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This study has investigated the characteristics of dry noodles made with Korean domestic wheat flours using enzyme treatment for reducing water absorption to improve noodle-making performance. The water solvent retention capacity (SRC) values of flour treated with α-amylase and xylanase significantly decreased with increasing enzyme concentrations up to 0.025% (flour weight basis), which confirmed the enzyme effect on reducing the water absorption capacity of damaged starches and arabinoxylans. Enzyme-treated cooked noodles showed changes in textural characteristics, depended on the enzyme type, water amount, and drying method. Applying α-amylase for reducing the water absorption capacity of flour could mitigate the issue of inferior dry-noodle-making performance. Sensory evaluation showed improved preference attributes of cooked noodles with α-amylase treatment. In conclusion, the α-amylase application could improve the quality of dry-noodle made of Korean domestic wheat flour by diminishing the undesirable effect of damaged starch in flour related to noodle quality.

Effects of chitosan oligosaccharide (COS) and hyriopsis cumingii polysaccharide (HCP) on the quality of wheat flour and corresponding extruded flour products were investigated in this work. The results showed that both COS and HCP are conducive to the improvement of dough quality. Moreover, compared to control group samples, the moisture content, expansion ratio and oil absorption rate of the samples were increased and the hardness were decreased with the addition of COS. These phenomena indicate the quality of extruded flour products became better in the presence of COS as well. However, HCP has little or no effect on the quality of extruded flour products may be due to its degradation under high temperature and pressure extrusion. COS with higher stability exhibited better improvement effects on the quality of extruded flour products and showed a promising prospect for application in extruded food industry.

Red seaweed Chondracanthus canaliculatus, an underexploited algae species, was used as a potential source for the obtaining of carrageenan. Seaweed was treated under alkaline conditions using ultrasound alone or combined with conventional procedures, to improve the yield extraction. Color, syneresis behavior, water retention capacity, and functional groups of the gelling and non-gelling fractions of carrageenan were determined; these properties were compared with those of commercial carrageenans named A and B. Ultrasound alone or with heat significantly (p  less then  0.05) increased the yield extraction up to 41-45% and influenced color parameters, in comparison with conventional treatments. Functional groups kappa and iota, and alginates, were confirmed in both carrageenan fractions. Syneresis behavior was well fitted to a third-degree polynomial equation within days 1 to 6, after which, it reached a plateau. While, the use of ultrasound at room temperature gave carrageenan properties more similar to those of the commercial carrageenan type A.This study analyzed four polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) from frequently consumed home meal replacement (HMR) products in Korea and evaluated their chemical analysis methods. The PAHs investigated were benzo[a]anthracene, chrysene, benzo[b]fluoranthene and benzo[a]pyrene. Chrysene-d12 and benzo[a]pyrene-d12 served as internal standards. The sample was dissolved in dichloromethane before extraction. Liquid-liquid extraction, microwave extraction, alkali digestion and GC-MS were used for analysis. Method validation was conducted on four matrices fatty solid, fatty liquid, non-fatty liquid, non-fatty solid. Linear correlation coefficients (R2) were all above 0.99 and accuracy ranged from 80.03 to 119.65%. The LOD and LOQ were in the range of 0.03-0.15 and 0.09-0.44 μg/kg, respectively. The recoveries varied from 81.09 to 116.42% and precision ranged from 0.07 to 10.73% in both intraday and interday analysis. All concentrations of total PAHs from HMR products were detected at relatively low concentration. This study could provide the PAHs content from HMR products in Korea.Metabolomics can be applied for comparative and quantitative analyses of the metabolic changes induced by microorganisms during fermentation. In particular, mass spectrometry (MS) is a powerful tool for metabolomics that is widely used for elucidating biomarkers and patterns of metabolic changes. Fermentation involves the production of volatile metabolites via diverse and complex metabolic pathways by the activities of microbial enzymes. These metabolites can greatly affect the organoleptic properties of fermented foods. This review provides an overview of the MS-based metabolomics techniques applied in studies of fermented foods, and the major metabolic pathways and metabolites (e.g., sugars, amino acids, and fatty acids) derived from their metabolism. In addition, we suggest an efficient tool for understanding the metabolic patterns and for identifying novel markers in fermented foods.The SD was extracted with a new green eutectic solvent, and the extraction method of TCM decoction was developed. TPI1 In the quantitative analysis by HPLC, choline chloride phenol was selected as the eutectic solvent, THF was used as the extractant, and investigation of DES type, DES molar ratio, DES-to-THF ratio, vortex time, and material-to-liquid ratio was carried out. The experimental results showed that the optimal extraction method was as follows the molar ratio of DES was 1  3, and the material-liquid ratio was 5  1200 (mL/μL). The volume ratio of DES to THF was 1200  800 (μL), the vortex time was 3 min, and the extraction was repeated two times. The eutectic solvent liquid phase microextraction method was adopted to optimize the extraction method of SD and reduce the complicated processing, long time, and low efficiency of traditional methods. At the same time, in the mouse ammonia water inducing cough and phenol red excretion and expectorant experiments, SD high- and medium-dose groups have a significant inhibitory effect on the frequency of antitussive in mice and both can increase the excretion of phenol red to varying degrees, indicating that SD has good cough-relieving and expectorant effect. The present study suggests a scientific basis and basis for the clinical research and quality standard formulation of SD.

