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The US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) is reviewing the protectiveness of the national ambient water quality criteria (WQC) for nickel (Ni) and zinc (Zn) and compiling toxicity databases to update the WQC. An amphipod (Hyalella azteca) and a unionid mussel (Lampsilis siliquoidea) have shown high sensitivity to Ni and Zn in previous studies. However, there remained uncertainties regarding the influence of test duration (48 vs 96 h) and the presence and absence of food in acute exposures with the amphipod, and there were also concerns about poor control of amphipod growth and reproduction and mussel growth in chronic exposures. We conducted acute 48- and 96-h water-only toxicity tests to evaluate the influence of feeding and test durations on the toxicity of dissolved Ni and Zn to the amphipod; we also used recently refined test methods to conduct chronic Ni and Zn toxicity tests to evaluate the sensitivity of the amphipod (6-wk exposure) and the mussel (4- and 12-wk exposures). The 96-h 50% effect conce of variation in organism responses observed in the present study. Environ Toxicol Chem 2020;392256-2268. © 2020 SETAC.

Although most European countries experienced a decrease in cervical cancer mortality, Ukraine, Latvia and Belarus have experienced an increase in mortality. There is no national vaccination programme against human papilloma virus (HPV) in Ukraine, and vaccination rates are low.

To study the knowledge of HPV-related cancers and vaccination amongst medical and non-medical students with a view to a better organization of educational interventions.

Male and female students of the Bogomolets National Medical University and non-medical students of other universities from Kiev were asked to fill in an anonymous survey of HPV vaccination prevalence, testing, knowledge on vaccination, HPV-related cancer awareness and sexual activities.

Medical students showed better knowledge, higher prevalence of HPV testing and later sexual debut when compared to non-medical students. Female students showed higher awareness of HPV-related cancers except oral and rectal cancers and better knowledge of vaccination. The highestan high vaccine cost) should be addressed by educational interventions. Information campaigns for students in their 1st and 2nd years of studies are especially important.

Nintedanib, an oral, triple angiokinase inhibitor, is used alongside docetaxel in the management of locally recurrent non-small-cell lung cancer and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. The present study deals with the identification and characterization of in vitro and in vivo stable and reactive (if any) metabolites of nintedanib and sheds light on some novel metabolites of the drug which have not been reported previously.

The study involved an oral administration of the drug to male Wistar rats, followed by collection of the biological matrices (urine, plasma and feces) at specific intervals for determination of in vivo metabolites. In addition, in vitro studies were performed on human and rat liver microsomes in the presence of appropriate co-factors. The samples were subjected to protein precipitation and nitrogen evaporation prior to ultra-performance liquid chromatography/quadrupole time-of-flight tandem mass spectrometry analysis. The toxicities of all the metabolites were assessed in silico, employing ndetected owing to sensitivity issues.Plant interphase cortical microtubules (cMTs) mediate anisotropic cell expansion in response to environmental and developmental cues. In Arabidopsis thaliana, KATANIN 1 (KTN1), the p60 catalytic subunit of the conserved MT-severing enzyme katanin, is essential for cMT ordering and anisotropic cell expansion. However, the regulation of KTN1-mediated cMT severing and ordering remains unclear. In this work, we report that the Arabidopsis IQ67 DOMAIN (IQD) family gene ABNORMAL SHOOT 6 (ABS6) encodes a MT-associated protein. Overexpression of ABS6 leads to elongated cotyledons, directional pavement cell expansion, and highly ordered transverse cMT arrays. Genetic suppressor analysis revealed that ABS6-mediated cMT ordering is dependent on KTN1 and SHADE AVOIDANCE 4 (SAV4). Live imaging of cMT dynamics showed that both ABS6 and SAV4 function as positive regulators of cMT severing. Furthermore, ABS6 directly interacts with KTN1 and SAV4 and promotes their recruitment to the cMTs. Finally, analysis of loss-of-function mutant combinations showed that ABS6, SAV4, and KTN1 work together to ensure the robust ethylene response in the apical hook of dark-grown seedlings. CCG-203971 chemical structure Together, our findings establish ABS6 and SAV4 as positive regulators of cMT severing and ordering, and highlight the role of cMT dynamics in fine-tuning differential growth in plants.The chemical industry has exploited zeolite shape selectivity for more than 50 years, yet our fundamental understanding remains incomplete. Herein, the zeolite channel geometry-reactive intermediate relationships are studied in detail using anisotropic zeolite ZSM-5 crystals for the methanol-to-hydrocarbon (MTH) process, and advanced magic-angle spinning solid-state NMR (ssNMR) spectroscopy. The utilization of anisotropic ZSM-5 crystals enabled the preferential formation of reaction intermediates in single-orientation zeolite channels, as revealed by molecular dynamics simulations and in situ UV/Vis diffuse-reflectance spectroscopy. The ssNMR results show that the slightly more constrained sinusoidal zeolite channels favor the olefin cycle by promoting the homologation of alkanes, whereas the more extended straight zeolite channels facilitate the aromatic cycle with a higher degree of alkylation of aromatics. Dynamic nuclear polarization experiments further indicate the preferential formation of heavy aromatics at the zeolite surface dominated by the sinusoidal channels, providing further insight into catalyst deactivation.

