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Treatment with PZQ alone resulted in reduction of pathological signs and decreasing of granulomas. Combination with silymarin to PZQ therapy revealed more improvement for liver besides to lowering of granulomas areas and volumes and decreasing of fibrosis. Whereas, treatment with MZ was less effective than PZQ to reduce granulomas areas, volumes and fibrosis. Although, combination of silymarin to MZ treatment resulted in more curative signs and reduction of granulomas areas, volumes and fibrosis. Furthermore, the present study concluded that PZQ still the more effective drug of schistosomiasis treatment than MZ. The silymarin is very useful in schistosomiasis treatment when combined with PZQ or MZ due to its anti-fibrotic effect.Malaria which is caused by parasites of the genus Plasmodium is a devastating parasitic disease of major public health challenge worldwide, particularly Nigeria. This study was carried out to investigate the epidemiology of falciparum malaria among residents of rural and peri-urban communities in Ekiti State, Southwestern Nigeria. Standard parasitological technique of microscopy was employed to determine and identify parasite prevalence and species. A questionnaire was used to collect subject's information such as age, sex, location, occupation and education. Out of the 300 individuals examined, a total of 283 (93.4%) individuals were infected with malaria parasite. Sex pattern of infection indicated that male had higher malaria prevalence of 95.0% compared to female with the prevalence of 93.3% (P>0.05). The age group 51 to 60 years had the highest malaria parasite prevalence of 100% while age group 60 years recorded the highest mean parasite density of 2092.50 parasite/μL of blood while age group less then 10 has the least mean malaria parasite density of 1044. 42 parasite/μL of blood. In relation to sex, the highest mean malaria parasite density was found among the female (1461.80 parasite/μL of blood) compared to male (1450 parasite/ μL of blood). In the same vein, occupation as a socioeconomic risk factor play a major role with respect to malaria infection. click here The highest malaria prevalence of 113 (98.26%) was recorded among farmers while the least 34 (85%) was recorded among Civil servants (P less then 0.05). Thus, it is apparent that falciparum malaria is heavily prevalent in this study area and as such urgent management control measures and interventions should be made available and fully utilized.Coccidiosis is the most important protozoan disease in broilers all over the world. Controlling of broilers coccidiosis via vaccination rather than chemicals is a new trend with promising results. Thus, the present work describes an evaluation of Eimeria tenella Lab-made vaccine of local Egyptian strain and its comparative efficacy with a commercial live vaccine "Fortegra®". Eighty broiler chickens one day old were used; they were divided in to 4 equal groups; 20 chicks each. Group 1 (G1) kept as control negative, G2 administrated orally with lab-made sporulated oocysts vaccine at 5 days old, the birds of G3 vaccinated orally with Fortegra® at day 6 of age, and G4 served as control positive. All birds were challenge by 50,000 sporulated oocysts of E. tenella at day 21. For testing the efficacy and comparison; OPG (oocyst per gram), serum Interleukin4 (IL4) levels, Immunoglobulin A (IgA) levels in both serum and ceca, cecal lesion score, as well as histopathological changes in ceca of tested groups were evaluated. The results demonstrated significantly elevated IL4 level in serum and IgA level in serum and cecum of G2 than G3. IgA in cecum significantly elevated in G2 than G3. OPG significantly decreased in both vaccinated groups (G2 and G3), and have lower lesion score than nonimmunized group. Cecal tissues of vaccinated groups had mild pathological changes. Conclusively, good immunization by the currently tested vaccine, against experimental E. tenella infection was observed.The present study was aimed to evaluate the in-vitro and in-vivo antibacterial effects of the Typha elephantina aqueous extract (TE.AQ), ethanolic extract (TE.ET) and T. elephantina methanolic extract (TE.ME) against eight selected clinical pathogens. The test samples were tested for in-vitro analysis (by disc diffusion method) at different concentrations of 5, 15, 25, 50 and 100 mg/dL against both gram positive and gram-negative strains. The highest potential was observed in TE.ME at a concentration of 100 mg/dL against Pseudomonas aeruginosa exhibiting 19.67 ± 0.577 mm zone of inhibition (ZOI). The same fraction also showed good activity against Staphylococus aureus with ZOI of 17.50 ± 0.70 mm. The TE.ET was found most active against P. aeruginosa and Streptococcus pyogenes having ZOI of 18.53 ± 0.503 and 16.2 ± 1.55 mm respectively at a concentration of 100 mg/dL. The most sensitive bacteria P. aeruginosa was selected for in-vivo study (using poultry chicks) for induction of infection in chicks. The effects of TE.AQ, TE.ET and TE.ME were determined at concentrations of 300 mg/kg body weight based on hematological parameters, liver enzymes and gross pathological findings of lungs and livers. The findings of the in-vivo study in chick's model showed that treatment of experimental animals with TE.ME significantly restored the hematological parameters, liver enzymes and architecture of lungs and livers. Based on scientific evidence, the current study suggests that TE.ME may serve as a best and new natural antibacterial agent and can be used against infections caused by P. aeruginosa.

This third article in the Genomics of Aging series explores the process of glycosylation and how abnormal glycosylation contributes to aging and disease (i.e., diabetes, cardiovascular disease [CVD], neurological disorder, and cancer). Glycosylation is an important posttranslational process that contributes to normal protein folding, cell adhesion, protein stability, and motility. Gradual accumulation of molecular errors contributes to the aging process, and specific genetic variants in this pathway have been identified in cancer, CVD, aging, and vulnerability to disease progression. Manipulating glycosylation pathways may be beneficial in reducing disease risk in the future. Smoking cessation has been shown to reverse epigenetic changes in glycosylation pathways that increase cancer, CVD, and all-cause mortality risk, and CVD risk may be reduced if a dimeric glycosylated fusion protein pathway can be regulated. Selective food sources and synthetic vitamins and antioxidants have been shown to support normal glycosylation and help in the cell repair process.

Autoři článku: Crowleyringgaard0300 (Sampson Crowder)