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Rechargeable zinc-air batteries (ZABs) have attracted great interests for emerging energy applications. Nevertheless, one of the major bottlenecks lies in the fabrication of bifunctional catalysts with high electrochemical activity, high stability, low cost, and free of precious and rare metals. Herein, a high-performance metal-free bifunctional catalyst is synthesized in a single step by regulating radicals within the recently invented high-flux plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (HPECVD) system equipped with in situ plasma diagnostics. Thus-derived (N, O)-doped vertical few-layer graphene film (VGNO) is of high areal population with perfect vertical orientation, tunable catalytic states, and configurations, thus enabling significantly enhanced electrochemical kinetic processes of oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) and oxygen evolution reaction (OER) with reference to milestone achievements to date. Application of such VGNO to aqueous ZABs (A-ZABs) and flexible solid-state ZABs (S-ZABs) exhibited high discharge power density and excellent cycling stability, which remarkably outperformed ZABs using benchmarked precious-metal based catalysts. The current work provides a solid basis toward developing low-cost, resource-sustainable, and eco-friendly ZABs without using any metals for outstanding OER and ORR catalysis.Dry reforming of methane (DRM) is a very promising protocol to mitigate the greenhouse gases by making use of CO2 and CH4 to produce valuable syngas. Ni-based catalysts exhibit high activity and low cost for DRM, but suffer from inferior stability because of serious carbon deposition. Herein, we proposed atomically dispersed Ni supported by ceria-upgraded boron nitride whose specific activity exceeds that of boron nitride-supported Ni by 3 times. The results of temperature-programmed surface reaction show ceria enhanced the adsorption of CO2 and its surface-active oxygen species would contribute to the activation of CH4 . Moreover, Ni exhibited a strong metal-support interaction which suppressed the metal sintering during the DRM reaction while the incorporation of BN could suppress carbon deposition. The incorporation of active metal oxides into inert support provides a route to adjust the interaction between metal and support, and to achieve a synergistic improvement in catalytic performance.Flaviviruses comprise a number of mosquito- or tick-transmitted human pathogens of global public health importance. Advances in structural biology techniques have contributed substantially to our current understanding of the life cycle of these small enveloped RNA viruses and led to deep insights into details of virus assembly, maturation and cell entry. In addition to large-scale conformational changes and oligomeric rearrangements of envelope proteins during these processes, there is increasing evidence that smaller-scale protein dynamics (referred to as virus "breathing") can confer extra flexibility to these viruses for the fine-tuning of their interactions with the immune system and possibly with cellular factors they encounter in their complex ecological cycles in arthropod and vertebrate hosts. In this review, we discuss how work with tick-borne encephalitis virus has extended our view on flavivirus breathing, leading to the identification of a novel mechanism of antibody-mediated infection enhancement and demonstrating breathing intermediates of the envelope protein in the process of membrane fusion. These data are discussed in the context of other flaviviruses and the perspective of a potential role of virus breathing to cope with the requirements of adaptation and replication in evolutionarily very different hosts.

Tumor immune cell infiltration is important in the prognosis of patients with lung adenocarcinoma. The aim of this study was to develop a prognostic classification based on the tumor immunoscore.

Patients with KRAS-mutant invasive non-mucinous lung adenocarcinoma who underwent radical surgery were enrolled in the study. Histologic grading was assessed according to the recommendations of the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer. Programmed death-ligand 1 (PD-L1) and CD8 expression was detected using immunohistochemistry. The number of CD8

tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) per high-power field was assessed. A classification based on histological grade and CD8

TIL level was established (Grading-Immunoscore type) low-to-medium grade with high or low infiltration (type A); high-grade, high-infiltration (type B); and high-grade, low-infiltration (type C).

A total of 112 patients participated. In the multivariable analysis, histological grading and level of CD8

TILs were independent prognostic factors for overall survival (OS) and progression-free survival (PFS) (p < 0.001 and p=0.007, respectively). Patients with type A tumors had the best OS and PFS, whereas those with type C tumors had the worst OS (89.6%, 65.0%, and 29.5% 5-year OS for types A, B, and C, respectively). PD-L1 positivity and high expression rate was highest in type B tumors (tumor proportion score [TPS] ≥ 1% 29.4%, 73.1%, and 42.9%; TPS ≥50% 7.8%, 42.3%, and 17.1%, for types A, B, and C, respectively).

The Grading-Immunoscore classification refines the prognostic grouping of histological grading and might aid in the screening of potential candidates for immunotherapy in patients with KRAS-mutant adenocarcinoma.

The Grading-Immunoscore classification refines the prognostic grouping of histological grading and might aid in the screening of potential candidates for immunotherapy in patients with KRAS-mutant adenocarcinoma.

