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Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy in youngsters.

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ldlife Refuge's broad conservation purposes.Background In addition to the reduced energy production, characteristic of mitochondrial disorders, nitric oxide (NO) deficiency can occur as well. The NO produced by vascular endothelial cells relaxes vascular smooth muscles, resulting in vasodilation that maintains the patency of small blood vessels and promotes blood flow through microvasculature. Endothelial dysfunction due to inability of vascular endothelium to generate enough NO to maintain adequate vasodilation can result in decreased perfusion in the microvasculature of various tissues, contributing to many complications seen in individuals with mitochondrial diseases. The amino acids arginine and citrulline are NO precursors increasing their concentrations could potentially restore NO production. Methods In this study, we assessed endothelial dysfunction in children and adolescents with mitochondrial diseases. We also investigated the effect of arginine and citrulline supplementation on endothelial dysfunction in these individuals. We used peripheral arterial tonometry to measure the reactive hyperemic index (RHI), which is low when there is endothelial dysfunction. Results The results demonstrated low RHI in individuals with mitochondrial diseases, indicating endothelial dysfunction. RHI increased with arginine or citrulline supplementation suggesting that supplementation with NO precursors can improve endothelial dysfunction by enhancing NO production. Conclusions This study is the first one to use peripheral arterial tonometry methodology in mitochondrial diseases. The results of this study provide evidence for endothelial dysfunction in mitochondrial diseases and demonstrate that arginine or citrulline supplementation can alleviate the endothelial dysfunction, providing more evidence for the potential therapeutic utility of these amino acids in mitochondrial diseases. © The Author(s) 2020.Disease-modifying treatment strategies for Alzheimer disease (AD) are still under extensive research. Nowadays, only symptomatic treatments exist for this disease, all trying to counterbalance the neurotransmitter disturbance 3 cholinesterase inhibitors and memantine. To block the progression of the disease, therapeutic agents are supposed to interfere with the pathogenic steps responsible for the clinical symptoms, classically including the deposition of extracellular amyloid β plaques and intracellular neurofibrillary tangle formation. learn more Other underlying mechanisms are targeted by neuroprotective, anti-inflammatory, growth factor promotive, metabolic efficacious agents and stem cell therapies. Recent therapies have integrated multiple new features such as novel biomarkers, new neuropsychological outcomes, enrollment of earlier populations in the course of the disease, and innovative trial designs. In the near future different specific agents for every patient might be used in a "precision medicine" context, where aberrant biomarkers accompanied with a particular pattern of neuropsychological and neuroimaging findings could determine a specific treatment regimen within a customized therapeutic framework. In this review, we discuss potential disease-modifying therapies that are currently being studied and potential individualized therapeutic frameworks that can be proved beneficial for patients with AD. © The Author(s) 2020.Public housing residents have high intake of added sugars, which is associated with sugar-sweetened beverage (SSB) consumption in their social networks. In this feasibility study, we designed and tested a network-oriented intervention to decrease added sugar intake by encouraging reduced SSB consumption. We conducted a 6-month single-arm trial testing a small-group curriculum (9 sessions) that combined behavior change strategies to reduce added sugar intake by promoting SSB reduction with a peer outreach approach. link2 We recruited and trained public housing residents to be "Peer Educators," who then communicated information and made changes to reduce SSB with their network members. We calculated the median number of group sessions attended and determined the percentage of individuals satisfied with the program. learn more We estimated added sugar intake using a 5-factor dietary screener and compared baseline and 6-month median values using Wilcoxon signed rank tests. We recruited 17 residents and 17 of their network members (n = 34). Mean age was 45.7 years, 79.4% were women, and 97.1% were African American. Median number of sessions attended was 9 (interquartile range 4-9), and 88.2% were very satisfied with the program. link2 Overall, baseline median added sugar intake was 38.0 tsp/day, which significantly declined to 17.2 tsp/day at 6 months (P  less then  .001). Residents and network members achieved similar results at 6 months (17.4 vs 16.9 tsp/day, respectively). In conclusion, our results demonstrate that a social network intervention aimed at reducing SSB consumption is feasible and can produce significant decreases in adult added sugar intake, which warrants further investigation in a randomized controlled trial. © The Author(s) 2020.Home care is an important service for persons with neurological conditions, but little is known about factors affecting health care costs in this setting. Using administrative data collected with the Resident Assessment Instrument for Home Care (RAI-HC), this study identified factors associated with home care costs for recipients of home care services with Alzheimer disease or related dementias, multiple sclerosis, and/or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. As part of this study, the effectiveness of the Resource Utilization Groups for Home Care (RUG-III/HC), a case-mix