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A 33-year-old gravid female from Pakistan presented to the Emergency Department with persistent, intractable low back pain and neuropathic left L5 leg pain, associated with a left foot drop. There was a notable history of weight loss for 1 year. Investigations revealed a large collection in the right posterior paraspinal muscles tracking from a large bony defect in the right half of her sacrum extending into the pelvis. The collection was suggestive of an abscess and underwent US-guided aspiration. Culture, PCR examination, and bone biopsy were culture-negative for tuberculosis (TB). Samples taken from the placenta showed two small granulomata in the chorionic villi only. A multidisciplinary approach commenced with initiation of empirical TB treatment and attempted normal vaginal delivery. An urgent caesarean section for the delivery of the baby was required for failure to proceed. Spinal-pelvic stabilization in two stages was performed for the unstable fracture pattern, followed by pharmacotherapy and physiotherapy rehabilitation. At 12-month follow-up, the patient showed resolving TB and eradication of the paraspinal abscess. There was bony union and stability of the spinal-pelvic reconstruction. Back pain and sciatica can be common in pregnancy. However, this case highlights a rare occurrence of culture-negative extrapulmonary TB leading to an unstable spinal-pelvic fracture requiring a multidisciplinary approach for careful obstetric and orthopaedic treatment with empirical treatment by the infectious disease team and microbiology. Copyright © 2020 Ali Taha et al.We present a case of classic Miller Fisher Syndrome (MFS) variant of Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) with detailed description in the difference between the internal and external ophthalmoplegia. They are different in their onset, duration, and recovery. Copyright © 2020 Golla Abhinav et al.We present a case of a 46-year-old woman admitted to the emergency department for acute swelling and erythema of the right eyelid for 3 days. Ophthalmological examination was notable for 10/10, P2 best visual acuity, and inflammatory periorbital edema, without exophthalmia nor extraocular motility disturbance. Intraocular pressure was 14 mmHg and fundoscopic examination was not notable for any abnormality. Preseptal cellulitis diagnosis was made, and oral antibiotherapy was immediately started; after 72 hours, the patient did not improve and started complaining of pain on ocular movements. Brain and orbit MRI scan revealed right retroseptal cellulitis associated with homolateral pansinusitis. Intravenous antibiotherapy with oral corticosteroid was started simultaneously leading to full remission but with steroid dependency; 5 days after finishing prednisone, orbital cellulitis symptoms reappeared. The same treatment protocol was given but with corticosteroid tapering over weeks. Nevertheless, steroid dependency persisted. Except for the inflammatory syndrome, complete biological examinations did not disclose any abnormalities. The patient underwent maxillary sinus and fat orbital biopsy; however, histopathological examination was not contributory. Persistence of steroid dependency, chronic atypical rhinosinusitis, normal paraclinical investigations, and age of patient let us suspect lymphoma origin hidden by chronic corticosteroid. We carried out for the second time a maxillary sinus biopsy after stopping steroids, which disclosed primitive non-Hodgkin lymphoma of the maxillary sinus. The aim of this observation is firstly to evoke though it is exceptional the diagnosis of maxillary lymphoma in case of atypical orbital cellulitis and secondly to incite clinicians to be more vigilant in prescribing corticosteroid even if there is an emergency character of orbital cellulitis. Copyright © 2020 Yousra Ajhoun et al.Asymptomatic minimal pericardial effusion may be frequently found in patients with hypothyroidism. Cardiac tamponade secondary to hypothyroidism is rarely referenced in medical literature. Hypothyroidism as an adverse effect of pazopanib (tyrosine kinase inhibitor) treatment leading to cardiac tamponade is an even rarer occurrence. Here, we report an unusual case of a 71-year-old male, with a case of renal cell carcinoma on pazopanib treatment presenting with shortness of breath who was found to have hypothyroidism with a large pericardial effusion leading to cardiac tamponade. The patient did not have any prior reports of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) or thyroid hormone levels at presentation. No such case of cardiac tamponade due to hypothyroidism as an adverse effect of pazopanib tablet treatment has been reported to our knowledge. Copyright © 2020 Vinu Sarathy et al.Steroid cell tumors (SCTs) (not otherwise specified (NOS)) are rare sex cord-stromal tumors of the ovary. These are associated with hormonal disturbances resulting in menstrual bleeding patterns and androgenic effects. We report the case of a 36-year-old female presented with hirsutism, signs of virilization, and elevated androgen levels. Transvaginal ultrasound showed a solid-appearing right ovarian mass. She underwent fertility-sparing surgery with a laparoscopic left oophorectomy. Histological examination showed a benign steroid cell tumor, NOS. These tumors often small can then present a problem of positive diagnosis responsible for a delay in the diagnosis. Copyright © 2020 Hadjkacem Faten et al.Objective/Background. To describe an uncommon, life-threatening condition such as angiosarcoma of a fistula for hemodialysis occurring in a transplant recipient affected by Lowe's syndrome. Summary. We present