Aggression often occurs alongside alcohol and drug misuse. However, it is not clear whether the latent and manifest relations among alcohol-related, drug-related, and non-substance-related aggression are separate manifestations of a single construct or instead are 3 distinct constructs.

To examine these associations, we conducted a preregistered analysis of 13,490 participants in the Collaborative Study on the Genetics of Alcoholism. In a structured interview, participants reported their lifetime perpetration of these 3 aggression phenotypes.

The data were better fit by a model that treated these aggression phenotypes as 3 distinct latent factors, as compared to models in which the items all loaded onto 1 ("general") or 2 ("substance-related" and "non-substance-related") aggression factors. link2 This 3-factor model fit better for men than women. Subsequent exploratory analyses then showed that among these 3 factors, alcohol-related aggression explained the variance of overall aggression better than the other 2 factors.

Our findings suggest that these 3 forms of aggression are distinct phenotypes (especially among men). Yet, people's alcohol-related aggression can accurately characterize their overall aggressive tendencies across these domains. link3 Future research will benefit from articulating the unique and shared pathways and risk factors underlying each of these facets of aggression.

Our findings suggest that these 3 forms of aggression are distinct phenotypes (especially among men). Yet, people's alcohol-related aggression can accurately characterize their overall aggressive tendencies across these domains. Future research will benefit from articulating the unique and shared pathways and risk factors underlying each of these facets of aggression.Olfaction is essential for regulating the physiological and behavioral actions of insects with specific recognition of various odors. Antheraea moths (Lepidoptera Saturniidae) possess relatively large bodies and antennae so that they are good subjects for exploring molecular aspects of insect olfaction. Current knowledge of the molecular aspects of Antheraea olfaction is focused on the Chinese tussah silkmoth A. pernyi Guérin-Méneville and another species A. polyphemus (Cramer) in their pheromones, odorant-binding proteins (OBPs), odorant receptors (ORs), odorant receptor coreceptors (ORCOs), sensory neuron membrane proteins (SNMPs), and odorant-degrading enzymes (ODEs). The first insect OBP, SNMP, and ODE were identified from A. polyphemus. This review summarizes the principal findings associated with the olfactory physiology and its molecular components in the two Antheraea species. Three types of olfactory neurons may have specific ORs for three respective sex-pheromone components, with the functional sensitivity and specificity mediated by three respective OBPs. SNMPs and ODEs are likely to play important roles in sex-pheromone detection, inactivation, and degradation. Identification and functional analysis of the olfactory molecules remain to be further performed in A. pernyi, A. polyphemus, and other Antheraea species.

Psychosocial wellbeing is an important determinant for patients' oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL). Psychosocial impact (PI), together with the dimensions Oral Function, Orofacial Pain and Orofacial Appearance, has been proposed to cover the different areas of OHRQoL.

The objective of the study was to collect further scientific support for the new four-dimensional structure of OHRQoL. This study is one out of a series of four and focuses on the PI in patients with dental anxiety, oral cancer and periodontitis (PROSPERO registration number CRD42017064033).

Five databases (Pubmed (Medline), EMBASE, Cochrane, CINAHL and PsycINFO) were electronically searched on 8 June 2017 and updated on 14 January 2019, to identify the studies that measure OHRQoL using the Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP) for oral health conditions. In this review, studies were included if the mean/median domain scores from OHIP-14 or OHIP-49 were available for patients with dental anxiety, oral cancer or periodontitis. The schree dental disorders as a model for the PI dimension. Dental anxiety tends to show the strongest effect on the PI dimension, while periodontitis tends to show the weakest effect on the PI dimension. Future studies need to confirm whether the reported differences in PI scores between the three dental disorders are statistically significant.

This review provides standardised information about the OHRQoL impact for three dental disorders as a model for the PI dimension. Dental anxiety tends to show the strongest effect on the PI dimension, while periodontitis tends to show the weakest effect on the PI dimension. Future studies need to confirm whether the reported differences in PI scores between the three dental disorders are statistically significant.

Obesity and non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are largely preventable by understanding the connection between socio-cultural knowledge, yet intervention effectiveness may hinder changes in lifestyles and behaviours in Indigenous health. This study performed to understand the social and cultural components, which contribute to obesity in rural areas of the Indigenous Fijian.

This study is a Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR) project, which engaged community members from a rural iTaukei village in the Fiji Islands. Data collection was carried out through community consultation and semi-structured interviews. The data were analysed using descriptive thematic analysis.

Food intake was associated with socio-cultural, economic, political and physical environmental factors. Participants reveal previous health promotion programs did not incorporate the cultural values, cultural competence beliefs and traditional ways of rural Indigenous Fijian community.

The health care providers and policymakers need to be involved in recognising iTaukei community culture and appreciate traditional methods to promote equitable community participation in decision-making for health promotion.

Autoři článku: Crossviborg6362 (Lohmann Ankersen)