MATRICS Consensus Cognitive Battery was developed by the National Institute of Mental Health to establish acceptance criteria for measuring cognitive changes in schizophrenia and can be used to assess cognitive functions in other psychiatric disorders. We used a Japanese version of MATRICS Consensus Cognitive Battery to explore the changes in multiple cognitive functions in patients with mild cognitive impairment and mild Alzheimer's disease.

We administered the Japanese version of MATRICS Consensus Cognitive Battery to 11 patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI), 11 patients with Alzheimer's disease, and 27 healthy controls. All Japanese versions of MATRICS Consensus Cognitive Battery domain scores were converted to t-scores using sample means and standard deviations and were compared for significant performance differences among healthy control, MCI, and mild Alzheimer's disease groups.

Compared with healthy controls, patients with MCI and mild Alzheimer's disease demonstrated the same degree of impairment to processing speed, verbal learning, and visual learning. Reasoning and problem-solving showed significant impairments only in mild Alzheimer's disease. Verbal and visual abilities in working memory showed different performances in the MCI and mild Alzheimer's disease groups, with the Alzheimer's disease group demonstrating significantly more deficits in these domains. No significant difference was found among the groups in attention/vigilance and social cognition.

The Japanese version of MATRICS Consensus Cognitive Battery can be used to elucidate the characteristics of cognitive dysfunction of normal aging, MCI, and mild dementia in clinical practice.

The Japanese version of MATRICS Consensus Cognitive Battery can be used to elucidate the characteristics of cognitive dysfunction of normal aging, MCI, and mild dementia in clinical practice.Today, millimeter-sized nonspherical any-shape particles serve as flexible, functional scaffold material in chemical and biochemical reactors tailoring their hydrodynamic properties and active surface-to-volume ratio based on the particle's shape. Decreasing the particle size to smaller than 100 μm would be desired as it increases the surface-to-volume ratio and promotes a particle assembly based on surface interactions, allowing the creation of tailored self-assembling 3D scaffolds. This study demonstrates a continuous high-throughput fabrication of microscopic 3D particles with complex shape and sub-micron resolution using continuous two-photon vertical flow lithography. Evolving from there, in-channel particle fabrication into a confined microfluidic chamber with a resting fluid enables the precise fabrication of a defined number of particles. 3D assemblies with various particle shapes are fabricated and analyzed regarding their permeability and morphology, representing convective accessibility of the assembly's porosity. Differently shaped particles highlight the importance of contact area regarding particle-particle interactions and the respective hydraulic resistance of an assembly. Finally, cell culture experiments show manifold cell-particle interactions promising applicability as bio-hybrid tissue. This study pushes the research boundaries of adaptive, responsive, and permeable 3D scaffolds and granular media by demonstrating a high throughput fabrication solution and a precise hydrodynamic analysis method for micro-particle assemblies.31 P-magnetic resonance (MR) is an important diagnostic technique currently used for tissue metabolites assessing, but it also has great potential for visualizing the internal body structures. However, due to the low physiological level of phosphorus-containing biomolecules, precise imaging requires the administration of an exogenous probe. Herein, this work describes the synthesis and MR characterization of a pioneering metal-free 31 P-MR probe based on phosphorus-containing polymeric zwitterion. The developed probe (pTMPC) is a well-defined water-soluble macromolecule characterized by a high content of naturally rare phosphorothioate groups providing a high-intensity 31 P-MR signal clearly distinguishable from biological background both in vitro and in vitro. In addition, pTMPC can serve as a sensitive 31 P-MR sensor of pathological conditions in vivo because it undergoes oxidation-induced structural changes in the presence of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Add to this the favorable 1 H and 31 P T1 /T2 relaxation times and biocompatibility, pTMPC represents a conceptually new diagnostic, whose discovery opens up new possibilities in the field of 31 P-MR spectroscopy and imaging.This study aimed to investigate whether anticipatory cardiorespiratory responses vary depending on the intensity of the subsequent exercise bout, and whether anticipatory cardiorespiratory adjustments contribute importantly to enhancing exercise performance during high-intensity exercise. Eleven healthy men were provided advance notice of the exercise intensity and a countdown to generate anticipation during 10 min prior to exercise at 0, 50, 80 or 95% maximal work-rate (Experiment 1). A different group of subjects (n = 15) performed a time to exhaustion trial with or without anticipatory countdown (Experiment 2). In Experiment 1, heart rate (HR), oxygen uptake (VO2 ) and minute ventilation (VE ) during pre-exercise resting period increased over time and depended on the subsequent exercise intensity. Specifically, there was already a 7.4% increase in HR from more than 5 min prior to the start of exercise at 95% maximal work-rate, followed by progressively augmented increases of 12.5% between 2 and 3 min before exercise, 24.

Autoři článku: Conwaypallesen2419 (Ryberg Dalsgaard)