the case of a 56-year-old male kidney transplant recipient affected by Lowe's syndrome, also known as oculocerebrorenal syndrome, a rare X-linked disorder characterized by congenital cataracts, hypotonia, intellectual disability, and Fanconi-like renal tubular dysfunction, who was diagnosed with angiosarcoma of a functioning arteriovenous fistula for hemodialysis. Conclusion. Angiosarcoma is a rare soft tissue tumor, and only 22 cases of angiosarcoma of arteriovenous fistulae were described so far; although a correlation between Lowe's syndrome and a higher risk of tumor compared to the general population has not been described so far, the mechanisms of disease causation could be an interesting starting point for future studies on a possible connection between the two events. Copyright © 2020 V. D'Ambrosio et al.Background Superior mesenteric artery (SMA) syndrome is a rare cause of upper gastrointestinal obstruction leading to acute kidney injury (AKI). Methods We report a case of 23-year-old army personnel who presented with persistent vomiting leading to severe hypokalaemia, metabolic alkalosis, and acute kidney injury resulting in cardiorespiratory arrest. Results After successful resuscitation, he was supported with haemodialysis and aggressive electrolytes correction. He was repeatedly not able to tolerate nasogastric (NG) tube feeding and computerised tomography of abdomen was performed, and the diagnosis of SMA syndrome was made. Gastroscopy examination revealed duodenal ulcer at D1, pinhole D1-D2 junction, but there was no evidence of intraluminal mass or lesions leading to upper gastrointestinal obstruction. A nasojejunal tube was inserted to bypass the narrow segment of the duodenum, and he was put on nutritional support. Emricasan price He was subsequently weaned off dialysis support as his renal function gradually improved and later on normalised. He remains symptoms free, and he gained five kilograms in four months after discharge. Conclusions SMA syndrome is a rare cause of upper gastrointestinal obstruction but should be considered as a differential diagnosis in a patient who presented with recurrent vomiting and AKI with metabolic alkalosis. Copyright © 2020 Nur Ezzaty Mohammad Kazmin et al.Nocardiosis is a rare bacterial infection that may lead to a severe disease. These infections are rare among normal population and are showing an increasing trend worldwide attributable to the increase in the immunosuppressed population. Most of these patients present with nonspecific clinical features such as fever, productive cough, and exertional dyspnoea as seen in our series of patients which makes it difficult to be diagnosed. Pulmonary nocardiosis is rarely clinically suspected and often diagnosed very late in the course of disease resulting in high mortality. A similar observation was made in one of our cases where the patient was being treated on the lines of pneumonia, and in the end she was diagnosed with pulmonary nocardiosis. In view of the limited literature available, we report here a case series of pulmonary nocardiosis in immunosuppressed patients diagnosed incidentally by fungal KOH mount. The most common conditions causing immunosuppression were type II DM, COPD, and pulmonary tuberculosis. Copyright © 2020 Aroop Mohanty et al.Right-sided native valve infective endocarditis (IE) includes tricuspid valve (TV) and pulmonic valve (PV). It represents 10% of all cases. However, it is more common in persons who inject drugs or in presence of cardiac implantable electronic device (CIED). Pulmonic valve endocarditis is a rare infection and represents ∼1% of all cases. Our case represents a patient with large pulmonic valve vegetation with no known common risk factors for right-sided IE. Copyright © 2020 Muhannad Antoun et al.Previous exposition to heparin and protamine in patients undergoing cardiopulmonary bypass and postoperative therapeutic anticoagulation with LMWH may lead to the development of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT) and/or protamine-induced thrombocytopenia (PIT). This case deals with a rare clinical presentation of circulating IgG antibodies against heparin/platelet factor 4 complexes and heparin/protamine complexes after cardiac surgery. Ensuing purpura and skin necrosis (blisters) at the injection sites of LMWH and clinical symptoms improved rapidly after replacement of LMWH by an alternative anticoagulant. The aim of this report is to draw attention to the several different clinical manifestations of heparin- and/or protamine-induced thrombocytopenia and shows a possible course of treatment and recovery. Copyright © 2020 Caroline Holaubek et al.Primary bone lymphoma (PBL) is a subtype of lymphoma that exclusively affects skeletal tissue. Despite the relatively common involvement of skeletal structures as a manifestation of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL), primary and exclusive involvement of the skeletal system is rare. The prevalence of PBL is estimated to be 3-7% amongst primary bone tumors and less than 2% amongst all lymphomas in adults. However, the definition of primary bone lymphoma has been inconsistent over time. Within our institution, we identified four cases of primary bone lymphoma based on diagnostic criteria formed from the general consensus of multiple organizations, including the World Health Organization (WHO) and International Extranodal Lymphoma Study Group (IELSG). Here, we discuss the distinct characteristics amongst these cases in addition to performing a systematic review of current literature regarding this lymphoproliferative entity. Copyright © 2020 Poorva Bindal et al.

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