classification system developed for the RAI-HC, in predicting care costs for this population, was also tested. Clinical characteristics indicative of greater disease severity had high levels of significance in predicting home care costs. In particular, the RUG-III/HC was highly predictive of home care costs for 3 neurological conditions, indicating the validity of this case-mix system for this population. With the increasing prevalence of neurological conditions and demand for home care services, future studies should continue to focus on identifying specific predictors care costs for those with neurological conditions in this care setting. © The Author(s) 2020.Microarray data sets have been used for predicting cancer biomarkers. Yet, replication of the prediction has not been fully satisfied. Recently, new data sets called deep sequencing data sets have been generated, with an advantage of less noise in computational analysis. In this study, we analyzed the kidney miRNA and mRNA sequence data sets for predicting cancer markers using 5 different statistical feature selection methods. In the results, we obtained 3 mRNA- and 27 miRNA-based cancer biomarkers to compare with the normal samples. In addition, we clustered the kidney cancer subtypes using a nonnegative matrix factorization method and obtained significant results of survival analysis from the 2 separate groups including miRNA-342 and its target eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A (EIF5A). © The Author(s) 2020.A 34-year-old civil servant presented to our facility, following a referral from a gynecologist who was also seeing the wife. The man presented with a history of anejaculation and the inability to impregnate his wife after 23 months of marriage. History, physical examination, and ancillary investigation led to a diagnosis of primary infertility secondary to posterior urethral valve which was subsequently ablated. Three weeks after ablation, he started ejaculating, and 2 months later, the wife became pregnant. Copyright © 2020 Nigerian Journal of Surgery.Vaginal agenesis is a common congenital anomaly in females and is most commonly associated with Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser (MRKH) syndrome. These patients can be treated with both surgical and nonsurgical procedures. Prefabricated as well as customized vaginal stents are used for the reconstruction and maintenance of neovagina. This case report explains the fabrication of customized tissue conditioner-reinforced acrylic vaginal stent for the treatment of a 20-year-old female having vaginal agenesis associated with MRKH syndrome. This vaginal stent with resilient surface provides a relatively easy, simple, and cost-effective alternative for the treatment of vaginal agenesis. learn more It is also associated with increased compliance and comfort to the patient. Copyright © 2020 Nigerian Journal of Surgery.Bezoars are usually defined as collections of nondigestible matter that most commonly accumulates in the stomach and can sometimes extend to the small bowel. Trichobezoars are a rare entity which is most commonly observed in young psychiatric females with trichotillomania and trichophagia. Here, we report a case of giant gastric trichobezoar and a novel technique of laparoscopic removal in a 16 year old female with trichophagia. link3 The giant gastric trichobezoar weighing about half a kilogram was removed en masse laparoscopically by a novel technique. She had an uneventful postoperative recovery and was discharged after psychiatric counseling. link3 Copyright © 2020 Nigerian Journal of Surgery.Renal cell carcinoma with sarcomatoid features is a rare presentation with a 5% incidence. Sarcomatoid renal cell carcinoma is usually associated with poor prognosis. It commonly metastasizes to the lungs, bones, and liver. Dermatological manifestation with paraneoplastic syndrome is extremely rare. link2 Pathogenesis of PNP in renal cell carcinoma is not cleat; till date, however, few literature suggest antibodies against a group plakin family which plays a key role in intermediate filament attachment in RCC. We present PNP in a 64-year-old female associated with renal cell carcinoma. Copyright © 2020 Nigerian Journal of Surgery.Hirschsprung's disease is a relatively common disease in pediatric colorectal surgery. The treatment modalities have evolved from third-stage to single-stage in the past three decades. The single-stage procedure can be performed using the open, transanal or laparoscopy-assisted techniques. We use these cases to illustrate the first laparoscopically assisted procedures for Hirschsprung's disease in our center. The laparoscopic-assisted technique is described, and lessons in collaboration across institutions and within institutions are discussed. Copyright © 2020 Nigerian Journal of Surgery.Situs anomalies are rare structural defects affecting 0.01% of general population. They present with multisystem structural defects mostly involving cardiovascular, respiratory and GI systems. Situs abnormality with presence of multiple spleen is termed as left atrial isomerism with anatomical and structural differences to its countertype situs ambiguous with asplenia (right atrial isomerism). link3 In this case report, we present an adult case of situs ambiguous anomaly which was diagnosed incidentally during laparoscopic cholecystectomy. The patient had enlarged left lobe of liver, multiple splenules on right side, malrotated small and large gut, interrupted inferior vena cava with azygos continuation, and bilateral bilobed lungs. It is concluded that variations in situs ambiguous cases differ and a single description is not possible. It is crucial to reveal these variations by using imaging modalities and being aware of them prior to surgery and invasive intervention to prevents the possible risks and complications.

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