Volatile acetone is a potential biomarker that is elevated in various disease states. Measuring acetone in exhaled breath is complicated by the fact that the molecule might be present as both monomers and dimers, but in inconsistent ratios. Ignoring the molecular form leads to incorrect measured concentrations. Our first goal was to evaluate the monomer-dimer ratio in ambient air, critically ill patients, and rats. Our second goal was to confirm the accuracy of the combined (monomer and dimer) analysis by comparison to a reference calibration system.

Volatile acetone intensities from exhaled air of ten intubated, critically ill patients, and ten ventilated Sprague-Dawley rats were recorded using ion-mobility spectrometry. Acetone concentrations in ambient air in an intensive care unit and in a laboratory were determined over 24 hours. The calibration reference was pure acetone vaporized by a gas generator at concentrations from 5 to 45 ppb

(parts per billion by volume).

Acetone concentrations in ambielatile acetone.

The ratio of acetone monomer and dimer is inconsistent and varies in ambient air from place-to-place and across individual humans and rats. Monomers and dimers must therefore be considered when quantifying acetone. Combining the two accurately assesses total volatile acetone.Pyogenic granuloma (PG) is an uncommon lesion of unknown etiology. It may be formed following a minor injury. They result from a reactive or inflammatory process consisting of proliferating vascular channels, immature fibroblastic connective tissue, and scattered inflammatory cells rather than neoplastic process. Bleeding is the most common symptom of the lesion. They may be seen in all age groups, and there is no clear predominance of a gender. Vulvar PGs can be confused with other polypoid or sessile lesions of the genital site. There are only a few cases of female genital PGs reported in the literature. Herein, we describe the first case of vulvar (clitoral) PG in an Iranian patient and a brief review of the literature in this regard.Perforated ulcers of the excluded stomach or duodenum are exceedingly rare in patients who have undergone Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery. The diagnosis of perforated ulcer after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass remains challenging as there is often absence of free air or contrast extravasation from the biliopancreatic limb. We present a patient with signs and symptoms of acute cholecystitis. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy was complicated by postoperative bile leak. EDGE procedure was performed to access the remnant stomach and endoscopic evaluation revealed a perforated ulcer in the posterior duodenal bulb. Although unusual, in patients with bariatric surgery and upper abdominal pain, differential diagnosis including perforated ulcer of the biliopancreatic limb must be considered and early surgical exploration is essential.The community spread of COVID-19 is well known and has been rigorously studied since the onset of the pandemic; however, little is known about the risk of transmission to hospitalized patients. Many practices have been adopted by healthcare facilities to protect patients and staff by attempting to mitigate internal spread of the disease; however, these practices are highly variable among institutions, and it is difficult to identify which interventions are both practical and impactful. Our institution, for example, adopted the most rigorous infection control methods in an effort to keep patients and staff as safe as possible throughout the pandemic. This case report details the hospital courses of two trauma patients, both of whom tested negative for the COVID-19 virus multiple times prior to producing positive tests late in their hospital courses. The two patients share many common features including history of psychiatric illness, significant injuries, ICU stays, one-to-one observers, multiple consulting services, and a prolonged hospital course prior to discharge to a rehabilitation facility. Analysis of these hospital courses can help provide a better understanding of potential risk factors for acquisition of a nosocomial COVID-19 infection and insight into which measures may be most effective in preventing future occurrences. This is important to consider not only for COVID-19 but also for future novel infectious diseases.The authors present a case report showing their experience with the use of PolyEtherEtherKetone (PEEK) implants as an innovative solution for the skeleton and soft tissues' reshaping in facial aesthetic plastic surgery. This technique offers the surgeon a reliable and effective way to answer patients' request of increasing volume and reshaping the malar area. A fifty-year-old patient complaining about hypoplasia of the malar area, after undergoing three operations of silicon implants' placement and replacement, was still unsatisfied about the symmetry and feeling through the skin of the lower lid, the rim of the prostheses. The authors suggested the use of bone-anchored PEEK implants, to increase the volume and reshape the malar area by a skeleton and soft tissue camouflage. The treatment was planned and previewed on the preop 3-dimensional CT scans for the customization of the implants. Although no cases are reported in international literature on the use of this material in facial aesthetic surgery, this technique seems to offer a safe and effective solution for the treatment of patients asking to increase and modify the shape of their malar area.

Autoři článku: Cortezgarrett0017 (Rasmussen Dolan)