two novel words, one in single-language sentences ("Look! Do you see the dog on the teelo?") and one in mixed-language sentences with a mid-sentence language switch ("Look! Do you see the chien/perro on the walem?"). During the learning phase, children correctly identified novel targets when hearing both single-language and mixed-language sentences. However, at test, French-English bilinguals did not successfully recognize the word encountered in mixed-language sentences. Spanish-English bilinguals failed to recognize either word, which underscores the importance of examining multiple bilingual populations. This research suggests that language mixing may sometimes hinder children's encoding of novel words that occur downstream, but leaves open several possible underlying mechanisms.We investigate the effect of Eurosystem asset purchase programmes (APP) on the monthly yields of 10-year sovereign bonds for 11 euro area sovereigns during January-December 2020. The analysis is based on time-varying coefficient methods applied to monthly panel data covering the period 2004m09-2020m12. During 2020, APP contributed to an average decline in yields estimated in the range of 58-76 bps. In December 2020, the effect per EUR trillion ranged between 34 bps in Germany and 159 bps in Greece. Stronger effects generally display diminishing returns. Our findings suggest that a sharp decline in the size of the APP in the aftermath of the COVID-19 crisis could lead to very sharp increases in bond yields, particularly in peripheral countries. The analysis additionally reveals a differential response to global risks between core and peripheral countries, with the former enjoying safe-haven benefits. Markets' perceptions of risk are found to be significantly affected by credit ratings, which is in line with recent evidence based on constant parameter methods.The IAEA contribution to the radiation protection of patients during the global COVID-19 pandemic included a webinar on the use of CT and optimization for COVID-19 pneumonia, a survey with 137 responses from 84 sites across five continents, and a study on the CT utilization, protocols and patient doses with data from 62 healthcare sites from 34 countries. This paper outlines the main results of these efforts, which have been presented in the scientific literature and in several national trainings and international meetings.Women in Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering (WiMPBME) is a Task Group established in 2014 under the International Union of Physical and Engineering Scientists in Medicine (IUPESM). The group's main role is to identify, develop, implement, and coordinate various tasks and projects related to women's needs and roles in medical physics and biomedical engineering around the world. The current paper summarizes the past, present and future goals and activities undertaken or planned by the Task group in order to motivate, nurture and support women in medical physics and biomedical engineering throughout their professional careers. In addition, the article includes the historical pathway followed by various women's groups and subcommittees from 2004 up to the present day and depicts future aims to further these professions in a gender-balanced manner.Women are more prone to orthostatic intolerance compared to men and have a greater vasodilatory capacity. We investigated the hypothesis that women would have greater peripheral flow-mediated dilation (FMD) while in the upright posture compared to men, which could contribute to this phenomenon. In young healthy women (age 20 ± 3, BMI 27 ± 5 kg/m2, n = 10) and men (age = 21 ± 2, BMI 27 ± 8 kg/m2, n = 8), we assessed FMD of the brachial artery and hemodynamics to determine endothelial function during the supine and 70° head-up tilt postures (randomized). The brachial artery was kept at heart level in both trials. We observed that FMD increased in both sexes during tilt (Women 11.9 ± 5.3 to 15.7 ± 5.6%; Men 8.4 ± 3.2 to 14.6 ± 3.4%, Main effect of tilt p = 0.005) which was not due to changes in blood pressure or shear stress. There were no interaction effects between sex and posture. In a second cohort of women (age 22 ± 3, BMI 23 ± 3 kg/m2, n = 9) and men (age 22 ± 2, BMI 25 ± 8 kg/m2, n = 8), we investigated reactive hyperemia by peripheral arterial tonometry (LnRHI) via EndoPAT. Interestingly, we found that the EndoPAT response was decreased in both sexes during tilt (LnRHI Men 0.70 ± 0.28 to 0.59 ± 0.40, Women 0.52 ± 0.23 to 0.30 ± 0.32, Main effect of tilt p = 0.037). We previously found that FMD is related to coronary responses to acetylcholine and adenosine whereas EndoPAT is related to coronary responses to dobutamine. Therefore, we suggest that sympathetic mediated dilation is attenuated in the upright posture while the increased vasodilatory response as measured by FMD in the tilt posture could be attributed to increasing metabolite production from postural muscles.Catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (CPVT) is an inherited disturbance of the heart rhythm (arrhythmia) that is induced by stress or that occurs during exercise. Most mutations that have been linked to CPVT are found in two genes, i.e., ryanodine receptor 2 (RyR2) and calsequestrin 2 (CASQ2), two proteins fundamentally involved in the regulation of intracellular Ca2+ in cardiac myocytes. We inserted six CPVT-causing mutations via clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR)-Cas9 into unc-68 and csq-1, the Caenorhabditis elegans homologs of RyR and CASQ, respectively. We characterized those mutations via video-microscopy, electrophysiology, and calcium imaging in our previously established optogenetic arrhythmia model. In this study, we additionally enabled high(er) throughput recordings of intact animals by combining optogenetic stimulation with a microfluidic chip system. Whereas only minor/no pump deficiency of the pharynx was observed at baseline, three mutations of and high(er) throughput recordings is a promising straightforward system for the investigation of RyR mutations and the selection of mutation-specific drugs.

Autoři článku: Cruzallred1912 (Dowd Duckworth)